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Realistic or Modern ➳ holy lands | out of character

antaram will probably be up tonight!! she's so good i wanna protect her who wants to help me destroy her soul
antaram will probably be up tonight!! she's so good i wanna protect her who wants to help me destroy her soul

Maybe my character? Idk, he's the son of Ares, the Greek god of war (and he's really aggressive and has an inherited, impulsive obsession for violence and conflict cause of that---but since he's half human those two sides are always in conflict) I mean he's a demi-god working for the north american alliance (so basically a traitor to the gods in general) sooooooooooo idk where I'm going with this xD I had an idea and then I lost itttt
Maybe my character? Idk, he's the son of Ares, the Greek god of war (and he's really aggressive and has an inherited, impulsive obsession for violence and conflict cause of that---but since he's half human those two sides are always in conflict) I mean he's a demi-god working for the north american alliance (so basically a traitor to the gods in general) sooooooooooo idk where I'm going with this xD I had an idea and then I lost itttt
hey but childhood friends (they're both demis so i mean it's possible idk) and him going to work with the people who killed her friends?? that'd destroy her soul alright.
Maybe my character? Idk, he's the son of Ares, the Greek god of war (and he's really aggressive and has an inherited, impulsive obsession for violence and conflict cause of that---but since he's half human those two sides are always in conflict) I mean he's a demi-god working for the north american alliance (so basically a traitor to the gods in general) sooooooooooo idk where I'm going with this xD I had an idea and then I lost itttt
if you can't find one don't stress about it!! coding isn't that important !!

Also yes I'm done with the code---just used the same code I used in the other RP you made earlier xD I didn't fill in all the info tho---im planning to make my character a villainy villain at first and then we'll see how it goes from thereee
bless my little gay heart i am terrible at finding male fcs bc i see girls and just "WOW HI I'M GAY" and make fifteen female characters when i only wanted to make one and i wanted it to be a boy lmao
bless my little gay heart i am terrible at finding male fcs bc i see girls and just "WOW HI I'M GAY" and make fifteen female characters when i only wanted to make one and i wanted it to be a boy lmao
yeah i saw how you used my favorite child as a fc lol treat him fairly please xD
her bio is a little weak but in my defense it's like 3 am or something and i'm only good at writing bios that are 8 pages long rip.
@cockaigne Do you want Sage and Orca's pasts to be connected somehow, like they met each other before?
i actually had an idea about them having a like link bc hecate wanted them to be able to help each other when everything went to shit so maybe they met to have that link formed? same for any other hecate kids we might get. orca lived with her father until he died when she was fifteen and then she moved to albany but left to try and be a double agent about a year prior to rp (she was 18)
Ok, i finished Amara's character sheet even though her history is kinda shitty. But i tried my best @cockaigne
me @ antaram. dw i'm sure it's fine!!
i actually had an idea about them having a like link bc hecate wanted them to be able to help each other when everything went to shit so maybe they met to have that link formed? same for any other hecate kids we might get. orca lived with her father until he died when she was fifteen and then she moved to albany but left to try and be a double agent about a year prior to rp (she was 18)
me @ antaram. dw i'm sure it's fine!!
Oh, that's a good idea. I'm planning to have Sage move to Albany about 5 years prior to the start of the rp (when he was 16) so they could have met there. Heck, Orca could be giving him information about the hunters through the link.
Oh, that's a good idea. I'm planning to have Sage move to Albany about 5 years prior to the start of the rp (when he was 16) so they could have met there. Heck, Orca could be giving him information about the hunters through the link.
omg yes that's a good idea. she can warn him about any plans they have and where the troops are going to be so that he can warn the others. i honestly thought of this when i was falling asleep last night so i'm surprised i even remembered it smh
omg yes that's a good idea. she can warn him about any plans they have and where the troops are going to be so that he can warn the others. i honestly thought of this when i was falling asleep last night so i'm surprised i even remembered it smh
Lololol. So i'm assuming they are going to be close?
Becuase Sage would probably be such a mother hen towards and wouldn't like Orca being a double agent because it is dangerous.
Ok, i'm mad as fuck. I need a new bbcode for Sage's character sheet. The current character sheet is messed up

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