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Fandom Hogwarts Roleplay

Victor grabbed his bag and waved at the girls as he stood up, gaining a few sad looks from the girls to se that he was leaving with another girl. "Bad news, I already broke their hearts after my last girlfriend, remember?" He said as they walked outside the great Hall and began making their way to the dungeons. Victor had been in a relationship with a Gryffindor girl last year but she had left Hogwarts after everything that happened with the mystery of who was paralyzing the students and writing bloody messages in the wall. Who would've known a someone from Gryffindor would be the first to leave as soon as danger presented itself? Luckily, everything was almost back to normal now. "Hey, guess what" he said with a small smirk as they walked down the steps to the dungeons. "I actually finished my homework and Snape probably won't try to murder me today! I know, you can start clapping now." Victor wasn't very good with his responsibilities , especially when it came to the classes he hated, but he would always make a good effort when there was a Quidditch game coming up. After all, he didn't want to miss the game due to some punishment for his laziness.

Heather had been busy chatting with her friends and didn't notice Alex until she had almost chocked with her pumpkin juice after one her friends made a joke and she had been forced to turn her head to the side in case she spilled everything out. Luckily, she was able to swallow the juice and avoid embarrassing herself but when she looked up she realized one of her best friends had been sitting down beside her and she hadn't even noticed. "Well, hello to you too Jake. Why so quiet? " she asked with a bit of concern in her voice. She knew Jake was not a big fan of a lot of students, most of them Slytherin's finest group of future death eaters and Azkaban residents, and he had gotten in countess of fights before. He was a very good wizard and he could take care of himself but she felt like it was her responsibility as a friend to make sure every one of her friends didn't have any problems, after all, they would probably do the same for her. @Physiicz
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'Mew. Mew. Mew. MEW!' A tiny paw batted at the sleeping Lestrange heir's face as the third year transfer-student from Durmstrang remained asleep in his bed. A hand came out from the emerald green comforter on the fourposter bed and swatted at the kitten's paw, gently pushing the kitten away as a pair of brown eyes opened sleepily and the teenager sat up in his bed. "Hello Atlas," he greeted his pet. The teenager petted his kitten before grabbing some fresh clothes and made his way to the showers in his dorm to change. So far he didn't like Hogwarts and it wasn't because of the Dementors floating around school thanks to that blood traitor cousin of his having escaped from Azkaban. No it was because Albus Dumbledore was Headmaster and that little twit, Harry Potter, was at Hogwarts. The Boy-Who-Lived had vanquished his Lord when just a toddler though Janus Lestrange found that hard to believe. How could a child have power to vanquish the greatest Dark Lord since Grindlewald? The heir scowled as he showered and got changed into clean clothes and a black robe before making sure he had everything for his morning classes and making his way downstairs to the Great Hall for breakfast, letting Atlas out of the common room so the kitten could explore the castle. Atlas may not be his familiar but the kitten was good company and he could always borrow one of the school owls when he wanted to write to Aunt Naricssa and Uncle Lucius.

As the kitten padded off to do whatever Atlas did during the day, the Lestrange heir thought about the Dementors being here at Hogwarts. They were here to capture Sirius Black, the blood traitor cousin of his who wasn't worthy of the Black name. He knew Draco would be next in line for the Black House and that was fine with him. He had enough to manage with the Lestrange fortune as Uncle Rabastan didn't have any children of his own. Janus also knew that the Dementors wouldn't hesitate to feed on someone who had committed no crime so why would Britain's idiot Minster of Magic allow such dark creatures around a school? More importantly why would that old coot Dumbledore allow them to be here? He reached the Great Hall and made his way over to his house table, nodding at a few acquaintances though he missed his friends at Durmstrang. There they were taught the Dark Arts and Defense Against the Dark Arts. "Defense Against the Dark Arts. More like Light Arts," Janus muttered quietly to himself.

