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Fandom Hogwarts Roleplay

(This post might be a bit short, I'm on my phone right now)

Victor quickly removed his hands away from her face and hid them in his pockets. "Could you stop worrying about the stupid NEWT'S for a second? We still have more than a year to study and you'll be fine, besides, you know so much about potions you could help Pomfrey in the infirmary" He replied a bit quieter after the students started to enter the classroom. He knew how important the NEWT'S were and he really wanted to have good results but the exams were far away and they had so much things to learn about that he thought it was silly to worry about the NEWTS two weeks into their sixth year. "We have to more years before our graduation and we have to enjoy it as much as we can. My sister I are going to the Three Broomsticks the next time we go to Hogsmeade, you should come with us. It'll be fun" he said with a small smirk. Victor had always been fond of their visits to Hogsmeade and he would always make plans with some of his friends a few days before going out. He was about to ask her if she had her permission when professor Snape entered the room and he immediately closed his mouth, not wanting to receive any negative attention from a teacher a few days before their first game against Ravenclaw.

Heather rolled her eyes at Alex's response to her anger. "You know I don't like to talk about certain family members and their certain life choices." She replied crossing her arms and frowned a bit when he mocked her study habits. Sure, she wasn't a very active person and she didn't particularly enjoy the same things he enjoyed but it make studying a bad thing, especially since they were going to learn a lot of important things in their sixth year and she only had two more years before graduating and leaving Hogwarts to hopefully find a job as an auror. "I'm going to study" she said using the same mocking tone he had used. "Good luck practicing, see you in defence against the dark arts!" She waved at him one last time and walked outside, sat down on a bench, and began reading"
Bethany narrowed her eyes at Lucinda after she had done the same to her. She didn't know if the girl didn't trust her, thought she was a blood traitor or didn't like the way she referred to muggle borns as mudbloods but she knew the girl probably had a negative opinion about her. Not like she cared, she didn't have to impress or run after someone to try to gain their friendship or approval. She was better than that and a Royson did not show weakness in front of anyone. The girl could dare her to a duel and Bethany would very happily accept and do her best to win. Sadly, she hadn't performed any unforgivable curses and performing one in Hogwarts would get her in deep trouble. "Oh really? Well I hope they have spoken good things about my noble family" She said proudly to bear the Royson name. Bethany turned her attention to Janus and bowed back at him. "My uncle has spoken very good things about your family, I would be a fool to ignore you now that you're in Hogwarts, speaking of which, how different is it from your previous school? I heard only the finest wizards were accepted and you received Dark Arts, it sounds much better than this place." She asked with a small frown. She thought Hogwarts was not a bad school and she received a good education but she would do anything to receive the Dark Arts.

Bethany turned her attention to the half-giant teacher and the 'Golden Trio' and huffed. Of course the mudblood and the blood traitor would be friends of the one who stopped the man who would kill them without thinking about it twice. She had spoken to the three before and she knew they hated her and they knew she wanted them dead. "Please, his luck will run out sooner than you think. I suppose you know this more than anyone, Janus." She replied crossing her arms and began walking with them to the class. She noticed the way the girl was hanging on to Janus and briefly thought she had interrupted an intimate moment between them but judging by Janus's straight face and since he didn't seem to acknowledge the fact that there was someone hugging him she supposed nothing important had happened between them. @CrystalYoshi @eclipsehowls
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(I had to read up on the Care of Magical Creatures page on HP Wiki to figure o@ut what they were learning in their 3rd year)

