Hogwart's Next Generation.

Gwen nodded, hopping on the broom and flying up to their dorm. She didn't say a word while she dressed in pajamas and crawled into bed. "Night eagles." She said in the quiet room before closing her sightless eyes and drifting off to her dreams.
"Guess you're right. Well firsties, have a good night's rest and have fun at your classes tomorrow." Albus said, flying out of the common room and up the narrow dormitory, belting out the lyrics to the Gryffindor rally song as he went.

Scorpius returned to the dormitory, spending the time until he fell asleep chatting about summer and this year's quidditch season with a couple of the others.

"Well I've got a good feeling you'll both do amazing. I'll see you guys at the pitch tomorrow, then"
Tarron followed Albus, singing horribly off key. Once at the doors, he wasted no time in jumping on his bed, robes and all, and pulling the covers around him. He rolled around so much that by morning, he was wrapped up like a sushi roll.
Sky heard Albus singing and laughed softly to herself. She finally fell asleep.

Jaycee stayed awake most of the night, maybe getting an hour or two of sleep. She could feel the tug of the moon and worried for the days ahead.
((Okay guys, let's start the morning off with people waking up in their houses ^^ Vega I'll tag you when we get to the Great Hall that way you can have Heads hand out schedules sound good?))

Rosie woke up in a damp sweat and tears stained on her cheeks. She sighed when she realized it was all just a nightmare. Horrible. It wasn't likely that she'd be able to sleep another hour (I'm saying it's six okay?) she started getting ready, showering and dressing in her robes, before going down to sit in the window seat overlooking the Black Lake.

Tarron woke up at six am. Not because he wanted to, oh no he would still be sleeping usually, but because of the loud sizzling fireworks exploding in the robes he fell asleep in. With a scream, he scrambled to get himself out of his cocoon of covers only to fall on the ground, the fireworks escaping his pocket and lighting up the dorm. "I'm going to kill my sister!!"

Gwen started laughing in her bed as she sensed her pyrotechnics detonate. "He's going to be furious!" She whooped, forgetting she was in the dorm and not in her room at home.
Sky could hear the fireworks from her dorm as they woke her up out of a dead sleep. She let out a sigh, getting up. She supposed she would have to take a shower since she had been too tired that night. That meant walking around all day with webbed fingers, a side of her she had preferred to keep hidden from others.

Jaycee had been awake since around five and had just sat in bed. She finally got up when she heard others start to stir. She took a quick shower and braided her hair. She put on a small amount of makeup, just some eyeliner and eye shadow to hide the bags under her eyes, before going to the common room.

Michael woke up, always the early riser. He threw a pillow at Phillip before going to shower. He finished up quickly and went back to feed Eldridge.

Phillip cursed under his breath as a flying pillow woke him up. He got up, glaring at his brother, before going down to the commons, having showered the night before.
Gwen decided to get ready before the other woke up and yelled at her for cheering. With a huge grin she walked down to the common room a in new robes and a messenger bag strapped over her left shoulder and across her chest.

Rosie heard Jaycee enter and waved at her, noticing she looked just as tired as Rosie felt. "No sleep either huh?"
Jaycee nodded, glad she wasn't the only one with a sleepless night. "Almost none at all," she smiled, sitting down next to her.

Michael came down soon enough. "Good morning, Gwen," he smiled. He had put on his fresh, new robes but he was still using his ratty old bag he had used since his first year.
"Morning, Michael. How'd you sleep?" Gwen asked while taking a seat in an armchair to wait for a few others to get up before going to the Great Hall.

"Maybe it'll get better..." Rosie didn't think it would so her voice faded. She looked out the window in time to wave to the giant squid. "Why couldn't you sleep?"
"Just a little uneasy," Jaycee lied, sitting down.

"Pretty well," Michael nodded, sitting down with Eldridge on his lap.
Alaska woke up groggily, throwing on a pair of ripped up jeans and a tank top she'd of gotten yelled at for anywhere else due to the pentagram+owl design. She lurched out into the common room, her wand sticking from her back pocket along with the ear phones that hung from her ears, blaring Blacklist- by BMTH. "Hey guys." She mumbled, falling into a chair and yawning.

Scorpius walked down stairs, his white button up shirt still open and his belt undone. As he walked twords the fire place, he tightened and locked his belt, forgetting about his shirt as she started up a fire in the pit.

"Morning everyone." He said, using a comb from his back pocket to slick back his stark white hair.

