Hogwart's Next Generation.

Rosie blushed scarlet when she heard what Scorpius said and felt his fingers touch hers. Very hesitantly, she held his hand while looking at Daisy, trying very hard to come off as brave.

Daisy was dumbfounded. "Really? You choose this...this...pathetic whiney coward over me?!" She glared daggers at Rosie.

"This should be fun." Gwen smiled to herself.

Tarron laughed at Albus's face, "Don't worry I was just kidding mate."
"Of course. She's not acting like a dog." He said, standing up and bowing to her lightly. "Now I see that you will take your leave, and never call her that again Daisy." Sitting back down he had seen that a few people looked to them, but not many. Everyone else was preoccupied with the feast that had just begun.

"Totally. So, any of you got an idea as to when Thestrals are?" Alaska asked, picking up a few things and setting them on her plate as first years crowded in around them.

"Whatever. I still get first picks though!" he said, diving into the food. For as small of a boy as he was, Albus could eat anything he was given a hundred times fold.
Rosie's hurt feelings lifted a bit as Scorpius stood up for her. She smiled thankfully at him.

Daisy got up and leaned into Rosie's ear. "Watch yourself, halfbreed. You made an enemy today." Without seeing her reaction, Daisy stomped off to another place at the table.

She gupled, fear crossing her features briefly.

"Suuuure ya do mate." He rolled his eyes before piling up his plate as well even though he'd only eat half of it.

"Nope but Hagrid might." Gwen smirked, carefully filling her plate by using her sense of smell.
Scorpius glared at the girl as she walked away, sitting back down.

"She's just another pureblood mutt like her mother is." He growled, still holding onto Rosie's hand. "Ignore her. If she ever tries to lay a finger or a wand on you, tell me and I'll take care of it. My father is very familiar with her mother." He said, looking Rosie in the eyes.

Albus chowed down on the food he had, finishing it off soon.

"No need for that." She said, sitting up a little straighter. "Alright, story time younglings."

Alaska made sure everyone was paying attention before she started. "A Thestral is a breed of winged horses with a skeletal body, face of a reptile, and wide, leathery wings like a bat's.

They are very rare, and are considered dangerous by the Ministry of Magic. Thestrals are totally misunderstood and are called omens of death or bad luck due to the circumstances on seeing them. One can only actually see a Thestral if they've seen death take place and have accepted the concept. They're gentle creatures though, just don't let anyone else know I'm taking you all out to see them. We might get caught."
Rosie smiled but it was unsure. "Okay..Thanks for sticking up for me." Her smile was genuine now as she blushed realizing their hands were still together.

Tarron glanced back over at his little sister and did a spit take of the pumpkin juice he had just drank. "Look at Malfoy!"

"Wow, they sound really cool." Gwen grinned. "I'm good at keeping secrets. Don't worry."
"No problem." He said with a smile, but when he looked up at Tarron he felt like crawling under the table in fear. "I think your brother might kill me." He muttered, looking down, a stray blonde hair falling in his face.

Albus looked up, and started laughing as hard as he could, falling out of his chair and almost spilling his Butterbeer. "Get it Scorpie!" He yelled, giving him a thumbs up from the floor.

"Awesome. So, you all in for tomorrow?" She asked, relaxing abit.
This time Rosie did bang her head on the table and groaned. She looked back up, getting very tired of her brother and accidently took it out on Albus, giving him a glare that could make plants wither. "ALBUS POTTER SOD OFF!"

Tarron blinked a bit as Rosie yelled. It was the first time she's ever raised her voice in anger...

"Yupp." (Alleycat isn't on so I don't want to move on without her and I won't be on till three or four i the afternoon today. You okay with just doing some talking for now? Like we have been?)
(Sorry guys. I completely fell asleep.)

Michael nodded as he ate some mashed potatoes. "Sounds like fun," he smiled.

Sky ate slowly, barely looking up from her plate. She was aware of the commotion going on around her, she just didn't take part.