Janus watched as the Professor's eyes stopped on him, meeting the Professor's gaze cooly until the half-giant's gaze went somewhere else. After the Professor checked that everyone was there, the Professor said they were going to continue to work on their flobberworms. Once they had been given their instructions, Janus responded to Bethany's questions. "Indeed. His luck will run out sooner or later. It's only a matter of when," Janus said as he stared hatefully at the bespectacled boy. "Yes it is a far better school than Hogwarts. We obliviate all visitors to the school so they cannot tell of our secrets or location. Money doesn't get you any favors in Durmstrang. You have to work to work your way to the top through fighting and academics," taking pleasure in the fact that his cousin was glaring at him, "and the grounds are more vast and expansive than at Hogwarts. As you know we don't allow those with Muggle blood to enter our gracious halls. It's cold though so fur cloaks are on the supply list but it is common for students to fly over the grounds and lake in the summer months," Janus said fondly. "If you'll excuse me I'd best feed my flobberworm but should either of you ladies like to have an intelligent conversation you may join me." Janus again bowed and went over to his flobberowrm, tossing both heads a tiny piece of lettuce each. One of the most boring and dull creatures he had ever met. He hadn't paid attention to the petty rivalry between the two girls and sat down on the grass outside Hagrid's hut. He pulled out his Monster Book of Monsters and ran a finger down the spine before opening it up and beginning to read the part on the Crup. The only useful thing about flobberworms was that they produced a potion ingredient and that was why Janus was taking very good care of his. He noticed Weasley watching him with hatred. The fool would probably try and challenge him to an honor duel one of these days which would be amusing. It was just a pity he couldn't use the Dark Arts in a duel. @silverghost @CrystalYoshi
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Robyn made her way through the main entrance, flicking her wand about and muttering to herself while attempting to read the small print on the back of a torn sheet of paper. Her glasses broken, she was unable to properly make out the words she had written down for just this scenario. To make matters worse she had absolutely no recollection of what the spell even was, just that it contained the word 'Oculus.'

"I should be able to remember the spell by now, I had just used it the other night when I fell down those stairs."

