Hogwart's Next Generation.

"Sure," Sky smiled. "So do I just need meet up with you guys after the Quidditch tryouts?"

"I'm sure he will," Michael nodded.
"Promise." Rosie gently moved his hair behind his ear and returned to her seat at the Great Table noticing there was a new Slytherin beside her. He looked a bit bored so Rosie fished in her pocket and pulled out her last chocolate frog. "Chocolate?" Xynia1998 She glanced behind her to see if Scorpius had followed and would take the empty seat to the other side of her.

"Agreed. It's time I collect a few debts my siblings owe me." Gwen smirked, devising a plan.

"We'll let them know to meet us at Hagrid's after practice during class." Tarron replied to Albusand nodded to Sky.
"Sounds good." Albus said, nodding his head.

Scorpius sat down to Rosie and smiled at the new Slytherin. "Allos. I'm Scorpius."

Alaska raised an eye brow to the girl, curious as to what favors she had in mind.

"No no one's getting killed, are they?" She asked.
"No, just seriously injured." Gwen joked. "Nah, he'll just end up peeing his knickers from shock."  
She sat the chocolate on the table so it didn't melt in her hand. "And I'm Scorpius's...." Rosie blushed, not really sure where they stood. Well, this just got awkward for her.

"Alright so in potions, I was thinking about getting her mad so she explodes the cauldrons."
Renyair looks at the girl beside him.Who was graciously offering him some chocolate.His cold green eyes study her for a moment before nodding his head,"Ummm,sure,"He taking it.He looks to the others who were introducing themselves,"I am Renyair,but you may call me Ren,"He tells them.A little warmth coming to his eyes.
Sky thought for a moment. "If that one Ravenclaw's in the class it shouldn't be too hard."

"Jaycee Warlon," Jaycee smiled at the Slytherin.
"Gotcha. Any ideas how to avoid getting caught?" He said, rubbing the back of his head.

Alaska rolled her eyes, a smile escaping her. "I think I like this plan"

"girlfriend." He finished for her, holding his hand out to the boy. "It's nice to meet you. are you trying out for quidditch this year?"
"Nice to meet you,"Ren holds out his hand for Jaycee to shake,"What house are you from,"He asks,quirking an eyebrow looking at Jaycee as if he was a puzzle. 
Then looks to the other boy,"Umm no I don't think so,"
"As do I. We'll do it in potions." Gwen grinned to herself. If only she knew what else was going to be happening in potions though.

Rosie's face turned a bit red and she smiled at Ren. "I'm Rosie, I plan on trying out for Seeker. It's nice to meet you." She was his girlfriend! Rosie wanted nothing more than to get up and do a little happy dance!

"None, but what if we do what Sky said and make sure she's paired up with Phillip?"
"Slytherin," Jaycee frowned as if it was obvious. (Jaycee's a girl.)

Sky smiled. "All we'd have to do it make sure all the other tables are taken," she said. "We'll try to get to class early."
"Same here,My little sister is Gythandor though.I don't know where she went though,"He looks around as if trying to spot her,"You'll proably get to meet her later,"He says quirking an eyebrow.
"It's a plan." Tarron nodded before reaching for more juice and accidently spilling it across the table on another girl. "Oh, I'm sorry!" (Xynia1998)

"Oh my brother is Lion too!" Rosie said cheerfully. Her smile was bright as a sunflower. "I'm sure we'll end up sharing a class or two with her as well!"
"What is with you and spilling stuff today?" Sky laughed after jumping back so she didn't get wet. "Here," she said to the silver haired girl, holding out a couple napkins.
Albus took out his wand again, preforming another drying spell to get all the juice off the girl.

"He's a klutz."

Scorpius nodded, still tired from this morning he couldn't help but yawn.

" We most likely might."

Alaska laughed a little bit, trying to think of how this would turn out.
[[i'm off work for a couple of hours and down to start DADA soon, although I've got my second job in a little while.]]
((Alright Xynia1998 isn't on but we only get Vega for a short time soooo)) Tarron looked at some clock (idk xp) and stood up. "We're going to be late!" He said, grabbing his bag and heading to DADA

"Well, I'd say it's about time to get to our first class don't you?" Gwen smirked. She started walking to DADA not bother looking to see if they were following cause she wouldn't have been able to see anyway.

"Oh, Scorpius, Jaycee, we're going to be late and the DADA teacher scares!" Rosie grabbed Scorpius's and Jaycee's hand and dragged them all the way to class.
"Dang it!" Sky frowned, grabbing her bag and rushing through the halls.

Michael got up quickly following her.

Jaycee laughed, following her quickly. She didn't want to be late.

Phillip sat in the back row of the classroom.
The Defense Against the Darks Arts classroom was on the third floor, and its windows looked out onto the forest and the lake. Its high ceilings still had shadows even in the early morning, but Professor Salisbury stood straight in the path of a sunlit beam falling from the mullioned window. She was at the front of the classroom, leaning back on her desk, wand in hand, arms crossed; her outer robe was hung neatly, as always, on the coatrack in a corner of the classroom so that she could move her arms freely. Basil, her cat, was perched on a desk by the door, peering into the hallway for late comers. Beside Professor Salisbury was a large crate, ice sicles dangling off corners of the box and a chilly air around it.

As the students filed in, she stood up straight and walked over towards the crate, pacing back and forth in front of it until everyone was in their seats. "Running a few minutes late, I see," she said, eyeing them all with a raised eyebrow. With little more introduction, she launched into her lecture. "I trust that you all have done the reading I assigned over the summer; we'll see shortly if you have, and you'll see the school nurse if you haven't. This year we're going to be focusing on defense against dark beings and beasts, but we'll start today with a small one." To the onlookers, the frost-covered crate hardly looked small. It was at least a foot and a half taller than she was. With a tap of her wand, however, the front of the box fell open, revealing a large stone statue of a gargoyle, covered in ice.

"This," she said, indicating the statue, "is a Fumos Bat Flamer I retrieved over the summer from the North Tower. Can anyone tell me what a Fumos Bat Flamer is?" she asked, tapping her wand absentmindedly in the palm of her hand.

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