Hogwart's Next Generation.

"Same here...That was very..." Tarron couldn't even describe it. How did the werewolves get past Hogwart's defenses anyway?!
"Yes Headmaster."

Bowing and heading back into the curtained off room, he sat down next to Rosie and helped her by taking off his torn shirt where most of the blood lay, using his comb to comb the boy's hair back.

Alaska gathered up some sheets and set them up at the end of his bed, and smiled to Draco Scorpius before sitting back down and letting the three talk.

"So, I presume you're the Rosie he's told me about? It's wonderful to finally meet you, despite the circumstances. Better now than ever though." Draco smiled to the girl before pulling her seat back out for her to sit.

"Other father, don't tell her that!"

"What? It's true. Even Alaska knows it."

Looking back to the blue haired girl, Mr. Malfoy gave her a wink, telling her to play along.

"It was obvious you were just head over heels for her moment you saw her." Alaska said, clasping her hands together and fluttering her eyes.
Rosie felt heat creep up to her cheeks as she took her seat. "U-um, yeah I'm Rosie...It's nice to meet you too...Wait, since he saw me, eh?" Rosie smirked playfully at Scorpius but it was obvious she was just as embarrassed.

"Yeah," He agreed softly. With a wave of his wand, he laid a blanket over both of their shoulders. He stared at the fire as he fiddled with his fingernails.
Sky smiled, looking back at the fire. "Did anyone get bit?" she asked. She had left as soon as possibly, wanting to get out of there.
"Of course. And with good judgement too." Draco said, pushing her back i to the bed and taking his own seat.

Scorpius blushed a scarlet red, blinking a few times before stumbling to find his words.

"Uh, should't you be out helping perimeter checks?" He stammered, raising a eyebrow to his father.

Alaska laughed a little bit before bringing herself back into her seat and with the group.

"Oh don't try to hide it Scorpie. But Mr. Draco, I think you'll be surprised to head obsessions with the malfoy family passed on from Pansy to Daisey." She said, smirking to herself a little bit.
Rosie shuddered, "It's worse! Ugh! The prat even turned my hair yellow!!" Insulting Daisy was a conversation she could get into. "It's like she doesn't understand the whole 'he's mine so back off before I make you WISH you were in Azcaban!"
Sky stayed silent for a few moments. "That' horrible," she whispered. "Are they letting him stay?"

Jaycee went to her dorm, pulling a large wooden box out from under her bed. Her both didn't allow her to notify the school of her "condition," as she referred to it, instead sending a package of wolfsbane every month. She got a vial of it out, placing it under her pillow to take the next day.
"Yeah, as long as he takes Wolfsbane every morning. " Tarron knew Malfoy could handle this, he was strong.
"Wow that is bad. Scorpius, avoid any edible gifts from her. Her mother had a thing for love potions as well." Draco said with a confused face as she leaned back in his seat and crossed his legs.

"Father, she raised her wand to her, trust me, it's worse." Scorpius said, knowing that Daisy would't be able to pull off a love potion. Plus he knew everyone would know it wasn't real love ad something was up if she did.

"Hey, maybe we can set her up with Albus even though he's still passed out. It would be a pleasant surprise." She suggested.

"No way, he's got it bad for Gwen dude." Scorpius said, shaking his head lightly.
Rosie burst out laughing at that, "He does?! Oh I can't wait to tell Gwen!" She giggled as all of her anxiety faded away. "And yeah, Daisy is waaaay worse. But I think after a few pranks from the Parets, she'll learn her place." Rosie smiled again and held her palm up above her lap. "So....Just WHAT have you been telling your dad about me, Scorpie?"

"Yupp, gotta look on the brighter side of things. I wonder if they'll cancel Hogsmeade weekend?"
He nodded and went back to watching the fire. After a few minutes, he broke the silence, "Are you sure you're okay?"
"Uhh-" Scorpie couldn't find words to say, so his father happily stepped in for him.

"He told be how gorgeous he thought you were, and how you were Tarron's sister." He said, pleased with himself.

"I think you're leaving a certain metamorphmagi out. Do you realize how easy it could be to look like Scorpius? She'd be so crushed she'd stay in her room for weeks." Alaska said, turning her hair blonde and morphing her face to match Scorpius's to prove her point.

"I've just gotta work on a more feminine voice."

"It never gets old having you almost like a daughter." Draco smiled, tossing her a comb to brush her hair back with.
Rosie stuck her tongue out at Alaska. "Oh you!" Her palm glowed a faint green as she giggled. "So you think I'm gorgeous, Scorpie?" She loved teasing him, even if Alaska had pretended to be Scorpius.

"No problem." Tarron yawned absent-mindedly.
"You seem tired," Sky laughed softly.'

Jaycee felt a prickle at the back of her neck and frowned. She needed out of here. She exited through the common room, careful not to let a teacher see her. Once outside she ran for the woods.
"Of course." Scorpius said, thinking such a question ridiculous. She was pretty, but her looks weren't all he liked. She was nice and caring, and was much different from anyone else he'd ever met. He also had a way with animals he'd never seen before.
Rosie blushed and smiled as flowers grew in her palm. There was a water lily, a red chrysanthemum, and a variegated tulip which she promptly put in a nearby vase. "Well, thank you. You aren't half bad yourself, "She teased cause she knew he was more than good looking. He was so sweet to her and modest and chivalry definitely hadn't died with him.
Sky smiled. "Maybe we should both get to bed."

Jaycee curled up under a few tree roots as she changed, whimpering against the pain.

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