Home for a Runaway

They soon made their way to the beach and she got out of the car closing the door behind her and the dogs as they made their way out..
"Alright. That would be awesome." She said, lolling around forthwith Christmas box shed found earlier. Finally she drug out the lights and draped them along the rafters, letting them hang down in some spots.

"Is there anything else were missing other than the tv?" She asked, walking up behind Izzy and hugging her.
Scottie grabbed the stuff he had out of the car.He rented a ski and pulled it onto the shore.He sat his things down on the sand first the hopped on it and turned it on.He put on the black vest the rode it.After getting riding out of the way first he started doing stunts.He really loved jet skiing more that surfing because he jet skied more now and learned more stunts on it that on the surf board.
She watched Scottie for a few as he did stunts on his ski. He was really good at it. She wondered how long he had been doing this. She then decided to pull her surfboard out. It wasn't the nice looking board but that's probably because she found it by the trash a couple months back. It was broken but she fixed it up. She decided to wait till Scottie came back to ride though because she didn't want anything to happen to the dogs or their stuff. But she was happy watching Scottie, he was really good.
"Nope, not that I know of." Izzy said, smiling at the feeling of the girl's arms around her. She turned herself around and put her arms around her.
Scottie came back with the ski and pulled it up onto the sand and sat beside his stuff."Awesome surf board.I bet you're great on it."he said smiling as he sneaked a kiss on her lips and sat down watching the dogs.
"You were great out there," she told him.

"Is it okay if I go I ride it for a while for a bit?" she asked looking at him.
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Alaska smiled, kissing her forehead, then the bridge if her nose, then the tip. She looked at the girl infront of her, scared to do what she wanted oh so badly to. There was just something amazingly intriguing about her, amazing unique. Not perfect, but perfect to her.

Finally Alaskas hands found themselves just resting on her sides as her gaze hit the floor nervously.
Izzy smiled and saw the girl looking nervous. She had a feeling Alaska wanted to kiss her as much as she did. Izzy put her arms around her waist and pulled her closer, she kissed her gently.
Alaska practically melted in Izzys touch, and she found herself pulling the girl in closer with her hands on the back of Izzys neck.

Once she pulled away, Alaska but her lip through a smile. It felt as if all the butterflies in her stomach had moved into her chest.
Izzy couldn't stop smiling. She ran her hand through Alaska's hair and pulled her close again. She looked into her eyes and touched her nose with her own.
"So... Uhm.... Would you- uh- can I- uh- would you be my girlfriend?" Alaska stuttered out, her words failing her to a point where she could barely talk.

"It's okay if not I understand I just really like you and yeah so uhm do you want to cause I know I do but then again I'm just being really awkward so I'll shut up now."

Her words came out in one smooth line before she finally cut herself off and bit her lip, looking down at her own feet.
Izzy silently giggled for a second. She then used her finger to push up Alaska's chin and kissed her again. She pulled away and said, "Is that a good enough answer?"
Alaska smiled up at her, kissing the girl gently back before muttering a small 'yes'.

She looked out the window and saw it was already pitch black due to the amount of trees in the area, and almost immediately found Izzys hand in her own and buried her head into the girl shoulder.

"Can we go back inside?" She asked quietly, not wanting to remind herself of the lack of light outside.
"Yeah no problem." Izzy said smiling. She walked back inside with Alaska, holding her hand. She was so happy she was finally with her. Izzy removed her hand from Alaska's and put her arm around the girl's waist.
Alaska felt better with the girls arm around her, and rested her head on her shoulder. Once they got inside, she sat up on the counter with her arms draped over Izzys shoulders.

"What do you wanna do?" She asked, kissing her forehead.
Izzy smiled slightly as she put her hands on Alaska's hips. "I don't know." She heard a little boom of thunder come from outside. "How about a movie? To drown out this storm and cuddle?" She didn't want to be stuck listening to the storm, she wanted to cuddle with her girl. She kissed the girl's cheek and hugged her.
"Okay!" Alaska said excitedly, hopping from the counting and swiping into her room. She had the movies in there from earlier, plus her teddy bear and blankets. So she hoped Izzy wouldn't mind watching some movies in there.
Izzy followed the girl to her room. She saw how comfy the bed looked and smiled. She hopped onto the bed and said, "So what movie we watching, Cutie?"
Alaska plunked down on the bed, already covered In a sea of comforters.

"Your choice." She said, finding her teddy bear and hugging him close to her chest.
"No, I chose last time. Your turn!" Izzy said as she looked at Alaska. She thought the girl was adorable with her bear. The only bear that Izzy has is Alaska, and she's very happy about that.
"I've got a good one"

Alaska slipped in a movie called The Awakening, and sat back in the bed, pulling Izzy in next to her and kissing her check before finding her teddy bear again.
Izzy smiled as Alaska kissed her cheek. She put her arms around the girl and sneaked in a kiss on her soft lips. The kiss lasted a little longer then Izzy pulled out, smiling.
Alaska smiled when Izzy pulled away, but quickly stole another kiss before laying down in her arms and listened to the movie with her eyes closed, opening them at her favorite parts. Alaska tended to close her eyes during her favorite movies and listened to the sound more often than watched it.
Izzy smiled at the last kiss. She laid on the bed and held the girl protectively in her arms. As she watched the movie she noticed Alaska shut her eyes. "You tired?" She asked, looking at her.

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