She thought of asking one of the countless pictures along the stairs, but something about interacting with the pictures horrified her. With a sigh Robyn continued outside, keeping her focus on the card in her hand and muttering the word 'Oculus' in a vain attempt to remember the spell. Once outside she had given up on ever seeing again and accepted being blind as a way of life.
Bethany closed her eyes and pictured the wonderful place Janus was describing. It sounded like a school she would belong in but her uncle didn't want her lo leave Hogwarts and she didn't want to fight with him even if it was for an unimportant problem that neither of them cared about. "Sounds like a paradise for anyone with a brain." She muttered as she slowly opened her eyes. Janus was already walking away from them and she had missed his last words but she decided to follow him anyways. It was not like she had a lot of friends to choose from and if she had to choose between the boy who had claimed he almost lost his arm after being scratched by a hippogriff, the idiots who supported him or the only person who seemed to know how to act like a proper pureblood and future death eater, she would obviously choose Lestrange. As she walked towards him, she noticed the mudblood from the Golden Trio was looking at her. Bethany rolled her eyes and completely ignored the pathetic girl, not wanting to give her any response since there was a possibility that a negative response was exactly what she wanted from her. She stood silently beside Janus and began feeding her flobberoworm, carefully since she didn't want it to die for eating too much. After staring at the stupid creature for more than five minutes, she finally grew bored of the monster and turned her attention to Janus. "May I ask you something? If Durmstrang was such a wonderful school then why are you here?" She asked politely, not knowing what other conversations she could start with him.
"Believe me I would much rather be with my friends at Durmstrang than here," Janus said. "Aunt Narcissa wanted me closer to home so here I am," Janus said with a shrug. "And being here allows me to visit my parents in Azkaban as it was hard to do when I was attending Durmstrang so for those reasons I put up with this...pathetic school." Weasley will still staring at him which was grating on the Lestrange Heir's nerves. Instead of acknowledging the blatant and obvious staring, Janus ignored it. It was rather pathetic to see how far the Weasley family had fallen. Of course that's what happened when you had too many kids you couldn't afford and your ancestor had gambled away all the family's fortune. "Is he always like that?" Janus asked Bethany as he nodded towards the sidekick of the Boy-Who-Lived. "And what is it with you and the Mudblood?" @silverghost
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Maeve's face flushed a slightly dark shade as Victor scolded her for being so worked up over a test that was still two years away from them. She understood his point, of course, and she agreed that he had a good one. There was no use in stressing out over it. But that didn't keep her from doing it anyway. Maeve had focused almost her entire life on school work and tests and planning for the future. It was the past time of hers that took up the most of her time and one of the only things she thought about constantly. It was partially because of Alexander. He had been the big risk taker in the family. He had lived life as it came to him, day by day, moment by moment. Maeve was almost certain he had never planned a single thing that occurred in his life. And he certainly didn't plan the accident that resulted in his death. But maybe if he'd planned his life, things would've happened differently. If he had a future that he was working towards and looking forward to, maybe just the idea of a future would've kept him alive. So, Maeve supposed she planned and constantly thought about her future to ensure that she had one. The class quieted down into an absolute silence, besides the soft bubbling sound of potions being brewed and the swishing of Professor Snape's pitch black robes brushing against the floor as he made his way to the front of the class and turned precisely on his heels to face them with the indifferent expression he wore naturally. "Good morning, boys and girls. Today," he started, the syllables being drawn out slightly as he spoke the words in his monotone voice to address the class, "We will be learning and attempting, though most everyone will likely fail, to brew our first poem of the year." He turned swiftly on his heels against to face the chalkboard behind him and snatched up a piece of chalk to quickly and sharply write the word 'Amortentia' in his slightly slanted cursive. "Who here can tell me what Amortentia does?" he droned, looking as if he didn't expect a single person to raise their hand. And, quite honestly, none of them had the guts to. They were too afraid of getting it wrong under the scrutinizing and belittling stare of Snape. After a moment of pause to give any students brave enough to attempt to answer a chance to do so, Snape turned back towards the class and began his lecture, make sure to first note that the students should be taking notes over his every word, "Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in existence. While it is considered powerful, it is also considered dangerous. How can a love potion be dangerous? Simple: underestimated, intense infatuation is dangerous. Creating or imitating actual, true love is impossible. Amortentia simply makes whom ever the brewer gives it too utterly and completely obsessed with them.." As Snape went on about Amortentia and the class frantically scribbled down notes with their quills on parchment as he spoke, Maeve pulled out an extra piece of parchment and wrote a quick note to Victor on it reading 'Can we also make a stop at Honeydukes if I agree to join you and Heather? That is the only way I will agree to come, by the way. Not to mention, I haven't quit gotten my parents to sign the permission slip to go to Hogsmeade so that could be prove to be problematic...' and slid it across the table to him as discreetly as possible.
Victor began to write down as much as possible about the love potion professor Snape was talking about and nodded every once in a while, hoping Snape would think that he knew something about Amortentia. In reality, Victor had never cared about love potions before and he was just as clueless as the other students when it came to what Snape was saying but he knew how much Snape hated him and wanted to behave as much as possible, even though he was a Slytherin Snape would probably enjoy not letting him play against Ravenclaw. He blamed some of it on Heather, since their first year Heather had been a top student and most teachers liker her and wanted her brother to be like her. Snape was not an exception and he usually compared him to his sister. When Maeve passed him the parchment he read it underneath the table to avoid being caught. "Fine, we'll go to Honeydukes. Don't your parents want you to go? Why don't you have your permission?" He wrote back and handed her the note.

Heather turned her attention away from her book when she heard someone muttering something as she passed in front of Heather. She remembered seeing the girl in some of her classes and in the Ravenclaw common room but she didn't know her name. After listening to what she was muttering a few more times, she made out the words "Occulus" and a charm she had learned in her second year instantly came to her mind. Noticing the girl's broken glasses, she walked towards her and gently tapped her shoulder. "I believe you're thinking about the glass repairing charm. It's Occulus Reparo" she said and took out her wand and showed her the wand movement.
Robyn nearly bolted when her shoulder was tapped, however she couldn't see where she was going and would likely find herself lost in the Forbidden Forest. She spun around to and saw the person doing some kind of motions with her wand, saying something, and Robyn's first thought was that she was being attacked. After a few seconds of staring at her blankly, she finally understood what the girl was saying. The spell should've been second nature by now.

"Occulus Reparo!" Robyn cast the spell and ended by tapping her glasses, and before she knew it they were repaired. "Now if only we can repair the frames."

She repeatedly thanked the stranger, bowing and clutching her books tightly so that they wouldn't slide onto the ground and cause her to tumble with them, the exact reason why she was in this situation. The endless stream of gratitude stopped after Robyn noticed the robes on the girl.

