Hogwart's Next Generation.

Gwen returned to her seat and took out a braille book. After a few minutes curiosity got the better of her and she turned to her partner. "May I ask who I am sitting by?"
Phillip rolled his eyes. "Phillip," he shrugged. 
(I think I'm gonna hop off for a bit. I'll be back in an hour or two.) 
(I'm back but I'll be poofy.)
"Well don't I have to be nice to you?" Scorpius said, wiping some of the water from the table.

"Tentacles are a nice look for you, Tarron." Alaska said, ruffling his hair a little bit.
((Guys I'm going to go ahead and skip to Quidditch ^^)) Gwen walked with her siblings to the pitch, broom in hand. Quidditch time!

Rosie smiled to herself as she looked at her new silver broom. It was a present from her mum.

Tarron stared at the silver broom in jealousy, "Can't believe you got a new broom just cause this is your first time trying out."

Michael walked grabbed his broom, a simple old thing. Phillip wouldn't be showing up since he had decided just to keep his spot as bludger from last year.

Jaycee followed the small group to the Quidditch court. She wasn't trying out this year, deciding to take more time with her studies instead, but there was no reason she couldn't watch.

Sky sat at the very edge of field, really only showing up to watch. She wasn't a big sports fan except when it came to swimming.
Aliza stood at one end of the quidditch pitch, directly beneath the fifty-foot hoops. It was a blustery evening, and the wind was already tugging her ponytail insistently to one side and whipping the loose strands around her face, even though she wasn't in the air yet. The setting sun could be seen from a break in the stands, but the sky was clouding over, and it looked like it might rain later that night or the next day, but Aliza showed no signs of worry: Quidditch was not a game to be stopped by weather. Significantly taller than the students who had begun to surround her, she looked unusually grounded with her feet planted firmly apart from each other, one hand gripping her broom tightly as she surveyed the students. Brown haired and brown eyed, she was rather plain with a button nose and thick eyebrows, the only remarkable part of her face being the beauty mark placed at the corner of one eye. In her quidditch referee robes, however, she was an impressive sight, her broom the best model available and her expression one of absolute confidence on the pitch.

"Those who will not be trying out should proceed to the stands! I don't want anyone on the pitch who's not going out for a team. Team captains, by me! Everybody else, sort yourselves by house and position you're trying out for!" Her voice rang out over the field in a no-nonsense way. The teacher, who was usually found to be quite at her ease and willing to crack a joke, was all business at the moment. Try outs, as she knew better than anyone - being a talent scout for professional quidditch teams - were vitally important, and she respected the team captains enough to treat them as such.
Rosie made her way over to the Slytherin Seeker group and had the horrible luck to be next to Daisy. She kept her eyes trained on the captins and Aliza, ignoring Daisy.

Gwen stood with the Ravenclaw Chasers and waited patiently for the next intstructions.

Tarron high-fived all the Beaters trying out for the Gryffindor team and smirked at the ref. He was ready to go! (ayezombie Quidditch time ^^ )
Michael stood with the other Ravenclaws.

Sky nodded, going up to the stands.

Jaycee carefully went up to the stands, sitting down. 
(Michael's gonna be the other bludger I think. I have no idea. xD )
Alaska walked out to the pitch to watch everyone try out. She didn't have to this year, but she'd be helping the captain choose keepers to help on the team if she wasn't there or something. She had her broom next to her, using small pruning scissors to sip off any loosened bristles.

