Hogwart's Next Generation.

Creeping towards the bush, his footsteps muffled, he pushed the hood of his cloak down, revealing his blond hair which seemed to blaze in the wandlight. There had been a noise, and followed by the sound of something falling... Suddenly, he saw it. There, half concealed by the bush, was another werewolf. His stunning spell had hit, and it had been knocked unconscious, sprawled out on the edge of the forest floor. Jenson held his wand higher, peering into the darkness to try and see if there were others, straining his ears to catch any sounds -- but there was silence, broken only by the rustling of the leaves overhead, and crickets sawing away towards the lake. He was still for a very long time, waiting apprehensively, before finally deciding that it must have come alone.

"Wingardium leviosa." The body of the werewolf floated into the air, disturbing some of the bush's branches as it rose, before hanging motionless at waist height. Jenson looked around again; still nothing. He paused, and waved his wand in a complex motion towards the forest, and a rune blazed blue in front of him before vanishing. Whoever picked up laying down the protections next would be able to find it and resume where he had left off. Then, taking a deep breath, he turned his attention back towards the werewolf, and began to move back towards the castle with it hovering in front of him, destined for the headmistresses office where the other three had been bound to await the arrival of ministry officials.
(Sorry, I had my brother's birthday and then a gathering with a few friends by the memorial. I should be good for the next few days though c: )

Alaska stopped for a moment to think, looking down and biting her lip.

"Scorpius cares too much about all of us to live up to his families name." She stated, grabbing out for her hand in the pitch black of the tunnels.

"He'll be okay. But we have to be there for him. And I trust you with him, and us. I wouldn't of trusted anyone else."

After a few moments of walking, thy ended up int he infirmary and Madame Pomfrey showed them in.

"C'mon, I grabbed a few clothes for you. Go ahead and change."
With more of a real smile than she's had all evening, Rosie took the clothes and went to change. When she came back out, she claimed the closest chair next to Scorpius. "Thanks, not just for the clothes but for being a friend. It means a lot, Alaska."

To say Minerva was stressed was an understatement. Her hair was starting to come out of it's bun as she paced back in forth in front of Dumbledor's painting. "We should cancel the trip to Hogsmeade immediately."

The former Head Master shook his head with that knowing smile and twinkle in his eyes. "No, it gives the students something to look forward to."

She sighed and looked at the report about to be sent off to the ministry. The three werewolves had been collected just an hour ago and Minerva had more paperwork to do. "I suppose you are right, Dumbledor, what with the new rules I will be instating. After breakfast tomorrow I am having a teacher's meeting." The last bit she said to herself as she waved her wand to clean up the papers. Now what she needed was sleep, she wasn't as young as she used to be, but sadly it seemed the universe wasn't going to let her as a knock sounded on her door. "Come in, what is it, Jenson?"

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"It's alright, you don't have to thank me for it. It's what I'm here for." She said, taking her place next to Rosie, she grabbed some blankets from the beds on either side of them, laying one over Rosie and one for herself.

"He'll be alright. My brother was always really interested in lycanthropes and animagi, so he pretty much forced me to have it all memorized." she mumbled to herself, smiling at the thought of him, "And at first it's going to be scary for us all. But then it'll be alot easier. It'll become routine."
Rosie nodded as she curled up with her blanket, her eyes on Scorpius slowly drooping to a close. Just before she fell asleep, she mumbled, "We'll get through it...together..." Light snores drifted through the room as Rosie's chest fell with her even breathing.
Alaska nodded slowly, slipping earphones into her ears, letting the music drown out the sound of rustling house elves or chattering paintings.

Eventually she fell asleep as well, clutching the blanket to her chin and hair fell infront of her face in a heavy cascade of green and black.
(...I kinda wanna say let's skip to the morning and when AlleyKat666 and Vega are on me and them can finish up that scene. So, wanna skip to morning just before breakfast?)
Mr. Paret arrived just before the sun rose and quickly gathered his two children in their houses. They led him into the infirmary where he quickly scooped the still sleeping Rosie into a tight hug.

