Hogwart's Next Generation.

Professor Hollinburst had been at Hogwarts for what seemed like a very, very long time. Although her face was still relatively wrinkle free, her once-black hair had faded to a blue-silver, and there were a few crowsfeet hiding behind her silver glasses. The astronomy teacher was relatively tall, about 5'10", and she needed to get her hair trimmed, she thought critically, as she separated her hair, leaving half of it down but pulling the rest of it into a twist at the back of her head. Her dark blue eyes had the same severe look they always did, and she furrowed her eyebrows into the threatening expression that typically made students grow instantly quiet. Instead, it only made her crack half of a smile as she slipped a few more bobby pins into her hair and swept on her pointed black hat, a silver feather sticking out the brim. Astronomy for the first years wasn't until Wednesday, but she decided to learn a few of the first years' names at breakfast as she handed out time tables.

Leaving her quarters, her long navy robes sweeping behind her, she headed towards the Great Hall. Although her expression didn't show it, she felt a warmth inside her as she thought of seeing her house again; as much as she loved summer, the nights were too short and the halls were too quiet without the students. There was a burst of noise that hit her ears as she entered the Hall, and the smell of breakfast wafted over her; she thought about having a few eggs after she got through handing schedules out. A few people greeted her as she made her way towards Gryffindor house table, and she gave them brisk smiles and nods, occasionally catching a departing student to hand them their schedule. At the house table, she made sure to get the first years' names as she passed the time tables along, smiling perhaps a bit more gently than she usually would at them. (To be fair, they looked intimidated and some of them downright terrified either of her or of their first day of class). Professor Hollinburst gradually made her way towards the front of the table, and spotted a group of third years. "Alright, you three-- I've got a schedule here for Tarron, one for Sky, and one for you Albus. Keeping out of trouble, I hope?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. Professor McGonagall had shared a few choice tales of his father with her, recalling a time when she herself had been head of Gryffindor house, and Mnemosyne had no doubt that the youngest Potter had plans to follow in his footsteps.
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"That shouldn't be too hard," she smiled. I'm not too wonderful in potion." She turned to the teacher. "Thank you, Professor," Sky smiled, glancing over her schedule.
Scorpius lowered his head, retreating his hands to his lap. He closed his eyes and tried to reassure himself that it would be alright, that she would understand why he had to make Daisy think he was still training in the dark arts. "Okay." He mumbled, fiddling his fingers back in forth.

Albus smiled up at the teacher, happy to see another familiar face.

"As always!" He smiled, hoping to keep as innocent a look as possible. Last year in her classes, he was notorious for betting called out or being a smart-alec in class just to test her nerves. She dealt much better than any of the other teachers though, but was still one of the scarier teachers to mess with. His hair was quite unruly much like his father's, often resulting in him having to constantly get a haircut lest he's chastised by Mrs. Hollinburst for not looking professional in class.... or acting like it.
A smile split itself across Professor Sparrowsdale's face at the metamorphagus' antics. "Miss Nacht, although your talent is impressive, I assure you I can recognize a student in my own house. Also," she paused, smile widening, "you seem to forget that I am the transfiguration professor at the school." She swept by, continuing to hand out time tables. "Also," she bent down, whispering in the girl's ear as she passed, "I can still see your Ravenclaw tie." Hexa winked and moved down the table.
Tarron grinned at Professor Hollinburst, "More like getting into it." He took his time table from her. "Thanks"

Rosie waited patiently for their Head to start passing out their time tables, avoiding Scorpius by looking anywhere but at him.

"So, you guys have DADA first?" (Vega you okay with that?)
Alaska shook her head as her feature's returned to normal.

"I'm flattered that you remember me so. But can I still borrow a tie to complete the look?" She boasted, fixing her own tie and stifling back laughter. This teacher was probably one of her favorites due to just fun she was to try and get her tricks around, although she never seemed to be able to do it.

Other than that, it was much easier to pull pranks and get away with them as a metamorphagus, so she was well known among those in her year for the antic she pulled in her previous schoolings.  
Albus smiled to Torren, raising an eyebrow.

"DADA?" He asked simply, holding his table in one hand and drink in the other.
"DADA." He replied, picking his own drink and raising it in cheers.

"Cool, we have that class together then. Potions next? (Vega)" Gwen asked.
Michael nodded. "Yep," he said. "So does Phillip."

Phillip held his thumb up as he drank orange juice.

