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Realistic or Modern ➳ holy lands | out of character

Excuse as i proceed to cry in the corner because my dreams have been crushed
me @ all the girls who are straight rip in peace
i'm so sORRY a weird mxm ship was forced on me and i just feel uncomfortable in them now ●︿●
listen. i love you. you're just a filthy liar.
also peep the cs i rebooted orca
It's time to admit my squib status already and I haven't made it 24 hours here, how could you put me in this position like you know how I feel-- *Kim K tears*
I cannot believe the ray of light is gracing these lands.
It's time to admit my squib status already and I haven't made it 24 hours here, how could you put me in this position like you know how I feel-- *Kim K tears*
I cannot believe the ray of light is gracing these lands.
iru, please, you're being dramatic.
she deserves better aka leander hint hint

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