Home for a Runaway

Lidia dicided to go in her room and paint it. She hadn't got the chance to do that yet so she took a bunch of different colors of paint and went up to her room. She opened the windows to let some air in.
Scottie grabbed some clothes that he was going to wear today and some extra things necessary before and after he put his clothes of and walked slowly to the bathroom trying not to make his stomach hurt more.Danger came behind him and when he closed the door behind him Danger sat there guarding it so people will know someone is in there.Scottie took a long shower because it helped him out when he was sick.He got dress and came out."Haha thanks boy.I feel a lot better now"he said petting him and talking to him.
Lidia turned on the music and began to sign along in perfect harmony as she filled the walls with color. She started out with her favorite color red.
Alaska started to clean her mess up in the garage, and finally got the ladder to a sees the upper catwalk fixed. Once she got up, she trailed around and repaired some holes in the floors, and got at least half of the windows cleaned.
When Izzy found a job she stayed and worked right away. She was gonna be in training for a couple days, then she would start. When she finished, Izzy walked home and went inside, she heard a lot of noise coming from the garage. She walked in and saw Alaska. "Hey, construction worker." She said jokingly as she smiled.
Scottie came up behind Lidia and hugged her from behind."Hi there cutie"he said smiling as he looked at her room"Need some help?"he said
Alaska leaned over the cat walk railing and smiled down at the girl.

"Hey. What's up Cutie?" She asked, walking around the walk and down the steel spiral staircase that donned the center of the garage. Once Alaska got down, she leaned against the wall next to her.
"Ok"he said as he kissed her cheek and picked up different colors and started to paint a scene.First he painted grass and some trees then the sun setting sky then a sunset.He painted perfect flowers,all a different kind a color.He loved to paint was was a expert at it.Even danger helped by putting white paw prints on the grass.
Lidia painted the sky a orangish red color witch looked like a sunset. She stepped back as they finished. It looked amazing. "Wow your a great painter," she told him.
(I have ear piercing and i keep forgetting they are there -_- xP)

"Haha thank you.You are to"he said putting some paint on her nose and laughing.
She got some paint that was left from her brush and put it on his cheek and smiled. She just had to get payback.

(lol :) )
He laughed and wiggled their noses together.making a different color.He smiled.Danger walked all over the floor making white footprints."Danger haha we don't need to know you walked their"he said giggling."Come here boy lets give you a bath."he said as Danger came to him."Do you want to help Lidia?We can wash Whisper to."he asked her.
"Ok. Come on Danger come boy"he said as he whistled and Danger followed him into the bath room. Unlike most dogs Danger loves baths he jumped right in before Scottie even got the water running."Haha ok boy get out so i can put the water in."he said as he petted him and he jumped out.He set the water just right and stopped it just at the right amount and put some bubbles in there for them.Danger jumped in and splashed Scottie."haha i don't need a bath you do"he said laughing."Alright Whisper come in.It's not scary haha see Danger is in."He said as Whisper slowly got in and barked as he wiggled his tail."Haha good boy."Scottie began to wash Danger and scooted over some so Lidia could wash Whisper.
Lidia went next to Scottie and kneeled down and started to wash Whisper and he started to move around and splash Lidia. "Whisper stop it," she said giggling.
"Haha.Here i'll put his toy in there."he said as he put Whispers toy in there so he'll stay still.Danger was calmer than Whisper and didn't move at all except when his taill would wiggle and splash Scottie a bit."Ok they look all done."Scottie said as he let out the water."Ok Lidia this is the danger part haha.The water works.Hurry take cover~"he said as he dashed on of the room.The two dogs shook all the water off and made the whole bathroom wet.
Lidia ran out quickly behind him getting a little wet from the dogs on the way out. The dogs shook themselves dry making there surroundings socking wet.
"Haha. Crazy dogs"he said as he wiped up the water and brushed Danger's fur."Alright boy go ahead"he said smiling.Scottie also helped Whisper out since he was slipping on the sides."Whisper haha you're so clean now.You look handsome now"he said giggling as he brushed Whispers fur to.
Soon both dogs walked out of the bathroom nice and clean. "Hey Whisper," she said as he came up to her and she pet him. "They look great," she told him.
"Haha.Yeah they do.Knowing Danger he'll probably get dirty again."he said smiling."Do you want to do something today?"he said as he stood up and looked at her.
"Um I was thinking of riding my back to the beach if you wanna come," she said. They had an extra bike that he could use. She already had her bikini under her clothes. It was a worm and sunny day.
((Oh sorry! I went outside with my friend.))

"Nothing, just got a job. I like the van." Izzy said, looking at Alaska. She was cute when she worked. "You need some help?" She asked, seeing how tired the girl looked.

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