Hogwart's Next Generation.

"Yes, it is." Gwen replied before looking at Michael. "What do they look like?"

"She really likes Scorpius....and she threatened me last night to stay away from him..." Rosie said pitifully.

"You were holding her hand." He stated flatly before glancing at Rosie at her table. He blinked a bit then grabbed Scorpius by the collar, getting in his face with real fury this time. "What did you say to her?!"
"A boy with white hair and another with (whatever colored hair Tarron has)hair," Michael, said, starting to put some food on his plate.

"And you're going to listen to her?" Jaycee asked confused. "He obviously likes you and she seems a bit pathetic." She hoped she heard the last part.
Scorpius's face filled with fear, knowing Tarron wouldn't refrain from beating him to a pulp.

"Nothing! I swear I've been a gentleman! Jaycee just said she was tired! You know I'd never do anything to hurt her!" He said frantically, trying to figure out why she was upset aswell.

Albus heard the commotion, seeing the two by the Hall entrance. He tapped on SKy's shoulder then pointed to the two. "Looks like someone said something wrong." He mumbled before flying from his seat to the pair in an effort to see what was going on.

Alaska's head immediately shot up, pouring herself some tea and grabbing a few other things. She rarely ate at the feast last night, so now she was hungry as a wolf.
Sky looked up from her hashbrowns and pancakes with a worried glance. She watched carefully, hoping no one got hurt over this.
Tarron studied him with a cold glare. He looked back over to Rosie and realization washed over him. "I know why she looks so freaked out...Daisy's over there glaring a hole into her and that girl's head. She didn't take the news well huh?" He asked, letting Scorpius go and giving him an apologetic look.

"What are they doing?" She asked, piling her own plate.

Daisy was indeed glaring at the two girls because she had picked up their conversation.

Rosie shrank in her seat, wanting desperately to become invisible. "Her mum was pretty skilled in the dark arts....And in case you haven't noticed, I'm kind of pathetic myself."

"At least you're admitting it." Daisy snorted, causing Rosie's frown to deepen.
"The white haired one about got beat up by Tarron," Michael stated before putting peanut butter on an English Muffin.

Jaycee sneered at Daisy. "And what makes you so special? Scorpious obviously has no affection for you."
Daisy smiled sweetly, turning her attention to buttering a piece of toast. "At least not yet."

"Just stop talking please," Rosie quietly begged Jaycee
Jaycee rolled her eyes, turning her attention that didn't make her want to puke. She held back a growl as she scooped some sausage onto her plate.
Scorpius looked at Daisy, and immediately turned on his heel and stormed past the first years twords her, a scowl on his face. He sat down next to her to be sure no one else heard him.

"I'll give you on last chance to leave her alone for good. Daisy, you must not realize how much trouble you've just put yourself in with the Malfoy family. Though you do realize our family relations to the Riddles and Blacks." He said in a hushed but serious tone, rolling up his sleeve to reveal his scar on his right arm, traditional to those of a death eaters. His was not the tattoo, but he knew Daisy would understand the premise, while he hoped Rose would know that his family abandoned a Death Eater's path long ago and are shamed by such ties. Scorpius looked up at Daisy with a look in his eye that made even mandrakes shut up.

Albus grabbed Tarron's arm, making sure he didn't go ever there and let Scorpius deal with her. "You can have her once he's done. I think he's pulling out the 'Don't mess with the dark arts' Card dude." He warned.
"Yeah," Michael said. "It broke up quickly. I don't think anything really went down." 
Sky slowly picked at her food, looking down at her plate.
Daisy's eyes widened a bit but she raised her chin up at him. "I've done nothing to her, Scorpius, dear. And I am quite aware of your ties." Inside, she was terrified. But she won't let that ugly little girl take what is hers.

Rosie's eyes clenched shut as she caught ear of their conversation. How could she have forgotten? The Malfoy family was known to be into Dark Arts. What if Scorpius was too. No, he was so nice to her. Maybe that was because he doesn't know she half fairy though...What would he do if he finds out?

Tarron sighed and let Albus lead him back to the table. "Yeah, you're right. But he should be careful not to let Rosie hear that. I don't know if she knows his dad's changed."

Gwen sighed in relief before digging into her own food. "Good."
Professor Sparrowsdale took a last long look at herself in the mirror. It was the first full day of the term, and she would be meeting all the new first years in her classes today, as well as welcoming back the older students. Although all the students had arrived yesterday. the prefects were the ones that mostly dealt with them on their first night back - every one was busy reuniting with their friends, and no one wanted to see a professor to remind them of work.