Scorpius walked out and stood by the group of trying out Slytherins, broom in hand. Slytherin was very popular for having current members help out during training and try outs to give the kids a feel for how a real game would be.
As a particularly strong gust of wind buffeted the group standing beneath the hoops on the quidditch pitch, making their robes fly out behind them, Aliza looked all the more intimidating in her white and black uniform, backed by the four captains each dressed in their respective team colors - red and gold, blue, green and silver, and yellow. "Alright then! Since you all are here, I assume that I don't have to state the rules of the game," Aliza shouted, kicking a bound trunk in front of her. The straps immediately released themselves and the top snapped open to reveal four balls. "However, I will not assume where you have played before. On my quidditch pitch, there will be no cheating, hexing, jinxing or any other type of foul play. This will get you thrown out of try outs and kill your chances of getting on any team faster than you can say 'quaffle.' For those of you who do not know me, I am Coach Boulstridge. I referee the quidditch matches here at Hogwarts, in addition to running try outs. Before we get you all up in the air to see what you can do, I'd like you all to warm up." She shot a few groaning students a piercing look. "Just because you're on a broom doesn't mean that you don't need to be limber. Captains, if you will lead your respective teams through a short warm up, I will take students one at a time to inspect their brooms and make sure they are of flying calibre."

Aliza had learned the hard way that some of the brooms that students showed up with were hardly fit to sweep the floor, much less catch a snitch on, so she'd taken to glancing over each prospective player's broom before they mounted. If she deemed a broom unfit to fly, the student would have to borrow one from the school. Inspecting them never took her long; with her experience, she was usually able to size them up after a few moments of holding them under careful scrutiny. "Come on then, I'll take Ravenclaw brooms first for inspection!" she shouted sharply over the murmurs of the students. As she took the first one from a trembling second year, the captains went about their business, ordering rounds jumping jacks, jogging in place, and touch-touches.
Michael lined up with his broom, a trusty old thing. It needed some work sometime, but he had spent all summer making sure it was perfect for this year's season.
Daisy smiled slowly at Rosie, "As a truce, how about we do a quick warm up race?" She mounted her broom and waited for Rosie's answer.

Rosie studied her for a minute before mounting her own. "Fine, once around the pitch, close to the ground though!" They both kicked off, neck and neck. About half way around Rosie surpassed Daisy and then screamed shrilly as a mangled, furry beast crashed into her side. Pinned to the ground, Rosie cringed as slober from the werewolf's mouth dripped on her and it's claws dug into her skin.

One of the other werewolfs came out form under the stands and tackled Michael to the ground, a howl erupting in his throat as he went in for the bite.

"Alaska behind you!" Tarron yelled, pulling out his wand and pointing at the werewolf running up behind Alaska about to attack her. He couldn't think of a bloody spell, he was freezing up!
Michael dropped his broom as he was dragged to the ground. His eyes grew wide with fright as he looked at the beast on top of him, unable to move.

Jaycee stood in the stands, unable to move. This couldn't be happening. Not now. She scrambled down the steps, desperate to get out of there.

Sky pulled her wand out, watching the werewolves. She tried to think of a spell, her mind blank.
Alaska whipped out her wand, blasting it with a plume of fire as she nervously looked around for more, knowing that being one of the oldest kids here she needed to protect the others.

"Incendio!" She yelled once again, backing up and turning to the others. They were under attack, ad someone had to do something about it.

Scorpius hear Rosie yelled, and took off on her broom, ramming the beast in it's side, throwing him off his broom and sending him tumbling with the wolf. he could feel claws digging into his side ad the warmth of the two's blood staining his chest, but he tried his best to wrestle the beast away. Relentless to find his wand, he felt crushing pain in his shoulder before shoving his wand into the animals chest that lay scrabbling on top of him.

"Everte Stratum!" He yelled, sending the wolf off of him and giving his time to stand to his feet. He hadn't been trained against wolves yet, so Scoprius did the only thing he knew else to do.

"Sectum Sempra!"

He'd seem his father use it on practice dummies, so he decided now would be a good time to practice. He didn't want anyone to see the gore of it, but he had no Idea if a flame or water charm would work. Clutching his bleeding shoulder Scorpius fell to his knees, trying to keep his wand pointed at the wolf incase it didn't bleed out. His eyes couldn't focus, so he forced himself to stand only to be rewarded with falling again.
The scream from across the pitch made Aliza's blood freeze momentarily as she tore her eyes from the broom in front of her and darted around, seeking its source. That was not the shout of someone who'd fallen off their broom - that was terror. Immediately, she spotted a pair of girls, both in Slytherin colors, being assaulted by -- what was it? Large and furry, it was moving fast, and the dwindling light made it hard to see. Come on! Aliza willed herself, squinting harder at it; she had gone to the World Cup and seen players moving way faster than that th-- Werewolf. It felt like an enormous wave had just passed through her body with the realization when another one lunged out of no where, tackling a student closer to her, then a third appeared, pinning a boy to the ground.