"You're in my house! I think I passed you before when I was leaving the library and that time I fell asleep studying in the common room!"
Bethany grew more interested when Janus mentioned his parents and Azkaban. She obviously didn't know the Lestranges personally but her uncle often mentioned them during their lessons and spoke very respectfully about them. Constantine had never been friends with Janus's parents but they had worked together on several occasions and he's told his niece that they were one of the best and most loyal death eaters the world has ever seen. As much as she wanted to know about the Lestranges, she kept her mouth shut and didn't say anything about his family. Fearing he would think she was nosy or too eager to get into other people's lives. She turned her head at the Golden Trio and gave the members a deathly glare before turning back to Janus. "Weasley? Yes, you have no idea of how horrible sharing classes with him for two years has been. It's a shame though, the Weasleys used to be a respected family." She said, narrowing her eyes at Weasley and smirking when he asked what was wrong between her and the mudblood. "Like the other mudbloods, Granger hates me and I hate her. The stuck up brat things she is not doing anything wrong by practicing magic. Her kind is poisoning the name of wizard."
"He's probably with the Boy-Who-Lived for money," Janus sneered. "Probably has forgotten how his family is related to the Blacks too I bet." Janus glared at Weasley until the other boy turned back to Potter and the Mudblood. "Yes, they tend to act like they know everything about magic. Probably thinks she is the next Morgana although I doubt it since Morgana was the first evil sorceress."

Weasley however must have heard Janus talking for he began walking over. "What are you talking about Lestrange?"

"I fail to see how that is any of your concern Mr. Weasley," Janus said smoothly. "Why don't you go back to making a complete fool of yourself in class and leave your betters to their thoughts?"

"You're just a death eater wannabe and a slimy snake! Why don't you back to Durmstrang with the rest of you slimy snakes? Your kind don't deserve to be here."

"Oh? Funny I wasn't aware that you owned Hogwarts and could decide who could and couldn't practice magic at this fine institution," Janus said, sarcasm evident in his tone. He went back to ignoring Weasley and checked on his flobberworm. "I happen to be proud of being a 'slimy snake' and I would think as a pureblood, even as a blood-traitor, you would have been taught how proper purebloods should behave in society Mr. Weasley," Janus said getting to his feet as Weasley pulled out his wand. @silverghost
(Sorry about that,marching band finished at 11 and I got back home at 1 and I have a marching band competition all day today, I'm finally able to go home for a little while.)

Lucina went to go watch over her flobberworm once Janus and Bethany left her.She sighed and she turned all of her attention to her flobberworm, watching it as she fed it a little bit at a time but turning her head to face some of the other students who turned away the second they met her eyes.She watched her flobberworm before drawing her wand out and staring at it and thinking about all of the spells that she had cast so far with it.She sat down on the ground and she closed her eyes for a second before she heard that dumb Weasley kid arguing with some other kid but she just ignored it, trying to concentrate on other things like the trip to Hogsmeade or something but the only thing that came up on her mind was the issue about becoming a Death Eater.If I become a Death Eater then everyone that I know would mock me like they were right all along and that I'm a disgrace to my family even though my mom's family is a bunch of Death Eaters, but if I don't then I would most likely be labeled as a traitor by Slytherin but I need to follow my heart like Janus said or something like that anyways.
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Bethany remained silent with a big smile on her face as Janus and Weasley argued. She didn't want to interfere and ruin the joy Janus probably felt while he clearly won the verbal battle against the blood traitor. Weasley's friends were now standing behind him, probably thinking they could protect him against the Lestrange and the Royson heirs. When Bethany saw Weasley take out his wand, she immediately took out hers and got ready to fight against the Golden Trio if she had to. "Well, aren't you proud Weasley? Your boyfriend and muddy have come to rescue you! Too bad you won't be able to do anything against us, so why don't you go away and continue kissing Potter's shoes?" She spat and pointed her wand at Weasley when he and his friends pointed their wands at them. She looked around and noticed more students were paying attention to the fight. Most Gryffindors supporting the Golden Trio and most Slytherins supporting them. "You might want to lower your wands if you want to avoid any trips to the infirmary but if you want to try to beat us then please delight us with your inability to perform proper magic."
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Janus flicked his wrist and had his wand in his hand as he twirled it in his fingers, staring at Weasley. Unfortunately for Weasley, he decided to be stupid and not listen to Bethany. "Don't tell me what to do Royson," Weasley said. He turned back to Janus who was calmly watching the Golden Trio. "You belong in Azkaban with the rest of the slimy snakes and your good for nothing parents!"

