Hogwart's Next Generation.

Alaska smiled, climbing up the side of the Carriage and taking a seat next to Albus and Tarron.

"If you ask Hagrid, he'll tell you where they graze. You can visit them on off times, I'll take you id you'd like." She said, holding her cat close to her chest.

"That would be awesome!" Albus said, his owl finally coming back to greet him.

"I'm up. Maybe we can ride our brooms out there." Scorpius insisted, running a hand along Moody's back.

"How about you Tarron? Trust your sisters out there?"
(We don't have any first year characters. We could just pretend it happened.)

Sky nodded eagerly.

Michael nodded. "Yeah," he said.

"Oh," Phillip smiled. "That's right. It's your third year. Hogsmeade is pretty fun."
"Rosie wouldn't hurt a fly, but Gwen...She'd probably burn the place down, " Tarron joked.

Rosie pouted, taking her seat next to Scorpius and setting Basil down beside her. Why does her brother always have to say stuff like that? It made her upset, but she never told him. Instead, she turned her attention to Moody. "I love your ferret, Scorp."

"I can't wait to check on Hog's Head. Perfect place to spy on people." Gwen smiled as she imagined the stories she'd hear in the dark tavern.
"Maybe we could check it out together then? You could describe how it looks to me. Rosie's too scared to go near the place and Tarron will be at Zonko's." Gwen suggested, not realizing it could be considered a date.
"Gota point." Albus snickered, taking glances up to Scorpius and Rosie.

"thanks. Do you wanna hold him?" He offered, holding Moody out for her to pick up.

"From the sounds of it, I think Gwen would have a blast." Alaska said, putting Flusternen's back as they approached the Castle.
She eagerly took the animal, petting and snuggling him. "Oh he's so cute! But as they say, the pet matches the owner right?" Rosie giggled, innocently oblivious to the fact that she was flirting with him.

Tarron followed Albus's glances and gave Sorpius a warning look before grinning at Alaska. "I'll invite her. How about you take us there after classes tomorrow?"

"Cool, well,looks like we're here. " Gwen commented as the carriage stopped.
Gwen carefully climbed down the stairs, using Michael's hand as extra balance, and started walking up to the castle. "Thanks. What electives did you guys pick for this year?"
Sky thought for a moment. "I'm doing the orchestra again. I decided on Care for Magical Creatures, Runes, and Divination," she said.

Michael smiled, coming down behind her. "Phillip and I are both taking Care for Magical Creatures, Arthimacy, and Muggle Studies."

Phillip was the last one out, his rat on his shoulder. "I'm thinking of doing Quidditch again this year as well."
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(As a note, they do have to choose three from-Care of Magical Creatures, Divination, Runes, Arthimacy, and Muggles Studies. and Quidditch isn't a class. If you want to do music, have her join the orchestra or choir. Not trying to be dictating her, just trying to keep it close to the book ^^)
"Hey, I'm taking Muggle and Rune too, along with Arithmancy. And I plan on keeping my spot as Keeper for Ravenclaw in Quidditch as well. " Gwen smirked a bit.
"That's for sure. My sister wants to try out for the snakes' seeker but she'd probably fall off and break something. And my brother has such a big head, Gryffindor is no match for us." Gwen stated matter-of-factly.
Phillip smirked. "Ravenclaw will surely dominate."

Sky smiled. She wouldn't be trying out for Quidditch but she could agree that her house's team wasn't that good.
"sounds great. I have quidditch practice though, so I'll have to meet you after in someone's common room." Alaska said, smiling at Tarron.

Scorpius blushed at the compliment, but shrunk down in his seat then Tarron looked at him. He knew playing his freind's sisters wouldn't be a good life choice, because then he might lose his life. "Uh, thanks."

Albus smiled at Rosie, but then took his gaze right back down to his bird, preening a few of it's feathers.
Rosie handed him back to Scorpius as the carriage stopped. She picked Basil back up and waited patiently for the people to get out, smiling happily to herself.

He smirked when Scorp cowered. Smart boy, he thought. He turned back to Alaska, "That's fine we can meet up at the Fat Lady's Portrait in Gryffindor Tower." He exited the carriage, holding a hand to help her down.  
"It's better to be sure of yourself than unsure. " Gwen commented, walking into the castle and through the Great Hall doors, finding a spot at her House table.
Michael sat next to her at the House table.

Phillip quickly stuffed his rat in his pocket, sitting down across from Gwen and Michael.

Sky split off from them, taking a seat at the Gryffindor table.

Jaycee slipped into a seat at the Slytherin table.
"Hey guys, do me a favor?" Gwen asked them before continuing without an answer. "Let me know when a red head girl with a yellow pygmy puff walks in please."(ayezombie and I are a bit behind so just trying to fill it in before the Headmistress talks and I'm skipping the sorting unless anyone has any underclassmen. Also unless you guys want to create and play the DADA teacher then I will)

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