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Fandom Hogwarts Roleplay


belle épave
Please look on overview for the storyline and other details and the fill out the information for your character(s) in character sign-up. Wait for a starter post here from me before roleplaying.
The early morning sunlight filtered in through the large windows that trailed just below the ceiling in the Great Hall and the ceiling itself reflected the brilliant, cloudless sky that waited just beyond the glass of those windows as students, most still yawning and running their fingers through their bedhead, trickled in through the doors to start their second week of school with a delicious smelling breakfast. Though, Maeve hadn't touched her french toast or taken a sip of her orange juice that sat in front of her, slowly becoming room temperature. As usual, Maeve was much too indulged in the wizarding medical book that she had had her nose buried into since 4 o'clock this morning when she was woken yet again by her night terrors. The only comfort she found was in the many ways to treat stage one kidney failure magically. She tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear subconsciously as it fell annoyingly right in front of her line of vision, scrunching her nose in a slightly irritated manner.

She was pulled out of her medical information induced trance by a rather rowdy group of hormone raging Slytherin first years slammed their bags down onto the table opposite her and began to attempt to multitask by talking and shoving handfuls of an assortment of breakfast foods into their mouths at once. She made a disgusted face at them before reluctantly shutting her book and shoving into her bag before standing up and making her way to the back corner of the Great Hall to sit at the end of the Slytherin table, with the other introverts. The sunlight didn't shine as brightly through the windows here or dance as nicely on the tables, but at least her quiet wouldn't be disturbed here.
It seemed like only yesterday that Yoska's letter had come in the mail. The tawny owl that brought it to him had flown into his caravan in the dead of night and dropped it right onto his head. Yoska read it over, 3 times to be exact, he was overjoyed. He had hopped out of his bed and ran to his parent's wagon to show them, his face beaming. The next morning had been celebrated with sweet rolls and hot apple cider.

The entire family -the aunts, uncles, grands, inlaws, and cousins- put their tour on hold so that his parents could go about collecting his schoolstuff. Having grown up in poverty, it didn't seem strange at all that his robes and books had come from his older cousins. After all, cousin Bo had just finished his last year at Hogwarts, and cousin Pali still had all her old books. Cousin Marko was in his second year, so he was instantly tasked with looking out for Yoska.

Now Marko was in his seventh year, and he still somehow felt obliged to fight Yoska's battles. Yoska tried to avoid him while they were at school, for the most part.

When he had first arrived through those big, wooden doors, fresh out of the first year boats, Yoska had the same bright eyed look that he now saw on the faces of the young students around him. He remembered feeling that eagerness. The novelty had worn off around the time that other kids began picking on him for his worn out robes and his heritage. That had taken some getting used to.

But now, in his sixth year, Yoska felt as though he'd figured it out. He had a good group of friends, his grades were good, and despite a few setbacks involving full moons and lots of bitter potion, he managed his schoolwork fairly well.

Yoska entered the great hall, wearing the newest robes that he owned, and looked around to the blue and silver table that designated his house. He pushed through the crowd until he got to the Ravenclaw table, being greeted by his friends. Yoska sat and chatted for a bit, filling his plate with food.
Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, Maeve's interest in her medicine had left for the morning and had been replaced with a sudden urge to plan pranks. So, after settling down in her new seat and watching in disgust as the very in love young couple in the corner snogged each other, Maeve reached into her worn-out, leather shoulder bag and retrieved her pranking notebook and a pencil. This notebook held every prank she had ever planned, going back to her very first year at Hogwarts. And sure, the pages were a little crinkled and some were ripping out of the binding and it smelled slightly of year old, spilled coffee, but that book held her best memories between it's fading green covers.

