Hogwart's Next Generation.

Daisy looked over and smiled charmingly, sending a small wave his way. "He's handsome. Are you into Quidditch?"

Rosie grabbed a hold of his hand, glancing at the teacher. She tugged him back a bit, "Daisy is no good but this isn't the time to do anything. I already made the teacher mad enough."
Ren looks down at Rosie,"As long as she doesn't hurt my sister,"He states plainly,sitting back down.'Be careful Jez.You idiot',"Jez and I have to be very careful.Will she do anything to hurt Jez,"He ask think about his and Jez's little problem.They have been to so many healers,doctors,potion master,yet nothing seemed to work.Ren notices he is about to jet upset and pushes down his emotions.

Jez starts to feel a slight pain in her arms,she looks to Renyair worried,but then the pain subsided.'What was that about' She thinks quirking an eyebrow,"Oh,yeah love Quidditch,but I'm not sure what position I am going to try out this year,"She looks at her hands,then rubs her arm,"What position do you play."
"I fear that exact scenario.Any idea what she's capable of so I know what to expect?" He asked Tarron, obviously aware that since he's her brother he must know of the whole half breed thing.
Tarron began to look a bit nervous, glancing over at his sister. "Uh well, she's capable of a lot...." He sighed and just decided he should warn Scorpius. "Look, fairies have dual personalities based on the affinity they have with their element. Hers is Earth and Earth....It's the worst of them all. When she was younger, her hair would turn white when she..wasn't herself. Gwen called that side of her Thorn. It's the total opposite of Rosie. Similar to Daisy actually."

"I played Seeker last year and I'm going to try out for it again this year. "She said proudly. "You should go for Keeper, we need a strong flyer on the team."

"By the looks of it, she wants to get on Jez's good side so not at the moment. But I'd warn your sister to stay away from her." Rosie said as she twiddled her thumbs and looked up at Scorpius and Tarron. Tarron looked like he was talking about something sirius and she raised an eyebrow at the pair.
"And I wasn't informed of this earlier why?! I mean, it doesn't change how I feel about her but still. I maybe could have done something long before she got on Daisy's blacklist." He hissed, eye brows scrunched together.
(Daisy is Pansy and Blaise's kid she's just a pureblood not a fairy, Rosie is the fairy)

"Well, Rosie doesn't know about it....After uh..Thorn goes away she kinda passes out and doesn't remember what she did." Tarron scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "No one's told her...."
Jez grins,"Yeah,I guess I could play Keeper,"She says to Daisy,'But what if I get hurt.Ren would be in such pain' She frowns as she increases brow,thinking deeply,"I might not be able to play though,because of my condition,"She saying quietly,her cheeks turning red with embarrassment.

Ren looks to Rosie,"What happens if she gets on Daisy's bad side,"He ask coldly ice in his stare.He was freezing his emotions,trying very hard from hurt Jez.
Rosie gulped and cowered a bit but responded softly, "Daisy is mean...Really mean. Her mum knows a lot of the Dark Arts...And I think she does too. She threatened me last night and she also turned my hair yellow this morning. Daisy can hurt people in many ways." Her voice got quieter and quieter as she once again thought about how she was going to protect herself while she was in the dorm with Daisy. 
"What condition? You can tell me, I don't judge." Daisy assured, that sweet smile on her face.
Jez suddenly feels cornered,"Umm,well its nothing,"She says quietly,hoping that Daisy would back off a little,"I'm not aloud to talk about."

"What,"Ren says icely.Anger was trying very hard to work itself up.'Just freeze it Renyair' but it wasn't working.He takes in deep breathes,but the anger just kept boiling up.The he hears it a sharp scream.He runs over to Jez,"I'm sorry.I'll stop.I'll stop,"He frantically starts to push down his emotions.

Jez slumps over and lets out a screams.It hurt so much.The pain was as if some one had cut into her skin then taken a pair of pliers and startes to peel back the wound.Her bodys twitch,but the pains starts to subside when Renyiar comes over.
"And that's safe, why?" He asked, wondering if this would be the year someone got killed at hogwarts.... again.
"Thank you for dealing with Mr. Potter promptly," the professor said to Alaska as she swept by her desk, picking up the note. "You're excused. Since you've managed to put out your own flame, you're free to start your homework researching Fumos Bat Flamers." She offered the girl a smile, pleased that she was one of the few students who seemed to have taken the assignment seriously.

She was walking by Gwen just as the girl made the comment about her blindness, which caused the corner of her mouth to twitch. Completely blind? She'd guessed that the girl had troubles with her vision, but because of the degree to which she seemed to move about daily tasks competently, she hadn't realized that it was total. "Ms. Paret, would you mind staying to see me after class?" she asked. Her tone wasn't threatening, not giving the impression that she was in trouble, but it didn't betray her concerns.

Professor Salisbury was startled by the Gryffindor's scream, although her carefully maintained disposition did not show it. Without hesitation, she strode over towards the girl, putting a hand on the back of her chair. "Are you alright?" she asked, brows furrowed slightly as she bent over her, looking between Ren and his sister.
(I'm back!)

Sky listened intently but didn't say anything as she worked on her homework assignment.

Michael started scribbling stuff down on a sheet of paper, looking in his textbook.
Rosie watched as the girl screamed and immediately glared at Daisy. What had she done now?!

"We didn't know how...But you can since you're her boytoy and all." Tarron smirked at Scorpius.

Gwen blinked as she was asked to stay after class but she nodded and kept an ear trained on the ruckus from the girl's scream.

"What's wrong?! Jez?!" Daisy asked, touching her back lightly.
Ren looks at them,"Its nothing just are condition,"He says to them,rubbing in between her shoulder blades,"She should be ok now."

Jez starts to sit up clutching on his shoulder,"Yeah I'm okay now."
Alaska raised an eyebrow to Ren and Jez, but decided to dismiss it as another spellcastrophe.

"How on earth am I supposed to tell her that she's got an evil alter-ego?" Scorpius asked, nervously running a comb through his hair like he always did when something like this came up.
Professor Salisbury raised her eyes at the word "condition," but didn't budge from where she was standing. "Condition or not, I want her taken to the infirmary. You can take her," she said, eyeing Ren with a look that indicated in no uncertain terms what would happen if she didn't get there. "If the nurse clears her, you're both free to come back - with a note."
Tarron shrugged with a smirk, "That's all up to you. Good luck mate."

(You guys want to skip to potions? And my bf says hi! <3)
[[i'm done, give me two seconds to finish and post the potions teacher's profile and I'm ready.]]

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