Hogwart's Next Generation.

Gwen wandered the halls, trying to remember Rosie's compartment. She saw the heat form of what she thought was a girl holding some kind of animal. Maybe that was her, she thought while walking into the compartment. "Rosie?"

"Oh I"m a uh...Slytherin, "Rosie said quietly, a bit ashamed of her house. "What about you..?"

"Lucky!" Tarron crossed his arms, mock pouting. "All I did was learn about stupid plants and babysat ickle Rosie while Gwen got to go see dragons." His summer really was boring, filled with days of helping in the shop and entertaining his babyish sister.
"You aren't Rosie," Gwen frowned. Usually she didn't make a mistake. "Sorry for barging in I thought you were my sister and I'm kinda blind...Well, there's no kinda about it. Anyway I'm Gwyneth, call me Gwen."
"That's cool! And I'm a Ravenclaw." She smiled. Alaska didn't mind anyone from the slytherin house. Just because they were there didn't mean they were bad, it just meant they were cunning and had high aspirations.

"Don't be so ashamed of your house, it doesn't make you into what your founder was."

"Sounds like Gwen had the best summer of us all then didn't she." Malfoy chuckled, leaning back as his Moody slunk around his shoulders.

"Hey, plants can be cool." Albus smiled, letting his owl out of her cage to sit on his lap and stretch her wings.

"You'll pass herbology this year then!"
Rosie smiled easier after Alaska's assurances. "Thanks, I'm glad I found someone who thinks like that. My sister's a Ravenclaw ya know." Rosie admired the eagles, they were uber smart.

Tarron snorted, "Yeah, can you believe it? I did unwilling studying while the blind girl got to fly a dragon and she's still bragging about it! But at least I got to pull pranks on Rosie, even made her cry when I put fireworks in her room." He smirked to himself, remembering her tantrum in response to his prank. (Alleycat called it a night just in case you didn't see ^^)
"Awesome! what year is she in?" Alaska asked. It was nice to meet someone who was actually kind for a change. Rosie looked to be a little younger than her, but she didn't mind having younger friends.

"Oh don't be too harsh on her! She is blind after all." Albus said. He took pity on his sister, infact she was kind of cute.

"You aren't going soft on us are you, Potter?" Malfoy asked, reaching across to jab him in the arm.

(Okay! I'm about to go to bed too. Night!)
"Third, like me." Rosie chirped. She felt like flying! Maybe keeping her dad's promise wasn't going to be so hard after all.

Tarron rolled his eyes, "Oh come on, you're sticking up for her? Why?" He narrowed his eyes at Albus before teasing in a sing-song voice, "Does someon have a crush on Gwen~!"

(Night! ^^)
"Cool. I'm in my fifth, maybe I can show you guys a couple spells or something that'll come in handy." She said, smiling to herself. While they might have been younger, they didn't act any older then herself. Alaska hoped that she'd get to see the lot more often.

"Oh Potter, I just love the way your blue eyes can see." Malfoy teased, his voice going highpitched.

"Oh shut up you two! I do not have a crush on gwen" Albus retorted, shoving Malfoy in his seat.
ayezombie said:
"Cool. I'm in my fifth, maybe I can show you guys a couple spells or something that'll come in handy." She said, smiling to herself. While they might have been younger, they didn't act any older then herself. Alaska hoped that she'd get to see the lot more often.
"Oh Potter, I just love the way your blue eyes can see." Malfoy teased, his voice going highpitched.

"Oh shut up you two! I do not have a crush on gwen" Albus retorted, shoving Malfoy in his seat.
(XDXD and it's brown xD ) Tarron laughed, "You better not, she'd never go for you! She has standards," He teased Potter. Then his piercing gaze went to malfoy. "Do YOU have a crush?"
"That'd be fun. Oh, and um, I'm just going to call her Whisper, and Basil can have play dates!" Rosie replied happily. She had made a new friend! She did it! The grin on her face was so large that it almost hurt.

Gwen kept wandering and walked into another lone compartment (Jaycee), "Is THIS one Rosie? I'm really off my game today."
"Merlin's beard." Gwen sighed. "Sorry, blind and all. Can't remember where my sister is. I'm Gwen." (I'd say about a half hour away? Sound good?)

"Oh," Jaycee frowned. "That makes sense, I guess. I don't think I've seen your sister. Does she look much like you?"
Gwen looked at some part of the girl, giving her a really? look. "I can't see...I don't know what she looks like." She broke out into a grin, finding this rather funny.
"Of course," Jaycee frowned. "Well I don't think I've seen her. I haven't really seen anyone. I tend to stay in my compartment alone."
"That's a shame. You seem like you'd be fun company." Gwen shrugged though, it was her choice if she wanted to remain antisocial.
Gwen smirked at Jacyee, "You just haven't met the right company. You should hang with the Paret triplets more often."
"Third, you? Oh, and a Ravenclaw." Gwen went ahead and sat across from the girl.

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