She turned to the last page she had been using and reread her plan so far, before jotting down another thought, bringing the end of her pencil up to her mouth and absentmindedly chewing on the eraser as she rolled over ideas in her head. And while I certainly don't own any horse dung or a baby pool, I do know where I can get both of those, Maeve turned to peer over her shoulder towards the Gryffindor table with a rare smile on her thin lips. The Weasley twins weren't exactly her friends, but they were always ready and willing to help a fellow prankster in need and they had always been a big fan of Maeve's pranks. Though they weren't nearly as well thought out or elaborate as the twins'. Oh, what she would do to have a mind as deviously brilliant as their's. She'd have to remember to ask them later, probably before Potions or before Care of Magical Creatures.

Just as Maeve turned around to continue planning, the atmosphere changed. The air seemed to get colder and everyone seemed to get quieter. The blue sky that had been peeking through the windows earlier that morning, promising a pleasant early fall day, had been replaced with a dismal grey sky and the glass of the windows itself had began to frost over. Maeve shuddered involuntarily and her sadness seemed to grow ten times larger along with a ball of fear that seemed to be eating up all the space in the bottom of her stomach. I don't know how I'm supposed to deal with this all year, she whined in her head, mentally cursing the dementors who the sudden change of mood was, with no doubt, caused by. She, of course, understand why the school had felt the need to go to such extreme measures to keep it's students safe with someone as infamous as Sirius Black now on the loose, but she wished their need for extreme protective measures had led them in another direction, rather than the direction of black cloaked beasts who sucked the souls out of those they could their deteriorating hands on.
Winnie had not slept well this night even if the warmth of her bedspread and the comforting breathing of her roommates made her feel more drowsy minute by minute. She could not stop to toss and turn as she remembered her father's words about the dementors in Hogwarts. She was definitively frightened even if she was able to cover it in the daytime. Her friends and the stress at school made her forget all the dark things, and she was quite happy for that, because the constant anxiety would drive her crazy. When she woke up this morning, her thoughts had almost vanished yet her lack of sleep had left marks in the form of light circles under her eyes. She showered and slipped into her cozy school uniform, before she followed her roommates into the Great Hall. Winnie had always loved the enchanted ceiling and the lovely smell of the fresh made breakfast. Smiling she sat down at her usual place listening to one of her friend's stories, before she started to cut her french toast into bite-sized pieces. Yet, the alarm bells started ringing in her head as she felt a sudden cold sweeping over her arms. It caused goose bumps and made her gulp with concern. The dementors would accompany the students through this school year, and they did not made her feel secure at all. On the contrary, they made her remember the imminent danger.
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Lucina sighed as she picked at her food sitting on the plate in front of her,slowly getting colder as time kept going.She looked over at the other tables in front of her and she averted her eyes away when some of the other students were staring at her.She started fidgeting for a second before placing her wand on the table and traced her fingers on the edges of her wand,her only protection right now against almost anything and everything.She shuddered as the dementors went around the school on their search for Sirius Black,the escaped prisoner from Azkaban.Lucina had only read a few things about Sirius Black and the dementors but she did know one thing that would keep her alive this year,which was don't get in the dementors way,but she needed to learn the only thing that could actually protect her from any danger against a dementor,the Patronus Charm.Lucina looked up again and she stashed away her wand before getting out her ponytail holder and carefully braiding her hair so that it didn't get in her face during her classes which was about half of her favorite part of the day.The other half was the classes that she didn't get at all whatsoever and was almost always failing so she didn't care too much about them.

"Wait,where is Thalia and Ashley,they should have been in here by now unless they are snogging their boyfriends somewhere in the school."She sighed and looked back up at the ceiling.I wish I had a boyfriend or someone at least trying to date me so that I could feel special.She sighed again and almost banged her head on the Slytherin table as hard she possible could but sadly she didn't.Instead she stared at the table and thought about all of the good things that would happen today like her favorite classes for example.The only one she was a little bit worried about was taking Muggle Studies since Slytherins were supposed to despise muggle-borns or anyone with muggle blood but she could care less right now if some Slytherin came up to her and started ridiculing her for taking the class.
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Alex woke up and stretched. He was tired but really happy to be back. He slowly rose from his four poster bed and dressed in his Ravenclaw robes. He slowly walked to the door and looked out over the common room. There were multiple first years sitting there obviously excited. He sighed and strode swiftly out of the common room and down the stairs and into the hall.

