Hogwart's Next Generation.

"He's holding her hand and they seem to be talking quite animatedly about something." Alaska said, making sure for a second that the subject was pleasant before turning back around.

"Of course he wouldn't mind. Though, if you two met he might barrage you with questions about what it's like being one." He said, his face growing red as he watched her run ver his hand. A tingling sensation ran up his arm briefly.

"Ofcourse! Exactly why being friends with Alaska is such a bigger plus. She's a metamorphmagus."
"See Sky," Tarron smirked, "we're experts."

".....Oh my Merlin...She's dating a Malfoy?!" Gwen exclaimed, her eyes widening with surprise. She was fine with friendship, but dating? ROSIE dating a raised up with the dark arts Malfoy?! She's going to have to inform dad.

"That's alright, it'd be fun explaining fairy history." She giggled as he blushed. Rosie stopped and let his hand go before kissing his cheek. "Red looks nice on you, Scorpius." Rosie herself blushed as a few of the Slytherins wolf whistled.
Scorpius playfully bared his teeth to the other Slytherins, chuckling to himself a little bit before looking back to Rosie. "Why thank you, pretty lady." He said with a smirk.

"Don't worry, he can't harm a fly. Malfoys aren't bad like everyone says they are. I've known the kiddie since before he was a first year. His Father helped my older brother get through school." She said in an attempt to calm Gwen down.

"Only the best." Albus said, bumping his fist together with Tarrons.
Michael frowned, seeing the worried expression on her face.

Sky smiled, getting up. "I guess so," she said, dusting herself off. She noticed her sleeves had slipped up her wrists and quickly pulled them over her fingers again.
((randomly off topic but I told my friend I was going to cane her....and then felt like Lucious Malfoy....Does anyone know if the rumors of him beating Draco are true? I think they would be)
Tarron raised an eyebrow at Sky when she pulled down her sleeve in a hurry. He didn't get a good look and now wondered what she was hiding. "...You okay Sky?"

"....Even then I have to tell my father. Rosie is....a five year old at heart and I don't think Malfoy is such a good choice for her..." She said carefully, not wanting to down right insult the boy.

Rosie blushed deeply and looked away with a smile. She was so happy right now she felt like flying, which she would have if she wasn't in the Great Hall. Scorpius was being nice to her after finding out she was a fairy, he got Daisy to back off, and he even still likes her! This morning couldn't get any better.

Daisy gritted her teeth from the other end of the table as she watched that mutt flirt with her property. Dark Arts or not, she will get him. With a smirk, Daisy waved her wand and whispered a spell. She chuckled proudly as Rosie's hair began to turn yellow to match that ugly puff ball she had.
(I wouldn't be surprised what so ever. I do believe there were a few times in the movie where Luscious hit him with the cane to line him out infront of Harry.)
Sky looked up. "Yeah," she said softly.

Michael frowned. "Maybe he's not so bad," he said.

Phillip nodded. "It's not like he's a werewolf or something." (Phillip's gonna have a things against Beasts and Beings just because it's fun.)
Scorpius looked at her hair, watching it slowly turn from the roots down to yellow. It took him a moment to realize it before he reached tot he table directly across and 'borrowed' another fellow quidditch players hat. He put it on her head and grabbed Rosie's hand pulling her out into the hall as she tried to remember the right spell.

"I understand. Just maybe give them the day, and you can talk t her about it after classes. Better yet, chastise Malfoy." Alaska said, trying her best to pull the blondies weight.
Jaycee noticed Daisy out of the corner of her eye and frowned, tempted to bring out her wand. She didn't notice what she had done yet though.
"You sure?" She was hiding something, he was sure of it.

Gwen looked at Phillip sharply, "Are you saying it'd be worse if he was?" 
Rosie sent Jaycee a questioningly look before Scorpius whisked her out of the hall again. "What's going-Oh my mother earth my hair!" She shrieked as she caught sight of a curl of sunshine yellow. She threw off the hat and pulled a lock in front of her wide eyes.
Sky looked at the ground. "Yeah," she said, trying to think of a way to change the subject.

