Home for a Runaway

"I was just gonna go back to where i was before i came here and get my car.I had to leave it behind because it was out of gas.I was gonna ask Alaska if she had any gas and just go on a little trip back up to where i was and get my car then come back here hopefully in it.I wanted it to be a surprise for everyone but Alaska already got a van for us but i'm still gonna go and get it.You go ahead i think me and Danger should take a long stroll together for once.If you want i can take Whisper with me."he said.
"It's ok.You want to go to the beach and i don't want to hold you back from that.I can go by myself.Besides i'll be here before you get to the beach.Don't worry i won't get hurt or anything neither Whisper.But in case if i do Danger knows the way back and will hand you something that is mines if i need help."he said smiling.He gather some snacks and stuff together in his backpack and put it on.He grabbed his skateboard and went downstairs.He instantly knew that Alaska needed the gas so he just rode into town and got some.He hooked the two dogs onto a leash and headed to find his car.
She really hopped that he would be okay. She went downstairs and got her bike and made her way towered the beach.
"Some companies more than enough." She smiled, hauling herself back up into the fire escape ladder; restored into a cat walk entrance.

"C'mon, there's something more up here I want you to see." Sje said, leaning over and grabbing her by the hand and helping her up onto the ladder. Once she climbed up, there was an entire area with shelves lined with books, a guitar, and the furniture was helped with two recliners and a couch.

"I hope you all like it. I haven't showed Lidia yet. Her and Scottie seem to be very close." She said, sitting on the railing.
He came back driving in his car.It was a convertible and the colors of red with green.He had his skateboard in the back and the two dogs in the back as well but as always Danger went to the front with him.He didn't see Lidia at home so he went the way to the beach and caught up with her."Hey Lidia!"he said as he slowed down the car."Haha i'm back."he said.
"Haha yeah.I ride my skateboard fast.I told you it would be before you got to the beach."he laughed as he stopped the car completely."Go in the back boy"he said as Danger hopped over to the back of the car"Get in"he said smiling."I'll put your bike in the trunk."he said as he hopped out and put the bike in the trunk then shut it and got back in the car."
Lidia stopped and got off her bike. "Nice car," she told him. Then opened the door and took a seat in the front. "Hey guy's" she said to the dog that were sitting in the back.
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Scottie drove to the beach and parked the car."We're here"he said smiling as he opened the door for Lidia and for the dogs."Be good Danger,You to Whisper"he said as he watched them go off onto the beach."Danger does swim.Does your dog know how to swim to?I don't want him to drown or anything."he said as he looked at her.
"Yeah he does," she told him as she walked over the beach with him. The dogs ran fast ahead of them jumping in the water. She then let down her long brown hair from her bun, witch she didn't do a lot. She then took off her shirt and shorts exposing her red bikini. "Ready?" she asked. She wanted to go in the water all day. Her long brown hair covered the scars on her shoulders and back.
"Yeah just a sec."he said as he took his shirt off and his regular shorts and shoes and ruffled his hair a bit then walked by her side holding her hand and smiling as they went into the water"Ha ha cold.As always"he said as he went deeper in.
He was right it was cold, but her body soon adapted to it quickly. She was use to the cold water from when she use to go surfing. She was so happy to be here with him right now.
HE sat up on the shore and watch his dog try to catch fish and swim around with Whisper.He had to keep an eye on him cause sometimes he went to far out.He also watched Lidia.She looked awesome in her swim suit and she fit it just right.He tried not to look at her but couldn't help it she just looked to amazing in it.
Lidia played with the dogs in the water for a little. She noticed Scottie staring at here and there. She didn't really mind she thought it was cute but it also made her nervuse because of the scares. She thought that maybe this would be a good time to tell him. She walked over to him and sat down next to him. "Hey," she said as she sat down.
"Yeah," she said then was quiet for a while. "Um... Scottie can I tell you something?" she asked nervously. She didn't know how he was going to react.
"Um well I didn't tell you why I ran away. I don't know if it's important or not I just thought that you might want to know," she said as she looked at him. "Well one of the reasons is that my mom hated me, she said that it was my fault that my dad left us." she said. "Then the other reason is because my x- boyfriend abused me." she said finally getting it out.
"I am fine now. He said that he did it because it made him feel good," so she and looked down. The only other person she told was Alaska. She was with that jerk of 2 years.
"Hurting you made him feel good?Wow what an ass.Why would abusing people make anyone feel good?Look i would never do that to you Lidia.And i won't let anyone else hurt you either.I'm sorry it happened to you.And i'll make sure that it doesn't happen again.I love you and i wouldn't do anything to hurt you."he said as he leaned in and kissed her lips softly.
Lidia kissed him back. She was so happy that he didn't get mad her. She was happy that she told him so she didn't feel like she was hiding something from him. "I love you to," she said as she slowly pulled away.
Scottie smiled at her and sat behind her with her in between his legs wraps his arms around her and cuddling close. whistled for Danger to come back and rest for a bit and he came of course shaking off the water and laying down right next to them.
Whisper came running after Danger and sat on the other side of them. Lidia loved Scottie and never wanted him to let go of her. She felt safe with him. She cuddled with him as the sun set.

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