He took a while but he reached the great hall. Striding with a slight swagger and authority although he didn't hold any. He turned a few female heads but instead of ignoring them he flashed a quick smile that would send any heart racing. He sat down at the Ravenclaw table and helped himself to some sausages and eggs. His hair even though he just woke up was immaculate. His teeth still white as a sheet and his eyes full of well.. nothing.... you can't really say much about them except there as dreamy like always.
joey- i got up from my bed i put on my robes i walked into the common room and sat down joey: only a few minuets till we have to go to 1st class
I asked you not to post in this roleplay anymore. so i'm going to tell you now. Don't post in this roleplay anymore, please.
Rohan yawned and stretched as the sunlight filtered into his dorm room. He opened his eyes and glanced around the room, mentally panicking when he didn't see his roommates. He flew out of bed and hurried into his pants, shirt, and robe. He ran almost the whole way to the Great Hall and paused just outside to regain his composure. He straightened his robe and went into the Great Hall and over to the Gryffindor table. He sat at an empty spot at the end and quickly filled his plate. After a moment, he realized everyone was still eating and didn't seem in a hurry to finish. He stopped inhaling his food and sighed quietly, wishing he hadn't gone through his first minutes awake panicking about being late. He looked up at the ceiling and smiled slightly at the beautiful morning the spell portrayed. He glanced down towards the other end of the Gryffindor table and saw the Weasley twins laughing over some joke or prank they had probably just completed. He chuckled quietly as memories of seeing the aftermath of their pranks ran through his head. Suddenly a feeling of intense dread filled him and he felt extremely sad. He glanced around the hall to make sure it wasn't just him when he remembered the Dementors. He recalled reading about the Dementors, courtesy of his mother, and the fact that they stole happy memories. They would have to get far closer to make any lasting impact, but their presence was still unnerving. Soon, the feeling passed away and he returned to eating as he tried to remember what his first class was.
Alex would have happily stayed eating only he saw just outside the great hall, Seventh year Slytherins pushing a first year Hufflepuff. Anger and Hate filled him but he decided to see what happened or see if it would stop, it didn't. Alex sighed and got up he walked swiftly to the doors his robes swishing. He then picked up speed and rammed into one of the boy's. Even though they were older Alex was the stronger one. He quickly rolled over and got up. His hand on his wand ready to fight.

The boy got up angrily How about we bring this outside, a little Ravenclaw like you wouldn't to get no detention" the boy said with a sly grin crossing his face.

"Midnight, edge of the Forbidden forest" Alex said confidently but he wasn't so sure after that as there were many Dementors outside and he didn't want to get on the wrong side of them.

Alex decided walk back up to the Ravenclaw common room. He reached the marble staircase before stopping and realising he had transfiguration, his best subject, but if he was late McGonagall would go crazy on him.
As the hour or so of free time the students got in the morning before class time ticked away minute by minute, more and more students began to emerge from the dorms and make their way to the Great Hall. So, naturally the number of open seats became less and less as the amount of sound being produced from within the hall became more and more. Which made it a lot harder to concentrate on anything really, so Maeve gave up on prank planning so changed her activity to people watching as she her last ten or fifteen minutes before she had to start her long trek down to the dungeons for potions. She liked to leave breakfast a little early to get to class in order to avoid all the traffic and the many many third, second, and first years that seemed to be the majority of the schools population.