"I would be careful with your next words Mr. Weasley," Janus said. "Really, your attitude almost matches my cousin's. Neither of you act like proper purebloods."

"I'm nothing like that Junior Death Eater! You can't talk to me that way Lestrange!"

"Pray tell why that is?" Janus questioned, curious to see what the blood-traitor would say.

"I'm a member of the House of Prewett and a member of the House of Weasley!"

"For now," Janus said. "Tell me Mr. Weasley do you really think you will ever be able to gain the Headship of House Weasley or House Prewett?" The glare on his face was all the answer Janus needed as he blinked. "Mr. Weasley, whatever money the Weasley and Prewett Families have left will not go to you. The House of Weasley will pass onto William Weasley and the House of Prewett will pass onto Charlie Weasley. As such either of them can disown you or any of your family members from their respective Houses, should you do anything to dishonor the names or the Houses. Should you be disowned you will be known as No-Name and not have a penny to your name along with being cut off from your family magic," Janus said. Granger looked like she wanted to protest and Janus turned his gaze upon her. "Yes? Do you have something to contribute to a discussion you know nothing about?" Janus asked the Mudblood. @silverghost @CrystalYoshi
Bethany briefly lowered her eyes when Janus mentioned the possibility of being disowned from a family. She knew how horrible being disowned was, or at least for her. In the Royson family, most people who were disowned were blood traitors and felt pride when they were disowned. Her parents had told her to be proud of not being like the rest of the family but since she was a kid she had worked to return to the Royson family tree. Even though she was officially a Royson again, some family members still considered a blood traitor and that was enough to make her despise all blood traitors like the Weasleys. Not wanting to show any more signs of weakness in public, she stared at the Golden Trio with a wicked smirk. "Go on muddy, don't be shy. Aren't you the 'smartest witch' the school has even seen?" She said with a mocking tone.
Maeve took the note from Victor's hand under the table, keeping her eyes on Professor Snape to make sure he couldn't see what she was doing. As Snape turned back to the board to write something about what the physical appearance of Amortentia should look like, Maeve quickly uncrinkled the note and read it, putting it on her desk and scribbling back her reply 'I knew you would say yes. Of course they want me to go... I've just have procrastinated getting their permission until now. But, I'll get it, don't worry about it'. And, once again, passed the note to him underneath the desk. Turning her attention back to the lesson, though it seemed Snape was about done with the lecture and was preparing them for when he would release them to attempt to brew the potion on their own.

"For this particular potion, you will all be brewing it on your own. Most of you, if not all of you, will utterly and completely fail." Snape muttered, his eyes sweeping across the classroom, "If, by chance, one of you should brew it correctly, you will raise your hand and wait quietly until I make my way over to your desk. I will then decide whether you truly have brewed or Amortentia or if you have simply failed like the rest of your classmates. If I decide you have brewed it, I will take the entirety of your potion and dispose of it. No one shall take a single drop of Amortentia from this classroom, not even from your cauldrons. If someone should decide to do so, the whole class will be serving detention." Maeve took a quick glance around the classroom to check to make sure the Weasley twins weren't in their class because, knowing them, they'd surely attempt to take some with them and she couldn't chance getting a detention before a quidditch match.
"I know more spells than you do," the Mudblood said snootily. "I have the highest grades in my year too."

"Yes and you're probably one of those children who sucks up to the teachers by doing extra work as well," said Janus as began inspecting his wand like it was something interesting. "Making rote answers from textbooks when called upon instead of voicing an answer into your own thoughts. I'm not sure what is wrong with the professors at this school if they do not put a stop to you sounding like a walking encyclopedia," Janus said. The Mudblood flushed in embarrassment and anger.

