Hogwart's Next Generation.

"That's okay, according to my brother I'm a hot-head." Gwen's hair instantly became covered in small, controlled flames. "I think he's wrong, I'm just...self confident in who I am."
The fire went out but her grin spread wider, "Nicely said. Thanks for the compliment."
"No problem at all," Michael nodded.

Phillip came back into the compartment, sitting down where he originally had been.
(Ayezombie will be rping later, she's visiting her sister and tomorrow I have an orthodontist appointment so I won't be on till the afternoon)
(Finally home. Sorry I took so long!)

"I cant meet standards!" He huffed, fixing his collar and throwing his robes on. "We should be arriving soon anyways."

"Oh calm down Potter, we know you can. But standards more like.... Moaning Mertyles!" Scorpius snickered, his white ferret making a few squeaking noises.

"Excuse me? Of course not! There aren't any good nouth girls in our year fo someone so handsome as me" Malfoy boasted, raising his chin to the boy. "What about you?

"Okay! I know some passages into the Slytherin dungeon anyways, so once I show you around them, feel free to come by whenever I'm not in classes. byt the way, any idea who Dark Arts teacher is this year?"

Alaska had noticed that it seemed to change quite often. Her mother and Father had told her stories of the boy who lived and how hectic things were when they went to school. Her father had gone to Durmstrang even though he was not of that country's decent, but that school was closest. Her mother had gone to Beauxbatons on request by her grandmother.
Gwen smirked, "Hey Phillip." The train lurched forward, coming to a stop. "Well looks like we're here."

"I have no clue, I heard the one from last year had a floo powder accident and is still in St. Mungos." Rosie frowned a bit. She had liked Proffessor *Insert wizard name here xD *.

"All of the girls can't seem to keep up with my pranks or my Quidditch scores so no, not a one. " Tarron grinned then sighed, remembering about Rosie when the train stopped. "Hey guys, mind riding a carriage with Rosie and me? I promised dad I'd keep an eye on her."
"Yeah, he was really nice. But hey, do you mind riding along with in a carriage? There's something I wanna show you!" She said eagerly, pulling her hand from her robe's from pocket.

"Accio trunks." She said, the luggage promptly landing in front of her, but nearly landing on her cat. Alaska was excited to show Rosie the Thestrals. Everyone always thought the carriages were just enchanted,but she knew otherwise. Hagrid had confirmed that she wasn't as crazy as everyone thought.

"Oh shush Tarron, My scores are higher than you! Plus, I'm a better seeker." Albus boasted.

"Sure, we don't mind." Scorpius said, perking up a little at the mention of the girl. He had lied earlier when he said her didn't have a crush on anyone, but he'd been harboring a growing one on Rosie since first year.
"Sure," Rosie replied cheerfully. "If you don't mind sharing with my brother we usually ride together." She giggled at the memory of Tarron lighting off one of Gwen's fireworks in the carriage last year.

Tarron snorted at Potter, "So? It isn't the seeking that wins the game, it's sending bludgers peoples way! Beaters are the best." He smirked at Scorpius, getting up and exiting the train. "Cmon guys, I have to go find her."
"Looks like it!" Phillip smiled, getting up. She grabbed the small cage holding his rat and packaged his treats before exiting the compartment.

Michael picked up his book and a carrier holding a very fluffy white cat.

Noticing they had finally stopped, Sky got up and proceeded to get off the train.

Jaycee got up, hoping her luggage would be correct this year.
Gwen stood up as well, "Wanna share a carriage?" She wanted to avoid Tarron at the moment and thought she could join her new friends.
"Sure," Michael smiled. "It'll be nice not to get with random people again."

Phillip nodded in agreement leading the way out.

Sky carefully hoisted herself up into an empty carriage, a bit ahead of some others.
Gwen followed them, pointing to the carriage Sky had just claimed. "How about that one? I think I know that girl."
Michael smiled. "Okay," he said, pointing the carriage out to his brother. When they got there," Michael offered a hand to Gwen. "Need some help up?" he asked.

Sky sat down, carefully holding the cat carrier on her lap.

Phillip climbed in, sitting across from the girl.

Smirking to herself, Gwen too his outstretched hand. "Thanks, the stairs are always a challenge." She let him help her up, sitting next to the girl. "Who are you?" Gwen asked the girl.
Gwen chuckled a bit, "No, but my brother is supposed to meet up with her. Guys, this is Sky. Sky this is Phillip and Michael. " Gwen gestured to Michael when introducing Phillip and Phillip when she said Michael. She meant this as a joke because she knew who was sitting where.
Alaska ran out to a carriage, claiming one for her and Rosie, plus whomever her brother and friends were. She stood by the Thestral, running a hand along it's bony side.

"Alright alright. Any idea where she might be?" Albus sighed, lugging his things out behind them. His owl was sitting on his shoulder, but soon took flight to go in circles around them.
Rosie looked at her in confusion for a bit, "What are you petting?" She thought there was nothing there.

Tarron looked around a bit before spotting her with some other girl, "There she is. Who's she with?" He started heading towards their carriage with a smirk. He creeped up behind Rosie and grabbed her shoulders shaking her a bit, "Avada Kadavera!"

Rosie let out a short scream before realizing it was her brother. Her face turned red as she realized Scorpius, Albus, and Alaska just saw her scream like a baby.
Sky nodded. "It's wonderful to meet you both," she smiled. "and it's nice to see you again, Gwen."

Michael nodded, laughing softly.

Jaycee climbed into an empty carriage.
"Likewise. So....you guys excited for Hogsmeade?" Gwen tried to keep the conversation going as the carriage started moving. (Anyone wanna try their hand at the hat's song? I'm no good at songs xp xD )
Alaska smiled at the boys, bowing slightly.

"Rosie, it's called a thestral. Only those who have witnessed death can see it, but you cans till feel it. C'mere"

Alaska took Rosie's hand and guided it ti the beast's side, and moved and offered for the others to do it as well.

"This is so cool." Scorpius awed, his hand running along the leathery wings. He smiled over at Rosie, scooting over a little to avoid touching her. He knew that he'd flush red at contact, so he decided to avoid the predicament in a whole

Albus to the side nervously until he saw that no one was being hurt, and eventually raised up his own hand and rested it on the beast's forehead. He drew back almost immediantly, but soon relaxed back into it as a smile crossed his face.
Rosie's eyes went wide with amazement as she petted the beast. "Bloody brilliant." She heard the name before but never knew they pulled the carriages.

"Uh, guys, the carriages are pulling away." Tarron warned them while taking a seat inside.

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