Hogwart's Next Generation.

"Yeah, I'll see you in the morning, Sky." Tarron got up and offered her a hand.
Scorpius smiled, watching the flowers sprout in his room.

"So, are you a nymph?" Draco asked, intrigued by her talents. Draco had not told him yet of her being a beast, but aside so it only made her more interesting. 
(I'm gonna have to go to bed. It's really late here. Night guys!)
"Um, no...I'm half fairy." She sprouted her silvery wings and smiled a bit as she blushed.
Antera finally arrived at the infirmary in a whirl of her robes, gripping the doorframe and narrowing her eyes as she surveyed the scene. With a deferential nod towards the headmistress, she approached Scorpius' bedside, recognizing Draco immediately as his father, and stuck out her hand. "Antera Salisbury; I'm your son's head of house. And you must be Mr. Malfoy," she greeted him, looking severe as ever. The rumors that had swooped through the school as the other students had returned had reached her ears as well, and she'd come as soon as she'd heard. Stealing a glance at Scorpius, her jaw tightened as she saw the healing bite mark. She knew what that was.

Professor Elwood, who had been waiting for Mr. Malfoy to finish his discussion with his son, moved to Professor Salisbury's side. "Mr. Malfoy has volunteered to accompany me as I put up further shielding charms around the school grounds; we're still sorting out what has happened," he said it a smooth voice, having had time to adjust his appearance and looking much more put together than he had upon entering.

As the other professors addressed Scorpius' father, Professor Sparrowsdale turned to Minerva, taking advantage of the break in their attention. "What are we to tell the students? We should discuss how we're going to handle the situation, and send an owl to the ministry at the first opportunity." As concerned for Scorpius as she may have been, she was far more concerned with the security of rest of the students, and what on earth had caused the werewolves to attack. "Do you think they came from the forest?" she asked the headmistress dubiously, a line on her forehead appearing at the improbability of the thought.
"Interesting. Your wigs a quite magnificent, along with your talents. I would love to speak with you about what it's like being a hybrid as such," Draco said, admiring the intricate designs along the span of them.

"But sadly, I must go for now and secure the grounds. I shall be back soon. It was wonderful finally meeting you, Miss."

Standing up, Mr. Malfoy bowed to the lot before walking out of the room to join Professor Elwood.

"See? Malfoy's pops is cool. He's amazing at pranking too!" Alaska chimed in, entertaining herself by making her nails change colors.

"He is. He seems to really like you too." Scorpius said, fighting to keep his eyes open.
Rosie smiled softly at Scorpius and started combing through his hair. "It seems he does. But you need rest, go to sleep and I will be right here when you wake up."
Minerva studied Scorpius with her lips a tight line. "Yes, I do believe they came from the woods. We will tell the children what had happened and that no one is to leave the castle after sunset. I will send an owl to the Ministry when I leave here and tomorrow after classes, the professors will meet in my office." She sighed and turned to leave, "I believe Hogwarts is the werewolves' first target in trying to get to the Ministry." With that last bit of information, Minerva walked to her office.
Scorpius nodded slowly, looking over to Alaska before finally falling off to sleep.

"Keep her safe. Don't get into trouble." He said lazily, finally curling up and drifting off.

"Cmon Rosie, I'll take you tot eh Ravenclaw room so you can talk to Gwen. We can grab some stuff for the night there and drop by the Slytherin rooms if you need anything." Alaska said, holding out a hand for the girl. She intended on taking the passages straight to so they could avoid any professors.
She was reluctant to leave and frowned. "I don't want to go...I want to stay here till he wakes up." What if something happened to him while she was away?
"He'll be okay. There are teachers everywhere and you know how tough Madame Pomfrey is. He'll be okay, but you won't if you beat yourself up like this." She urged, beckoning her forth.
Rosie chewed on her lip for a minute before nodding slowly and taking Alaska's hand. "Okay...but I'm coming back here as soon as I can!"
Alaska smiled and pulled her into one of the small and pitch black corridor hidden by a tapestry, and began following line on the walls.

"Alright, hey, do you need anything from your dorm?" She asked, making sure Rosie was still holding on ask she rounded a corner to pull back a curtain to the Ravenclaw common room. A couple kids from the pitch rushed up to help them out of the hole, and started asking questions about if they were okay and what the professors were doing and Malfoy.

"He's alright, but yes he was bit. Badly, but he will be okay. And his father is out inspecting the grounds now so we will be safe from any other attacks, but you all had better follow your curfews, understand? Also, if any of you feel unsafe about it or have a nightmare, I'll be sleeping in here tomorrow night. Don't be afraid to come get me." She said, chastising a few first and second years and calming some of the obviously shaken first years.

"Now, anyone know where Gwen is? She's got a visitor."
"Right here, Alaska." Gwen replied as she came down from the girl's dorm. She immediately enveloped Rosie in a bone-crushing hug." Thanks for bringing her."

Rosie hugged back just as tightly and sniffled as she tried to contain her tears for the first year's sakes.
"No problem." Alaska smiled.

