Hogwart's Next Generation.

"Hey Rosie should be in your dorm then! I've been told she has red hair and freckles. Ring a bell? Pygmy puff named Basil?"  
(If it's okay with you, I'd rather not move on to the school until Ayezombie is here for it)
(I understand. I'm sure we won't have to wait too long.)

"I actually think I know who you're talking about now," Jaycee smiled, remembering her from years past. I haven't seen her on the train yet today though."
Gwen knew why that was. "She doesn't leave our compartment usually. You should get to know her, she's pretty fun once you do." It was time for Rosie to make more friends anyway.
"Brilliant, thanks. I got to go find her, we're almost to the school. See you Jaycee." Gwen stepped out into the hallway before checking if anyone was walking. She sure wish she would have because she was crashed into by a person and she fell back on her bum, looking at the guy (Phillip) "Sorry."
Jaycee didn't bother waving goodbye since she couldn't see anything.

Phillip laughed softly. "It's fine," he said, bending down to help her up. "Gwen, right?"
"Right, and you're Phillip?" She brushed off her robes even though she couldn't see there wasn't anything on them.
"Sorry for bumping into you again." Gwen smirked, about to go try more compartments. "Can't see where I'm going I guess."
"You haven't seen a red headed girl with freckles and a pygmy puff have you? That's my sister." It didn't hurt to ask, Gwen thought.
"And you just left your brother all alone? How rude, I better go and prank-I mean entertain him. " Gwen snickered, a mischievous smirk on her face. She was itching to do some pyrotechnics. "Care to point me in the direction of that compartment?"
Gwen followed his instructions, her hand finding the door. She pulled it back just enough for her hand to poke through and she focused on heating up her hand. Soon enough, she filled the compartment with multicolored fireworks that she could see. (Cause she sees in heat of course ^^)
Michael jumped in his seat. "What the heck?" he frowned putting down his book. He looked around, his hand on his wand.
Once the fireworks faded, Gwen stepped into the compartment striking the superman pose. "My entrances always have to be spectacular." She laughed, crossing her arms and smiling at-or in the general direction- of Michael.
"Why thank you." Gwen took a seat across from him, not really sure what to do. "Fire happens to be my specialty."
"Really?" Michael asked, raising an eyebrow. "I find it funny we've been in the same school for two years and didn't meet each other until our third."
Gwen smiled at that, leaning back in the seat. "You got a point there. Maybe we just never had the chance to meet before....Or maybe you just never realized how cool me and my brother are."
Gwen put her elbows on her knees and leaned forward with a grin. "I like you. You don't lie. I think this is the start of a great friendship."
"Ah wonderful!" Michael grinned. "I can always use some more friends. Now my brother Phillip, he gets a bit cranky sometimes."

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