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Realistic or Modern ➳ holy lands | out of character

OMG I SWEAR MY ALERTS ARE BROKEN!! ack i will hopefully have a wip up either tonight or tomorrow? School ends this week for me, so I'll have more time soon~ although i have a ton of ap work to do rip me ;-; I also have like a ton of inspiration for this rp?? im trying to limit myself to only two characters tho eep bc i know i'd kill myself if i did more than two ><
OMG I SWEAR MY ALERTS ARE BROKEN!! ack i will hopefully have a wip up either tonight or tomorrow? School ends this week for me, so I'll have more time soon~ although i have a ton of ap work to do rip me ;-; I also have like a ton of inspiration for this rp?? im trying to limit myself to only two characters tho eep bc i know i'd kill myself if i did more than two ><
i did a roleplay once with like 20 characters and i died. i'm a ghost now. also good luck with your at work!! don't stress over time, really it's totally fine. school is definitely first.
i did a roleplay once with like 20 characters and i died. i'm a ghost now. also good luck with your at work!! don't stress over time, really it's totally fine. school is definitely first.
oh my god i can only imagine! Eep i get overwhelmed with like five tbh i also spend eternity on my characters so that's part of the problem >< you no longer have an earthly vessel haha and thank you!! It's still only the beginning of summer so i have some time at least hopefully ><

I have a question on characters. I'm tied between making a hunter or a demigod and I don't want to make both, so can I make a character who is both? Like a demigod that allied themselves with the man in red and is basically a traitor to the gods? Just to make things a bit more interesting :)
oh my god i can only imagine! Eep i get overwhelmed with like five tbh i also spend eternity on my characters so that's part of the problem >< you no longer have an earthly vessel haha and thank you!! It's still only the beginning of summer so i have some time at least hopefully ><
my flesh sack is goNE. i spend 12 years making one character so idk how i managed 20 rip. you can do it!! I believe in you!!

I have a question on characters. I'm tied between making a hunter or a demigod and I don't want to make both, so can I make a character who is both? Like a demigod that allied themselves with the man in red and is basically a traitor to the gods? Just to make things a bit more interesting :)
yes i love that!! ironically i was thinking about making a demigod posing as a hunter to help them or a hunter who was secretly helping the demigods, so if i go that route there will be plenty of drama for our kids ;)
my flesh sack is goNE. i spend 12 years making one character so idk how i managed 20 rip. you can do it!! I believe in you!!

yes i love that!! ironically i was thinking about making a demigod posing as a hunter to help them or a hunter who was secretly helping the demigods, so if i go that route there will be plenty of drama for our kids ;)

Oml what if both of our demi gods were working together with the man in red, but yours was a double agent (actually allied to the demigods and working against the north american alliance) and mine was doing the opposite?
Hi hey hello can someone call the fire department bc the gRound is shaking underneath me?? Oh no wait thats just me being SHOOKEN TO MY CO R E.
Oml what if both of our demi gods were working together with the man in red, but yours was a double agent (actually allied to the demigods and working against the north american alliance) and mine was doing the opposite?
i am so game for this!!
rennuelaw rennuelaw hi originally i was gonna ask you to change hecate but now i'm just gonna give you a wink and tell you to expect a half sibling and some Plot Relevant Information whenever you want it ;)
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oh my lordt this thread has been active this whole time and i haven't been getting alerts i thought it was just crickets chirping in here but rpn pLAYED ME
just looked at the cs thread for the first time and i was planning on making one (1) fem demigod hohoho but uhhh there are a lot of those so idk anymore ._.
oh my lordt this thread has been active this whole time and i haven't been getting alerts i thought it was just crickets chirping in here but rpn pLAYED ME
alerts can BITE ME
I’ll have characters finished up tonight. How many hunters do we have so far?
i'm making two (or three) but idk past that
just looked at the cs thread for the first time and i was planning on making one (1) fem demigod hohoho but uhhh there are a lot of those so idk anymore ._.
do it anyway, i'll make changes if i need
I have finished my hunter boy, now just gotta finish my demigod gal.


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