Hogwart's Next Generation.

"Okay." Alaska said, taking his hand as she got down. With a swish of her wand and a Leviosa charm, luggage was carrying behind her. "Did you all learn Leviosa yet? It would be alot easier to do this than carry everything." She suggested, her cat jumping up onto her trunk and riding as she walked. She smiled back to Rosie, linking their arms. "Let's find your sister, shall we?"

Albus and Scorpius both hopped off, shyly following Alaska's advice. Scorpius peered at Alaska for a moment, but shook his head, decided to not to gallivanting after a fifth year. It could ruin his reputation, and he could only hope that Potter knew the same.
Rose giggled, walking into the castle arm in arm with her new friend. " She'd be at Ravenclaw table, let's just go find seats at ours. You want to join us Scorpie?" Rosie peered back at him and caught him looking at Alaska. Her smile dropped a bit but she forced it back up, not going to let him know she was a bit hurt and maybe even jealous.

Tarron rolled his eyes, heading towards the Gryffindor table. "Scorpie? Scorpie? Goodness it's like she fancies him...." He looked wide eyed at Albus, making sure Scorpius couldn't hear him, "You don't think....Do you?"
"Good, then my job is done. Now we wait for the sorting to get done." Gwen said, resting her head in her hand.
"I wouldn't be surprised at all. The real question is do they have big brother's blessing?" Albus smirked, his owl flying ahead of them twords the castle.

"I've got to get to my table for the wonderful dinner. I'll catch you too Lions later." Scorpius said, hiding Moody back into his chest pocket. Walking to the table, he held a seat for Rosie when she got back.

"You go sit with Malfoy, I'll fill your sister in on our plans and invite her to come since she'll be at my table. Which one is she?" Alaska asked, her cat slipping up into the Ravenclaw tower. She presumed she could show Gwen the passages around into the different common rooms that only upper class men knew, though she might have to make her swear to only share the secret with her sister.
Rosie blushed and pointed at Gwen over in the Ravenclaw table, "She's blind so try not to sneak up on her." She made her way to the Slytherin table and blushed when Scorp had saved her a seat. "Thanks," She beemed, sitting next to him.

He looked over at the two lovebirds in question before smirking, "Yes, but don't let him know that. It'll be fun to mess with him." Tarron sat down next to a girl Lion he didn't know and winked at her. "I don't believe we've met. Tarron, famous Gryffindor Beater." He flirted in a hushed voice as the sorting started.
Sky laughed softly. "We haven't," she smiled. "But I've heard of you. I didn't hear the famous part however? When did that develop?"

Jaycee looked over. "Hello," she smiled at the two that had sat themselves down.
"Really? You haven't? Not even my famous pixie prank of last year?" He asked in mock astonishment.

Rosie, still blushing, smiled at the girl who adressed her and Scorp. "Hi,"

"Scorpie-poo!" Squealed nonother than Daisy Zabini, the very copy of her mother, Pansy, as she took the seat on the other side of Scorp. She gave him a hug, sending Rosie a glare. (Might post a char sheet of her later tonight ^^)
"That was you?" Sky smiled. "I never knew the two were possibly connected."

"You must be Rosie," Jaycee smiled. "I ran into your sister on the train."
"Oh they were, who else would come up with such a genius plan?" Tarron boasted, before gesturing to Albus, "This is Albus Potter, my right-hand man."

"Yupp, that's me, "Rosie replied while giving Daisy a side-glare. Her usual chirpiness was gone with Daisy's entrance.
"Gotcha. I'll see you later, Dear!" She said,walking over to the raven claw table. She sat in one of the empty seats infront of Gwen, and introduced herself.

"Hi, I'm sorry if I startled you. My name's Alaska, a friend of your brother and sister's, also keeper for Ravenclaw's quidditch team."

Scorpius cringed up when she hugged him, looking pleadingly to Rosie. It's not that he didn't like her, it's just that she was very.... attached. "Hello Daisey. Uh- How're you?" He asked, shrugging her off.

"Alright. I won't." Albus said, sitting down next to Tarron, but his attention wasn't on the other Lion girl, it was currently preoccupied by Gwen. Even though she couldn't see, Albus thought she was a particularly pretty girl. She was fun to be around too, and her pranks were just the best. Though his attention was soon adressed to Tarron's cockyness.

