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Fandom Hogwarts Roleplay

Robyn blushed and rubbed the back of her head, resulting in all the books hitting the ground. While picking them up she made sure to keep her glasses pressed onto her nose.

"I actually just fell down the stairs, I was too absorbed in the book I was reading and didn't realize there were some first years rushing past me. Luckily the steps stopped me by raising instead of lowering. Who knows how far I could've rolled?"

She had finally picked up all her books and tried to push her hair out of the way only to have it fall back over her face. While brushing herself off, the bottom of her robes ended up tangled around her feet.

"My name is Robyn Maldroit, I don't have any classes at the moment and I was out gathering supplies for a potion, where were you headed?" @thefan1

(I'm just going to skip to the end of the Potion's class, if that's fine with you. So, we can move on to more exciting and dramatic things besides silly potion brewing and Professor Snape's obnoxious strictness.)

A few rambunctious Gryffindor's hooted and hollered as class was dismissed and Maeve stood from her stool, looking rather annoyed and disgusted, throwing a nasty look in the direction of her cauldron which was letting off a thick, red smoke and the scent of rotten eggs. "I absolutely hate love potions."
, she mumbled under her breath as she stomped her way out of the classroom, causing a few naive Hufflepuffs to hurriedly shuffle out of her way. She leaned up against the wall outside the classroom, waiting for Victor to join her before she headed back to the Slytherin Common Room for her break period, a period built into her times tables for studying and socializing and things that made life healthy and barely. Especially after a terrible Potions lesson like the previous one. Hey, I can send a quick owl to my parents while I have time and if I send it now, it should be back early tomorrow with their permission for me to go to Hogsmeade. Easy., she thought to herself, a small smile appearing on her lips at the thought of the Hogsmeade trip and a long period without classes. Sixth year was proving to be the most stressful year so far.
Heather noticed the girl's robes were tangled around her feet and quickly pointed at them so she could fix it. She noticed the girl was definitely clumsy but she wouldn't dare to make a comment about it, it would probably be a rude thing to say and she had no reason to be mean to a girl she had just met. "Well, good thing Hogwarts is always helping the students. I don't have any classes either and I'm supposed to go to Care of Magical Creatures in a few minutes. What book were you reading?" She asked the girl, happy that she had mentioned reading so Heather could notice they shared a hobby.

Victor quickly followed Maeve out of the potions classroom, a bit startled by her aggressive behavior that was scary enough to scare a couple of Hufflepuffs walking by. He had seen Maeve angry before and it was never a pretty sight, especially when she was angry at him and was chasing him around the castle with her wand out ready to make him pay for a prank that had gotten a bit out of hand. He smiled as he recalled how silly Maeve looked during that small moment in their third year when he had 'accidentally ' used a spell that made her loose her hair. Luckily, they were able to reverse the effects in less than two hours so Maeve hadn't murdered him. He began walking with Maeve to the Slytherin common room as soon as he joined her after they left the classroom. "It's just a stupid love potion, you don't have to be so upset about it. Besides, remember what Snape said about most of us failing. You'll get it right the next time."
"I don't fail though!" Maeve exclaimed, her voice shrill and angry, causing a few first year students to jump as they walked past them. She was walking rather quickly, speed walking her way through the twisty corridors that were steadily getting darker as they made there way to the dungeon where the Slytherin Common Room entrance was located. "I am a brilliant witch! And I get exceedingly good grades! And I spend all of my time studying and practicing to be the best! Because I need to be the best! Being the best is all I have!" she all about shouted as they reached the brick wall that concealed the entrance to the common room, pausing to take a deep breath and lowering her voice when her worked up shouts echoed back to her off the brick walls that surrounded them. "I do not fail." she murmured to him softly, her voice a bit shaky. She didn't allow herself to get worked up about much, but she was under a lot of stress at the moment, maybe too much. Maybe it was all getting to her.
"Rictumsempra!" Potter shouted as soon as soon as Janus bowed. A jet of silver light hit Janus in his chest and he began laughing as he sank to his knees which caused the Gryffindors to laugh. He could barely move as Bethany shouted a spell at him.

"Locomotor Wibbly," Bethany said. A jet of orange light hit Potter and caused his legs to collapse which made him fall in an ungraceful heap.

Janus pointed his wand at himself. "Finite," he hissed and tickling stopped. "Levicorpus," Janus said as he got to his feet, the spell hitting Potter and causing him to hang upside down in the air.

"Put him down you snake!" shouted one of the Gryffindors. Janus ignored the person as Bethany cast a Stupefy on the little prick.

"Slugus Erecto," Bethany said causing slugs to start sprouting out of Potter's mouth.

Janus cast the Sardine hex ("Sardinis,") which caused Sardines to shoot out of Potter's nose so now he was a real disgusting mess.