Janus was glad to be in Slytherin. It was the only worthy house, followed by Ravenclaw at Hogwarts. The young heir nodded politely to his cousin who nodded back. Draco was one person at Hogwarts that Janus got along with, another member being the quiet and studious Theodore Nott. He put some different foods on his plate, including some fruit and looked with a blank face at the rowdy first years. At least his Head of House made sure Slytherin ate healthy unlike Dumbledore's little flock of sheep, aka the Gryffindor Table. As his eyes traveled along the table of his house mates, the Lestrange heir noticed the children of Brian Knight, one of the Dark Lord's followers. The man was in Azkaban like his parents and uncle Rabastan. Uncle Lucius had been a coward and his mother had told him that Lucius Malfoy had never been under the Imperious Curse like the man claimed. It was that reason that Janus disliked the Malfoy Lord. Anyone should be glad to serve the Dark Lord and do what was necessary to ensure his return.
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Rohan jerked out of his thoughts and glanced over at the small Korean girl. He recalled seeing her in a couple of his classes, although they had never talked much. He smiled at her attempt to help him feel better. "Thanks. I'm sure if we try really hard not to make them mad, they should leave us alone." He said, figuring she was talking about the Dementors. "Expecto Patronum. You have to think of a powerful, happy memory, and say 'Expecto Partonum'." He said, reciting something he had read. He blushed slightly, realizing he was acting like kind of a know-it-all. "At least, that's what I heard. Maybe we will learn it in our Defense against the Dark Arts class." He said, trying to sound more humble. After all, it hadn't been his idea to read about Dementors. At the time, he had thought his mother was crazy for forcing him to read about them. However, with how close to the school the Dementors were, all the reading might come in handy. "We should probably get to class soon, don't you think?" He asked, glancing at the other students. Most of them seemed to be finishing their breakfast or going to get their books. He quickly crammed in the last mouthfuls of his breakfast and then wiped off his face. He brushed his hand through his bed-head and grinned at Winnie.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Or at least that's what Delancy's mother had always told him whenever he refused to eat before school in the morning. One of Delancy's favorite parts of Hogwarts being a boarding school: no one made him eat breakfast. It wasn't that he wanted to use that time to get more sleep, no, he was always up before the sun even started to rise. Usually around five o'clock because it gave him enough time to take a shower and clean himself up before the sunrise started and he perched himself in the spot inside the bae window that he had claimed his own during his first year. That hour of pure silence where his thoughts were undisturbed by the movement of people around him were his favorite.

Delancy loved people. He loved laughing and having friends and being surrounded by people of all sorts, but sometimes he just needed a break from being mister friendly and mister happy, he needed that bit of space to think about everything. It was hard to believe that this would be his last year in this castle, his home away from home. It was scary, as growing up in itself is scary. And the thought of heading off into the wizarding world after this year was even more worrisome for him than most other seventh years, because while he had a lot of friends who lived in the wizarding world, his family didn't. And therefore he'd have to make his way all on his own in a world he'd only been living in for six years. The world around him had woken up a lot longer ago than he realized as he glanced down at his watch and all but yelped when he saw the time. He for sure be late to Transfiguration this time and McGonagall wasn't exactly a great professor who's class you're arriving late to.

He scrambled to pull his robes on over his under shirt and pants and slung his bang over shoulder, fixing his tie as he sped out of the Hufflepuff common room, sprinting down the hall and up the stairs, hoping the wouldn't start to move and change their course as he went up them. If he ran the whole way there, he might just make it on time and he silently thanked Merlin that he didn't have Potions first today or he'd surely be dead because the trek down the dungeons wasn't a lot longer journey than the one to the Transfiguration classroom.
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(I didn't see any of those until I posted mine so now I'm going to post one for Maeve..)

Maeve said some not-so-kind things under her breath about the gang of girls who all but threw themselves at Victor every time he was in the same room as them, not a paying attention to word Victor said after he mentioned his last girlfriend. Maeve crinkled her nose in distaste, something she did quite often, and all of her freckles moved together to form a tan spot on her nose. "Can we not talk about what's her face? I was never a fan and I found it quite amusing that she couldn't handle a few threats in bloody letters on the school corridor walls. For a Gryffindor, she was quite cowardly." she mused, a hint of a smile ghosting over her lips at the amusing memory. Not that last year had been a very amusing year, with all the petrification and such. Especially since Maeve herself had been petrified. Her fifth year had definitely not been her favorite.

