Hogwart's Next Generation.

(THE PAN WILL NOT GET CLEAN!!!!! I left it to soak. ><><><><""""""" But after it's clean, I'm taking a shower and going to bed, I have to go and see my boyfriend tomorrow. Don't know when I"ll be on but expect it to be later at night or in the morning. And do you guys want to continue going to class to class or do you want to skip to Quidditch where things get interesting?)
(Vega you okay with that?) 
(She's offline....I'll check with her tomororow. Anyway, goodnight alleykat~!)
(Night, Bree.) 
(I'm awake. I'm leaving sometime in the afternoon to go see Despicable Me though.) 
(Okay. I'm running out real quick and will probably be gone around 30 minutes.)
(Darn it I am so sorry.My friends kidnapped me for my Birthday.I mean literally they ducted taped my mouth and through me in the car.The strange thing was my brithday was last month)
Rosie sighed and went to the opposite side of the room as the teacher chasitised them. She looked at Ren and smiled, "This seat taken?"

Daisy grudgingly sat by Alaska, far away from the prat and Scorpius. She didn't say a word to the girl as she went back to extinguishing her fire.

Gwen grinned as she finally perfected her fire techniques and whispered to Michael. "How you doing?" 
"We don't judge." Tarron turned and waved Scorpius over. "Yo, Malfoy, seat's open over here."
"Good," Michael said. He had finished putting out the fire towards the beginning of class and was getting ready to start the research.

Sky nodded, sitting down with her homework.
(Okay....Daisy sat by Alaska cause she can't be by Scorpius and Tarron is by Sky.. xD my bad, I'll edit my post above xD )
Alaska walked back in the room holding a note for the professor, and after handing it to her she sat back down in her seat, doodling in her notebook as she tried to ignore whatever temptations she had to turn around whack Daisy with it.

Scorpius sat over by Tarron, begrudgingly pulling out his parchment and began writing on his homework assignment, eager to just get it done so he wouldn't have to do two things for DADA tonight. "Thanks dude." He said to Tarron. If he hadn't called him over, he wouldn't have known where to sit.
Ren looks at Rosie,"No you can sit here,"He says to her with a straight face,then looks back down to his notebook scribbling down notes.His silvery hair falling in front of his eyes.
"Scorpius, Sky, Sky, this is the guy that's going to die because he's dating my sister." Tarron smiled, introducing the two to each other.

Daisy couldn't stand Alaska, barely refraining herself from shoving that quill of hers up some place rotten, so she decided to move to sit by someone she hasn't met before. (Xynia1998 your girl ^^) "Hello, I'm Daisy Zabini." 
Rosie smiled thankfully and sat down, starting on her homework. "So are you enjoying class?" She chirped while nibbling on her sugar quill.
Jezabelle looks at Daisy,"Hi,I'm Jezabelle Deyiniar,but please just call me Jez,"She says smiling,braiding and un braiding her silver hair.Jez was a little bored,"You have pretty hair,"She blurts out suddenly,not even knowing she was going to say that.
Daisy, enjoying this girl's company now her ego had been complimented, smiled. "Why thank you, I like yours as well." She lied smoothly. This girl could become quite the alley in destroying that wench. All Daisy had to do was earn her trust.
"Cool. Um, do you mind helping me with the homework? The textbook isn't in brail and I can't read." She sent him a half smirk, not enjoying the fact that she had to ask him this. (Sorry didn't see it ^^)
"Dude, you said it was cool! Did you not see me nearly get killed for her earlier?" He said, brushing his hair back.

Alaska stuck her tongue out at the girl as she turned her back, and went back to completing her homework. Once she was done, she decided to spend the rest of the time in class doodling yet again, performing a small charm to make the doodles react with eachother on the paper.
Tarron chuckled, "I saw. And while you have my respect for keeping her from Daisy, you must also remember it's because of you she's after my sister in the first place." He gave Scorpius a serious look before grinning again. "But I trust you to keep ickle baby Rosie safe. Don't you agree Sky?"
"I didn't know Daisy would still be going psycho if she cant have me than no can either phase still." Scorpius said in a hushed his, trying to have only him and Sky hear him.
Jez smiles,"Thank you,"She says feeling happy,"So what house are you from,Oh and your nose is a bit crooked,"She lets out a small laugh,not realizing she might of insulted Daisy.
Daisy kept her tongue in check when the girl insulted her and smiled sweetly. "I know, it broke in a Quidditch match last year. I'm in Slytherin, what about you?" She said in her most charismatic voice. (So is Jez going to unwittingly become Daisy's partner in evil? xD )

"Just keep my sister safe and it'll be okay. I'm sure Rosie will end up snapping some point or another." Tarron shrugged.
"Family is family," Sky nodded. "Though sometimes I think myself lucky being an only child."

"Sure," Michael smiled.

(I have to go for a few hours to go see that movie. I'll be back tonight.)
(Watch out for big brother Ren he is protective over Jez)

Ren looks over at Daisy and Jezabelle.'I don't like her.'He suddenly wants to get up and make sure the girl she is talking doesn't cause her any trouble.He starts to stand,getting ready to walk over to them.

"I'm Gryffindor,but my brother is Slytherin,"Jezabelle point to her brother.Who was just fixing to come over here.

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