At her own house table, the goons, which is what she referred to Draco Malfoy and his rude and rather pig like group of pureblood, Voldemort-ass-kissing friends, were picking on some first years and cracking jokes about the mudbloods and halfbloods that are students at Hogwarts. Their existence irritated her and being in their house irritated her even more. Sometimes she even questioned whether or not the sorting hat put her in the right house or not, because she couldn't possibly see any resemblance between herself and those brutes. She had to look away before she started something she didn't have the time nor the desire to finish.

The table next to hers was Hufflepuff, and she didn't even bother to look there. The majority of Hufflepuff was much to peppy and bubbly for her taste. She, instead, scanned her eyes along the students who sat at the Gryffindor table. The Weasley twins were eyeing a third year rather suspiciously and Maeve knew, beyond a doubt, that they'd probably pranked the poor kid and were awaiting the outcome. She hoped she'd still be in the Great Hall to see. She noticed another ginger haired boy watch the Weasley's and chuckling and made note of his messy bed head he was sporting and began debating whether or not to tell him his robe was on inside out. She shook her head with a slightly amused grin on her face before moving on to watch the happenings at the Ravenclaw table.
Alex sprinted down the hallway his back swinging side to side as he reached the transfiguration class. He knocked the door lightly and stepped in taking a seat at the back. He was hoping McGonagall wouldn't notice but she turned and glared at him.

"Mr.Reeve would you care to explain why you are?" she asked angrily

Alex put on his trademark smile and made his voice slightly deeper "Just slept in a bit Professor" he said. This line would have a good exscuse for a young female teacher but McGonagall was havening none of it.

"Detention Mr.Reeve, Saturday morning and you better hope you don't wake up late" she said.

Alex sighed and slumped in his chair while taking out his notes. He had Quidditch practice Saturday afternoon so he was safe for now but he didn't want to get on McGonagall's bad side again.
(I apologize if this post is short, I'm currently on my phone)

Victor Knight was having a pleasant dream about winning a certain Quidditch match and all the attractive girls from his year immediately falling in love with him after catching the golden snich. His behavior reminded him a bit of his old defence against the dark arts teacher, Gilderoy Lockheart who had tragically lost his memory less than a year ago. Unfortunately, his wonderful dream was interrupted when his roommate threw a pillow at him, immediately waking him up. Victor rubbed his eyes and waited for his roommate to tell him why he had thrown a pillow at him but he had simply left the room, leaving Victor alone. He figured everyone was probably already having breakfast in the great Hall and slowly dressed up in his Slytherin robes and walked out of the Slytherin common room.

Unlike her brother, Heather Knight was already completely awake and ready for the day. She was eating breakfast and talking with two Ravenclaw girls who were in their second year about what to expect to learn during the school year. Her second year had been absolutely horrible and stressful for her and she could remember every single thing about it. During the first two weeks of her sixth year, she had been reminded of her second year more than she liked with everyone terrified of the mass murderer Sirius Black and the dementors roaming Hogwarts for the students 'safety'. She had just finished her eggs when her brother came in looking like he had just woken up. Victor instantly smiled at his twin sister and waved at her before sitting at the Slytherin table.

Victor sat down next to one of his good friends, Maeve who was currently paying attention to the Ravenclaw table and focused his attention to how cold the great Hall was. Dementors were completely horrible and frightening creatures that were not supposed to be close to innocent children, or at least that was what he thought about them. For some reason, his sister thought they were fascinating and interesting, which usually made Victor a bit uncomfortable. After waiting for Maeve to pay attention to him instead of the Ravenclaw table for a minute, he finally tapped her shoulder and began eating cereal with the other hand.

"So" he said while chewing a bit of food. "Care to tell me what's in your mind or are you just gonna stare at everyone for hours?"
Having been completely indulged in her people watching, Maeve hadn't realized that Victor had joined her at the Slytherin table and jumped as he touched her shoulder and his voice came from right beside her. She whipped her head around quickly with a slight gasp before her mind registered that it was just him and nothing to worry about. She furrowed her eyebrows in a not-so-convincing look of irritation. "Don't scare me like that." she mumbled, "You almost gave me a heart attack." And as a side note to try to make her comments sound more rude and annoyed, she added, "And do you care to not talk with food in your mouth or did your mother not teach you any manners?" Her words sounded a little harsh as they fell out of her mouth and reached her ears, so she gently nudged his leg with hers to let him know she didn't mean anything by it.