As the slowly made their way towards the dark and damp dungeon where the Potions class took place, Maeve began to slow clap for Victor sarcastically while shaking her head at his immaturity and irresponsibilty and usual failure to do his school work. "Good job, this is a very special moment. Victor actually did the work required of him. I feel like a proud mother." she stated mockingly as she pretended to tear up and dabbed her eyes falsely with the sleeve of her robes. "You only did it because of the match against Ravenclaw that's coming up, didn't you? I don't understand that. I mean, you're smart. You could do so well if you actually put forth effort in your classes. You do understand that the NEWTS are a lot harder than the OWLS and you just barely managed to pass those, somehow, even though you didn't do any of the work for Professor Lockhart's class last year. We only have this year and next year before we take the NEWTS and those determine what job options we have after school. So if you want to be able to do what you want and get a good job, you really need to start focusing on school work more." Maeve began to lecture him and then, feeling a bit bad for treating him as if she were his mother, added in a lighthearted tone, "I can't be friends with a bum."
Janus finished his breakfast and fished out his schedule that he kept in his backpack. How he missed Durmstrang with the mountains and snow around the school which was a four story castle, its vast and expansive grounds that the students would fly over during the summer months and the large lake. The ship moored on top of a mountain lake. Looking at his schedule he saw that he had to get to Care of Magical Creatures first thing and their first lesson had been interesting. Interesting until his cousin had foolishly insulted a hippogriff and gotten his arm scratched. Now they were stuck learning how to take care flobberworms. Draco's injury was nothing more than a scratch but his cousin had a flair for dramatics. It was part of the reason why Janus missed Durmstrang. He didn't have to listen to his cousin's arrogant attitude every day. Draco wouldn't last in Durmstrang. Money didn't get you anywhere in his old school, you had to fight and work your way to the top.

He saw a member of the Potions Club seemingly looking around for something or someone just before he left the Great Hall and tried to place a name to the face. Lucina Matthews. A third-year student who like him was also in Slytherin. "A pureblood never shows their emotions in public Janus," Rudolphus had said when Janus had visited his parents with Aunt Narcissa when he had gotten the acceptance letter to Durmstrang. The then eleven-year-old had nodded to show he understood his father's words before going off to visit his mother, both his parents being pleased that he had been accepted into a 'proper school' as they called Durmstrang. His old school didn't allow disgusting Mudbloods to enter its halls, something that Janus had instantly liked about being accepted at Durmstrang.

"M'Lady Matthews," Janus said reaching the girl and bowed to her before standing and falling into step beside Lucina. The son of his Lord's most fanatical follower, Bellatrix Lestrange nee Black and her husband, an equally fierce dueler in his own right, Rudolphus Lestrange, had produced a child who would willingly serve his Lord alongside his parents and uncle one day. It was his hope and dream that the Dark Lord would rise again, one that his friends at Durmstrang knew of. When he had first transferred to Hogwarts and had been sorted after the first years, there had been whispers and fearful looks when his name had been called. A Gryffindor third year by the name of Neville Longbottom, scion and heir to Longbottom House, had been avoiding him ever since he had been sorted. People couldn't believe that the Lestranges had a child and that was partly why a good portion of the school body feared him and avoided him.

"I was looking forward to Care of Magical Creatures this year but it's been a sad disappointment I'm afraid,"
Janus said as he walked beside Lucina to the front doors through the mass of students hurrying to their classes. @CrystalYoshi
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Lucina had eventually left and went towards her Care of Magical Creatures with the Slytherin boy, Matt,and she completely ignored him until he said something about how she needed to be protected because she wasn't capable enough or something like that.She looked over at him and she slapped him hard across the face and was fuming so much that the boy ran off somewhere.Lucina sighed and kept walking until she heard her name behind her and she stopped for a second and watched as Janus Lestrange bowed to her before she decided to walk again with Janus beside her.

Lucina smiled when Janus came up beside her to actually speak to her and she shrugged at what he said."I think it would have been a good class to learn about all these different types of creatures but since Draco decided to get hurt to prove a point or something we all have to suffer now."She said this in a way where she wasn't trying to bash Draco about what he did but she spoke the truth.She remembered that once Harry had finished riding Buckbeak,the hippogriff, Draco went up to Buckbeak and insulted him unexpectedly and the animal lashed out at Draco, hurting him in the process.Lucina started at the hand she used to slap Matt with and she shook it a little."I think I slapped Matt a little bit too much but he honestly deserved it for flirting with me that much and then calling me weak."She managed to get out all of the words without growling and she stared at her left hand again, which was now almost a bright red, but she ignored it and kept walking. @eclipsehowls
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"It seems the students here have no manners on how to treat a lady," Janus observed as they reached the doors and walked outside towards the bridge that would take them down to Professor Hagrid's hut. A half-giant and an expelled student teaching a class. The man, if he could be called that, was better off as the Gamekeeper of the school. "Yes well Draco has always been rather arrogant. The only one in the family who refuses to see that is Uncle Lucius," Janus said. "Tell me M'Lady. Who is your favorite professor at Hogwarts and is it true that students were petrified here last year?" He had seen in the Daily Prophet which he subscribed to about rumors of students being petrified and Hogwarts close to being shut down as well as the rest of their Care of Magical Creatures Professor and Dumbledore suspended. The only other journal he subscribed to was The Practical Potioneer. Janus loved Potions even if a couple of the potions they were learning about this year had been taught at Durmstrang already. @CrystalYoshi
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Lucina blushed a little and she looked down at her books for a second before mentally scolding herself and the blush went away a few minutes later."Thanks,people usually don't treat me like an actual person sometimes so this feels nice."She blinked for a few seconds once they got outside and she breathed in all of the fresh air before rolling her eyes a little."I think Draco will only get more arrogant as the years goes on and imagine if he has children or something."She shuddered at the thought of Draco having a child just like him.Once Janus asked him about the petrified students from last year she nodded slightly."Yeah,a few muggle-blood students were petrified by a basilisk and I think my favorite professor has to either be Flitwick or Snape,it just depends sometimes, who's yours so far?"She read the Daily Prophet and some other things from time to time but it was always interesting to read something from another person's perspective if it was correct."Do you like it here, I'm just asking because it must be really different here than the school you just came from."

