Hogwart's Next Generation.

Ren shrugs,"The nurse won't be able to do anything,but okay,"He picks up his little sister flinging her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes,"Come one Jez."He then starts to exit giving Daisy a dirty glare.

Jez was already starting to feel better,but she didn't complain.This process would repeat itself just like it did every time.The nurse would come in look at her,then say,"Nothing wrong she should be okay now."She rolls her eyes.
[[Gwen has to wait though, because Salisbury asked to see her after class; potions can get started though, and Salisbury will give her a note.]] 
[[The potions teacher profile is posted, and I'm ready to go. c:]]
As the students filed out to head to the next class, Gwen approached Professor Salsibury's desk. "You wanted to see me?"

Rosie waited for Scorpius by the door before she started walking to Potions.

Tarron winked, seeing Rosie waiting for Malfoy, before heading to Professor Elwood's class.
Sky packed up her book after finishing the last bit of the assignment. She quickly headed out the door.

Jaycee walked quickly to Potions class, not wanting to be late again.

Michael passed Phillip going out the door, completely ignoring him.

Phillip rolled his eyes, walking at a very slow pace to Potions class.

(I find it amusing that my Gryffindor is blue and my Raveclaws are red and orange.)
Scorpius caught up next to Rosie, and took her books from her hands and held them for her.

"So, that was nice for a first day." He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck.
Rosie blushed and smiled at him, "Yes it was, thanks for taking my books. You didn't have to." He was so nice to her, it was hard to believe he had any relations to the name Malfoy! She was so happy he liked her.
Jez and Ren make it to the nurse's office and the whole thing pans out just like Jez though it would.The nurse checked her out not finding anything wrong with her.So,five minutes later they are out of the office with a note saying just that.

Jez walks down the hallway annoyed that she had to go the nurse in the first place,yet a cheer smile placed upon her olive face.She walked to Potions class making it into the classroom and sitting down in the front of the room.

Ren just stared icily at the wall as Jez was in the nurses office.Then as the bell rang they were released a stupid note in his hand.
Scorpius smiled to the girl and shrugged.

"Chivalry isn't dead, it's just few and far between."
Sky sat down at a table towards the middle of the room, setting her stuff out carefully.

Phillip sat at the back table again.

Michael went up to sit in the front.

Jaycee sat a couple tables away from Sky.
Professor Salisbury waited until the rest of the students had filed out of the classroom, stragglers and all. "You're blind." It wasn't so much of a question as a statement, and she continued to stare at the girl from across her desk, fingers interlaced in front of her mouth. "Completely?" It was usual for her to forego any sort of preamble in conversation; she always skipped formalities, and preferred to cut to what she wanted to talk about. Keeping her eyes trained on the girl, she carefully evaluated her movements and the way her eyes flickered, noting the slight awkwardness about the motions that had told her in the first place that not everything was well with the girl's sight.

Professor Elwood stood at the door to his classroom, smiling warmly at the third years as they appeared from around the corner and made their way down the corridor towards him. Since his arrival at the school, Potions had been moved from the dungeons to a room on the first floor, the stone ceiling much lower than that of the vaulted one in the Defense Against the Dark arts class, but there was much more light streaming in through the windows, which were wider and let more light in without the mullions, and looked out directly across a footpath into the herbology greenhouses. Between the windows were light wood shelves that went all the way to the ceiling, packed tightly with potion ingredients: small chests of spices, mason jars containing dried plants, and bowls of unrecognizable substances. The less savory sorts were kept in cabinets underneath the shelves, charmed to keep the formaldehyde smell of their preservations contained.

Professor Elwood himself looked like he could have been dropped in the classroom with the warm sunlight; his hair seemed to be the same color, and his expression glowed a bit as the students filed in, taking their seats. "Had a good summer then, everyone?" his voice was as cheerful as he looked, and he moved up to his desk at the front of the classroom, where the table had been turned sideways to leave more room for his cauldron. He waited for a response before continuing. "Well, this year we're going to be focusing on poisons and their antidotes. -- No, not making poisons," he chuckled at some of their expressions, "but detecting them and concocting remedies. We'll do a few other miscellaneous projects, but I thought we'd start today with Murtlap Essence. Has anybody ever used it before?" he asked, bouncing a bit on the balls of his feet as his gaze roamed around the classroom. He was happy that the students were back; it always seemed too quiet to him while they were gone. He'd customized the third years' curriculum quite a bit in the time he'd spent teaching, and it now had a much heavier focus on healing potions. He'd worked with Professor Longbottom to have a bit of crossover with the herbology class, so that the students would be able to use some of the plants that they grew in Herbology over the course of the year. "Anyone?" he asked again, refusing to accept their silence.
Jaycee hesitantly raised her hand. Her mother had made her use it once when she accidentally scratched herself, not long after the hiking accident.
Rosie took a seat next to her boyfriend. She loved potions class, it was very easy for her. And having a nice teacher helped as well.

"Yes, completely blind." Gwen answered. She didn't mind talking about this but the blunt way the professor addressed it caught her off guard. She did her best to find where the professor's eyes should be on her heat outline and hoped she was right this time.

Tarron sat by Sky and chuckled as the other seats filled up, "Looks like Gwen will get stuck with Phillip after all."
Jez folds her hands in front of her,She has heard of Murtlap Essence,but she wasn't sure what is was.So,she just stares at Professor Elwood a look of interest burning in her warm brown eyes.She raises her hand.
"Yes, Jez!" Professor Elwood spotted her and indicated that she should speak with a wave of his hand.

Professor Salisbury nodded. "And you can't read." She paused for a moment more, then asked another question. "How do you go about the rest of your day? I haven't seen you with any pets, or anybody leading you." Although she was driving at something, Antera couldn't help but admit to herself that her interest had been piqued as well. It wasn't often that she was wrong about something as significant as complete blindness versus impaired sight, and Gwen had always been a good student, so she was perhaps a bit more invested that she would have been otherwise.
Alaska went down to Postions, running a hand through her hair, turning it from blue to purple as she let go and returned her hands back to her pockets. Grey eyes turned to Hazel as she walked into the class, sitting down next to a random student. She usually had classes with kids in her own year, but there was a mixup in her third year so she had already taken fifth year classes. Leaving her to take Thirdyear studies in her fifth.

Scorpions sat Rosie's books down next to his and pulled her chair in for her before taking a seat himself.

"He seems nice." Scorp noted, putting his comb away.

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