Sky smiled. "Me as well," she said.
Professor Salisbury swept down the corridor, emerald green robes flowing out behind her as she strode towards the Great Hall. Her copper brown hair, as always, was perfectly smoothed back into a tight ponytail, and her green eyes glittered in what was either an expression of dangerous temper or mirth as she stared at the cat trotting beside her, winking in and out of sight. "You know, if I didn't know better, I'd think you were trying to impress the first years," she said in a low voice to the cat, who only twitched its tail and vanished again before appearing farther ahead of her at the top of the stairs that lead up into the Entrance hall. Antera seemed particularly well put together, even by her standards, for the first day of term. It wouldn't do to let anyone get the wrong impression - she was, as always, in charge, and there would been no fooling around in her class. It was also important, in her opinion, to let members of her house know exactly what her stance was on bloodtype and species-based prejudices: that they would not happen.

To say the least, Professor Salisbury was the most... intense professor at Hogwarts. Hexa Sparrowsdale certainly had a reputation for talent, and Mnemosyne Hollinburst was, beyond doubt, intimidating, but Antera was something else. She had a temper to match her talent, and stories behind her scars that would intimidate even some Aurors she knew. And, perhaps most importantly, she was not a morning person. She scowled slightly as she entered the noisy Great Hall, but it softened a bit as she came up to her house table, and several of the students smiled up at her, obviously pleased to see her. "Morning," she called out and down the table, standing at the head with a sheaf of parchment gathered in her arms. "I will only be calling your name once to get your time table, and if you do not come and retrieve it, you will not be getting one. "Miss Paret," she said, holding out the first sheet and continuing through the stack. "Miss Warlon," came later, shortly followed by "Mister Malfoy," and a few other names for the rest of the third years. She eyed the trio sitting closest to her carefully. "Everything alright here?" she asked, a bit suspicious at their perceived lack of enthusiasm for the food. It didn't take a wizard to tell that something was up with them, although she wouldn't push the matter too hard.
Jaycee sent a nod of thanks her way, quickly grabbing her time table. She sat right back down to finish her breakfast.
As Scorpius went up to get his Time table, he nodded to Prof. Salisbury and kept his eyes to the floor respectfully. His father had taught him how to behave around slytherins like her, and he had no intention of messing up.

"Yes Professor Salisbury." He said sternly, standing off to the side so that others could get their timetables until he was dismissed from her presence.
Daisy took her time table,"Thanks."

Rosie nodded at the teacher as she took her schedule. "Yes, Scorpius and I were just going for a walk, Professor." She replied, her eyes downcast.

"Next happen to be Charms?" Gwen grinned.
Alaska smiled, following them down the list of classes. "So far so good dudes."

Scorpius bowed to her, folding his paper up and putting it in his chest pocket. "Good day Professor Salisbury." He said before walking out of the great hall, gesturing Rosie to follow him before any more questions were asked.

Albus leaned back, yawning. "I think if I eat any more I'll explode dude."
"Yep," Michael smiled, laughing softly. He took Phillip's schedule to compare it. 
(I'm wondering if I should just go to bed. Stuff seems to be slowing down.) 
Sky had finally finished her food.

Jaycee watched them leave but didn't say anything. She went back to her breakfast.
(AlleyKat666 you can call it a night, Vega went to bed too. We'll start the classes tomorrow. ayezombie you want to continue with rosie and scorpius or you wanna call it a night as well?)

Rosie followed Scorpius and kept her mind busy by folding her paper multiple times.
(.....Any ideas what to do then? We can't start class without our teacher and I don't have permission to play her. :/ )
(Sure. Well, we could kind of prolong the time until classes, so they everyone can finish up breakfast and chill out for a while.)

"Please don't hat me for that. I promise we aren't like that. Not anymore. The scar wasn't from anything I just fell as a kid and I just needed to scare her away from you please, I'd never hate someone for what they were." He pleaded as soon as they were for enough away that no one would hear him. He needed for her to know that this was the truth, or else he didn't know what he'd do.
(Erm....I'm at a loss...) 
Rosie looked up from her paper and saw Scorpius was sincere. "Even if they are half fairy?" She asked, no longer quiet but confident and steady. He claims they've changed and if they have then he can accept this. If not, he deserved to be with Daisy. (You okay with that AlleyKat666 ?)
"My next one is Runes, what do you guys have?" Gwen asked, her fingers skimming the paper. (Elective here please.)

"Me either. So Sky, do anything neat for your summer?" Tarron asked, not noticing Scorpius slip away with his little sister, and patted his stomach.
"Of course. I couldn't hurt anyone. Not unless they hurt someone innocent." He said, looking her in the eyes as his face fell. He figured se just doubted him. Once a Death Eater, you're always a death eater. Right? No one ever thought of his family different except for the Weasleys and Potters, because they witnessed the change. No matter how nice he tried to be in school, kid who'd heard stories of the Malfoys would be terrified to even speak to him.

"I have diviniation." Alaska said, abit bummed that they didn't share it.
"Not really," Sky shrugged. "A lot of swimming. We live on a lake." 
"Care for Magical Creatures," Michael said, reading it from the time table.

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