Jaycee laughed softly as Daisy stormed off. She ate her food quickly, finishing a bit before everyone else.
(It's cool. I fell asleep too)

Albus sat but up, but shrunk down to his place as he continued to eat. "If she comes over here, use a disillusionment charm on me.... please."

Scorpius patted the back of her hand. "It's okay. Calm down. Let's just have fun the rest of the evening." He urged, not wanting to see her so upset.

Alaska looked back and chuckled, seeing what had been going on between the lot. There was definitely a correlation between Daisy and her mother, whom she'd been forced to meet at Diagon Alley.

"We might want to get moving before the curious first years. So whenever you all are done, I'll take you around.
"Ahem," Minerva (Can't spell her last name right so I'm going to call her by her first) said, calling the attention of the students and giving Rosie a look.

Rosie scooted a bit closer to Scorpius and looked down in shame, her face scarlet.

"As you know the Forbidden Forest is off limits to all students. Curfew is eleven and Quidditch try-outs will be tomorrow in place of Ravenclaw practice. For all Third year students, the first Hogsmeade visit will be the day following the try-outs. " She turned serious, giving the students a somber look. "I think it is best to inform you all that the ministry has been attacked. Seems some of Fenrir Greyback's followers are still illuding capture and are attempting to start the next Wizarding War."

Tarron's eyes went wide with shock and he looked at ALbus and Sky, "She can't be serious.."

Gwen frowned and her forhead creased in thought. "The werewolf's group?"

She let out a small, scared squeak and held Scorpius's hand tighter.
Alaska's face dropped, thinking of the family she's lost to Fenrir's pack. If something happened, there was no doubt they'd come after Hogwarts. She'd have to find some way to prepare for an attack here. "Yeah, the wolves." She muttered in response to Gwen. She tried taking her mind off of it my taking a small lock of hair and changing it every other color she could think of.

Albus stared wide eyed to Tarron, one of his eyebrows raised. "I thought Fenrir was dead?" He asked, almost as stunned with everyone else.

"Son't worry, they can't hurt us here. Hogwarts has withstood nearly everything, plus why would they come after a school?" Scoprius said, looping an arm around Rosie to try and comfort her. He didn't want her to be scared, so he'd do what he could to calm her fears.
"...You're right...Hogwarts is safe." Rosie tried assuring herself, sending him a grateful. smile.

"Huh, looks like I'm going to have to keep an eye...er...ear? On rosie." Gwen smirked at her own pun, not the least bit worried.

"Now I'm kind of glad Rosie has Scorpius. She's not going to be able to sleep tonight." Tarron sighed. "But this is Hogwarts, we're perfectly safe." He grinned at some of the worried first years.

"I assure you the Hogwarts is heavily guarded and the teachers will be monitoring Hogsmeade so as to protect you students. Now, prefects lead your house to their common room. Goodnight to you all."

"Hey she didn't introduce the new teacher...And I don't see anyone new at the table either.." Tarron shrugged it off and started following the Gryffindors up to their tower.
"Me too." He said, knowing that gwen could take care of herself. If anything happened she would just break out the fire works.

Alaska stood up, gesturing for Gwen and her friends to follow. "C'mon, we're taking a shortcut." She said, sneaking her wand from her back pocket. She layed a hand on Gwen's shoulder and led her through the crowd and out into the hallway, but ducked behind a large curtain and crouched into the tunnel. After a few steps, she stood up and pulled Michael and Gwen up into a stand. "Welcome to the Raven claw corridor. There are a couple ways to get here, but the main entrance is where we're at. You can also get to almost anywhere else from here, but we'll explore that once we get settled in our dorms later on tonight. Lumos" She said, shining her wand's light t the lized and designs engraved onto the wall, meant for guiding in complete darkness.

"Michael, care to take a guess as to what line leads to Ravenclaw?"

Scorpius stood up along with the Perfects, wanting to get to the dorms before all the first years.

