Highschool Romance (NOT ACCEPTING ANYMORE~)[sorry]

Kael gave Angel one more reassuring glance before putting a hand to the armor she had givin him. He wouldn't really need it, but it was light so it didn't bother him. He was light on his feet despite how tall her was, and had known self defense since he was 8 in order to protect his sister while they were still on the streets. After the orphanage head had taken them in he had taught the other children wht he knew. "You're a fool if you think I don't understand my disadvantagges. Care to start this chess match?" He cast a challenging glance at the firey teen as he formed a large pitcher shaped plant in his hands, swirling its contents around.

Esther raised an eyebrow as he left. She followed him out and called down the hallway, "I never said I was against the schools policies." She was a bit intrigued by this young man. She approached him as she spoke, "care to show me to a good place to eat? The creative process always leaves me hungry." She said with a small smile. She supposed if they were to be partners they would have to get along.
Jack smiled happily and hugged him,"I'm so glad!"she said then got up,"lets go get something to wear!"she added enthusiastically.

Angel watched worriedly. She felt her heart pounding with fear hoping Kael wouldn't get hurt. The guy laughed and swung a big fire hammer at Kael hitting him hard enough to send him flying and scortch his armor.

Soku sighed a bit,"sure why not what do you want to eat these a bunch of spots I know"he offered not looking at Esther as he walked with his hands in his pockets.
Jack thought,"well I love the color red.... And something tight suites me best"she said walking as they got into a place called the "Cutey Bounty". Jack walked in looking at the dressed. She jolted feeling a guys hands on her waist. She glared and put on her fencing mask,"oi bro what you think your doing?"she said looking like a dude. The guy jumped back,"a-sorry"he yelled and ran off. Jack smiled and took off the mask changing back."I'm getting better at that"she said looking at some dresses and picking them out,"lets go to the booths"she said pulling him with her to the back of the store and sat him down by the mirror,"I'll be right back"she said and walked behind a curtain and changed.
((Hey...who said you could hit Kael? >:T lol...its fines but now i have to rearange my plan a bit. here goes!))

Kael got up from where he had landed, brushing off his clothes. "braun over brain, i thought this would be easy, and it seems i was right. ever heard of pressure points...? those parts of the body that can be used to temporarily paralys someone? if its you, probably not." he re-created the plant from earlier, splashing its contents on the flaming sword. the flame sizzled down just long enough for Kael to make a strike at the arm that held the sword. he jabbed two fingers in the crook of his elbow, hitting the pressure point straight on. he watched the guys arm fall to his side. "you wont be able to use it for at least 20 minutes." Kael said calmly.

Esther gave a nod and followed him. "Italian. if there is an Italian shop i would like to go there. i quite enjoy pasta." she tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. she was particularly happy, more like just flat in expression. He may be oil to her water, but she could deal with it if it meant for her to graduate.
Soku looked at Esther,"erm.... Okay... Listen girly you don't need to stay with me you can switch"he said rubbing his finger against his snakes forehead as it laid around his neck.

(sowwy I didn't really know what to do fighting a main character with a lesser chara xD )

Angel began looking nervous she hated fights. She then saw Sokoku and jolted,"Soku! Please help!"Angel yelled crying. Sokoku sighed and a big snake twirled around the guy squeezing the life out of him until he passed away. The snake droppe him when the fire dissappeared. Angel ran out of the circle crying then tripped falling on her face. Sokoku laughed then the snake slithered off.

(The guy didn't pass away he passed out like being subdued)
"Ah, okay," Sigfried said, being sat down on a fluffy velvet chair. He saw his partner sneak behind some curtains along with a dress, and Sigfried waited.

And waited..

And waited...

To what seemed like forever, Siggy grumbled," Geez, what's taking her...?" He mumbled to himself and sat there for about half a minute, then stood up abruptly.

"Oy, Jack! You done in there?!" He barked and stuck his head past some curtains, impatient that Jack was taking quite a while.

(mooohaha~ decided to spice things a bit > :D im so eviiill)
Jack sighed with a tight red dress the fitted her snug but only came up to her thighs and was slipping up because of her bust,"I-I.... It's too small"she mumbled blushing as she tugged it down looking at herself not noticing him at all and began taking it off. She pulled it up to her back and sighed as she pulled it off she looked over her shoulder and jolted seeing Siggy,"g-get out perve!"she said turning around and covering her chest with her hands and the dress.
Kael was slightly angered by Sokokus actions, however ignored him. Kael couldve easily taken care of him in a less brutal manner. he went over to Angel and hugged her. "are you ok Angel?" he voice was calm as he stroked her hair.

Esther stood behind Sokoku, one eyebrow raised. "Men are such...meat heads." she said. "my brother could have very well taken care of that jerk without actually hurting him? or perhaps youre not familiar with strategic self defense." she said this in a rather bored tone. as crazy as the situation had been, she wasnt particularly surprised. there where few things that could make her react emotionally.
Sokoku shot a glare at Esther,"did she ask him to take care of it or did she ask for MY help..... I'm sorry for being a gentleman I finished him off quickly so she wouldn't cry anymore.... Your brother your made it slow I quickened the pace and he's just passed out for a while..."he said and walked to Angel,"stop crying Baka! What would you mother say?"he asked before he patted her head leaving a bunny by her side to calm her down a bit. Soku walked into an Italian restaurant like Esther wanted.

Angel hugged Kael,"I-I'm fine but please don't fight again"she said rubbing her eyes,"I would've been scared without you by my side"she said softly before hugging the pink bunny.
Kael wasnt happy to hear Sokoku challenge what he had tried to do for Angel, but he ignored that as well. Kael cared far more for Angel then her cousin ever would. "shhh.... Do you really think i would leave you?" he held her tight. "you're going to hurt my pride as a guy if you dont have faith in me. i can protect you, and i promise i will be fine." he turned around and crouched in front of her, offering to carry her on his back, "hope on, lets go do something to cheer you up."