"EVERYBODY IN THE AIR! NOW!" Her voice bellowed out of her at a volume she hadn't even known she could produce, and after a slow, agonizing moment, many of them began to obey, swinging legs over brooms and shooting into the air. Her priority was the safety of the students, and they would be out of reach the higher they went. A boy's shout close by made her whirl around, and she spotted a fifth year girl, moments away from being tackled by another werewolf. "Impedimenta!" the curse whizzed over the girl's shoulder and struck the werewolf in the face, blasting him backwards before the girl herself struck him with a fire charm. Aliza felt panic rising in her, faster and faster like a bubble beneath her collarbone, about to explode. Whirling around towards the boy who had shouted a warning at Alaska, she shoved her broom into his hands. "Take this and get to the castle as fast as you can. Get the headmistress, get anybody. Get help." Then, without waiting for an answer, she began to sprint towards the girls. Hopefully with her broom, he would get there in time to bring more teachers; it was the latest Nimbus model, and the international flying standard, as she refereed professionally. Her back was aching after only a few moments at a run, however; she never tried to move this fast on the ground after her injury. Not caring whose it was, she swiped a broom off from the ground and swung her leg over it, still running before flattening herself onto the handle and willing it to be a fast one.

"Stupefy!" She shot another curse at a werewolf pinning a boy (Michael, if she remembered his name correctly) to the ground, and succeeded again, leaving him still trapped but safer than he had been. The broom wasn't moving fast enough, however, and Aliza saw the werewolf rounding on a boy now, and shouted the only thing she was sure wouldn't miss from this distance. "Protego totalum!" A burst of light emitted from her wand, and it streaked towards the group of students, flashing between them and the wolf.
The werewolf on Rosie tumbled with Scorpius and while they wrestled, he sunk his teeth into Scorpius's shoulder before the spell hit him. With a whimper, the werewolf flew backwards as deep cuts appeared all over his body. He tried and failed to limp away and he laid there, bleeding to death.

The werewolf stalking Alaska howled in pain as the fire singed her fur. She growled and started circling around her before a spell hit her and she ran off to the Dark Forest.

Gwen noticed Michael being tackled by a werewolf and Gwen ran to help Michael up. "Are you okay?!"
"I think so," Michael nodded, pushing the stunned werewolf off of him.

Jaycee started panicking. It was horrible to be bit, that she knew from experience. A bite this close to the full moon was dreadful.
From the corner of her eye, she saw a Ravenclaw girl enchanting the stupefy'd werewolf off of Michael, and the first one she'd cursed rounding on Alaska again. Aliza cursed, as she hurled herself off her broom, landing in time to shoot another spell before the bleeding werewolf could get its bearings. "Petrificus totalus!" Quickly surveying the three students in front of her, she spotted Daisy, unharmed, Rosie, scratched but still in one piece, and -- Scorpius, bitten. It felt like fire was pounding through her head as she turned to Daisy, currently the only one who seemed to be unhurt. "You, girl, you have to get him to the castle," she said, hoisting him up in her strong arms and grabbing Daisy's shoulder, steering her towards her broom. "Get him to the infirmary - I know you can fly, you were here for try outs. Go!" She spun on Rosie next, pushing her back towards her broom. "Get in the air! Get as high out of reach as you can, do you understand me?! Fly!"
Gwen unfurled her black fairy wings, took his hand, and flew them into the stands away from the wolves. "Any bites? Are you all good?"