"Shall I walk you?" He asked Rosie, holding out his right hand for her.
Rosie blushed and beamed at him, "Thank you, I'd like that." She took his hand and stood up as well. "By the way, next you should make sure it's okay before you lie to Daisy and say we have a date." Rosie giggled, sincerely thinking he was just trying to get away from her.

Gwen followed along, keeping a hand on the walls to try and memorize her way around. "This is so cool."

He smirked at Albus, "So I bet you five sickles Rosie falls off her broom tomororow and Gwen doesn't miss a shot when trying out for Chaser." Tarron walked with the first years, wanting to get to his room quickly. He looked up at the prefect when he spoke the password, Chocolate Frog.
"Who says I was lying? I told her I was about to ask you. Because I was." He said with a smirk, walking along with the first years. The two towered over the most of them, but that didn't stop some of the boys from whistling at Rosie, which was soon quieted with a glare from him.

"The different designs will lead you to where you want to go. The straight lines on the bottom are to the Hufflepuff common room, the hilly second lines are to the Slytherin dungeon, the third zigzags to the Gryffindor common room, and the very top lines that have bumps inside of the line's carvings are for the Ravenclaw. It'll take you around the school silently and sneakily. If you don't know which way to go then feel the floor. Arrows point twords the commons, go against the arrows and you'll end up wherever you came from." Alaska said, using the light of her wand to illuminate what she was talking about, and used her other hand to guide Gwen's hand.

"How can I bet you if I agree with you?" Albus laughed, his hands in his back pockets. As they walked into the common rooms, he almost immediately ran up into the rooms, eager to take out his broom and make a grand entrance to the first years. "Feel like corrupting the new meat?" He laughed, throwing open his chests.
"Always," Tarron replied, digging in his trunk to get some dungbombs and his own broom. "Ready?"

Rosie giggled at the kids then rolled her eyes at Scorpius. "Well, as long as you don't mind spending most of your time at Honeydukes, I suppose I can put up with you for a few hours." Rosie teased as she plopped down on a couch in front of the window looking under the Black Lake.

"Thanks, this'll be sooo much easier than asking people which way I"m going." Gwen grinned. She was quite happy to be learning something so useful.
"Let's have at it. Perfects are in McGonagall's office now." He said. He jumped onto his broom and flew out the door and down the stair cases, into the common room. For a moment he circled around the still lingering first years, herding them up.

"Alright kiddies, now listen up. I'm Albus Severus Potter. Third year and famous keeper of the absolute best team in Hogwarts. Now since this is your first night here, consider it a much more entertaining introduction to the school than what you'll have later on this week. And don't worry, none of us re wherewolves." Albus said, flying down behind a boy who wasn't paying attention, and roaring in his ear. "Now I must welcome by good friend Tarron the Great!"

"then I guess you'll have to."

Scorpius walked Rosie to the door of the girl's dormitory, and bowed before letting go of her hand.

"I'll see you later. I've got to go introduce a few first years."

"No problem. I wish I could've shown you it sooner." She said, opening a small door and lifting the curtain up, revealing the Ravenclaw common room.

"Welcome home, Eagles." She said, hopping down from the small perch. Alaska looked out over the room full of first years who all seemed to have their eyes trained on the small group crawling out from the wall. she helped Gwen down then ran into the center of the room, forcing them all to scatter.

"Sorry, I don't like it when they stare."
Tarron flew down to the firsties, throwing dungbombs around the room and blasting confetti and candy from his wand. "Welcome to the House of the Lions! Here we ROAR! It's the best house at Hogwarts! Here you create mischief and stick up for each other!" He flew down next to ALbus wearing a goofy grin. "Anything else to add, Albus the Magnificent?"

"Okay, don't be too harsh on them. And let them know not all Slytherins are mean for me." Rosie giggled, her face flushing as he bowed. She opened her dorm door and turned to watch him go, a happy smile lighting up her face.

