Hogwart's Next Generation.

"Alright then, how about Jaycee? Have you ever used Murtlap essence before?" Professor Elwood smiled at Jez before moving on, showing no signs of displeasure. Unlike most other teachers at the school, Professor Elwood preferred to use students' first names. In his opinion, he thought it was harder to ask for help when someone was calling you "Mr. So-and-so" like you were in trouble.
Gwen smirked a bit before replying, "My mother is half fairy and since I have an affinity for fire, I can see heat. It helps me get around. As for reading assignments, I have someone read them to me. My quill writes in braille then translates it."

"I like him." She replied and nibbled on her sugar quill, watching class with a spaced out look. "Not scary or mean."

"Very interesting."
Professor Salisbury was silent for a long moment before she spoke, and again, it was more of a statement than a question. "So you've had other students reading to you for your entire time at Hogwarts." She didn't ask who had helped her, but internally, she was impressed by Gwen's friends. That would have taken real patience and dedication. After hearing that she was a quarter fairy, her behavior instantly made more sense. Although as an Auror she hadn't had many dealings with them, she had been in enough strange situations and travelled enough to have a fair understanding of fairies and their abilities, although she had never considered heat-sensing as an alternative to sight. It was clever, she thought, before speaking again. "There's a charm. It's simple, second year level at most, that I'm frankly surprised that no one has taught you before, especially if you grew up in a wizarding family. The Narratus charm should make it easier for you to get your readings done; before you open a book, just point your wand at the spine and say 'narratus.' When you open the book, the contents will read themselves aloud, starting from the top of whichever page you open to. If you want to skip to a section, you just have to point your wand to it; the enchantment ends when you close the book." There was another silence in which neither of them spoke, but not as long as the first; Professor Salisbury was still watching her closely, examining her reaction. "It's mostly used for cooking, when it's easier not to have to muddle about with a book, but it should do the trick. Come to my office if you have trouble with it, and I'll help." The last bit was said in a tone that let Gwen know that the conversation was over, and Antera handed her a note of excuse for Professor Elwood before the girl could say another word. "I've got to talk to Professor Moore. I'm sure Professor Elwood will understand," she said, getting to her feet and grabbing her robe as she headed for the door and left without another word, trailed, as always, by her cat.
Gwen smiled as she walked away as well and into the potion's classroom. Since it was Rosie who had read to her, she understood why her parents have never taught her the charm but now that she knew it, it meant Rosie could get some free time for that Malfoy. "I have a note professor."
"Very good!" Professor Elwood exclaimed, nodding. "It's best for small injuries and cuts, nothing major or extensive. It has antiseptic and numbing properties, and it is made," he said, moving towards a rectangular object at the front of the classroom, covered by a sheet, "using Murtlaps." With a flick of his wrist, he whisked the cloth off to reveal a slightly murky tank, in which there was a great deal of movement at the sudden amount of light. Inside were a number of creatures, each a different shade of purple ranging from lavender to violet; they had long tentacles which they used to scuttle and whizz around in the water, and on their backs were plant-like growths that closely resembled sea anemones. Gwen walked in at this point, and Professor Elwood nodded at her to sit down before continuing. "We'll be making a large batch of Murtlap essence from scratch over the next few weeks, so roll up your sleeves and line up in front of the tank! Make sure to get a firm grasp on them, because they're slippery and surprisingly strong; we'll be harvesting their tentacles for pickling." Professor Elwood took this burst of activity to walk over to Gwen and smile at her before taking the note. "Everything alright then, Gwen?" he asked, glancing at Professor Salisbury's handwriting before shoving the note absentmindedly in an apron pocket.
"Perfectly fine, professor." Gwen smiled at the Head of Hufflepuff house. "She just wanted to know about my sight."

"Oooh Murtlaps! They have such wonderful conversations!" Rosie giggled as she found a spot in line.

Tarron was first and wrestled the octupus like animal until he could pick off the tentacles.
Sky smiled, getting up. She got in line, rolling up her sleeves a bit. This was one instance where the webbing in her fingers came in handy and she was grateful it hadn't gone away quite yet. When it was her turn her hand darted into the water quickly and she wrapped her fingers around the first Murtlap carefully.

Michael frown at the tank, getting in line.

Phillip waited until everyone was in line before getting up.