Potter was unable to say anything as he vomited slugs. Most of the students backed away from the site, their noses wrinkling in disgust. Potter's glasses fell of when he ended up flipping over in the air. Professor Hagrid was shouting at them to stop and Janus released the Boy-Who-Lived from the spell, the crunch of glass breaking as he fell on top of his glasses.

"Diffindo," Bethany said, causing Potter to let out a choked scream as he was slashed across his arm and chest.

"Finite," Janus said, canceling the slug-vomiting and sardine spells. Potter's screams could now be heard across the grounds.

Potter coughed and shouted out a spell. "Expelliarmus!" as he pointed his wand at Bethany. Bethany's wand went flying out of her hand only for Janus to say:

"Accio Bethany's wand," and the wand flew towards him instead before tossing it back to her which she caught. He pointed his wand at Potter, toying with his wand as he thought how to end the duel. Janus wanted to make Potter hurt for causing their Lord to disappear for a short time.

"Furnunculus," Bethany said as a gold light sped from her wand and hit Potter, making puss-filled boils erupt all over Potter's body.

"Filpendo," Potter said even though his body hurt from the boils on his face and hands. A jet of blue light shot towards Bethany but she jumped out of the way, the spell instead hitting Janus who was standing behind her. Knocked off his feet, Janus slashed his wand through the air at Potter, sending a silent cutting curse to the boy who screamed as another cut hit him.

The only thing stopping Janus from casting the torture curse at Potter was that he didn't want to ruin his education by going to Azkaban. Bethany took the next spell. "Engorgio Skullus," and Potter's head began to grow larger.

"L...Lo...," Potter tried but couldn't talk.

"Redactum Skullus," Bethany said and Potter's skull shrank back to normal. "Lotomotor Mortis," she said and Potter's legs snapped together, making him fall over.

Janus cast a scorching spell at Potter, making him scream in pain as dancing flames hit his skin and caused 2nd degree burns on Potter. "Expulso!" Janus shouted, knocking Potter back into a tree. "I believe the duel goes to us," he said as Professor Hagrid hurried over to Harry. There were gasps from the other students as Potter hit the tree but he was just knocked unconscious and some of the boils had burst on impact. Janus slipped his wand into his wrist holster again before nodding to Bethany and began walking back to his bag while everyone else stared at the pair. Even Draco was silent as he stared at his cousin in shock, a very un-Malfoy like emotion. Unfortunately that was when Hagrid came over and canceled the class, giving both Royson and Lestrange detentions for the battle, of course not giving the Golden Trio any detentions. Royson got a week and Lestrange got a month of detentions. A few older years walked by and helped levitate Weasley and Granger to the infirmary. @silverghost

(I had to make up an incantation so I just put Sardinis which is Latin for Sadines since it had no incantation)
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"Advanced Potion-Making by Libatius Borage. Because I've been getting hurt an unreasonably amount this year, I've decided to brew up a wound-healing potion, although I will read almost anything that you hand me."

Robyn kicked at her robes to try and untangle them and only halfway managed to free her legs from their grip. She sighed and pushed her hair to the side again. Irritated with her hair, she just left it and smiled at Heather. It had been a while since she did much more than mutter a 'Hello' to someone she was passing in the hallway, and she was set to make the most of it.

"Where is Care of Magical Creatures? I've skipped out on it for a few days now and keep using the excuse that I don't know where it is. I don't leave the library often. Let's just say the recent decline of house points wasn't exactly our house acting out." @thefan1
Lucina had watched all of the duels the ended up with the Golden Trio losing but at the cost of Bethany and Janus getting detention so she finished up her business with her flobberworm and went over to where Janus was getting his bag."Congratulations on your dueling win,not so much on getting detention for an entire month but it happens to everyone at some point."She sighed and looked over his body for any type of injuries,not in a creepy way but she just stood there while she did it."Are you okay though,did you or Bethany get injured to a certain extent?"She looked worried and looked down at the ground before mumbling,"I should have helped you guys but I acted liked a coward and stayed where I was,I don't deserve to be in Slytherin or have you show me around Hogsmeade if you don't want to anymore."She turned and ran back up the stairs with some other other students and she sat in one of the hallways inside of the school and sat down since she had plenty of time.
"I've been reading a lot of Defense Against the Dark Arts books lately, I plan to become an Auror once I graduate and I figured why not start studying now? Being an Auror is a very dangerous job after all" Heather replied after Robyn mentioned what kind of books she'd been reading lately. Even though Heather was not a fan of danger like her brother was, she had dreamed of becoming an Auror ever since her mother was killed and her father was arrested. She wanted to be like the Aurors who took her parents away and do the same to future dark witches and wizards. "It's not too far from Hagrid's hut, you can come with me if you want" Heather said and began walking with Robyn towards the Care of Magical Creatures class. They arrived just in time to see Harry floating in the air as Janus and Bethany shot curses at him. She was surprised that Bethany could be so cruel while her older brother was one of the nicest people she had ever met but that didn't matter now. After the duel ended, she quickly moved towards the Golden Trio and helped the other students check their wounds and then gave the two responsibles deathly glares. How could they be so cruel to other students? Oh yes, they were clearly fit to be death eaters.