"I'm going to go get the kiddies to sleep and grab a few things." She said, dragging the remaining first years to the dorms. Arriving into her dorm room, one of the girls was having nightmares about the attack earlier, her head still hurting from when she was knocked from her broom. Sitting down next to her on the bed, Alaska pulled her into her lap and rocked the smaller girl until she got tired again.

"Oh, Turpentine erase me whole

Cause I don't want to live my life alone

Well I was waiting for you all my life,Oh why

Set me free, my honey bee, honey bee."

Alaska sang gently until the first year fell back to sleep, and laid her back to bed to grab her own things. Clambering up the stairs to her own dorm, she quickly packed a bag with spare clothes and the suck for tomorrow and for Rosie. Once she was done, she slunk downstairs without a word, using the light from he tip of her wand to guide her back into the dimly lit dorm room.
"Rosie, dad's going to be here tomorrow to see us. Tarron and I will bring him to the infirmary when he gets here...Stay safe okay?" Gwen said quickly while she continued to hug her sister.

Rosie gulped, new fear spreading through her. "O-okay...Do...Do you think he'll be mad at me cause Scorpius is now..."

Gwen pulled back and moved Rosie's hair out of her face like their mother would have. "I don't know but I can promise you Tarron and I will back you up. Now Alaska is coming back, be careful and try and get some sleep."

"Okay, Gwyneth." Rosie said quietly with her eyes on the ground as she waited for Alaska to return.
Alaska dropped down from a shortcut onto a ledging almost like a bird's perch, and climbed down from there.

"Ready?" She asked Rosie with a half smile, running a hand through her hair. In support of Scorpius ad Rosie, she had turned it from her blue to the top layer being black, and the bottom being a Slytherin green.
Rosie smiled a bit at her hair and nodded, "Yeah...And I like your hair, it's green and black by the way Gwen."

Gwen playfully clicked her tongue in disappointment, "Against your own house now are you?" She smirked at the two girls. "Take care you two."
"You never know, treacherous treasonous Alaska." She chimed, skipping her way along to the hidden curtain passage.
Rosie followed along with a bit of a forced smile. She walked with Alaska in silence before her nerves finally got the better of her. "Alaska...Do you think this will change him? I mean...I've heard of people becoming really mean and-and...sadistic..."
(Sorry, went to the most awesome concert ever last night.)

Michael had gone to his dorm to get some rest.

Jaycee stayed under the tree all night.
Jenson left the school quickly, his long legs carrying him towards the perimeter of the school grounds. His pulse had still not slowed to its normal pace, and his wand was out, clenched tightly in his hand. He had stopped by his office briefly, exchanging his apron for his cloak, and he was glad for it: it was chilly for a September evening, and the black cloth melded his outline with the shadows, making it virtually impossible to see him unless his passed through the long golden streaks of light that fell from the castle windows. Starting at the gate, he raised his wand, and began to mutter additional protective spells as he turned his path parallel to the surrounding wall. He wished that Minerva had sent more professors to help him; the grounds were huge, and he was moving slowly to be sure of his work. The strangest part was the none of the spells seemed to have been triggered, at least not in the areas that he was working on.

He added caterwauling charms, and strengthened the protections that were already there, muttering fianto duri repeatedly under his breath as he walked, along with a variety of other defensive spells that streamed out of his mouth so rapidly, it was difficult to catch what he was saying. "Protego horriblis, protego totalum, fianto duri, cave inimicum..." If Antera had accompanied him, he'd have been able to cast even stronger spells, like protego maxima or protego inimicum, but he put the anxious thoughts from his mind, breathing deeply. As worried as he was, it was probably nothing compared to the fear that the students at quidditch try outs had experienced earlier; besides, he was sure ministry wizards would be arriving shortly, and others would come to help reinforce school security.

As he approached the edge of the Forbbiden Forest, he concentrated harder on the spells he was casting, pushing himself to make them as strong as he could. Here, he noted that the protective enchantments were weaker, and wondered if they had been cast that way, or had been intentionally undermined by the werewolves before the attack; he made a mental note to mention it to Minerva, and continued on, wary for any movement in the forest.
Jaycee's eyes grew wide as she realized what was happening. She quickly got up, rushing to an area of the school where the barrier was not yet up. She rushed through, hiding in a bush.
Jenson had finished about half of the forest perimeter when he thought he heard a slight rustling, just out of sight behind the trees. "Lumos." His whisper was carried away by the wind, but he still couldn't see anything moving; cautiously, he continued forward, casting enchantments as he went, but with his wand raised higher, and ready to act at the first sign of movement. Ahead of him, a bush suddenly quivered, and instinctively, he whipped his wand towards it, shouting "Stupefy!" There was a flash of red light that briefly cast steeper, leering shadows, before the gloom returned, illuminated only dimly by the blue light emanating from his wand tip. Another curse ready on his lips, he moved forward, to see if his spell had hit.

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