Hogwart's Next Generation.

Scorpius looked at Alaska nervously, running a hand through his hair. Quickly he stood up and threw on a pair of pants and a clean white button up that Alaska had brought him, and combed his hair back with his father's comb.

"Chill out there Scorps, you aren't late to meet the queen."

"Yes, but I just met her father. What if he thinks I'm exactly like my father when he was my age? I'm not him." He pleaded, sitting down on the edge of the bed as he fixed on his tie.
Gwen smirked at what she hoped was Michael and his cat. "Morning, Michael." She smoothed out her robes a bit before hesitantly reaching out to pet Eldridge.

Tarron raised his eyebrows as he watched her pull out her bag. "Why...is your bag under..an armchair?" 
Rosie fiddled with her nails nervously out in the hallways, opening and closing her mouth in a loss for words. Her dad waited patiently for her to speak and finally she took a deep breath. "Dad, that's Scorpius, my boyfriend, and he's really nice and sweet and he isn't like all the rumors about the Malfoy family and neither is his dad and he saved me from getting hurt and that's why he was bit and you should really get to know him before you yell or-"

Watching his daughter ramble on caused him to laugh as he pulled her into another hug. "First off, I'm not going to yell. Second, I'd like to get to know the boy. Third, you might want to relax, Rannie. You know how you get when you freak out." He waited until Rosie was calmed down from her panic and smiling sheepishly up at him before continuing. "Now, I want to make him squirm some more, so are you up for a little acting?" He noted Rosie chewing on her lip neverously. "He's got to get used to the Paret family somehow.

"Well....Okay." She smiled up at her father and followed him back into the infirmary, replacing her smile with a worried frown.

Mr. Paret noted Scorpius's attire but his fatherly expression didn't change. "Rannie tells me you've been bitten." He narrowed his eyes a bit as he scrutinized Scorpius.
Scorpius stood up, wincing in pain from his shoulder briefly before straightening himself back out.

"Yes sir." He said. He fought the urge to look to Rosie, but kept eye contact with Mr Paret. In the side of his vision he could see Rosie, obviously not happy. She must have gotten scolded for being with a Malfoy,since the Parets weren't exactly family friends.

"It has been ensured by Headmaster and Madame Pomfrey that I will be taking Wolves-bane each morning.
He must admit, he did admire this boy's strength of will. His shoulder still looked painful, even if it was healed. "Even with Wolfsbane, you are still a danger to not only my daughter but others as well." Mr. Paret's tone implied more than the werewolf problem, he was curious to see how the boy handled his family name being questioned.

Rosie chewed intensely on her lip as her dad questioned Scorpius. To soothe her nerves, she decided to go and put fresh water in the vase with shaking hands and glances in Scorpius's direction. This was not good at all.
"I assure you sir that all precautions are being taken, and the only harm I could ever do to another witch, wizard, or beast is in protection. And in other stances, I can also assure you my family is not the same one you may have known. Tarnished name, but I am not my father." He said in a confident voice. He knew that if he faltered even the slightest bit, Mr. Paret wouldn't take his word.
Mr. Paret resisted the urge to smile. Instead he narrowed his eyes at Scorpius, "I'm going to ask you a question and I expect you to answer it eloquently and truthfully. Do you like and respect my daughter?"

Rosie couldn't help herself, she started giggling as her face went red with embarresment. Out of all the questions, her dad goes with that?! Honestly, not funny!
"Of course I do sir. Some would say enough to jump infront of a bullet for her in metaphorical terms, but instead I went after a wolf in much more literal senses. I would never be able to bring myself to something that would harm her in any way."

Scorpius looked Mr. Paret in the eye, only glancing to Rosie with a smile once he was finished speaking, but quickly correcting himself to look back to her father.

Alaska looked at the three with a jaw wide open. She couldn't believe he pretty much told him that of course he did, he nearly got himself killed for the girl. She woul definitely have to fill Albus, Tarron, and Gwen in on this. Maybe even his father.
Mr. Paret sent a fake annoyed look at Rosie, "Honestly, you can not keep up an act can you?" He returned his look at Scorpius and smiled, patting him on the head. "Thanks for that by the way."

Rosie stifled her giggles with the back of her hand as she walked up to the two. "Sorry! But honestly I was expecting something like, " She imitated her father's voice. "'Did the bite hurt?' 'Has Gwen lit you on fire yet?' or, my personal favorite, 'So are all the Malfoys albino?'''

He did a face palm, "I didn't even think of that one! Remind me to ask for your help when we prank your mum. Oh, and Scorpius, welcome to the family."
"I have no idea," Sky shook her head. "I put it on the floor in front of it last night. It must have gotten kicked or something."

