Home for a Runaway

(Hey guys, sorry for not being active. I had to take a trip to the hospital due to some complications.)

"Aye." Alaska said, lumbering down the stairs. She had a banging headache and feels as if she passed out.

"I'm Alaska. Nice to meet you all."

Walking to her pack sitting on a near by recliner, she grabbed out a bottle of ibuprofen and choked back 3 pills, shaking her head from the feeling of dry pills.
"Breakfast is ready!" Lidia yelled from the kitchen putting the big breakfast on the table. And they still had a lot of food left over. She gave whisper a piece of bacon. "Here you go," she said just before walking into the living room. She saw Alaska pop three pills in her mouth. "Your up," she said with a smile.

"You okay," she whispered in her ear conserened.
Alaska hugged Lidia lightly and rested her head on her shoulder.

"Ugghh, just allergies. My head doesn't agree with pollen." She said, popping on her beanie and changing her septum ring.

"Do you need anything? Do you want some food? I went shopping" she told her. Looking at her conserned. Hopefully she is not to sick, hopefully it is just something little.
"Huh? Oh no I'm fine. Thank you though."

Alaska smiled lightly and then hopped up onto the counter, leaning back on the window.
"Okay," she said taking a bite of a piece of toast. The sun shined through the window and on o my pale skin. It felt so nice. So warm. She felt so happy at this moment. To have food and a place to stay. And maybe... even a family.
"I'll Get some of that bacon!" Luke called out from the couch

The aroma of food filled the house and it felt like a functioning home. As paraniod as luke was around these two new people he was finally able to let his guard down and relax a bit
Lidia smiled. it finolly felt like a real home. Everyone seemed more relaxed and that made her relax. She sat back in a chair and happily ate her toast with butter.
Alaska hopped from the counter and grabbed Amber by the hand, walking her into the kitchen where it was much warmer. Clouds had begun forming as it started to lightly rain. Looks like today's going to consist of painting and music.

"Don't e afraid to join us. You're all part of the family now, if you choose to be. It's safe here." She said, hoping to relax the girl. She seemed to be a bit scared, but with any luck that would pass soon.
"It's nice to meet you, Amber. I'm Alaska." She said, smiling. This girl seemed nice, quiet, but nice. After breakfast she'd show the probies around and let them choose a room. After that it was time to decorate!
"And my name is Lidia," she told her putting her last fork full of scrabbled eggs. Then she rinsed her plate and sat it back down in the sink.
"Is there anything we can get you?If not, I can show you around and help you pick a room." She said, grabbing a couple of glasses and setting them on the counter.
Luke got up and went into the kitchen and snatched some food that was still left on the counter then sat down and began eating. Luke swallowed down his food and asked.

"So uh whats with the bear?" Luke asked

Luke continued eating his food waiting for a response
Amber stood there for a moment staring at Luke for a while then responded. "It's my teddybear, i've had it since i was a baby. And it's my friend. Do you have a problem with it?"
Izzy came upon the abandoned house, she walked up the trail and opened the door. She faintly spoken, "Hello? Is anyone here?"
Alaska looked out the door way and gave a quick wave to the girl.

'"Cmon in love." She said, holding the rusted screen door open for her.
Izzy smiled and walked in with a sweet, "thank you." She stood in the room with the unknown girl with her things. (A plastic bag with a brush, shirt, pair of jeans and pajama pants, and an extra pair of shoes.)
"I'm Alaska. Welcome to Terabithia; home for runaways." She said, making her way into the kitchen to start cooking.
"Oh, thank you. I'm Izabella, but please call me Izzy." She smiled and followed her into the kitchen. "So what can I do around here?"
"Awesome. Well, If you want you can help me cook.Not sure where Lydia is, but she'll show up soon. Then later we can pick out a room for you if you wish to stay?" She said as she began to wash off and dice up the food. Tonight they were having pasta salad and meatloaf.

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