"Don't talk to her like that you slimy snake!" Janus turned his attention to Weasley as he shot a stunner at Bethany in his rage. Janus flicked his wand and cast a silent Protego Duo, causing Weasley's stunner to bounce off.

"Do you really think you can best the children of Death Eaters Mr. Weasley?" Janus questioned as he moved his wand back in front of him. The Lestrange Heir shrugged off his backpack and set it on the ground next to his book. It didn't matter to the future Death Eater that he wasn't in his dueling armor. For this little duel his armor wouldn't be needed. "Very well. Since you insist on dueling do you know the proper techniques of a duel? First we bow to each other," Janus said as he held his wand up in front of his face and bowed mockingly to the now fuming redhead. At least he would be able to have some fun today. "Let us say no dark curses then..."

"Dark curses are illegal!"

"Yes I'm aware of that Miss Granger," Janus quipped. "And what you don't know is they are not illegal everywhere."

"That's impossible! Only light spells help people!"

"Miss Granger if you believe that you know better than everybody else here then how about you show us in a duel? Shall we say myself and Miss Royson against the blood-traitor and his little friend? Oh and Mr. Potter...in case you think of jumping in to protect your friends I wouldn't advise such a thing or you will cause us to become automatic winners of the duel through interference. What do you say M'Lady Royson? Fancy besting the Mudblood or do you want to duel the Blood-Traitor. It doesn't matter much to me," Janus said. @silverghost
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Bethany smiled wickedly when she was given the option to choose between the Mudblood and the Blood Traitor. She felt like winning against the Mudblood would be more enjoyable than winning against the Blood Traitor. Bethany slowly walked closer to the blood traitor and placed the tip of her wand in her disgusting forehead. "I choose Muddy. What unforgivable curse should I use first?" She asked her with a raised eyebrow. Granger pointed her wand at Bethany's heart and smiled proudly. "You don't know how to perform any dark spells and unforgivable curses are taught during the fourth year, not third" She said proudly. Probably under the illusion that she had won against Bethany. "You surprise me Muddy! I thought you were smarter than this, but I suppose I'm wrong" She paused and twisted her wand a bit. "You seem to have forgotten who we are. The children of the Dark Lord's most trusted death eaters and heirs to the most respected and noble causes the world has ever seen! You forget who our parents are, and they have been very, very nice to us. Nice enough to give us private lessons and if I recall correctly, my last lesson was about the unforgivable curses so don't even think I can't use the killing curse on you whenever I want to. Now, I think the cruciatus curse is a good option. You'll be in the worst pain you can think about, its enough to drive someone mad." She said wickedly and chuckled when the Mudblood went pale and her eyes widened in fear. Of course, Bethany had never used unforgivables before but the Trio didnt know that. Bethany took a few steps away from the frightened girl and smiled at Janus. "I'll give you the honor to go first Mr. Lestrange"
Rohan had said goodbye to Winnie and began making his way to his Care of Magical Creatures class nearly an hour ago. However, almost immediately he had run into a large group of Slytherin bullies. He was now hanging from the wall in girl's bathroom in the basement. Luckily for him, and perhaps a little unluckily, this particular bathroom was haunted so no one was in here. He glared at his wand, which had fallen on the floor after he had tried to retrieve it from his pocket. Suddenly, the spell holding him in the air gave out and dropped him into the toilet below. He groaned and stumbled out of it, glancing at his wet robes. He picked up his wand and muttered a spell that began drying his clothes. He shook his arms, trying to get feeling back into them after hanging by his hands for so long. He went over to the mirror after his clothes were dry and winced when he saw a large blackish bruise around his eye. He put his wand away and snuck out of the bathroom. Fortunately, everyone was still in class so no one would see his eye. Unfortunately, that also meant that he had missed his own class. He quickly made his way up to the infirmary in the hopes that Madam Pomfrey could get rid of his black eye. The last thing he needed was to get into trouble for fighting. It wasn't his fault since he had just been defending himself, but since he was a prankster, very few people were likely to believe him. He got a stern talking to from Madam Pomfrey for not being in class, but she was kind enough to not ask questions as she began fixing his eye.
Janus inclined his head to Bethany's offer of letting him go first. "Now Mr. Weasley you do know how to bow don't you?"