"Yeah," Phillip nodded. "I mean, werewolves aren't fit to be in the school and I'm sure there's a few of them here anyways. Not to mention all the other possible creatures.

Michael stared at his brother, mouth open. 
Jaycee glared at Daisy. "That wasn't very nice," she said. "It seemed like you had learned your lesson."
"Dang right other possible creatures cause they do have a right to be here!" Gwen said, her hair lighting on fire. She was glaring furiously at Phillip.

Tarron shrugged and decided to let it be. He turned around and searched for his siblings. "Hey Albus, Gwen's on fire." He chuckled. 
"Ah, well it looks like I haven't." Daisy smiled viciously before returning to a conversation with another Slytherin. People underestimated her and that was their biggest mistake.
Alaska looked at Phillip with a screwed up face. Him? A bigot? This was something she doubted would've ever happened. "What's so wrong with them? Others can be witches and wizards too. Humans aren't so special."

Scorpius thought for a moment, then cast a color change charm to bring it back to the regular color. "Please tell me that's a fairy thing." He worried, wondering if maybe someone else was playing pranks on them.

"Why Exactly?" Albus asked, watching her glare at Phillip..
Jaycee rolled her eyes before getting up.

"How do you figure?" Phillip asked, feeling a bit intimidated.

Sky frowned looking over. Her eyes grew wide. As she looked at Gwen she smiled. Maybe she would take Tarron up on that offer to go swimming. 
"I never said they were," Phillip said. "But letting beasts into our school was one of the worst things the Ministry could have done."
Rosie was glaring furiously with her fists clenched at her sides. "No. It isn't. And the person who messed with my hair is going to regret it." No one messes with her fiery locks, not even her family. It's one of the few things she has a spine for.

"No, I heard he retired and we have a new Care of Magical Creatures teacher. He's still around though in that hut of his." He replied, watching the semi-fight at the ravenclaw table. 
"You've been conversing with a beast since the train ride! Letting people like you go to school is the worst thing the Ministry has done!" She clenched her fists, trying very hard to control her anger before something exploded.
Phillip looked her over. "Yep," he nodded. "My statement still stands." With a flick of his wand he sent his glass of water towards her head before walking out.

Michael glared at his brother.
Gwen sat there as steam rose off of her from the water. She looked at Michael still flushed with fury. "You agree with him or do you have some sense in you?"
Michael let out a sigh. "My brother is very opinionated," he said. "That was very rude of him and I apologize for his behavior. I don't agree with any of his views on the subject."
Alaska silently preformed a spell to drag the water off of her before sitting back down. Anger was rising up in her, as she was tempted t g out there and hex him.

"Good. We can go there after practice then." Albus said, his jaw dropping a little.

Scorpius' face drained, anger rising once again. "I'm sorry this happened. Whoever did it will pay. I just don't wish for you to suffer the consequences." He said, trying to keep his voice calm.
Rosie smiled at Scorpius, feeling butterflies in her stomach. "Don't worry about it. Keeping you to myself and away from Daisy makes up for this stuff."

"Good, at least one brother has brains." She sighed and sensed Alaska's temper. "Just leave him, being ignorant like he is is punishment enough."

"Sounds perfect." Tarron replied as he searched for Rosie. "I swear if he snuck her out I'm gunna....take a picture of them snogging and put it up all over the school." He laughed, imagining the horrified look on both of their faces.
Michael let out a sigh of relief, sitting back down in his seat. "At least he won't be at Quidditch tryouts too much," he said. "He's just keeping his spot from last year. I might just do the same."

Sky smiled. "Is that for the theastral watching you were talking about earlier?" she asked.
"Eeyup. Are you going along? Alaska's the only one we know who can see them though, so we kind of need them." Albus said, glancing around breifly.

"Promise you want get in trouble?" He said, blowing a lock of white hair from his face.

"Alright... He's still going to get what's coming to him though." She said, huffing lightly. She decided to calm herself down by ones again changing a lock of her hair's color.

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