The woman that was reflected back in the mirror at her was exceedingly pale, and her white, shining hair stood up straight, making her already-light skin look borderline translucent. Her eyes were wide, the light brown irises staring back at themselves, and for once there weren't bags under them; the summer had been restful. Finally, Hexa shook her head and pushed herself back into her daily routine. Her teeth had been brushed, her bed made, and she'd had her morning cup of tea; she finished up her work in the bathroom, slipping on a handful of rings, pushing a few bracelets onto her wrist, and fastening a silver chain around her neck. She tickled a tiny, sleeping silver dragon coiled up around the faucet of her sink, not even big enough to fill the palm of her hand, and it woke up, staring blearily at her before shaking itself awake and flitting up to coil itself into an earcuff around her ear. Hexa hummed softly to herself as she shrugged on her black outer robe, fastening it up the front as the mauve interiors disappeared, and finally picked up her wand, heading towards the door. With a flick of her wand, several of her books and papers straightened up and packed themselves into a bag, and with another twitch of her wrist, several of the buckles transformed into legs and a tail. "Go on. To my office," she said, shooing the bag out the door. With a last look around the room, she grabbed the stack of time tables from beside the door and headed out, locking her quarters behind her.

The Great Hall was already swarming with students when she arrived, and she marveled at how small the first years were; it was incredible how much they grew over the course of a single year, and it always astonished her how little they were whenever a new bunch arrived in the autumn. Picking her way through the crowd holding the time tables at her hip, she made her way to her house table. The Ravenclaws were all chatting animatedly amongst themselves and introducing each other to new students, new dramas sprouting up as quickly as the food replenished itself. Professor Sparrowsdale started with the older students first, handing out the pieces of parchment bearing their schedules along the table as she greeted them, inquiring about their summer and so on. "Alaska," she read off, handing one to a black-haired fifth year girl sitting near her. "That one's for you... Phillip? Ah, there you are!" she continued, reaching across the table to hand one to the fourth year boy. She went on, rattling off names until she got to the third years, "Gwen, Michael, here are your time tables. Hope you picked interesting electives," she said, smiling at them as they dug into breakfast. 
[[sorry, I didn't refresh before I posted. Are you all still at your house tables? I'm really behind in keeping up with the RP, been at work all day x__x Apologies! I can edit if it doesn't make sense.]]
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"Yeah, all's good." Albus said, calmly digging into his food.

Scorpius has his arm on the able, easily seen by Daisy.

"I beg to differ. You've upset her enough so that she is not acting herself, and I will not have this. Do not call me dear, for that is not what I am to you. I can see it in your eyes that you're lying to me, you're afraid. Now apologize to her and leave." He said. With each more his voice seemed to get rougher and more raw, his anger getting the best of him. No one would ever cross any of the people he cared about, expecially Rosie, and walk away unscathed. Daisey should be lucky he isn't telling her father.

Alaska wondered for a moment, then decided she'd help the bunch out with whatever grudge they had against Daisy.

"Hey Gwen, feel like rounding up a few fireworks to avenge your sister?" She asked, nodding her head to Daisey who sat directly behind her. When she turned to look at Scorpie, she shuddered and turned right back around. "Maybe we should wait for Scorp to calm down. He's kind of scaring me."

As the teacher came by with her schedules, she decided to show off what she can do. As soon as she looked away, Alaska changed her face to look like a hufflepuff girl's from last years, as her hair turned a bright green. "Excuse me? I'm not Alaska.
Gwen took her timetable, waving her wand to translate it to brail and begin moving her fingers over it. "We can set up a prank at lunch, even I wouldn't mess with a p*ssed off Malfoy."

With each change of his voice, Roise flinched. Who's to say he wouldn't do this to her if he found out she was half fiary?

Daisy swallowed and glanced down at his arm. Then she looked at Rosie, "I'm sorry." She waited till Rosie nodded before turning her attention to her plate.

"So, Sky, you like pranking?"
Sky looked up. "I don't really do much pranking," she said. "I could help though."

Michael glanced back at the Slytherin table, deciding she was right.
"Good, I have to get back my no good sister." He winked at her. "Any ideas, mates?"
Albus shrugged, too busy stuffing his face to respond.

"Mawbe tayke her faweworks" He said with a full mouth, using one hand to cover it.

Scorpius looked up at Rosie with pleading eyes, ashamed by what he'd just said. He always sore to never use his families past to his advantage, but there was no other way to scar Daisy off without hurting her, and he couldn't bear to do that either, no matter what she'd done. "Can I please talk to you outside... please?" He asked, rolling his sleeves back down to hide his scar. A stray lock of white hair had fallen back in his face, but he was too worried about explaining to Rosie that he was changed, and so was his father and mother.
Rosie fiddled with her hands and glanced up at Scorpius. She looked around, unsure of what to do, and noticed teachers handing out time tables. "After we get our schedules.." She said quietly. Her heart was hammering in her chest. Rosie wanted to talk to him, to find out where he stood, but she needed some time to calm down.

"You guys have no creativity." After a few bites of food, Tarron snapped his fingers. "I got it! Prepare for a show in Potions guys."

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