Hogwart's Next Generation.

Gwen thought about that. "Bit by bit....Which mean I lose more sleep." She groaned and banged her head on the table. "I don't want to get up any earlier."

"Uh, no. I don't think you did." Tarron countered with a smirk. He looked at Sky and raised his eyebrows. "What do you think, Sky?"

Rosie squeezed her boyfriend's hand gently, giving him a comforting smile and a peck on the cheek before listening to Jaycee's reply. She wanted to let both of them know that even if she isn't a werewolf, they aren't in this by themselves.
Jaycee looked at Scorpius. "The change itself is painful. Very painful. It takes a few months to get used to the new body. The bones and muscles are different."

Michael laughed softly. "It'll be so worth it though. We'll just go to bed earlier, pretend we ate some bad fish or something."

Sky thought for a minute. "It was pretty close," she said. "But I think Tarron won but a split second."
Scorpius nodded silently, looking down breifly.

"Understandable. Is it quick or... a drawn out process?"

"Yeah. They usually don't even mind what time we go to bed as long as we aren't missing classes. So just eat really fast, then go to bed and be the first to wake up. Not too bad." Alaska smiled, glancing up to Michael briefly.

"He started before me though!" Albus groaned, shoving another piece of toast into his mouth.
Rosie didn't like this topic much anymore but she wasn't going to stop those two from conversing. Instead she turned her attention to her food.

Gwen smirked up at them, "Brilliant plan." She paused a bit, tilting her head to the side. After a few moments, her smirk returned, "So, it's a plan. I can't wait to see..er..Well, hear everyone's shock." Gwen chuckled a bit.

"DId not!" Tarron exclaimed as he puffed up his chest proudly. "Tarron Paret doesn't cheat. Unlike someone who charmed my broom last year in our race!"
"It's quick," Jaycee promised, taking a sip of her orange juice.

"We'll describe it in great detail!" Michael laughed.

Sky laughed, shaking her head.

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