Home for a Runaway

She soon put her hair in a but and wrapped her red bandana around her head. She then went out of her room and made her way down stairs and took an apple from the fridge.
Scottie put SnowFlake back in her cage and closed it.He grabbed his water gun and went to the bathroom and filled it up then went outside with Danger right behind him and squirted Danger with water.Danger shook the water off on him and got him all wet."Haha good one boy"he said squirting him again.
Lidia could see Scottie playing with Danger from the kitchen window. She soon went up stairs in her room with her apple.
Scottie ran out of water and was soaked by Danger."Haha you got me all wet Danger"Danger still had a lot of water in his fur and shook one more time off on Scottie.He laughed at shook his hair a bit and petted him then went upstairs to Lidia's room."Hi"he said smiling and kissed her cheek hugging her still soaked.
"haha it's a hot day you'll need it.So how was your sleep?"he said smiling and sat down on the floor since he was still wet.
She smiled and sat down on the floor next to him. "I slept really good," she told him and it was the truth she didn't have any bad dreams. It was the first night since she ran away.
Scottie smiled at her and put his head on her shoulder."What was it about?"he said.He loved to hear about others dreams especially if it wasn't a nightmare.
"Oh ok."he said standing up and then walking down to the kitchen and cooked some bacon and sausages for everyone.When he was done he put all the sausages on one plate and the bacon on another.Then he set the table and poured drinks for everyone.Danger pouted at him,he loved sausages to."Alright,alright.One sausage Danger"he said as he gave him one.
Then Lidia tried to look for Alaska. She hadn't talk to her since yesterday and wanted to see how she was doing. She thought that her best luck would be in the gerouge so that is where she went first.
"Nice! I'll help bring up the TV if you want. And i have a cool idea for lights. Instead of these lamps why don't we hang up Christmas lights on the ceiling?" Asked Izzy. She thought that would seem cool.
Lidia couldn't find her so she just dicided to talk to her when she saw her. So she went and sat on the couch where she played with Whisper.
"Breakfast people.If you're here Haha .If not Danger will it it all"he said laughing.And he was right.Danger already was barking so Scottie could give him more food.Scottie sat down and ate his then drank his juice.
"I'll have some," she said as she came into the kitchen and had a few pieces of bacon and poured herself something to drink. She took a bite. "It's really good." she told him.
"Thank you.Danger help me make it"he said jokingly."Do you want to go back to the beach today?I think they sell ski's and i want to ride one.But of course i can't ride one without you holding onto me."he said smiling at her.He didn't wan to go alone but if Lidia didn't want to go he would accept that.But she loved the beach and it was a perfect day to go so he wouldn't worry about that to much.
"Yeah of coarse I'll go," she said happily. It was a nice day and it would be good day for surfing. Going to the beach with him was so fun yesterday.
"Good.I'll get my stuff ready."he said as he finished his juice,kissed her lips and put the dishes in the sink then went upstairs and slipped on his swim shorts and gather a towel,shirt,and some snacks for them and the dogs. Then went back downstairs to his car and started it up.
Lidia went up stairs and got on her bikini and put her shorts and a t-shirt on top then made her way down stairs and to the car. "Ready?"
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She sat down in the car and closed her door. "Have you ever been surfing?" she asked him once he was setted in the car.
"Haha yes i love surfing.But my surf board broke and i've been out ever since."he said as he put the stuff in the back and went into the car and drove down to the beach.
"I have a surf board at the beach I hide it in a little cave a little ways down the shore, nobody ever goes down there or knows about it," she told him.
"Haha aww thank you.But i don't think i still know who to do it.It's been so long.I'll just ride the jet ski there.At least i still know how to ride that.You can surf if you want and i'll watch you."he said smiling.He didn't want to break her surf board as well because his last one broke when he did stunts.

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