Recovering from her initial scare, Maeve turned away from the Ravenclaw table and towards Victor to give him in undivided attention. You see, Maeve could be rather rude and grouchy with Victor sometimes, or a lot of the time, but she really did enjoy his company. Seeing as he was her only friend and all, she honestly didn't know what she'd do without him. And he was the only person willing to put up with her prickly personality long enough to actually get to know the sides of her that aren't all that prickly. She gave him a slight smile to show him she wasn't actually all that irritated with him and propped her head up on her hands as she leaned her elbows against the table and watched him enjoy her cereal, though her food still sat mostly untouched before her. "Well, I had been planning pranks but then the dementors ruined my jolly mood, so..." she trailed off, tucking her hair back into place behind her ear, seeing as it had fallen in front of her face once again. "You woke up quite late. Again. I'm going to be leaving for Potions before you're even done with your food." she teased, poking his shoulder playfully.
Winnie sat at the side of her friends cheerfully having her breakfast and joking with a classmate, as the ginger haired boy joined the Gryffindor table. She had decided to ignore the goosebumps and cold steady presence of the dementors. She would not let them ruin her day. Her head turned at the sound of the creaking wood, and she noticed a familiar face. The korean girl shared a couple of classes with Rohan as they were in the same year. She knew him as a rather silent yet likeable classmate and thought of him as a kind person. When she saw the temporal change in his facial expression, she felt immediately sorry for him. "Just try to ignore it", she whispered in an encouraging way. "Everyone tries to do it. Well, it still sucks, but I hope that we will get used to it somehow." She shrugged with her shoulders doubtfully as she knew that it was nearly impossible to escape the dread when one of the monsters had decided to stick to your soul. "I also heard of a spell that could banish those beasts," she started to babble away. "I guess it was called Expecto? No, Expecto ... Ah, what was it again?"
Noticing Maeve was annoyed when he spoke while eating, Victor shoved more food in his mouth just to make her mad. Yes, he wasnt the best friend in the entire world and his attitude often gave him trouble but he simply couldn't resist being a pain to Maeve. "Actually, Mr. Azkaban was the one who taught me everything I know about manners so you know where I got my behavior from." Victor replied and wiped his mouth with the napking. Ever since his father had been sent to Azkaban, he had referred to him as 'Mr. Azkaban' or other nicknames. It was aagreement between Victor and Heather. They could call their father anything but father or anything that implied their relationship with the man. They wouldn't admit it but the scariest thing about Black's escape, apart from the dementors roaming around the school, was the possibility of their father escaping the prision.

After the two girls finally left her alone, Heather looked around the Ravenclaw table for someone to talk to. She didn't want to start a conversation with a complete stranger but being alone without a book to distract herself was too boring for her. She spotted her older friend, Yoska who was not very far from her and quickly sat down next to him before anyone could take the spot. She didn't particularly enjoy staring conversations, even with her friends and brother, but at least it wasn't as awkward as it was then they met each other. "Hey Yoska, how are you toda-" she couldn't finish the sentence because of another chill running down her spine, courtesy from the dementors. "I hate those creatures" she muttered. "They are going to drive me mad until I go looking for Sirius Black myself!" She teased. As much as she hated dementors, she knew she would never get close to one voluntarily even if she could perform the patronus charm. Those monsters terrified her and were the main reason she had started having nightmares after she arrived to Hogwarts. Her father was probably going mad after being surrounded by them for so many years.

