Hogwart's Next Generation.

Alaska glared at Aliza, knowing very well that we didn't have time for petty arguments. She had after all just killed two wolves and stunned others.

"Accio broom." She muttered, turning on her heel and walking away, hopping on mid stride to speed into the castle. It took her a minuet or two to get up to the landing, but she quickly rushed into the infirmary to find Daisey and Rosie helping the nurse pin him down. She dropped her broom and ran to hold his legs, looking up at Rosie.

"Came just in the nick of time, eh?"

"Rosie." He breathed, happy to know she was alright. For a moment the pain seemed to swell out of him util the came back into his head. Jolting upwards, he was thankful Alaska was holding his legs or he would've kicked Madame Pomfrey in the face.

Grunting slightly, his head leaned back into the pillow.

"It burns"
"I know dear, I know. This will stop the pain." She began applying pain relief creams and casted some spells to stop the blood. "Drink this, it will help the wound close." She held a bottle of potion to his lips.

Seeing Scorpius in this much pain caused a sob to escape Rosie and she blinked around her tears to watch Madame Pomfrey work. "Thank you for helping Alaska..."

Daisy sneered as Rosie cried like a pathetic girl. Honestly, what a wimp! Scorpius would make it out alive, so why the bloody hell would she be crying?
Aliza nodded to the headmistress, and set off at as fast a stride as she could manage towards the castle, ignoring the twinges of pain from her lower spine. The large group of students was moving more slowly, and she outpaced them soon before entering the castle. Taking the marble stairs two at a time until she reached her landing, she hurried to the gargoyles guarding the head's office, and with a mumbled password, took the rotating stairs up. Once inside, however, she hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to contact the father until she spotted a handsome looking owl, perched on a bookshelf close to the largest window in the study. With a deep breath, she moved towards the desk and rummaged around for parchment and a quill, finding a scroll with the school seal on it and quickly jotting down a note to Scorpius' father, leaving out the details and simply saying that his presence was requested immediately, and that his son was hurt. Her hand was untidy, but she didn't dwell on it as she sealed the scroll with her wand, and beckoned to the owl, whispering words of urgency to it as she tied the scrap of parchment to its leg before letting it out the window. Leaving as quickly as she had arrived, Aliza headed towards the infirmary, meeting Professor Sparrowdale at the entrance.

Even the transfiguration teacher looked paler than usual, as she watched Scorpius struggling for a moment before she remembered herself, and straightened her posture. "All students who are uninjured must return to their dormitories," she called out, holding out a hand to prevent others from entering the infirmary. Coach Boulstridge indicated that Rosie and Michael should stay, and seeing that Daisy was helping to Scorpius, Professor Sparrowsdale pardoned her as well. "Curfew is being imposed early. Everybody else, out."
Jaycee hesitantly stood in the doorway of the infirmary. She stayed silent and didn't make any signs of moving any closer.

Sky made it back to the castle and rested on a bench in the hall. She leaned against the wall, panting heavily. She would need the water tonight.
Coach Boulstridge caught Tarron's eye as Professor Sparrowsdale waved the students through the infirmary door, and held out her hand for her broom. "Thanks," was all she could think to say, placing a hand on his back with a look of dead seriousness and sincerity in her eye. "I'll see you soon. Take care. --And good flying. Your calibre matches my broom's." She smiled at him wearily, before turning her attention back to the situation unfolding on the hospital bed in front of her.
Upon being told to leave, Jaycee turned around, glad to have and excuse.

Sky got up after catching her breath, making her way to the Gryffindor common room. The water would have to wait.
Tarron ran into the infirmary and stated firmly, "I'm staying with my sister."

Gwen nodded with him, "As am I." She also wanted to stay to make sure Michael was really okay.
Alaska tightened her grip on his legs, nodding to Rosie.

"Shut up Daisey, not the time for this. Now get his arm, he's fidgeting." She said, nodding to the arm writing out of her grasp.

"Rosie he'll be fine. I promise." At this point her arm had stopped bleeding, but not until the blood had ran all the way down her arm. She'd have to stay anyways and get it bandaged up.

Scorpius sent a glare to Daisey before trying his best to lean forward, mouth open in a silent scream before relaxing back down and drinking the potion as ordered.

Closing his eyes ad laying down, he felt as if everything was crashing down onto him.

"Please don't make Rosie or her siblings or Alaska leave. Please." He said,reaching his hand up to his shoulder to grab Rose's hand and use his other to grip the other side of the bed.

"Please don't make them leave. Anyone else can just please." He whimpered, forcing himself to hold back tears.
Professor Elwood came into the doorway of the infirmary just as Professor Sparrowsdale was ushering the students out; he looked disheveled, with one sleeve pushed up higher than the other and his apron hanging crooked around his neck. Behind him, the brooms that had been abandoned on the quidditch pitch hung suspended in the air, having clearly been charmed to follow him, and he indicated that students should claim them as they filed out. "What's happened?" he asked in a hushed tone, turning to Professor McGonagall. His eyes widened at the sight of Scorpius struggling on the bed, and the healing bite marks. "Is that--?"
With a sad smile, Rosie promised "I'm not leaving your side, Scorpius. Not even if McGonagall hexed me into oblivion." She squeezed his hand a bit.