Victor took a few steps back, clearly startled by Maeve's reaction to his simple comment that was meant to be supportive. He knew that she was under a lot of stress, this year had been stressful for everyone, but she was acting like her life was over. He suddenly grabbed her shoulders and shook get, not too roughly of course. "Would you calm down? You are a brilliant witch and you're great in every single subject but you don't have to be the best all the bloody time! Did you see any one else succeeding with the potion? Everyone makes mistakes, Maeve and you know that."
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"The only reason I got detention for an entire month is because Professor Hagrid has had it in for me since I transferred here and because of my family. But a month of detentions is worth it to know I beat the blood-traitor and Potter," Janus said. His parents and uncle would be delighted that he had beaten the blood traitor and the Boy-Who-Wouldn't-Die. At her questions about any injuries and then her comments about not being worthy of Slytherin, Janus shrugged. "I have a broken wrist but that's pretty much it," said Janus. "Not sure about Bethany's injuries, if any." Before he could comment on her other questions though she had run off so he shrugged and pulled out a vial before extracting some of the flobberworm mucus into it and then putting it into his potions kit before closing it and putting it back into his bag. He picked up his Care of Magical Creatures textbook and put that into his bag as well, trying to think what he could do with the rest of the period when he noticed his little rivals, the Knight twins. Janus raised an eyebrow as he saw the girl, Heather, staring at him and smirked at her. @silverghost @CrystalYoshi @thefan1
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Bethany laughed as loud as possible as the older students began taking the Trio to the infirmary, starling a few third year students who had watched the entire duel and clearly didn't want to anger her. She caught a glimpse of her 'brother' as he used a levitation charm on the Blood - Traitor and smiled. "You're next traitor! Just wait!" She yelled at him. After being congratulated by some Slytherins, who were clearly shocked and a bit scared, she grabbed her books and stuffed them into her bag. Bethany heard her name being called by Janus and gave him and Lucina a grin as she walked towards them. "I just have a few scratches and bruises but I'll be alright, Janus took most of the painful spells. By the way, thank you for helping me in the duel. Can you imagine how proud your parents and my uncle are going to be when they find out about the duels?" She said excitedly. Now she was sure no one from her family would think she was a traitor and everyone would respect her. She noticed the Knight girl and raised an eyebrow. " Isn't she the daughter of Josephine and Brighton Knight, the death eaters?" She said, crossing her arms. She had never spoken to the Knight girl but she knew her parents had been very loyal and powerful death eaters.
"You're welcome," Janus said. "Yes my parents and uncle will be pleased by the turnout of the duel," he agreed, a warmth in his eyes as he thought of his family. =Mother would likely brag about it to all their family friends and allies such as the Rosiers if she were out of Azkaban. Janus looked over at Heather, his attention having gone to Bethany as he spoke. "Yes. Lord Knight is rather upset and hurt by his children forsaking the cause and their Lord. Lord Knight doesn't understand where he went wrong with them." The Lestrange had a few family allies and friends which were the Rosiers, Malfoys and Blacks although the Rosier family was very few now. Most of his classmates stared at Lestrange as he finished packing up his bag and there were whispers and dark looks thrown his way from the Gryffindors. The Slytherins were staring at him with a mix of awe and fear, giving the future Death Eater a wide berth. It was quite obvious that despite his injuries, Janus had inherited the dueling talent from his parents. @silverghost
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Robyn wasn't the kind to get involved with the business of others, however she was willing to sacrifice the last of her Wound-Healing Potion for the ones in need. She reached deep into her pockets and handed a small purple vial and a dropper to Heather before placing her on on her hip and thumbing her wand. Dueling was never her strongest point, sure she could defeat a few people in her class, but she mainly outsmarted them. Robyn was shaking now, taking a few steps back and pulling some of the Mountain Flower beside her and reaching in her robes for anything else to treat wounds. Unfortunately, all that remained was a small vial of Wiggenweld and a bar of chocolate.