"Fine by me, I hate stares as well since I can't see who there coming from." Gwen chuckled as she walked to stand in front of her.
"Nothing, nothing at all. But boys, no sneaking into the girl's dorms. The gals seem to have put a few curses on it, and unless you was slugs falling out of your mouth or bat boogers, no not try it." Albus warned, rising up a little bit to make sure all of them heard. "By the way little ones, Hagrid might look a little scary and goofy, but he's actually pretty awesome. And never doubt the Headmaster. If you see a cat, behave yourselves." He chuckled, leaning back on his broom a little bit.

"I wont, promise!" He waved back, walking into the common room where the first years had been told to wait.

Alaska ran up into the dorms, grabbing her broom out then running back out to Gwen.

"So, are you on the quidditch team this year?" she asked, curious if she was either trying out or was already in from last season.
"And after every game-since we'll always win- we throw a party here. As for the other houses, their cool. Not as cool as us of course, but cool enough to hang out with. Forget all that rubbish about the Lions and the Snakes being mortal enemies. It's not true anymore, now the Lions are enemies with all the jerks in the school. Oh and any guy who flirts with or even checks out the Paret girls will feel my wrath!" Tarron glared before laughing at the kids' scared faces.

She sighed happily and walked in, closing the door behind her. Rosie stopped midstride to her bed when she noticed who was sitting on it with a wand pointing straight at her.

"Stay away from my Scorpius," Daisy sneered at the shaking girl. "Or you'll regret it. Remember, I sleep right over there and I can make your nights a living h*ll." She smiled bitersweetly and proceeded to walk to her own bed just across the room and drew the curtains together.

Rosie gulped and walked slowly to her bed. With shaking hands she changed into pajamas and crawled into bed. She laid there for hours, snuggling Basil and listening to the girls' even breathing around her. Around four, sleep finally dragged the terrifying girl down into it's dark depths.

"I was on from last year but I'm trying out again so my sister won't be alone during try-outs." Gwen smirked when she returned with what she assumed was a broom.
"Don't worry Tarron couldn't hurt a fly if he wanted to. First years are out of the question- unless we find they decide to take advantage over everyone else. So, behave yourselves. Not Tarron, feel like risking a broom ride through the school or should we let the itty bitties get some sleep?" Albus asked lowering down enough for his feet to touch the ground.

Scorpius looked over the smaller first years, before using an Accio spell to summon his broom to him. A few moments later, one of the other third year's joined by his side and sent a bright green snake flying about the room before it evaporated into the air.

"Wonderful to see you all are paying attention." He said as they all looked up to the two hovering on their brooms. "Now, I am Scorpius Malfoy. Bludger for Slytherin, third year. I ought to let you all know a few things before you retire." He said, voice loud and clear, boasting with confidence.

"Being in our house is no excuse to be rude. Boys, I expect you all to be perfect gentlemen and to not harrassany of the ladies. Ladies, a little cat fight is fine but if you end up bullying anyone you will be put under the same suffrage from prefects. Slytherins are resourceful, cunning, and we get what we want by working hard, not by being cheats. You're in this house for a reason, so have pride about it. I'm sure you're all bright minds. Now I bid you goodnight. I hope to see a few of you at the pitch tomorrow, especially if you've never seen a quidditch game before. It'll be learning experience for when you can try out."

Alaska sat on her broom, seeing that the perfects were in the room. "Want a ride to the dorms?" She asked Gwen lowering down next to her.
(Sorry. Went out of town for teh day.)

"She must be," Sky frowned. She left as they were dismissed.

Jaycee grew uneasy and hurried to her dorm as soon as they were dismissed. She sat on her bed, barely acknowledging Rosie and Daisy.

Michael nodded. "I'm still trying out," he said.

Phillip nodded as well.
"Sorry mate, I want to get enough sleep for Quidditch tomorrow," Tarron said, landing on the ground.
Sky climbed into her bed after doing some unpacking. She felt Cinder curl up at her feet. She stared at the ceiling worrying.

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