Tarron ran away from the pit, mounting his broom and flying towards the school. He hoped everyone was okay! 
"No, I don't trust him with her!" She unfurled her wings just as Daisy took off with Scorpius. She followed closely behind her the entire time. The two girls even worked together to get him in a bed. "Madame *Something or other cause I don't know if we decided who would play the nurse*!!"

McGonagall came running to the pitch with her wand raised. She looked at the wounded werewolfs and mumured a spell, tying them up tightly. She looked at the ref, "There seems to be no more attacking, what is the damage?"
Aliza ignored Daisy's protests, instead mounting on her broom and speeding back towards the third werewolf. Before she had reached it, however, a wave of relief hit her, leaving her feeling like she had just been doused with cold water. There was Professor McGonagall, wand raised, striding towards the pitch. In moments, the remaining werewolf had been stunned, and the three of them had been rounded up, tied with an enchantment. Aliza felt like the concrete previously encapsulating her lungs had loosened a little bit; she had always been far better on a broomstick than holding a wand, and it was a relief to have the elder witch there. "Two students scratched up, that one over there --" she pointed at Michael, "and another one who's gone to the infirmary, and..." she felt her throat contract tightly, "one bite, I think. The Malfoy boy; I just sent him to the infirmary with the other girl and one uninjured."

Students were now crying and some were still screaming; most of them hung in the air on their brooms, too stunned to move, and Aliza knew that she should be doing something to round them up, but she couldn't for the life of her think of what.
"Not a scratch," Michael shook his head, staring the wings sprouting from Gwen's back.

Jaycee quickly started to make her way back to the school.

Sky frowned, looking out onto the field. She quickly got down from the stands, going back to the school.
Scorpius screamed in pain the entire ride, his shoulder feeling like it was on fire as blood continued to stain the sheets as his shirt was already soaked.

"Tell me she's okay." He whimpered through a moan, gritting his teeth in an attempt to not cry in front of who ever had brought him

Alaska ran to McGonagall, having given another student her broom.

"Headmaster, we need to get everyone into the castle immediately. I saw some go into the castle to avoid getting killed or stunned. They will come back. But Malfoy is bitten, badly." She hissed, holding onto her own bleeding arm. Her left wad had was slightly burned from preforming an incendio curse, but was other wise fine.
Professor Sparrowsdale was out of the castle only minutes after Minerva, sprinting down the school grounds to the quidditch pitch and arriving in time to see the werewolves bound together, while Professor McGonagall stood by speaking quickly to Coach Boulstridge. With a quick nod towards the headmistress, she began to shout for the students to gather to her, seizing charge of the situation while her two colleagues sorted out what had happened. "All students, towards me! Those on your broomsticks come down this way! Those in the stands, we're heading towards the castle! Everybody, come on!" The students' reactions were still sluggish - in shock, she thought, as she waved them towards her. Her demeanor, as ever, was calm, but the serenity from her face had vanished, and she beckoned vigorously towards those who were in her house. "Alaska, Gwen!" she called, knowing those two by name, and in her hurry, forgetting to call them by their last names.

Aliza was in no mood to deal with students interrupting. "I was just telling that to Professor McGonagall; now please, rejoin the rest of the students and let us deal with it."
In a loud, demanding voice, Minerva looked at the students. "Back to the castle, in the Great Hall, all of you! Stay together!" She returned her stern gaze to Aliza. "You handled it well. Please go into my office and contact Scorpius's father. Meet me in the infirmary once you are finished." She helped round up the students and ushered them back to the castle. After they were a distance away, Minerva levitated all of the werewolfs and began walking to the castle herself.

"Good. C'mon we need to go to the castle." Still holding his hand, Gwen flew them down to the ground and started walking towards the castle while she furled her wings to her back.  
Madame Pomfrey hurried out of her office, "Oh my oh my! You two, hold him down!" She ordered to the two girls as she started rounding up various potions and salviants.

Daisy held Scorpius's left arm down tightly.

With tears streaming down her face, Rosie carefully kept his bitten shoulder down. "Scorpius calm down, we're all okay. Merlin, I'm so sorry..."

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