Jaycee got in line behind Rosie.
"You talk to them too?" Scorpius chuckled, taking off his robes and rolling up his sleeves so she dind't dirty anything. Scorpius darted his unscarred hand in and brought it back in, bringing ne back out before it woulc writhe from his fingers.

Alaska smiled, getting into line behind Jaycee. She'd always loved murtlaps, mostly because of how funny the tentacles felt.
"Oh yes!" Rosie beamed happily, helping him pluck the tentacles gently. She spoke to the Murtlaps. "Thank you for cooperating. Oh I know, he's such a gentlemen! No I don't think I have yet. But I plan on it! Oh why thank you, no one's ever complimented me on my eyes before!"

"Need any help?" Tarron asked Sky.
Scorpius smiled to Rosie before bowing to the Murtlaps.

"I apologize for being frank. But thank you as well." he said before stopping by Alaska's table to ask her about Albus.

"How's the quirt doing? Think he'll be okay for practice today?"

"Not really. He got knocked out really well, but we talked to the Gryffindor captain who was down there with his little sister and he's still got his spot on the roster." She said, shrugging as she let the Murtlaps crawl around on her hands.

"Well that's good news atleast. Is he gonna be able to go check out the Thestrals?"

"Yeah, hagrid's given him an all go saying we were just going over there to help him with the pumpkin patch and such." 
(So I stumbled apon a little something and thought you guys would like it,

(I"m so happy I didn't miss too much! On a whim we decided to drive two and a half hours to see the new, improved, and awesome Queensryche in their first show in the midwest. It was so awesome! We caught up with an old friend and I shook Tod Latori's hand.)

Sky shook her head as she plucked the tentacles carefully. "Done," she said, letting it slide back into the tank.
Professor Elwood watched the students as they wrangled the Murtlaps and harvested their tentacles, stepping in and giving words of advice as need be. Unlike Professor Salisbury, he didn't have a problem with chatting in class, as long as the work got done and nobody got too distracted. "After you've gotten the tentacles, strain them carefully - don't squish them - and get a jar of brine from the back of the room. I've already made the solution, so all you have to do is put them in and screw on the lid. Remember to write your name on top of the jar, and set them on the shelf labeled with your house when you're done. We'll let them pickle over the next few weeks, and come back to finish the potion when they're ready. Any questions?"

[[Also, that tumblr post is super awesome! I'm surprised Hagrid is still there. Bree, do we want to keep that canon, or do you want a real Care of Magical Creatures teacher? He can also still be grounds keeper. I'm impartial!]]
(I had no idea Hagrid was that young! I share birthdays with his actor!)

Sky nodded, squeezing them just hard enough to wring the water out of them, careful not to crush them. She moved to the back of the room so the other students had room.

Jaycee struggled for a few minutes to grab her Murtlap. Once she grabbed it she quickly took its tentacles, plopping it back into the water.
[[updated my masterpost with the quidditch referee/flying coach. c: [Linked] Currently, I have Professor Salisbury, Elwood, Sparrowsdale, and Coach Boulstridge posted.]]
Rosie went to work ringing out the tentacles and hummed a song to herself. Once she had finished up hers, she went to start on Scorpius's and let him talk to Alaska.

Tarron struggled to take off the tentacles and ended up getting the murtlap stuck to his face. "Uh, help anyone?"

Gwen took her tentacles to the only seat left (Next to Phillip) before wringing hers out carefully.
Phillip sat back down with a small groan. He had put his tentacles in a jar already.

Sky laughed softly. She put her tentacle into the jar, carefully scribbling her name on it before going to help Tarron. She stroked the tentacles softly, getting the creature to let go.
Scorpius turned around to Tarron, shaking his head before walking back to his table to find Rosie had already put them away.

"Thank, you didn't have to." He said with a smile, handing her a town to dry her hands off with.

Alaska shrugged to Scorpius before walking over to Tarron's table. "Aweh, he likes you."
Tarron grinned sheepishly, "Thank you." He started plucking off the tentacles and put them in a jar, writing his name on it.

Gwen caught up with him while he was still at the jars, her murtlap parts in her hands. "Mind writing my name?" She asked while putting them in a jar.

"Sure, sis." He wrote her name and they both went back to their seats.  
She gratefully wiped her hands off, "It's my pleasure. You've already been so nice to me and this is a small way to repay you."
(I've got to go cook dinner so I might be a little inactive.
(Well now Vega is off so we should wait for her to get back, continue with Potions shenanigans!)

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