"Oh don't pay much mind to him. I'm Albus, the much more talented Gryffindor seeker."
"Hello," Sky smiled, almost silently. "Well it's wonderful to meet you both."

Jaycee noticed the tension between the two and leaned back in her chair.
ayezombie said:
"Gotcha. I'll see you later, Dear!" She said,walking over to the raven claw table. She sat in one of the empty seats infront of Gwen, and introduced herself.
"Hi, I'm sorry if I startled you. My name's Alaska, a friend of your brother and sister's, also keeper for Ravenclaw's quidditch team."

Scorpius cringed up when she hugged him, looking pleadingly to Rosie. It's not that he didn't like her, it's just that she was very.... attached. "Hello Daisey. Uh- How're you?" He asked, shrugging her off.

"Alright. I won't." Albus said, sitting down next to Tarron, but his attention wasn't on the other Lion girl, it was currently preoccupied by Gwen. Even though she couldn't see, Albus thought she was a particularly pretty girl. She was fun to be around too, and her pranks were just the best. Though his attention was soon adressed to Tarron's cockyness.

"Oh don't pay much mind to him. I'm Albus, the much more talented Gryffindor seeker."
(Didn't notice this before...I'll change Gwen into a Chaser since there can't be two Keepers ^^) "Hey, I'm Gwen, a Chaser." Gwen nodded politely. She felt eyes on her and glanced around, but sighed from not being able to see anything and shrugged it off.
Rosie avoided his gaze so he couldn't see the hurt written on her face. He doesn't even like her anyway so she shouldn't bother him.

"So boring without you! I've missed you! How have you been?"

"In your dreams, "Tarron smirked at Albus before giving Sky a mock pitying look, "He's delusional from jealousy sadly."

"You as well." Albus said, standing briefly for a bow before taking his place again.

"Tarron, you'd belong in Saint Mungos to even believe that." He smirked, rolling his eyes.

"Good. I- uh- made some new friends." Scorp glanced back over at Alaska, before resting his hand on the table by Rosies. "Shouldn't you be over with your friends? Uh- Rosie, her friend and I were just talking about some plans we had. So it wouldn't be much fun of a conversation for you." He said, just wanting Daisey to leave. He knew she would prolong her stay as long as possible though, no matter how many signals he gave her.

"Awesome. I'd long to practice with you sometime. But hey, I was going to take you sister and everyone tomorrow after a while on the pitch to go see Thestrals. I wanted to know if you'd like to come along. I figured you'd have a good time, plus it would give me an excuse to give a prankster in training some heads up on tunnels into the other common rooms." She said, shuffling a little in her seat.
"I'm up for anything as long as Phillip and Michael can tag along."

"No you should be there for liking my other sister, " He teased. Tarron didn't know why he tried to hide it, it's so obvious.

"Aw, but I wanted to talk to you. Maybe we can go to the Three Broomsticks on our first visit to talk, and maybe share a butterbeer?" Daisy asked him hopefully.

Rosie wanted to bang her head on the table when she heard Daisy obviously ask him out. She repressed the urge and instead watched the sorting finish up.
"Awesome. I'll show you the passages tonight, but you have to keep the lot of them a secret. You can show your sister, but other than that don't tell anyone the secret about how to get around in the tunnels, anyone can find them but only few can navigate it." She said with a chirp in her voice. She was happy to have Gwen coming along with her.

"Oh shut up! I do not like her!" Albus hissed, his eyes shooting a glare to Tarron. He really had hoped he wouldn't mention it, and would atleast wait until they go to the dormitory.

"I was actually about to ask Rosie to go with me." he blurted out, biting his tongue the moment it slipped. He knew Daisey would have it out for her now, but with any luck she wouldn't be as cruel as his mother was according to the stories he'd heard. He quickly moved his hand closer to Rose's, their finger tips touching but he was too scared to actually hold it.
"And what could he possibly be jealous of?" Sky asked, a bit confused.

Jaycee almost laughed at the pathetic girl.
(At least I know now xD ) Rosie looked up at Jaycee pleadingly to start a conversation up with her. She hated this.

"My dashing good looks of course, " Tarron replied with a wink and a grin.
"Yeah!" Jaycee suddenly spoke up. "We have big plans. Only room for three though. Sorry, try again next time."

"Of course," Sky laughed.

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