Hogwart's Next Generation.

Slowly, Rosie smiled as she unfolded her wings and fluttered them a bit. "Good, cause I'm half-fairy. Does the evil Malfoy still want to go to Hogsmeade with a Halfbreed?" She joked as her smile grew.

"You must love the Black Lake here then." He smirked, picturing her in a bikini ( xD the next Sirius Black everybody)

Gwen snickered, "That's why I didn't take it. I have Transfiguration then Muggle Studies."
Sky nodded. "Yeah," she said. She really did. The problem was getting to it alone.

Phillip peered at the schedules. "Artimacy (probably got that word totally wrong) then Muggle Studies."
"Luckkyyyy" Alaska moaned, resting her head on her hand.

Albus punched Tarron in the shoulder, knowing exactly what he was thinking. "Behave." He snickered, honestly kind of thinking the same about Gwen. (Oh the young male mind. Such a strange thing.)

Scorpius half smiled, seemingly entranced by her wings.

"I uh- wow. They're gorgeous." He said, jaw hanging in awe.
"Maybe we should go swimming some time." He offered with a wink.

"Aw, poor Phillip, all alone in Arithmancy." Gwen teased.  
Rosie's face went red and her wings fluttered a bit more. "Thanks, Gwen has a pair as well....I can also do Earth magic, without a wand. Watch." Rosie held out her hand, palm up. In a small green light, a pink rose appeared.
(Which class does he have? Arithmancy or Trans?)

Tarron sent a woops look to Albus then gave Sky a half smirk. "Hey I didn't mean anything by it. You don't have to hide your face."
"Ya know, you two are like twins." Alaska said gesturing to the two boys.

"That's amazing. I couldn't even dream of doing something like that. But I guess bringing you a rose is a little lame now isn't it?" He said, nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

Albus rolled his eyes at Tarron, playing around with the food and seeing how many he could levitate at a time.
Rosie giggled, "No, I love flowers and a handsome bloke bringing me flowers in front of a crowd has always been a romantic dream for me. Just make sure to do your research cause certain flowers mean certain things and I always make sure the flower is appropriate!" She nodded matter-of-factly, handing him the rose and folding her wings back up.

"Only a year apart," Phillip grinned. "He's a bit of a softy as well."

Michael punched him in the arm.

Sky put her hand on the table, trying to think of something to say. She shrugged. "It's fine," she said.
Scorpius' face screwed up, trying to think of what flower to bring. Ugh, why did romance have to be so complicated. "Well uh, do you have a favorite flower?" He asked, rolling up his sleeves again.

Albus decided to spare Tarron the humility, and change the subject. "So, are you going thestral watching with us after classes?"

"Aweh, well softies are cuties." she said, ruffling Michael's hair.
"Hey, softie is good. He gives out compliments easier." Gwen smirked as she stuck up for Michael.

Tarron glanced at Albus then whispered in Sky's ear. "Watch this." He pulled out his wand, hiding it behind the leg furthest away from Albus and flicked it, sending a mince meat pie zipping towards his face.
Rosie thought for a moment, "Probably the flower I'm named after. Ranunculus flowers. But blue roses are a close second." She added, remembering the rare colored rose she saw in her mother's shop. She glanced at his scar, wondering what the entire story was behind it.
Gwen read the last classes off of her paper. "I have Arithmancy after Muggle studies and then Herbology and last History-or as I call it, Nap class."
"Well, now he's started a war." Albus said, sending the 4 stacked croissants at Tarron, and ducking under the table from any further attacks.

"Okay. So, roses?" He asked. He didn't really pay attention in herbology, so the whole name thing came kid of rough.

"See? He just gets better by the second." Alaska said, finishing off her pumpkin juice.
Rosie giggled at how clueless he looked. She decided to make it easier on him, "Yes, roses. Oh and by the way pink roses means crush." A blush as pink as the rose settled in her cheeks.

"Hey!" It was indeed a food war! He sent a pitcher of pumpkin juice Albus's way while smaking away the croissants. He waggled his eyebrows at Sky as the pitcher followed Albus under the table.

"Cool, my year just got a little brighter...figuratively of course," Gwen smirked as she made another sight joke.
Sky rolled her eyes, contemplating getting up and leaving them to her game. She decided to stay where she was, watching them.

"Figuratively brighter is better the figuratively darker," Michael shrugged.
(I think I'm gonna have to call it a night. goodnight guys!)

"Okay." Scorpius smiled confidently, happy that he knew what to do now and wouldn't look like a fool in front of her. "So is there anything else 'like?" He asked, holding his hand out to her.

Albus sent a batch of muffins tword his head while he wasn't looking, but he didn't have enough time to avoid the juice. He popped up on the other side of the table and acted like he was taking Sky hostage.

"Don't throw, or the pretty lady gets juiced." He said, about to hug her since he was literally soaking wet.

Alaska smiled, finally awake now. "Awesome. so hey, when do classes start?"
Sky looked at Albus with wide eyes. She watched the juice drip from his clothes and instantly knew it would only increase the blue tinged skin and prolong the webbed hands.

"Soon after breakfast if I'm not mistaken," Phillip smiled.

(Good night. I think I'll be heading to bed shortly as well. I might make another post or two first though.)
(I am soo sorry for waking up late, my alarm never went off >.> anyway, who's all up?)

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