Janus hummed to himself. "That's why I hate Mudbloods," he said. "They think our ways are backwards and all the while they just want to change everything about wizarding culture and our customs and holidays. Too many Mudbloods here unfortunately." He was glad to be outside even if the grounds were not as nice. "Oh a basilisk?" he asked stopping and turning towards her. "They make good dueling armor as their skins are impervious to magic like a dragon's hide." He had to think on her question though he did allow a smirk to grace his face when she mentioned Draco having children. "Yes I'm afraid Uncle Lucius and Aunt Narcissa have spoiled him too much so that he thinks everything should be handled to him because of his family name and wealth."

He was quiet while he thought on her questions. "Well even if these uncultured people don't treat you like a person, I will. I think Professor Snape is my favorite professor although I may be biased because Potions is one of my favorite classes and he's our head of house. Professor Flitwick isn't a bad teacher either. I read he was a Dueling Champion in his younger days and can hold his own against other wizards." It's a pity he is with the Light though, he thought. "As for the school? Honestly I am not impressed. Some of the teachers are alright I suppose but I miss Durmstrang. Your school is bigger though the grounds here are not as expansive and vast, the education seems a bit sub par, and there's too many Mudbloods here. It's sad that Samhain and Yule are not celebrated and the Old Religion is not talked about here." And of course they didn't teach the Dark Arts but he could hardly say that in a class with Gryffindors, let alone the Boy-Who-Lived being in two of his classes. @CrystalYoshi
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(Sorry for short post I'm on my phone)

"What's wrong with eating in silence?" he asked Heather. He ate another sausage and rubbed his stomach. "Where's your death eater brother?" he asked "Shouldn't be teaching you the dark arts" he grinned. Truthfully Alex hated joking about the Dark arts because he hated them so much. He could get along with some Slytherins but the majority were hateful. he looked over at the Slytherin table with a look that: If-I-could-get-away-with-murder-you'd-be-first. He looked away to look at the Gryffindor table where Harry sat. He shook his head, since potter had came to school Gryffindor won most quidditch matches but Alex was still content as they would usually come second.
Victor rolled his eyes as they entered the potions classroom and stood behind one of the desks. Luckily, the professor wasn't in the room yet so they still had a few minutes to talk. "First of all, it was impossible to fail Lockhart's class. We both know more about how to defend ourselves than him so don't complain about my lack of work." He replied with a huff and yawned while she lectured him. He already had a strategy planned for his last two years in Hogwarts and he knew he had nothing to worry about, like Maeve said, he was a smart guy and he had nothing to worry about. "You sound like my parents, and you know that's far from a compliment. Please stop the torturous lecture before the dementors take you to Azkaban. Don't worry, everything will be alright and I will get a good job after we get out of here. After our graduation, the next time you'll see me I'll be winning the Quidditch world cup" He said proudly. He didn't enjoy comparing Maeve to his dangerous, obsessive death eater parents but the way she lectured him reminded him of the way his parents used to teach them how to be the perfect pureblood children they were 'meant' to be. Luckily, Maeve wasn't as scary as his parents and wasn't kicking a house elf around the grey, lifeless manor.