Albus rolled out of bed, hitting his back hard on the floor. Groaning he finally managed to get himself dressed and downstairs into the common room where he simply fell asleep on the couch again, hair messy and mouth hanging open.
Sky yearned for the water and spent a bit more time than she should have in the shower. When she came out her eyes where a bit glossy and her fingers were completely webbed. She frowned, pulling on a gray sweater under her robes to pull over her hands. There was a slight blue tinge to her skin. She slipped up to the dorms to get her sketchbook and bag. 
"Good morning," Jaycee said softly.

Phillip came down after her, pillow in hand. He threw it at Michael's head, hitting the cat instead.
"Heya, Alaska." Gwen smirked. "Morning Phillip."

Rosie caught sight of Scorpius and her face went scarlet. Right as she was about to comment on his appearance, Daisy's warning flashed in her mind and she said nothing, pulling her knees up to her chest and trying to avoid him all together. "Sorry to hear that, Jaycee," Rosie replied quietly.

Tarron FINALLY untangled himself from his blankets and stormed downstairs poking Albus in the ribs. "Help me devise a prank on Gwen." He ordered, smoothing out his wrinkled and singed robes.
Jaycee frowned at Rosie. Was she okay? She glanced at Scorpius before shrugging.

Sky made her way downstairs hesitantly. She saw Albus and Tarron in the common room, carefully sitting in the armchair across from them.

Michael glared at Phillip. "You hurt my cat," he frowned, throwing the pillow back before going to make sure Eldridge was alright.

"Good morning," Phillip laughed.
Scorpius smiled at Rosie, and buttoned up his shirt before walking over to her and Jaycee.

"Hey, excited for the Thestrals?" he asked, placing his comb back into his pocket and tucking his wand into his inner chest pocket.

"Ugh, so much to do today." She groaned, curling up into a ball and laying down on her side.

Albus took out his wand and pinned Tarron to the floor, sticking it into his neck before realizing it was only him. Once he did, Albus stood up and held out a hand for his freind.

"Sorry dude, You know I'm not good with being woken up from a dream. But what about a prank?" He asked, putting his wand back away.
Tarron laughed as he took his outstretched hand and got up, "We are pranking my sister. Come on Sky, let's go down to the Hall." He led the way out of the portrait and started heading to breakfast.

Gwen grabbed her by the arm chuckling and pulled Alaska up while rolling her eyes at the brothers. "Come on, let's get some food." She walked out of the common room and started towards breakfast.

Rosie didn't answer as she noticed Daisy coming from the girls' dorms. Instead she hid her face in her knees, not being able to look at Scorpius and keep last nights events from him. She hoped Jaycee would answer for her.
Jaycee put on a small smile. "We're super excited," she said. "Just a bit tired is all."

Michael nodded, patting his cat's head before following down.

Phillip grabbed his bag before following them down.

"Okay," Sky shrugged, following him down.
(Vega Ravenclaws are down and Gryffindors will be down, just waiting on the Slytherins ^^ and guys you really should check out her character sheets they are awesome!) Gwen took a seat at the Ravenclaw table. "Let me know when a certain Tarron Paret walks in please."
(I read them earlier. They're amazing!)

Alaska walked down with Gwen, resting her head on the table and falling back asleep as ususal. Some of the other Ravenclaws just rolled their eyes at her, while some of the boys make snide remarks about how much she slept.

Alright, alright." He sighed, following Tarron down to the halls.

"Awesome. Well I'm going to get headed down to the great hall. I'll see you guys down there." He smiled, bowing to the pair before making his was down stairs, eventually catching up with Albus and Tarron.
(So did I, very detailed.)

(ayezombie, don't forget Sky is with them as well.)

Jaycee waved goodbye before getting up.
Tarron walked into the great hall as Scorp caught up with them. He immediately glared at him. "So...You and Rosie."

Rosie sighed, standing up from the window seat. "We better go..." With her head down, Rosie walked slowly and quietly to the Great Hall, finding her a spot well away from Daisy.

"Who just walked in?" Gwen asked the only friends of hers still awake.
Michael looked up. "Sky with two other Lion boys."

Sky chose a seat at the table, going ahead of them a little.

Jaycee nodded, following her down. She took the only other empty seat near Rosie so Daisy couldn't squeeze in. "So what's that girl's problem?" she asked.

"Uhhh." Scorpius went quiet at the mention of it, feeling the red creep up his neck and into his face.

"I swear nothing happened." He said, half heartedly hoping that he'd just drop the subject. Scorpius did really really like her, just he was scared that Tarron would go papa bear on him.

Albus ran up ahead to Sky and sat next to her, leaving the to behind. "Tarron's giving Scorp the 'That's my sister dude' talk" He said, supressing a few more laughs.

Alaska half woke up, groaning abit. "Is the food out yet?"

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