Home for a Runaway

Izzy climbed up the ladder and looked around in awe. She couldn't believe what she saw, it was like an upstairs hangout! Now she knows where she'll be a lot. "This is so cool."
Alaska smiled, happy that Izzy liked it.

"Thanks. I was hoping you'd like it." She said, rubbing the back of her neck nervously. She could feel her face heating up as it grew red.

"Its really nice to be here during storms. And the old man said there was supposed to be one tomorrow night. I was wondering if you would mind spending it up here with me? I've still gotta ask Lidi and Scottie, but I was hoping you wouldn't mind it." She said, her words failing her a little bit.
"Of course I will!" Izzy smiled at Alaska. She thought the girl was adorable when she blushed, and she would really like to spend a night with her again. "What would we do?" She asked.
He held her close and looked at the sunset."Our first sunset"he said smiling as he watched it with her.It was so beautiful and nothing like he has ever seen before.
"It's so beautiful," she said.

Now It was getting late and she was starting to get cold the only thing was keeping her worm was her bikini and Scottie cuddling with her. Mostly Scottie but the sky was so beautiful and it was so nice.
"Haha lets go home.It's getting dark now."he said as he stood up and helped her up.He held her hand and walked her to the car and opened the door for her and the dogs.
She wrapped her towel around her and got into the worm car. The dogs soon to follow. "Thanks for coming here with me," she told him.
"You're welcome"he said smiling as he got his hoodie and put it on her.He closed the door for her and the dogs and hoped in turned the car on and riding home.The night sky was so pretty and the stars added a good touch.
The hoodie looked like a dress on her she liked it. They soon made it to the house and Lidia got out of the car and helped the dogs out of the car as well.
Scottie parked the car and got out taking the keys out then went up to Lidia and held her hand smiling.He loved her to much and wished that they could stay together forever.He was going to make sure no one hurt her and he made a promise not to hurt her even though he knew for a fact he wouldn't.
Lidia smiled as he took her hand. "I love you," she told him. She knew she said it back at the beach but she couldn't help but say it again.
He smiled"I love you to,baby"he said spinning her around and pulling her in for a deep kiss.He really did love her and he showed it.
Alaska smiled, butterfly's in her stomach already.

"Awesome! And well, We can play the guitar, I can get the tv from my room in here and we can watch movies, we can talk, whatever you wanna do really." She said sitting down on the railing that was right against the window. The upstairs windows surrounded the entire second floor of the garage, and were much like an old greenhouse so it would be perfect for rain.
She kissed him back so happy to be with him. So happy to be in love with him. She hoped that this would last and that it would never end.
Scottie picked her up and held her up by her sides and kissed her again.He loved kisses her.Her lips were so soft and warm.He put her down and went inside the house.He fed Danger and Whisper their dinner and put fresh water out for them.He went upstairs and fed SnowFlake and gave her some fresh water aswell.He cam back downstairs and decided to sit down on the couch and watch the moon.
She smiled as he let her go then she went upstairs and took a shower. Then went into her room with her towel wrapped around her. Then she got changed into some sorts and a old t-shirt. She thought that maybe she should give Scottie some time she didn't want to annoy him to much. Then she sat by her window and pluges in her music and sang her along. Her voice hitting every note perfectly.
He smiled as he heard his girlfriend's voice.He went up and took a shower and went to his room putting on his pj pants without and shirt and went to Lidia's room and kissed her neck softly wrapping his arms around his arms around her."You're a wonderful singer"he said smiling.
"Thanks," she said as he kissed her neck. "Hey come here," she said and graved her blanket then climbed out the window and on the ruff. You could see all the stars and the moon.
He smiled and followed her wrapping the blanket around her and him."Wow it's beautiful"he said as he looked up at all the stars.He never seen a sky so beautiful before till today and it was more beautiful with Lidia there with him.
"It is," she said her green eyes sparkled as the reflected the stars. She loved to come up here, but she was always alone. She was happy to be with Scottie. She rested her head on his shoulder. Holding her side of the blanket close.
He kissed the top of her head and yawned."Hmm i think i should get some sleep.I'll see you tomorrow,baby"he said as he kissed her lips and went back inside going to his room and diving on the bed.Danger and Whisper was in his room."Wow i guess this is the dog hang out?"he said petting them both. 
(I'm going to bed xP Byebye)
"Night," she said as he left. She stayed up there for a bit till it got to cold even with the blanket. She then climbed down and lied down on her bed and fell to sleep.

(Kk night)
Scottie woke up to the sun shining brightly on him."Well it's gonna be a hot day today"he said as he got up and stretched.He loved sunny morning and hot days cause that means he could go for a swim and the water would be warm as well.
Lidia went under the covers as the bright sun shined brightly. She just wanted 5 more minutes was that so hard to ask. Then Whisper came in her newly painted room and jumped all over. She dispersed from the covers. "Okay, okay I'm up," she said as whisper tried to lick her. She got up and got dressed. She could already tell it was going to be a hot one.
Scottie took a quick shower and got dressed in some shorts and a white t-shirt.Danger can into his room and barked sticking out his tongue and licking his face."Hehe hey boy."he said smiling and petting him.He went downstairs and fed him his food and water.Then went and picked up the baby bunny and cleaned out her cage then gave her,her food and water.He let the bunny hop around on his bed a little first"Haha you sure are hyper"he said smiling and watching the bunny hop around.

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