Hogwart's Next Generation.

"Yes oh my gallifrey yes." Alaska groaned, grabbing Gwen's hand to lead her to the great hall. Alaska was starving out of her mind since she hadn't gotten dinner last night.

"Yes ma'am." Scorpius said, gulping it all down. the taste was a horrible mixture between sour beats and bitter goo. Choking it back he chased it down with water. After he cleaned himself up, Scorpius held his hand out to Rosie's.

"May I have the pleasure of you as my escort?
"So, Michael, Alaska, that fire comment gave me an idea for a prank on your brother, dear Mikie." Gwyneth smirked as they sat at the Ravenclaw table.

Tarron waggled his eyebrows at the two lovebirds before leading Sky out and to the Great Hall, taking a seat next to Albus. "You missed it mate."

With a giggle and a blush, Rosie took Scorpius's hand and strolled to the Great Hall. Besides what had happened yesterday, she found herself strangely happy. A little bit of her felt guilty about feeling so upbeat when Scorpius was now a werwolf and Hogwart's has been attacked, but she couldn't help herself, she had to smile.
Michael sat down across from her, smiling. "Sounds interesting," he said.

Sky sat across from the two. 
(Anyone still on?)
Rosie, Tarron, and Gwen all were seated at their respective tables, their conversations interrupted as their attention was turned to the Head Mistress.

Minerva looked out at the students from the head of the staff table and spoke in a clear, confident voice. "As many of you heard, Hogwarts was attacked yesterday evening. At the end of the Second Wizarding War, the Hogwart's faculty had hoped that peace would remain longer than it has, but I assure you that the defences are up and you will remain safe as long as you follow the new rules put in place. No one, student or teacher, is allowed outside of the school after sunset unless on specific orders by me or the Minister. Curfew will be ten for all years. I have debated on whether or not to cancel Hogmseade, but the trip will remain this weekend. Aurors will be patroling the streets to make sure everyone is well protected. Now, as you may have heard, a student was bitten during the attack. The name shall be confidential and the student has been allowed to remain at Hogwarts. Precautions are being made and put into place for your own saftey so please follow them and focus yourself on your studies." Minerva returned to her seat and began to eat as the food appeared before her and the sudents. AlleyKat666 ayezombie
Sky listened intently, happy to hear that Hogsmeade wouldn't be canceled. She put a couple pieces of toast and some eggs on her plate.

Michael smiled as the food appeared. "At least we have something to look forward to."
Alaska raised her eyebrow to the Headmistress, then looked back to Gwen.

"Please do tell."

"Explain what on earth happened yesterday! I've heard so many stories I don't know what to be true, is everyone alright?" Albus asked hurriedly, nearly shaking with worry.

"Are you alright Jaycee?" Scorpius asked once Minerva had stopped speaking. At the mention on a bite, nearly anyone within eyesight darted their eyes twords him or began whispering. He hated the attention, but it was much better than losing his arm. So beggars couldn't be choosers.
"Let's set the common room on fire." Gwen grinned, planning it all out in her head.

"Everyone is fine, but," Tarron lowered his voice, "Malfoy got bit."

Rosie shot anyone who stared longer than three seconds a glare that would make flowers wilt. She put her arms around Scorpius in a protective manner before turning her attention to Jaycee, a worried look in her eyes.
"Yeah," Jaycee nodded uneasily. She didn't look up from her food.

Sky nodded. "He seems to be holding up fine though."

Michael frowned. "Is that safe?"
"Gwen, I told your dad I wouldn't let you though. Maybe we could just say I was asleep?" She said, perking up a little.

"I can tell you aren't What's wrong?" He said, noting the uneasy look in her eyes. Something else must have happened last night.

"What? Is he okay?" Albus asked.
"Of course Alaska. Here, hold out your hand Michael, I figured this out when I couldn't sleep last night."Gwen's mischevious smirk grew.

"We're your friends, you can talk to us." Rosie offered Jaycee a comforting smile.

"Like Sky said, he's fine. Taking it in stride really, not sure if that's just for Rosie's sake or not. His dad dropped by too."
"I snuck out last night," Jaycee shrugged.

Sky nodded. "I'm sure it's stressful on him."

"Okay," Michael said, not too sure. He lifted his hand from the table.
Gwen raised her own palm, producing a small blue flame. Carefully, she let it fall into Michael's palm, her brow furrowed in concentration as she kept the heat from burning him.

"Why would you do that? Did you get attacked?" Rosie's voice was filled with worry.
"Awe man, so I missed seeing pops? Well I'm glad he's okay. I'll have to catch up with him in classes." Albus said, his worry calming. He knew Scorpius would use anything that came to him as an advantage, even being a werewolf.

"I see." Scorpius said, his facial expression changing to a remorseful look. He knew it was probably rough for her to talk about it, and the attack yesterday probably sparked horrible memories.

"That's awesome." Alaska said, a smile forming from the corner of her mouth.
Tarron nodded then proceeded to stuff his face with breakfast foods.

Rosie chewed on her lip nervously, "We're here for you, don't forget that." She had only known her for a short time but Jaycee was, in Rosie's eyes, her best friend. Her worry for her best friend showed in her eyes.

The flame shuddered before disappearing with a slight pop. Gwen let out a relieved sigh. "See what I mean? If we cover the whole common room before everyone wakes up tomorrow, they will freak out."
Michael nodded. "We could get up an hour or two early," he suggested.

Jaycee smiled. "Thanks," she said, going back to finishing her breakfast.
"We all change at the same time right? Well, I'll change with you, so you don't have to do it alone anymore. And if someone were to find out, you have all of us to stand by you. Remember that." Scorpius said, flashing a little smile before going on to get his food. If Jaycee was a friend of Rosie's, then she was a friend of his.

Albus shoved his face before noticing the cups of pumpkin juice. "Chug?" He said, looking up to Tarron.

"Totally! How do we help?" Alaska asked, drawing out a small blueprint of the common room in a notebook.
Jaycee nodded. "It's not really as bad as they say," she said. "It's painful during the change but as long as you remember the wolfsbane it's no different." She spoke in a hushed tone.
"Chug!" Tarron replied with a grin before tipping back a cup of juice and gulping down the liquid.

"I can't conjure up enough fire myself but I can control it, so do you guys know the fire spell?" Gwen smirked, noting that the object Alaska had was most likely some type of book.

Rosie couldn't help the rush of relief that ran through her as she stifled her smile. "...Have you ever met a human while you were transformed?" She whispered back, an idea sparking in her head.
"Last night," Jaycee nodded. "I got caught in the woods. Up until then I hadn't."

Sky laughed eating a forkful of eggs.

Michael nodded.
(Guys I am so sorry I have been super busy what with the new baby in the house, homework, and school xp) Rosie grinned as she leaned in, "So you didn't attack them? You knew not to?" This could mean she could be there for both of them!

"Well, you two just conjure up the flames and I'll make sure they don't burn a thing. We'll get up an hour before everyone else and do it then. Sounds good?"

"Got it. How do you want up to set it up, all at once or bit by bit?" Alaska asked. If they both conjured the flames at the same time, it might over load Gwen and she might not be able to hold it all. But on the there hand, bit by bit would mean they'd have to start much earlier.

Albus drank down all f it, slamming the cup down on the table at nearly the same exact moment at Tarron.

"I think I totally won that one."

"I see... I'm sorry if this is intrusive, but what does it feel like to change?" Scorpius asked, a questioning look on his face. He was honestly kind of scared for that happened, and didn't know what on earth he would do.

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