Rosie's eyes opened slowly and she smiled at her dad before a yawn overtook her. "Mornin~!" She giggled, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. It was then she remembered where she was and looked over at Alaska and then Scorpius to see if she had woken them up.
Alaska yawned, her hair having turned back to her natural black over night. Quickly she let it fade back into blue in hopes that no one would've noticed. Standing up, she gave Mr. Paret a place to sit and fetched more seats for everyone.

"Hello sir." She said, finally sitting down once everyone else was seated. Scorpius was still out cold, the medicine strong enough to put him under.
Mr. Paret glanced at the blue haired girl and nodded to her politely as he took the seat. "Thank you. I'm Mr. Paret, Rannie's father. Along with those two," He sent Tarron and Gwen a smirk.

"This is Alaska daddy and he's my-my friend Scorpius." Rosie gestured to her sleeping boyfriend and she wanted nothing more than to bang her head on the bedside table. She just didn't have the courage to call him her boyfriend in front of her dad.
"It's wonderful to finally meet you sir." She said, smiling to Tarron and Gwen. Scorpius was just now starting to wake up, prompting her to grab a glass of water for him.

Scorpius pulled himself up, fighting to keep his shoulder from giving out. When he opened his eyes, he immediately sat up straight and straightening his shirt out. Holding out his hand, Scorpius looked Mr. Paret in the eye to address him.

"Hello sir. Mr. Paret I presume?" He said, ignoring the lingering pain in his shoulder when he moved his arm.
"Scorp-" Rosie sighed as he sat upright and went to get him some more pillows so he wouldn't have to strain himself.

Tarron nodded his head at Alaska with a grin before quitely whispering to Gwen all of the facial expression going on.

"Yes, and you are Scorpius Malfoy." Mr. Paret stated as he shook the boy's hand. He glanced at Rosie as she went about to make sure Scorpius was comfortable and developed a stern, fatherly expression when his gaze returned to the blonde boy.
Jaycee regained consciousness just as her body jerked into a painful change.

Sky got up and quickly went to take a shower. She spent a bit longer than usual in the shower, craving the water.

Phillip woke up and threw a pillow at Michael, knowing he would likely sleep in if he didn't.

Michael frowned as the sound of a shrieking Eldridge woke up up. The white cat stood with his hair on end nd it back arched, hissing and spitting at a pillow in front of him.
Minerva watched as the last werewolf transformed back into a human. "Miss Jaycee?" She walked over quickly and began to undo her bindings. "I believe this requires some explaining." She said, offering the girl no room to disagree.

"Dad, I'm going to my common room, see you after breakfast." Tarron waved bye to his father and led Gwen out of the infirmary and to her common room before heading to his.
Jaycee nodded. "Of course," she said, looking around. "I swear, I had nothing to do with the attacks. My mother sends me wolfbane every month. She doesn't want the knowledge tainting her reputation."
"Thank you Rosie.." He muttered, giving her a smile before looking back to Mr. Paret.

"Yes, Sir. I apologize that you have to see me in such an informal state Mr. Paret." Scorpius said once again. He was used to meeting people as stern as him. His grandfather, grandmother, friends of his father's, and even the Minister of Magic on an occasion, but none scared him as much as Rosie's father when it came to making a good impression.

Alaska tried to keep herself from chuckling, looking to Rosie about what her dad would do.

"So are we planning a funeral or going to breakfast once this is done?" She whispered herself.
Mr. Paret nodded to Scorpius then looked at Rosie. "Rannie, a word outside." He went out of the infirmary without waiting for a reply.

Rosie's face fell as she whispered, "A funeral. Whose, I'm not sure. I'll be back okay?" For Scorpius's sake, she put on a forced smile and kissed his cheek.

Minerva studied the girl for a minute before nodding. "Next time, inform the Head Mistress. Go, I believe breakfast has begun."
Jaycee nodded, hurrying to her feet and out the door.

Sky quickly changed into her robes with webbed fingers and blue tinted cheeks. She slipped a red extension into the front of her hair before hurrying to the commons to get her bag.
Tarron smiled at Sky, noting amusingly that she had a bit of a blue tint. "Morning, Sky. How'd you sleep?"
Sky looked up, almost forgetting what color she had put in that day. "Thanks," she said, pulling her bag out from under an armchair.

Michael changed into his robes and cradled the upset Eldridge to his chest, bringing him downstairs.

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