Weasley just stared at Janus as the Lestrange heir bowed again. The Slytherins and Gryffindors had cleared an area for their duel. "Come, come Mr. Weasley. Surely you were taught the basics of dueling?" Weasley finally bowed. "Now where was I? Ah yes...the rules of this little duel," Janus said, noticing how Weasley seemed to get even madder. "Let's see...no dark spells but anything up to borderline dark is fine. No interference from other students," he said looking around at the group, "no help from the crowd or your friends, no cheating, and the person to be knocked out first is the winner. Should any others attempt to step into this duel, the person forfeits the match. Is this acceptable Mr. Weasley?"


"Very well then Mr. Weasley. I'll be nice and give you the first move."


Janus tsked. "Protego." The stunning spell bounced harmlessly off his shield. "Calvario," Janus hissed as he pointed his wand at the blood-traitor. When the red light hit Weasley, his hair began falling out.


Janus shook his head and again threw up another Protego. "Diffindo."

Weasley screamed as a cut appeared across his wand arm. Weasley threw a bone breaking hex at him, snapping Janus's left wrist. "Everte Statum," Janus said, the spell throwing the boy backward. "Mr. Weasley if you want to try to best me I'd suggest you do better than a few first-year spells."

Weasley picked himself up off the ground before shooting a tickling charm at him. Janus sighed and sidestepped the spell, causing one of the Slytherins to get hit instead. "Filpendo," Janus said, again knocking the boy backwards.

"Avis Oppungo," said Weasley as a flock of birds shot of his wand and at the Lestrange heir who just smirked.

"Is that the best you can offer?" Janus asked. Pointing his wand at the birds he smiled coldly. "Incendio," as a jet of flame hit the birds, setting them on fire. There were gasps and screams from some of the girls in both houses as the birds burned but Janus didn't seem to care, merely smirking at a now pale Weasley.

"Anteoculatia," Weasley snapped off. Janus shook his head as he began to feel antlers growing out of his skull and made a note to take a picture to give to his parents in Azkaban. "Alarte Ascebdare." Ron Weasley suddenly flew up into the air before falling back down with a sickening thud. As the blood-traitor moaned in agony, Janus walked over to before using a borderline dark charm. "Fumos," he said and slipped his wand back into his wrist holster and nodding to Bethany that she could begin her own duel. The last spell he had used was borderline dark and known, to those who used it, as the nightmare spell. It caused the victim to suffer nightmares for weeks until the right potion was administered. It was known to cause the victim insomnia, horrific hallucinations, and temporary insanity. Janus didn't seem to notice or care much for the antlers that were now protuding from his skull as he sat down by his backpack and turned his attention to the now open area. @silverghost
Bethany smiled at Janus after his duel was over and proceeded to stand in front of the Mudblood. She bowed politely and when she looked up she noticed that the Mudblood was still pointing her wand at her and probably didn't want to bow. "Granger if your small, Mudblood brain can process the information clearly then please allow me to teach you how to start a proper duel. First, we bow to each oth-"