"Morning," Michael smiled. Eldridge purred loudly.
Tarron chuckled a bit, shaking his head. "I see, so want to head to breakfast or do you wanna come meet my dad?"

"So, you going to breakfast or can I steal you from the prat for a minute?" Gwen asked plainly as she continued to pet Eldridge.
Scorpius stood confused for a moment, before him and Alaska erupted in laughter.

"Thank you sir." He said, bowing slightly before smiling to Gwen.

"I have to say Mr. Paret, you even had me worried there. I began planning a funeral." Alaska chuckled, hugging her knees.
"Oi, I wouldn't stop planning. One wrong move and this boy will be dead." Mr. Paret promised in all honesty before giving Rosie a quick hug.

Rosie hugged back with a roll of her eyes before kissing Scorpius on the cheek. "Don't worry, I'll protect you from the horrid man. And I'm sure Alaska and your dad will be watching as they laugh at us." Rosie giggled a bit at the mental image she conjured up.
(Gah! The alerts didn't come through.)

"I could wait on breakfast," Sky smiled.

Michael smiled, putting Eldridge down as he started to fidget. "Depends on what you needed to steal me for."
"We'll be sure to include alot of green and black." She said, changing her hair color to it, twirling it in her finger.

"I'm sure anything he does to me I would deserve in full." Scorpius joked, "Though I hope he would be so kind to make it quick."
"Dad's here and he's already met Scorpie and Alaska and Tarron is bringing Sky by." Gwen smirked at Michael, hopefully looking in his eyes but she wasn't too sure.

Tarron grabbed Sky's hand and started walking to the infirmary, "I see what you mean by water by the way." He smirked at her, implying the webbed fingers.

"That would be a wasted hope, son." Mr. Paret smirked at him before looking at Alaska. "Metamorphigus? Very nice, I like the hair."

With another roll of her eyes, Rosie quickly and gently put Scorpius back into the bed. "You, mister, are resting until Madame Pomfrey gives you the okay to get out of bed. I don't care if the Minister himself comes in."
"Cool," Michael nodded. He slung his bag over his shoulder.

Sky nodded. "That's just what a simple shower does," she laughed, quickly following him.
"What about a dip in the lake? How bad does it get?" He asked, interested.

"C'mon then," Gwen wasted no time in leading him out of the common room and towards the infirmary.
"Thank you. I can do much more than hair you know." She snickered, changing her face too look like Tarrons.

"Maybe blue would be a nice color on him?"

"Rosie, I'll be fine. Promise." Scorpius sighed, trying to contain a smile.

"You're like my mother."
Mr. Paret snickered as his other kids entered. "Yes, it would be."

Seeing Scorpius in one piece, Tarron groaned and let go of Sky's hand. "Your okay?!"

"He is?! Ugh, c'mon dad you're losing your touch! Now we both owe mum five sickles!" Gwen huffed with Tarron as she and Michael walked in as well.

Rosie fought off an annoyed sigh and instead smiled at Scorp, "Well, someone has to take care of you cause obviously those two want to see you brutally murdered by my dad."
Michael walked in right behind her, looking around the room.

Sky walked in beside him. She hadn't expected so many people and slowly pulled her sleeves down.
Mr. Paret smiled warmly at the two newcomers, "Hi, I'm Mr. Paret."

"This is Sky, and that's Michael." Tarron introduced them respectively with a smirk. He noticed Sky tugging her sleeves down and whispered in her ear. "Scorp is a werewolf, and I have a family of fairies. Do you think you need to hide that?"
Sky's cheeks blushed a bright blue color. "Probably not," she said, letting them slip back up.

Michael waved. "It's wonderful to meet you, Sir."
"All siblings do. See how fast I'm healing?" He said, unbuttoning his shirt a little and pulling his collar aside to show the now pink scars. Still fresh, but healed over. Now it was just the internal healing.

Alaska sent her face back to her own, and tried to act like nothing ever happened when Tarron walked in.

"So, Five sickles eh? I owe Potter 2. Make you're bets smaller next time." She chimed.
Tarron stuck his tongue out at Alaska, "Wait, did Malfoy's dad chew him out or glare at Rosie?" He asked hopefully.

"Or, did she burst into tears?" Gwen smirked at that, knowing that if Rosie had, Tarron owed her ten chocolate frogs.

Mr. Paret rolled his eyes at his kids before returning his smile to Michael and Sky, "Likewise. I see you are a...mermaid or a siren, Sky?"

Rosie gently traced one of the scars as she bit her lip, guilt flashing in her eyes. "...I'm sorry...That was stupid to do, I mean, no one would care if I was bit, but what if people treat you differently? Or-or you lose friends.." In a quieter voice, she whispered more to herself. "I wouldn't have minded that..I should've been the one to get bit.."

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