"Well, when you're silent than usual it means something bad has or will happen. Maybe I'm just being paranoic but you never know" Heather replied, taking another bite from her french toast. When he mentioned her brother, she glanced at the Slytherin table and looked around for his brother and frowned when she realized he had already left without even saying goodbye. She slapped Jake's shoulder and narrowed her eyes. "My brother is not a death eater!" She hissed, feeling a bit mad because of what he had said about her closest family member. "You should know that just because someone comes from a horrible family doesn't mean they're like the rest. You're in the same situation, remember?"
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Lucina nodded a little but she didn't completely agree with Janus on the whole muggle-born thing.She had some friends that were actually fully muggle and they were some of the nicest people she had ever met in her life.They actually treated her like a person and didn't compare her to her sisters which she appreciated a whole bunch.She stopped when Janus did and she looked down at him before smiling and giggling a little at his almost biased opinion about his favorite teacher."Professor Snape is a good teacher and I enjoy his class a lot,that's a reason I joined the Potions Club,that and so that I can do my potions homework there and not so much during my personal time."She went back to what he said about Draco being spoiled and she mentally agreed with what he said but adding a couple of extra faults with Draco that kinda made her mad,like how he said Lucina would have been better off with the rest of her family in Hufflepuff,she almost slapped him hard enough to knock him to the ground but she just ignored him and went along with her dinner.

Lucina nodded once again when Janus started talking about Professor Flitwick and she began walking again,not wanting to be late for class today and getting detention."Yep,he told us a while back ago during Charms Club or something but he can hold his own even though he's so short."Lucina stopped on one of the stairs leading towards Hagrid's house and watched as some other third year students came out to go to class also."I guess other schools have thing that we don't really have and vice versa,but it does get bland here sometimes but that reminds me of something really important actually,did you get your Hogmeade permission slip signed so that you can go,I haven't been able to go yet since I've been so busy but I plan to start going down there soon and buying things."She waited for Janus to catch up and she pushed her braided hair back behind her shoulders so that it went down behind her head.

Maeve huffed as she lifted her bag off her shoulder and placed it on the desk in front of her, glad that she and Victor had Potions together this year so she wouldn't be stuck with someone else as a partner. Socialization and teamwork were two of Maeve's biggest weaknesses. She frowned a bit when Victor compared her to his parents, though she knew he didn't truly mean it. Yes, Maeve was a Slytherin, but none of the reasons she got sorted into that house were because she was dark. And, in all honesty, she hated Victor's parents. Hated them. Not that she'd ever truly known them, but from the stories Victor told her about them and his childhood, they weren't good people at all and they didn't give Victor or Heather the childhood they deserved. Lucky for Victor, Maeve's parents adored him and the majority of her brothers did too, so that helped make up for his broken home just a tad bit. At least, she hoped it did.

"The Quidditch World Cup? Really? You've got some pretty big dream there, big shot." she hummed to herself as she pulled the stool out from under the desk and took a seat, making her even shorter than she normally is compared to Victor so she had to tilt her head back almost completely to look at him. "And the next time I'll see you after graduation? You're just going to go off and leave me behind? I thought I was more important to you than that. I thought you'd at least keep in touch and visit every now and then, if you did decide to go off on your own." her voiced dropped a little and her mouth curved into a small frown as she tucked her hair behind her ear. She didn't mean to make him feel bad or guilty or anything of the sort. She wanted him to go off and do what he wanted and be happy, of course. But, she didn't have a lot of people she was close to and he was definitely the person she was closest to out of those few. It was hard for her to imagine him just disappearing from her life all together after seven years of friendship and pulling pranks together and complaining about professors and sneaking out to the astronomy tower in the middle of the night when one of them can't sleep. She'd gotten so used to having him to lean on, it hadn't even crossed her mind that he may leave eventually.
Janus nodded as he began walking down the hill to Professor Hagrid's hut. "Potions Club is one of the good clubs here," he admitted. Janus saw the hipprogriffs in the paddock as they walked and his eyes went to one of the threstrals soaring overhead toward the Forbidden Forest. His eyes followed its flight path before turning back to the path so he wouldn't stumble. "The Gryffindors don't understand that Professor Snape has to be hard because Potions is a dangerous class. One slip-up and someone can get hurt or killed." At the mention of the Hogsmeade permission slip, he inclined his head in the affirmative. "I do. Aunt Narcissa signed it so I could go and I turned it into Professor Snape yesterday. Have you been there before?" @CrystalYoshi
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Victor felt a bit guilty when she frowned after he compared her with his parents. She was right to feel offended and Victor knew this, all of his friends hated his parents and Victor knew that Maeve was not like them in any way. His parent were terrible people and being compared to them was nothing to be proud of. Sometimes, other purebloods would compliment him and his sister for being the heirs to such an ancient and respected family and he could still remember some other death eaters compliment his parents when they were just a few years old. This was a terrible insult for the Knight siblings, and they had made sure everyone knew about this when they arrived to Hogwarts. Victor didn't want to use such a horrible insult with his best friend and he made a mental note to never compare her to his parents again. In fact, maybe he should stop talking about those family members in front of her, some of his friends were always a bit uncomfortable whenever he mentioned his parents or his life with them, especially since some of them had actually met their parents during their first years at Hogwarts before his mother was killed and his father was caught during their third year. Victor could still remember receiving the news that morning and how happy he and Heather had been while some students and teachers were telling them how 'sorry' they were. Luckily, after his third year ended he had moved with his aunt and her squib husband who had taken them in with open arms and he couldn't be happier.