"Who are they and why were they attacking people?" @thefan1
Heather narrowed her eyes at the two young troublemakers and crossed her arms. "Lestrange and Royston. Evil little brats who aspire to be Death Eaters and hate anyone who is not a pureblood or a half - blood. I guess they attacked them because of who they are. Now, if you'll excuse me I'm going to hunt those little toads." She growled and quickly made her way towards the pair. She looked at Lestrange in the eyes and clenched her fists. "Well, why am I not surprised you are behind this? Did they insult your mad families or did they remind you how You-Know-Who disappeared?" She mocked them. Even though the Knight family was close to the other ancient families, including the Lestranges and the Roystons, Heather and Victor had been enemies against the little brats since the first time they met. Every time she saw the bastards she felt the urge to rip their heads off with her bare hands. Of course, doing that would get her a cell in Azkaban but at least she could think very detailed images about their deaths.
"We merely taught the blood-traitor his place," Janus said silkily. "I do not believe a mere child could defeat the greatest dark lord since the time of Gellert Grindelwald," he said. He glanced at Bethany beside him and nodded to her "If he cannot even defeat a couple of children of the Dark Lord's most faithful followers, then he is no match for our Lord when he returns." Janus shouldered his backpack and brushed his robe off with a hand. "Draco close your mouth before you catch flies. That is not a proper pureblood response," Janus said to his cousin. Draco snapped his mouth shut and pretended that nothing had happened. @silverghost @thefan1
Heather snorted and rolled her eyes. "Oh please, we all know your pathetic Lord is never coming back. He's gone for good and it's time you accept the cruel reality" She said in a sarcastic tone. "Just keep acting like that and you'll end up going mad in Azkaban right next to your parents. Well, by the time you get there you might not even have parents! They're getting old aren't they? Besides, living in that ugly place with the scary dementors is probably making the old hag very weak. The same thing is going to happen to both of you, so you better stop acting like your little friends before very bad things happen to you" She said with a fake frown. "Your arrogance is going to get you killed one of these days, I can't wait."
Janus just smirked as Heather Knight said his Lord wouldn't be coming back. Did the girl really think the Dark Lord hadn't taken steps to ensure his return? His mother had mentioned the Dark Lord had entrusted the Lestrange line with something very precious to the Dark Lord along with the Malfoys also being entrusted something special. "Your father may be killed for his children turning into blood traitors," Janus said as he ignored the slight against his mother and father, knowing his mother wasn't really insane like she pretended to be towards the Light. "Or he may be spared and ordered to kill his own children if you do not see the error of your ways. Now if you are done with your gibberish, I have to go study before my next class." He made to move past Heather and go to the library where he could get started on his homework for Care of Magical Creatures. @thefan1
Victoria's mouth turned into a very big smile when Janus warned her about her father's possible fate. It was a fact that if You-Know-Who ever returned her father would be in deep trouble. Sure, he'd endured Azkaban for three years for proudly accepting he was a Death Eater but he only admitted it after being arrested since he had nothing to loose. Victoria had only seen You-Know-Who once and that had been when she was a baby and he had wanted to see his future 'slaves', if he ever returned he would be furious as soon as the news of the heirs of the Knight family being disowned for being 'traitors' reached his ears. If her father died then it would be a very happy moment for them but if he was forced to kill them then they were in big trouble. The thought sent a shiver down her spine but she tried to ignore it and continued staring at Lestrange. "I will dance in my father's grave after he dies" She growled as Lestrange walked away.
"Enjoy your life while you can," Janus called after Heather before heading up to the library. @thefan1 He reached the library and went to a corner where he pulled out The Monster Book of Monsters, a pot of ink, quill and parchment before starting on his homework. He liked to get his homework done when he got it so he didn't need to worry about it later on or be like the students who left it until the last minute. Probably one of his Ravenclaw traits.
Robyn had remained on the sidelines, merely a spectator spending the majority of the confrontation absolutely confused. The different sides of the whole "Harry Potter" events didn't entirely make sense to her, for a while she was even sure Voldemort was actually the potions teacher. Snape didn't like that obviously. Despite all this, she could tell there was a lifelong rivalry between the two and was not keen on letting her new acquaintance lose to an average bully. Unfortunately Robyn kept to her usual tactic of not getting involved until it was all over.

"It sounds like you two go at it often."

Victoria chuckled when she heard what Robyn had to say about the little dispute between them. "We go at it every time we see each other. My brother fights a bit more than I do but I just couldn't resist myself this time." She replied proudly. Victoria loved fighting against people like Lestrange and Royston, they were probably going to be feared criminals in the future and she simply couldn't wait to put them behind the dark bars of Azkaban. "Little slimy rats think they are better than everyone just because they're purebloods and come from ancient familes, its so pathetic"
Maeve looked back at Victor with wide eyes for a moment before sighing heavily, her shoulders dropping along with it. "I know, I know. I'm sorry, Victor. I'm really sorry." she apologized, groaning softly and rubbing her face with her hands and letting out another, more dramatic sigh. "I've been feeling really out of it lately. Really emotional and stressed. And then with all this scary Sirius Black and Azkaban break out stuff going on... It's just getting to me, I guess. I'm really sorry, you know I never mean to snap at you." She tried to force a small smile, bumping his shoulder playfully with her arm.

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