Victor chuckled when Meave teased him about leaving to potions without him. "Please, I could finish my cereal in less than five minutes and you know it." To prove this, he began eating as fast as possible until the cereal was gone in just two minutes. "Ah" he paused to wipe his mouth before he continued talking. "Another prank? Who's gonna be the victim this time? A Hufflepuff or a Slytherin future death eater? I'll help you as long as its not my sister or a member of the Quidditch team" he said rubbing his hands.
"Victor!" Maeve exclaimed as he began shoveling his cereal into his mouth at a speed that no one should eat their food, but she was laughing all the same. She shook her head at him lightheartedly but clicked her tongue at him mockingly, "Tsk, tsk, tsk. You really need to hire someone to teach you proper manners. At least you didn't talk with your mouthful this time. Improvement!" When he acted silly like this Victor reminded her of her late brother, Alexander. Maybe that's what her drew her to him during their first year. Well, whatever the reason had been, they had clicked almost immediately and hadn't stopped being friends since. Except for when they have the occasional fight, but even that never lasted long.

"Oh, come on. Don't tell me that you wouldn't just love to see me pull a prank on Draco Malfoy. There's some people on the Quidditch team that I am just itching to prank." Maeve let her eyes wander past Victor's head and down the table to where Draco was chattering and laughing with the rest of his gang of impish croons and scrunched his nose slightly in distaste before bringing her attention back to Victor. She shrugged, grabbing her orange juice that was now room temperature and taking a small sip of it finally before speaking again, "But, unfortunately but lucky for you, it's neither your sister or any member of the Quidditch team. I can't decide if I want to use this one on some older Gryffindors or some Slytherin first years. It's always a blast getting the Gryffindors all angry and grumpy. But first year Slytherins are more likely to cry, which is just as fun. So, it's a tough decision. What do you think?" She down her glass of orange juice and glanced up at him with one eyebrow raised questioningly.
Alex finished the lesson quickly as he only had a short amount of work. He was annoyed at bagging himself a detention but he walked on. His bag slung over one shoulder busting with school work. He ran a hand through his hair and straightened his posture. He walked with new found air of coolness as he walked down the marble stairs to where he had pushed the older Slytherin earlier. He stopped just short of the Great hall. He couldn't face walking in and facing the angry crowd of Slytherin seventh years so he turned back but dropped his bag which rolled towards the door. He sighed and picked it up jogging up the marble staircase. His mind was in a completely different world and he ignored Filch shooing him back from a spillage. Alex finally came back to reality as his foot slammed into the water causing his foot and the inside of his shoe wet. He cursed under he breath and finally made his way up to the common room. He seen I sign for the next hogsmeade trip and made a mental note to get a parents signature.

He walked up stairs and decided to grab his broom: Nimbus 2000 and walk out of the common room. He hadn't gotten in any training but this wasn't official so the rest of the team wouldn't be there although there would be people in the stands either reading, studying or just having fun. Alex jogged down towards the stadium and entered the changing room. He quickly pulled on his robes and carried out a box that had bludgers in it. He kicked the box and it opened, releasing one bludger.

He ran and jumped onto his broom effortlessly and flew through the air enjoying the breeze batting against his face. He then flew towards the ground and grabbed his bat. It had been awhile since he'd been out on his broom but it felt good.