"I'm sorry, that was a horrible thing to say" He apologized, looking down for a second and then smiling when she mentioned the World Cup, apparently ready to let the issue with his family go away. "I'm a Slytherin, remember? Ambition is one of the traits that got me in this house and you know I'm a great Seeker, of course, I'm not good enough to be a professional Qudditch player but I bet five galleons that one day I will send you free tickets to watch me play." He said, smirking as he imagined himself fulfilling his dreams. His smirk disappeared when Meave asked him if he was really going to leave her after they graduated. He knew that even though he wanted to succeed in life he was never going to leave his closest friends and family just to join a professional team. After all, he couldn't think of a life without all the people he cared about. Well, he could but those thoughts were not happy ones. He playfully pinched her left cheek and smiled. "Don't worry, you will never get rid of me so you better get comfortable. Enough about my future, what do you want to be after Hogwarts?"
Lucina followed beside Janus and looked over at the hippogriffs before looking up at the thestrals and smiled sadly,you could only see them if you saw someone die and accepted their death but she looked ahead and almost fell on the ground but she grabbed Janus on the shoulders to steady herself on the stair that she almost fell on.She realized how close they actually were and she moved away some with a faint blush across her cheeks."S-sorry about that Janus,I shouldn't have done that."She avoided eyes contact for a while before looking back over at him and answering his question."Not yet,my parents were to busy with my sisters to ever take me anywhere like Hogsmeade and see what it was like but the rest of my family has been multiple times in the past with my sisters,Thalia and Ashley."She nodded in agreement with his statement about Professor Snape and she smirked a little."Yeah,as much as he doesn't want to admit it,he does want to keep us safe and do the best that we can in his class but the other students can't really see that because all they see is a bitter teacher that absolute hates them because they aren't in Slytherin but that is just my own opinion really."She turned to make sure the other third years from other classes didn't hear her say things like that about the Professor and get teased about being a suck-up to her Head of House.

Maeve groaned in slight annoyance, shaking off the brief moment of sadness and replacing it with an expression of annoyance as Victor pinched her cheek. Batting his hand away and scowling at him for a brief moment, before letting out a soft sigh. "I don't doubt that you can do anything you want to. You're talented enough for just about anything." Other students had started to filter into the classroom as the starting time for class neared and Maeve drew her robes around her more closely, shivering slightly. She always found it a bit chilly in the dungeons, of course it was nothing close to the cold the dementors brought with them so she'd survive. She reached into her bag and began to pull out her Potions book and parchment and her quill with a bottle of ink. Shrugging in response to Victor's question before turning towards him, "Well, I'd love to be a healer at St. Mungo's. But, if my NEWTS aren't high enough, I'd settle for a job in the Ministry. Preferably something involving muggle relations. But, I guess I'd be happy with anything involving helping people, to be quite honest."
CrystalYoshi said:
Lucina followed beside Janus and looked over at the hippogriffs before looking up at the thestrals and smiled sadly,you could only see them if you saw someone die and accepted their death but she looked ahead and almost fell on the ground but she grabbed Janus on the shoulders to steady herself on the stair that she almost fell on.She realized how close they actually were and she moved away some with a faint blush across her cheeks."S-sorry about that Janus,I shouldn't have done that."She avoided eyes contact for a while before looking back over at him and answering his question."Not yet,my parents were to busy with my sisters to ever take me anywhere like Hogsmeade and see what it was like but the rest of my family has been multiple times in the past with my sisters,Thalia and Ashley."She nodded in agreement with his statement about Professor Snape and she smirked a little."Yeah,as much as he doesn't want to admit it,he does want to keep us safe and do the best that we can in his class but the other students can't really see that because all they see is a bitter teacher that absolute hates them because they aren't in Slytherin but that is just my own opinion really."She turned to make sure the other third years from other classes didn't hear her say things like that about the Professor and get teased about being a suck-up to her Head of House.
Janus felt something grab him and turned his head towards Lucina as she nearly fell, grabbing onto him to keep from tripping down the stairs. "That is unfortunate that you have not had time to go. Well then...Hogsmeade will be a first experience for both of us." At her comment about their Head of House he gave a short nod. "Careful. You might get points taken off if our Head hears anyone paying him a compliment and I'm afraid I am not much good in a fight with light wizards." He looked at some students who were staring at them and flashed them a smile, sending them scurrying away. "Ignore them," Janus said. "You're better than them. You're a pureblood from a respectable line and family. Remember that," Janus said. "Would you care for an escort around Hogsmeade M'Lady?" Janus asked as he waited for Lucina to get her balance back before walking through the stone circle and then down the hill towards the one room hut of the half-giant professor. @CrystalYoshi
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"What are you taking about,I would never say such things about our Head of House."Her eyes twinkled with playfulness and she stayed close by to Janus just in case she almost fell again.She watched as the other students staring and whispering about them before Janus gave them a smile and scattered them away but that wouldn't stop rumors circulating around the school about the two."Thanks,my mom's side of the family used to be from a line of Death Eaters but she didn't join when she became pregnant with Thalia and Ashley,she's one of the best Hit Witches in the Magical Law Enforcement Patrol,and my dad works in the Ministry under the Animagus Registry,I feel like though my parents are waiting for the day when I join the Death Eaters since I was placed into the Slytherin House but I want to think about stuff like that ya know."Lucina blushed again when he offered to take her around Hogsmeade and she nodded slightly before answering."I would love that Janus,thank you."She reached out and gripped his hand for a second before letting it go and and looking down at the ground."You can call me Lucy if you want,I only let a couple of people call me that if you wanted to know but you can call me whatever you want...within reason of course."

