Hogwart's Next Generation.

Mr. Paret nodded, "Interesting, I've never met a Siren. Is it true you can cause people to do things by singing?" He studied this girl with polite interest and a warm smile.
"Nope. He treated her like Scorpius did when he first met her in first year. Polite and like a gentleman. You know how the Malfoy is. No matter what someone is, they're complete gentlemen. She just blushed alot." She said, trying to hold back another laugh as she watched Scorpius talk to Rosie. Him and Albus were her brothers even when she had lost her own, and she couldn't be happier right now for them.

"No. Don't you say that. I have all the friends I have in Albus, Tarron, Alaska, Gwen, and especially you. People might treat me differently, but I couldn't care less. You're safe and that's all that matters. Okay? Plus, once a month I get to turn into a totally awesome Lycan." Scorpius smiled to her, taking one of her hands in his.

"I'm like a night in furry armor."
(x3 Knight in furry armor...xDXDXD Nice line, Zombie.) Rosie giggled a bit before wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him tightly. "My knight in furry armor..I like that."

Tarron sighed in annoyance but smirked a bit as an idea came to him. "Alaska...I'm going to need your help with a prank sometime soon."

"Hm," Mr. Paret stood up, sending a warning glance towards Scorpius, before hugging Tarron and Gwen. "Well, it was nice to meet you all, Scorpius thanks for saving my daughter, Rannie don't forget to write to your mum, she's worried. I'll see you all at Christmas."

"Seeya dad," Gwen smirked as he messed up her hair and started walking towards the door. "And don't worry, I'll make sure you get to meet Mr. Malfoy at Scorpie's funeral cause I'm sure by the time Tarron is done pranking him, he'll be six feet under."
(Very nice! xD I don't think Jaycee feels the same way.)

Jaycee sat at the breakfast table silently, carefully rubbing her knee, the exact spot she had been bit years ago. She picked at her breakfast.

Sky waved him goodbye.
Daisy had bandaged the small bite on her forearm just before she fell asleep and now, dressed in new robes and a smirk on her face, she sat at the Slytherin table. She noted that the girl, Jaycee, was sitting across from her looking a bit distracted. "Morning,"
Daisy picked at her own food, "How'd you sleep?" Maybe if she could get on this girl's good side, she could use her for her own gain.
She smiled at Jaycee, "That's too bad, still shook up from last night's attack?" She asked politely, wondering why she hadn't slept. Daisy had slept like a baby without Rosie and that stupid fluff ball snoring.
(I gotta call it a night, I won't be on much tomorrow except for later in the evening like eight or nine goodnight, Alleykat ^^) 
(Nevermind, my sister's baby is crying and I can't sleep with him whining ><)

"Are you alright?" Daisy asked with false concern in her voice as she tugged down her sleeve to hide her bandages and took a bite of oatmeal.
"So...Besides what had happened, are you enjoying school?" Honestly, this was a lot harder than Daisy wanted it to be. (Yeah, laugh at my pain why don't ya. Jk xD )
This wasn't worth the trouble, Daisy decided and she went back to eating silently. (Meds or sleep, that'll fix you right up.)
Scorpius smiled to her father, standing up again.

"It was wonderful meeting you sir. I wont give you a reason to have them planning that funeral, promise."

Alaska stood as well, giving him a small wave.

"Nice meeting you too sir. I'll be sure to make sure Gwen doesn't burn down our common room." She smiled, rocking back and forth on her tip toes to her heel playfully.
"I would appreciate that greatly, Alaska, and I will hold you to that young man. Good day to you all." With one finale wave, Mr. Paret walked out of the infirmary.

Madame Pomfrey walked out of her office, raising her eyebrows slightly at the man leaving and the students. "Mr. Malfoy, how do you feel?"

Rosie took Scorpius's hand, giving him a look. "I thought I told you weren't getting up until she gave you the all clear."

"...You aren't really going to stop me are you?" Gwen asked Alaska quietly with a playful smirk.
(Same here, g'night guys like I said I'll be on later in the evening tomorrow bout eight ninish)
"I was only saying that so Malfoy couldn't get all the brownie points." Alaska said, jumping up and down.


"Wonderful Madame Pomfrey. Would you trust me with these wonderful ladies to take me to breakfast?" He asked, giving her the best puppy dog face a Malfoy could give.
(Can't sleep.) "Good." Gwen smirked at Alaska. "Ready to head to breakfast?"

Pomfrey checked all of his vitals and handed him his first Wolfsbane potion, "Take this and I will gladly let these girls escort you to breakfast, Mister Malfoy." 
(anyone on?)

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