Esther looked down at her feet as she followed him, somehow saddened by all this. "i would appreciate if you could settle down a bit..." she hated it when people lashed out. "my brother has a particular way of doing things, its just how he is. everything has to be humane, and those he cares about have to be happy...he merely wanted to get the other guy to forfeit so that he would not have to upset Angel anymore by hurting anyone." she sat across from him at the table, drawing patterns on the tables surface with a delicate finger. the illusion of a small beach appeared where her finger had been, including the calming sound of of tiny waves lapping at the tiny beach that she had imagined. she looked at it, her mood extremely melancholy.
Sokoku sighed,"hot heads don't forfeit....."he said flatly and it's true. If Sokoku didn't do something he would've gotten up and challenged Kael over and over untill he won. A little girl walked up to Sokoku,"Soku psssst my puppy is sick again"she whispered."did you feed him chocolates?"he whispered back."no but his tummy is big"she mumbled. Soku looke at the dog by the table and touched its stomach,"that's because it's a girl go home and tell your parents she's pregnant"he whispered. The girl nodded taking her dog and ran off. Sokoku looked at Esther then looked up as if he didn't have a soft side.

Angel nodded and got on his back,"I'm sorry Kael"she said then smiled,"your like a horse plushie right now"she said and giggled.
Sigfried flared, surprised at Jack's sudden outburst. He threw his head out of the curtains, shielding his eyes with a bandaged arm. Siggy stood there for a moment, dazed for a split second and spoke without uncovering his eyes," Ah, ah! Sorry!" He spoke, walking backward and resting on the chair. He didn't dare open his eyes, as if everything would replay itself if he opened them.

After a few moments and heavy breathing, Sigfried took his arm off his face, again staring at the silky velvet curtain.

"Uhh... My bad.."
Jack came out in a black dress that fitted her perfectly not too tight and not to short but still made her look seductive."it's fine I was taking to long"she explained blushing looking down and glancing up at Siggy.
Sigfried smiled, completely forgetting about what just happened," Nice, Jack. Fits you perfectly," he said and stood up, admiring the finely made dress.
Jack blushed,"thank you..."she said then sighed,"but I think it's too much"she mumbled,"I mean your my partner so ugh I just don't want guys bothering me..."she said squating down and putting her hands over her head.
"If anyone tries to touch you..." Sigfried started and held his arm up ruthlessly," I will stab their internal vital organs and rip them out of their own undying corpse...." He spoke in a raspy tone. He then laughed," No, no, just kidding~ I'll just knock em out or something! Heh.." Siggy chuckled. "Don't worry about it. Just try to have fun,"
Esther looked at the dog, hearing Sokokus obvious diagnosis. "so your not all hiss and venom are you?" she gave an interested glance. "so your abilities revolve around animals..." she trailed off slightly, thinking for a moment. she closed her eyes, and when she opened them the showed a gentle and mesmerizing rainbow of color. "im an illusionist." she let the color fade from her eyes. she cupped her hands, and when she opened them a white mist poured out, shaping itself into the form of a dove and landing on Sokokus shoulder before disappearing.

Kael chuckled, "i might be too tall for a horse. how about a giraffe?" he said. he spotted a dress shop nearby, and headed in that direction.
Jack blushed again and smiled at Siggy she laughed at his little joke then hugged him,"thanks Siggy"she said and kissed his cheek she then went back into the hanging booth and changed into her regular clothes. She came out holding the dress ready to buy it,"to the cashier!"she declared and began walking.

Sokoku rolled his eyes,"order what you want girly I'm not eating"he said handing her 400 dollars and walked out,"use that to buy yourself a dress I have better things to do then hang around here"he said. In truth the smell of beef made him sick he HATED beef.

Angel blinked and laughed,"oh wow! But I'm not on your neck silly plushie!"she said. Her laugh was soft and innocent but very cute and heart warming.
"Yeah!" He said in the same enthusiastic tone, but manlier ( xD ) and walked over to the fancy-looking woman at the register. "So do you want to buy or rent it?" He asked.
Esther nodded. She got up as well, walking up to him and tucking the money into his front pocket. "i can take care of myself, however, thank you for the offer." she said with a polite smile. she turned and it was now her turn to walk off. she already had a dress, one she had made herself some time ago and never worn. as for food, she hated being alone in restaurants. she would go back to her room and eat there.

Kael chuckled, feeling his heart give a slight thump. this girl knew exactly how to test his limits. he had his plan, and even if Angel said something before the dance Kael would not confess or answer till the actual dance itself. while he wouldve preffered her to say it first, he was prepared either way, it would simply mean a slight change in what flower he would use. "hey look, its the dress shop, lets get you something pretty to wear." he said, setting her down.
Jack blinked,"I'm buying it"she said. Jack came from a wealthy family of fighters. Although her mother was an elegant and beautiful woman with snow powers. Jack paid for her expensive dress and began walking out happily.

Sokoku walked into his room. He had a little zoo in his room and his animals knew where to use the bathroom but he didn't keep huge animals unless it was his favorite snakes.

Angel blinked then thought,"I don't feel like it ill just make a bear and use one of the dresses daddy sent me I like looking like a little kid what's the rush right?"she said happily then ran off to look around the mall without Kael. She felt too dependent on him and it worried her.
Sigfried smiled," Sure, okay." Siggy tilted his head," Do you have that much money...?" He scratched his head. Did she have that much? He was a bit astonished, blinking on awe.
Jack blinked,"of course I do Mommy's a well known fashion designer and Daddy's a big time fighter"she explained as they walked,"walk to buy your suite now?"she asked smiling.

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