Alex batted the bludger towards the post as if they were a player. He continued hitting the bludger as it came towards it. His aim was brilliant and he was easily one of the best beaters in the school well apart from the weasley twins of course.
Victor glanced at the other side of the Slytherin table where Draco Malfoy and his pack of brainless followers and chuckled. "I won't deny that I hate that kid but I love his father's money. Do you really think I would've gotten a Nimbus 2001 from my family? We should definitely prank Gryffindors, I can't believe they've won so many times against us during the last three years!" He exclaimed, hitting the table with his fist and receiving a few confused looks from some Slytherins, he winked at some of the girls and they all returned to their conversations a few seconds later. He remembered what Maeve had said about his manners and rolled his eyes. "I've lived with Heather for sixteen years, I think I've endured enough manners for a lifetime, besides, you wouldn't want to change me would you?" He teased as he began getting up. "Speaking about unnecessary lessons, let's go to potions before Snape kills us for being one second late to class"
Maeve rolled her eyes as Victor winked rather flirtatiously at the Slytherin girls who his fist-banging protests had disturbed. Leave to Victor to take time to give his adoring fans what they want. Maeve honestly had no clue how Victor didn't have drooling, horomonally raging girls hanging off of him every second of the day with the rate at which girls developed crushes for him. She supposed it probably wasn't too difficult: Victor was charming and funny and not too shabby in the look department. But unlike other girls, she also knew that Victor could be quite boy like with all the characteristics of boys that girls aren't necessarily fans of. Like extensive flirting and horrible manners.

"Yeah, let's leave before you break some poor girls heart." Maeve joked, with only a slight hint of seriousness in her voice. "But, really, let's go." She stood up from the table and adjusted her bag on her shoulder before brushing herself off and stretching a bit. Ignoring the looks of jealousy from the girls around her as she flashed a quirky grin at Victor. If only they knew all the shennigans that came with being close to him, then they wouldn't be so green with envy. And maybe they wouldn't bat their eyelashes and all but throw themselves at his feet.
(Ignore all my last posts)

Alex woke with a groan. He slowly rose his head and looked around. Every other four poster bed in the room was neatly folded and untouched as if no had even slept on them last night. He pulled the duvet off himself and stood up. He grunted and rubbed his eyes blinking a few times to adjust to the light. Alex yawned and stretched, quickly getting dressed as he didn't want to miss breakfast. He straightened himself up and walked out of the 'bedroom' and down the steps entering the Ravenclaw common room. He walked with a slight swagger and a look on his face that clearly meant: I'm better than you

He stepped out of the common room his pristine robes swishing behind him. Alex was by far a goody-two-shoes but he took pride in his appearance. He ran a hand through his hair and walked down the steps. He made his way towards

the Great Hall and got there a few minute later. He smiled at a few of the seventh year Ravenclaw girls sending them blushing. He really had no interest in them but it was obvious they liked him.

He walked into the Great hall with his usual swagger and made his way towards the Ravenclaw table. He sat down and grinned at a few of his friends who were joking around. He quickly took some sausages and eggs and put them on his plate. He hadn't eaten the previous evening so he was pretty hungry. He looked around at his friends but decided to keep out of what they were doing preferring to eat in silence.
Lucina watched as her her owl came in before she had to leave to avoid the mass of others students to go to her classes and she sat back down after she had stood up a few seconds ago.She took the letter out of her owl's beak and nuzzled back at her owl when Athena did and Lucina grabbed a treat out of her bag and she fed it to her owl before it gave her an affectionate nip and flying off back to the owlery.She opened the letter and pulled out a small green and silver bracelet and matching pair of earrings and she put them on while she read the letter from her parents.Once she was done with it she stuffed it into her books and sighed before laying her head on the table.Her parents never saw eye to eye with Lucina over her house and they still didn't but she could honestly care less anymore and the jewelry was a way for them to try and get her to like them again but it didn't work.

She sighed again and stood up,trying to find Janus out of the crowd of students and she couldn't concentrate with Draco and his stupid friends talking about muggle-borns in a way that she would never repeat as long as she lived.She growled a little and she shook her head in disbelief before looking around again for Janus,they had about the same classes and they were both in Potions club but like with every other Slytherin,she couldn't see eye to eye about wizards with muggle blood in them.She almost gave up her search and she gathered up her things before having a quick conversation with one of the Slytherin boy in her year and she almost left when he started shamelessly flirting with her.He thinks I'm going to fall for his stupid tricks,he doesn't actually love anyone except for himself,not like he could keep a girlfriend anyways for more than a week that stupid boy Matt.
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