"I'll make sure they don't leave. " Pomfrey agreed and worked furiously to help the wound close and stop the bleeding. The bloody thing was taking it's time healing, but she would not lose this child. 
"Scorpius Malfoy, yes. I'm afraid we are going to have our hands filled for quite some time." McGonagall replied smoothly. "His father should arrive shortly." (ayezombie you going to play his father as well or..?)
Professor Sparrowsdale conceded at Scorpius's plea. "Siblings can stay until Madam Pomfrey has checked that Ms. Paret is alright. Ms. Zabini, please proceed back to your dormitory. Mr. Wendridge, if you're sure you're alright and Madam Pomfrey has cleared you, you may go as well," she said, her voice firm as she stared at the remaining students.

"Thank you Madame Pomfrey. They ought to give you a raise." Scorpius joked, the potions starting to set in. He was starting to get hazy but fought to stay awake as his wound closed up, the bleeding stopping. His eyes jerked back awake when he heard his father's stern voice echo into the room, storming past the teachers to McGonagall.

"Where is my boy?" He demanded, the letter still in his hand. After getting notice he apparated right to the closest point he could and caught a ride the rest of the way. While he trusted Mrs. Pomfrey with his son, he still needed to see him.

"We aren't leaving. Don't worry." Alaska said, letting go of him finally and pulling out chairs for both her and Rosie to sit on.
Daisy turned on her heel and walked out of the infirmary. Only when she was back in her dorm did her roll up her sleeve and look at the small bite that was there. The teachers hadn't noticed and she planned on keeping it that way.

Madame Pomfrey spared Michael a glance. "Just scratches, you are free to go. Rosie is fine as well, Ms. and Mr. Paret you may return to your dorms."

Hesitantly, Tarron led Gwen out and walked her to the Ravenclaw tower just to make sure she was safe.
Michael nodded. He quickly left. Everyone had their hands full and he didn't want to get in the way. He didn't waste any time getting to the dorms.
"Please keep your voice down, Mr.Malfoy. He is right in there, being tended to. I suggest you speak to him before he falls asleep." Minerva said gesturing to Scorpius in his bed.

Rosie didn't even care if Mr. Malfoy was here, she just wiped her nose on her sleeve and kept her hold on Scorpius's hand. "I'm sorry Mr. Malfoy...It's my fault he got bit..."
Draco nodded to Minerva, taking a deep breath before speaking again. "I apologize." He said before walking into the room to Mrs. Pomfrey, Alaska, and Rosie. Immediately he bowed to them before walking to their sides.

"It is not your fault. Do not blame yourself for this." He said in a much calmer tone, laying a had on her shoulder. His eyes eventually found his son laying in the bed, dazed and stricken.

"Hello Father." He said, grunting as he pulled himself up to address him, though he wasn't strong enough yet to sit up.

"Just lay," Mr. Malfoy ordered, moving the pillow under his son's head. He knew his son too well to mention anything of being crippled or the sort, and seeing as right now everyone just needed to be cheered up.

"I can't believe my boy killed a werewolf in his third year." He said, a saddened smile spreading over his face.

"What can I say, I got it from my father."

After a few moments of silence, Draco turned to Madame Pomfrey and nodded to her.

"Thank you very much for saving my son."

Alaska smiled to Mr. Malfoy, having met him a few times before he knew that in the light of the situation, he'd try to stay calm as possible for them, and also make sure everything was taken care of.
Rosie sniffled once more as Scorpius tried to get up. "Thank you for saving me, Scorpius." She owed him her life, but she desperately wished it had been her and not him laying in the bed right now.

"It's my pleasure. He just needs rest now." Madame Pomfrey nodded to Mr. Malfoy politely.

"Tomorrow morning I shall report this to the Ministry. Scorpius to attend this school you will have to report to Madame Pomfrey every morning for a dose of Wolfsbane potion. Is that alright?" She already knew the answer but it was a formality to ask.
Scorpius nodded his head, running his thumb along the side of Rosie's thumb.

"Yes Headmaster." He said, finally pulling himself up and propping up with his other arm.

"Don't thank me, you know I couldn't have stood and watched you get hurt like that. But hey, ow you can meet my father early. Right?" Scorpius said, smiling up to the girl. His hair was messy and tangled, some being splotched in blood and some in mud.

"Professor, is there any way I can help? I would be glad to help with the children or in securing the castle." Draco asked eagerly, knowing the entire school would have their hands full in protecting the students.
Rosie blinked her tears away and gave him a watery smile, "Right.." Guilt still weighed on her chest but she didn't let it show as she took a damp rag from Madame Pomfrey and started cleaning up his hair and getting the dried blood off of him. "But it's not really the best seting to make the best impression in." She tried for a joke but it fell flat.

"Actually, after you are done speaking to your son, you may patrol the grounds with Professor Elwood and make sure there are no more on the premises. Put up wards around the school as well." She looked at all the professors as she gave the last order. They needed as much protection as they could get.
Tarron walked in and sat by her, "Are you okay?" He asked, his voice shaking a bit.

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