"Rictumsempra!" The Mudblood shouted before Bethany could finish the sentence. Luckily, Bethany was fast enough to protect herself from the charm, she frowned when Hermione lowered her wand and got a few steps closer. "Is that how you treat your professors Miss Granger? I wonder why you haven't been expelled yet. Now, like I said before, we bow to each other" The Mudblood only pointed her wand at her again. Bethany could see she didn't want to follow her rules and just wanted to avenge her friend who was probably going to be in pain for weeks. Bethany shrugged and threw a bone-breaking charm at her, breaking her left leg. Granger screamed in pain as she felt her bones breaking and fell down on the floor. She smiled as she saw her friends gasp in surprise and stared at her in terror, hoping she wouldn't hurt her friend anymore. "Alarte Ascebdare" Bethany said and Granger suddenly flew up and down with a loud tud. She repeated this a few times until the Mudblood was unconscious and she got closer to it. The other Gryffindors were giving her deathly glares and she couldn't contain herself from laughing. Gryffindors were so easy to manipulate, the trick was to hurt their loved ones. She locked eyes with Potter as she approached his friend and pointed her wand at her. "You're familiar with the killing curse right? Do you think Muddy will survive like you did or will she die like mommy and daddy? I can't wait to find out" She said with a grin. The other students stared at her with their mouths wide open, like they didn't believe she could even think about using the killing curse. Bethany knew she obviously wouldn't be able to cast it without practicing a hundred times before, she was just thirteenen years old, but it was fun to watch them hope for the best. Potter was gripping his wand thightly and taking a few steps towards her, which gave her a perfect idea. "Avada-" She exclaimed, pointing her wand at the Mudblood. This was too much for Potter and he quickly pointed his wand at her. "Stupefy!" He shouted and Bethany went flying backwards and fell down with a sickening tud. She slowly got up and laughed as she returned to her previous location. "Finally a worthy duel!" She exclaimed throwing one hand up in the air. "Let's see how glorious the Golden boy really is. But, I wouldn't have this opportunity without Mr. Lestrange and its not fair for him to miss out on the fun. What do you say Lestrange, do you want to see who can beat Potter first?"
Janus watched the duel between Bethany and the Mudblood, shaking his head in disapproval as the Mudblood refused to listen to her betters. He internally chuckled at seeing the Mudblood bounced onto the ground like a rag doll and then Bethany threaten to use the Killing Curse on her only for Potter to shoot a stunner at her. Just the thought of beating the Boy-Who-Lived in front of his adoring fans and the biased Professor was enough to get the Lestrange heir on his feet. "Why not? Weasley wasn't much of a challenge," he said looking at the redhead who was moaning in pain on the ground. "I'd be honored to join you Miss Roy'son in a duel against the famous Boy-Who-Lived." He gave her a meaningful look with his eyes after walking over to her. The look being a warning. Potter's life belonged to their Lord and they couldn't kill him. "So Potter you think that you can avenge your little friends on your own?" Janus questioned as he stared at Potter. @silverghost
Heather smiled as the girl finally understood what she was doing and put her wand pack her pocket. "Yes, we're in the same year. My name is Heather Knight, nice to meet you" She shook the girl's hand and put her book back in her bag. "So, how did your glasses break in the first place? Failed spells?" She asked, knowing how it felt to be outsmarted by a simple spell or potion. (I'm sorry if this post took too long and its crap. I didn't get any notifications and I'm currently using my phone and I don't know what else to say.)

Victor quickly read the note and nodded instead of replying. He didn't want to risk sending another note and get caught by Snape, who seemed to be in one of his I-will-fail-you days. He carefully began brewing the potion, following the instructions from the book. He knew he probably wouldn't succeed in brewing the potion correctly and if obviously wouldn't work if he were to use it on someone else but it was worth a try. He frowned a bit when Snape said they couldn't take any of the potion with them. It made sense, since the potion was extremely dangerous but it was still a bummer that they wouldn't be able to use it for their pranks.
Bethany smiled as she recognized the look Janus was giving her. As much as she wanted to kill Potter herself, she knew that honor belonged to the Dark Lord and if they killed him then they would be killed as soon as the Dark Lord returned. "I can defeat you and your Death Eater friends anytime I want! Just like I defeated Voldemort!" Potter said as he bowed and then pointed his wand at them. He was clearly mad because of what they had done to his friends and wanted to hurt them as much as possible, Bethany smiled at this thought. Like he could defeat the two of them in a duel. "You will learn respect Potter!" She yelled after he said the Dark Lord's name. Bethany quickly bowed and pointed her wand at The-Boy-Who-Lived. She wanted to hurt him just as much as he wanted to hurt them but she still wanted to have a proper duel, the Mudblood had not been a worthy opponent, and she had to wait for Janus to bow.
"You should watch your tongue boy," Janus hissed in silken tones as he bowed to Potter. Just because Potter was a Blood-Traitor and a half-blood didn't mean that Janus could get away with not showing proper respect in a duel. It had been drilled into him by his parents and his aunt and uncle all his life. "Well then Mr. Potter let us see who is the better dueler and if you can defeat the children of the Dark Lord's most favorite followers," Janus said. He took up one of his dueling stances beside Royson and waited for Potter to make the first move. @silverghost

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