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Janus narrowed his eyes as he stared cooly at the fleeing students backs, his wand in a holster attached to his wrist that was enchanted with anti-theft, anti-summoning, anti-fire and anti-water spells so it would not be ruined or summoned by anyone but himself. It was a pity he couldn't curse these students or obliviate them. The Lestrange heir smoothed down his robes and offered Lucina his arm. "Oh really? I plan on becoming an animagus when I'm older," Janus admitted, seeing no harm in telling her that. At the mention of being able to call her Lucy he briefly went over his lessons from his parents when he had seen them as well as Aunt Nariccsa before inclining his head in acknowledgment. "As you wish Lucy," he said quietly. Although he didn't show the displeasure at hearing that Lucina was labeled a Death Eater just because she was a Slytherin, it annoyed him. And he could not say what he thought as pureblood protocol didn't allow it. "Yes that seems to be a sad thing here with the houses being divided so. The rift between Gryffindor and Slytherin is just petty and childish. One would assume with the way Dumbledore talks of unity of houses, that he would promote inter-house relations among the students." He shook his head slightly and looked up at the sky again but the threstrals had sadly disappeared from sight while they had been talking. "Well you may one day join the forces of the Dark Lord or you may not. But you should not allow your parents to decide your fate or push you into the dark if it is not want you want. Prove to them that you can rise beyond our House's stereotypes and go where your heart leads you." @CrystalYoshi
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Bethany Royson knew that being late was not acceptable in the ancient Royson family. If her worthless, blood traitor older brother was late for his transfiguration class with professor McGonagall she didn't care. She didn't even consider him her brother, he'd been sorted in Hufflepuff! No one from that house should be able to use the Royson name. This was the reason why she found a strange joy when she left her brother in the great Hall after he'd tried to be nice to her and talk for a while even though he was late to class. The idiot thought Bethany was having some sort of problem because of her quiet and sometimes mysterious behavior and wanted to offer her a friendly hand. She thought that kind of selfless behavior would get him killed after the dark Lord returned, which he would, eventually. She glanced at the Gryffindor table and narrowed her eyes at the boy-who-should-be-dead. Everything was his fault, Hogwarts would be ruled by death eaters if it weren't for him and his luck but his luck was going to run out, Bethany was sure of this.

Even though Care of Magical Creatures was her least preferred class, followed by herbology and divinations, she didn't want to be late for her first class of the day. There were too many children with influential pureblood parents in that class and she didn't want to look like a fool in front of them. After all, she wanted allies and no one would want to be with a girl who was late to one of the easiest classes in Hogwarts. She was hanging on a delicate rope after all, even if she had been admitted back in the family tree there were people who still considered her a blood traitor because of her stupid parents. She walked towards her first class with a straight posture and wearing her finest Slytherin robes. She noticed people like Draco Malfoy and his pack of friends walking by and gave him a nod. She didn't like Draco or his friends but he came from a very important family and she was sure she would probably see him bearing the dark mark one day. As she walked down the steps, she noticed a blonde girl hanging to the Lestrange heir like her life depended on it. She had never spoken to Lestrange but she knew very well who his parents were and that immediately put him in her 'not a good enemy' list. She confidently walked towards them and smirked.

"Well, isn't it the famous Janus Lestrange? Good to see you here, its a nice reminder that not everyone is a mudblood or muggle lover." She said crossing her arms and then looking at the girl practically hugging him. "I'm Bethany Royson, pleasure to meet you"

@CrystalYoshi @eclipsehowls
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(You keep calling Alex jake btw @thefan1 also I can't get near a computer so my posts will be short for awhile, sorry)

Alex laughed, having provoked her. "Ahh come on is was only joking" he said putting on a smile that would have flattered any girl. He then stretched and looked around again then turned back to her "Free period" he said grinning stupidly "Time to get in some quidditch practice and put these muscles to work" he said flexing his bicep. He laughed and ate and egg and let out a loud burp. He laughed and stood up grabbing his bag that was under the table. He grabbed it and slung it over his shoulder "You coming or you gonna 'study'" he said. He pronounced study in a mocking tone. Even though he was in Ravenclaw he really resented the fact of studying.
Janus put his arm down when Lucy remained quiet and began walking again, only to stop as someone came up to them. One talent he had not inherited from his father was Martial Magic which was disappointing but being able to have Occlumency from his mother was a nice compensation and both his parents were good duelers which were two of his magical strengths. He turned his attention from the path he was walking on and saw another girl from their house and year, the girl crossing her arms and introducing herself all in the same breath. He wasn't surprised that she knew him. Even among other Death Eater families, it was a surprise that he had been born, for it was well known that his mother was infatuated with the Dark Lord. However nobody knew except Janus, his father, Uncle Rabastan and a few other close family friends of the Lestranges, that his mother was not as insane as she appeared to be. It was his visits to Azkaban that kept both his parents and uncle sane and away from the brink of madness. Janus had no intention of correcting that perceived notion either. Let the world think his mother was insane with the Black Madness and they would underestimate her brilliance and intelligence.

"Well M'Lady Royson it appears you know who I am," Janus said, bowing to Bethany. He didn't really know her or a lot of people at Hogwarts. Most of the students stayed away from him and found him a bit odd thanks to his love of reading and studious habits. Such traits might have found the young heir in Ravenclaw which wouldn't have been a bad choice. "Yes it's nice to see there are some proper children here who know that the Mudbloods have no business being among wizard-kind," said Janus as he straightened. "Shall we get to class? Though everyone knows Professor Hagrid is biased towards the Boy-Who-Lived and his two side-kicks." It was unfortunate that former Gryffindors and almost the entire school hated Slytherins. He could understand why Professor Snape had explained to him the rules about never traveling alone when going to classes. Janus walked down the hill towards Professor Hagrid's hut, seeing the famed 'Golden Trio'; a Mudblood, a Blood-Traitor, and the Boy-Who-Lived standing there talking to their Professor. His eyes found his cousin who was with his gang; Parkinson, Nott, Crabbe and Goyle who were talking loudly with each other about how Draco's arm still 'hurt' and how his father wanted the beast put down. Sadly Janus was unable to take up his seat so he had a family friend acting as Proctor for House Lestrange until his parents were rescued from Azkaban or his father died. The only Magical Creaures so far that Janus had problems with were unicorns and phoenixes, both creatures of light, that wouldn't come near him. Pegasi and Abraxan were alright as they allowed him to ride them but he doubted whether the winged horses would be brought to Hogwarts to learn about. @CrystalYoshi @silverghost
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(I'm on my phone right now so my post might be a little bit short.)

Lucina followed beside Janus and decided not to speak since another girl from their house and year address them both.She narrowed her eyes slightly and decided to introduce herself since the girl had no intention of doing so."I'm Lucina Matthews, I've heard a lot about your family from my grandparents Bethany."She nodded once Janus made the suggestion about going to class and she nodded, grasping his arm so that she didn't almost fall again and make a gigantic fool of herself."What you say it's true though Janus, he is biased to The the Boy-Who-Lived."She watched as the other students gathered and started talking to each other about unimportant and petty things like Draco's injury, it's not like he was dying or anything and she honestly didn't care about his poor arm that he could have lost.That's such an overreaction, he would have been fine.

@eclipsehowls @silverghost
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