Highschool Romance (NOT ACCEPTING ANYMORE~)[sorry]

"It's okay, Jack. We could beat the heck out of the robots later, alright?" he patted her shoulder lightly, trying to reassure her temperament. "How about we go and ditch next class huh? Maybe that'll make you feel better, hmm?" Sigfried said, smiling.
Jack hugged Siggy's arm,"I feel a little wobbly besides school is over we just have to attend that dance"she said as they walked,"at least there's going to be snacks"she mumbled.
((Anyway i could bring Esther back into the mix?))

Kael walked into the store with her, and walked over to the counter where they kept fresh molded chocolates and chunks of unmolded chocolates. Kael smiled at the girl behind the counter as he pointed out one of the chunks of chocolate. she handed it to him bashfully, however he didnt seem to notice. he requested a small knife, which she also brought. he took the chunk of chocolate and leaned over the counter, carving and chipping away at the soft sweet. when he was done he turned to Angel. "here, this is for you." he held out a chocolate he had carved in the shape of a colorless carnation. when he carved chocolates, he usually didnt bother with the flowers meaning.
(You always could it was just that your partners not online so yeah unless you want to switch partners? Sokoku is available)

Angel smiled,"how cute! That's so cool"she said then kissed his cheek. The kiss on the cheek was becoming a way for her to get closer to him being that he wasn't bothers by it. She then jolted seeing everyone watch and his her face on his chest,"I-I um..... It's hard to eat something so pretty"she said blushing.
((Let's do the switch. ))

Kael chuckled, allowing a light blush to spread on his face. "I can make another one and if you don't eat it it will go to waste." He mentioned. He stroked her hair as she hid in his chest.

Esther had skipped the assembly because she wanted to start a new painting. She sat alone in one of the art rooms digging through paints. It didn't matter muxh to her anyway, she was used to being alone.

(I decided to prtebd like she hasn't been to the assembly...)
Sokoku walked through the halls looking for his partner. He was angry he ha to go sofar out of his way to find a woman.(he's sexiest xD ) He slammed open the door Esther was in and glared,"you didn't go to the esmbly and put me through so much trouble to find you Ms. Esther!"he said twiching a bit.

Angel jolted,"I wouldn't want it to go to waste"she mumbled then nibbled the flower. She ate it cutely like a bunny rabbit but slower. She looked up at Kael and began walking out holding his hand,"lets go get the dress now"she said softly.
Kael nodded, taking her hand. Holding her small hand in his had become reflex by now. He walked he towards the dress shop. "So...what kind of dress do you want? You don't have to get what I want."

Esther finished a few brush strokes before storing her painting away. Just as she did a guy came barging in. She took down her hair, letting her golden locks fall around her shoulders, an annoyed looked on her face. "You're not my keeper, and I felt no need to go, what of it?"
Angel giggled then jolted bumping into a big guy,"watch where your going brat!"he said angrily,"a-sorry"Angel said but the guy grabbed her by the callor,"my day has been the worst and your chocolate there messed up my favorite jacket!"he yelled and her chocolate was burned. He dropped her and then grabbed what she had bought from the candy store and threw the flower Kael gave her earlier to the ground and began walking away after stepping on it. Angel then jolted and began crying.

Soku laughed,"of course a stupid woman wouldn't understand this school I bet your a scholarship Huh?"he said smirking,"this school has students partner up so guess what sweetie I'm your partner so next time go to the esmbly you stupid woman"he said as a snake crawled up her arm.
Kael rushed over to Angel as some vines wrapped around the guys ankles, causing him to fall. Another vine coiled up underneath the fallen bag of candies and bounced, sending the bag straight into Kaels waiting hand. He took out a peice of chocolate and popped into angels mouth before going to confront the man. He strapped him to the floor with his vines and gave a charming smile, "you should knowi don't condone violence against ladies, and that one is particularly special." His vine began to grow thorns, pricking at the man however not breaking the skin.

((Will reply for Es later.))
Angel swallowed the chocolate and rubbed her eyes."heh"the guy said burning the vines and standing up,"like I care but it looks like you want to fight so she will be the prize! My partner just left me so I'd be happy to win a new one"he said and for a fire around Angel that wasn't close enough to hurt her but close enough to block others. Angel jolted and began crying,"Kael"she whined rubbing her eyes,"I wouldn't move to much in there"he said smirking.
Kael turned his head toward Angel, "don't worry, everything will be fine." He smiled. His gentlemanly personality persisted, but his expression became serious."you must be deaf." He said quite plainly to the other guy. "Not once until now have I uttered the word fight. And while we talk about disabilities, it seemes you lack intellegence when it comes to ladies. It doesn't surprise me that your partner left you. Angel is not a prize, she is a young lady and deserves respect. You've worn my patience thin, and now I assure you this will not be a fight, more of a disiplinary action....for you." Kael smirked, waiting for thhe other to make the first move.

Esther raised an eyebrow. "Sorry if I've inconvenienced you, but I'm making use of my education here. Unlike you, I'm not riding in on my families coat tails, I can actually express gratitude instead of a less than polite atitude to the one who is my partner." She watched the snake slither up her arm, and placed a hand on its head, running her finger alone the length of its scaly body. She looked back at sokoku, "if I fall in love along the way, so be it, but right now I'm here for an education, something that's out of reach for me in normal circumstances." Her attitude was ccalm and serious. She wouldn't let such a snobby boy get to her, and she had no fear of his scaly creation.

((To clarify, this Esther is different from the one in our other Rp because I actually took the more sarcastic and serious part of her personality and made a whole new other character....))
"Haha okay," he chuckled and held up Jack's arm, throwing it over his shoulder. He grunted as he tried to walk, but he was fine anyway. "Yeah, the dance..." He mumbled, thinking. They would be holding hands.. and dancing... and other various romanticy things. He didn't know if he could handle it, but he was willing to take the risk.
Jack looked at Siggy and smiled her body was back to normal so she pulled away from him with a smirk,"Siggy you look happier now..... Your smile is nice"she said and kissed his cheek then ran up ahead and giggled,"come on I want you to tell me which dress looks better on me!"she yelled happily.

Angel blinked and sniffled,"Kael don't get hurt!"she yelled looking at him worriedly."idiot if you tie someone to the ground or use your powers towards them it's just asking for a fight!"he said and got a fire sword,"I don't think gardening does well against fire"he said smirking. Angel looked at Kael and closed her eyes her eyes began glowing a bit in concentration and armor appeared on Kael,"Fire Proff"she mumbled and the armor glowed for a second.

Sokoku laughed,"not a lot of kids choose to go here it's a match making school you can't graduate if your not in love they test you for it"he explained,"I'm not really going to be angry at you if you decide to switch but please at least try to be happy.... It's stupid to come here without any idea of what's going on... Come on Sammy"he said and the snake followed him,"oh yeah there's a dance it's mandatory... A lot of thing here that are mandatory... If you don't attend you get expelled"he warned her then walked out,"bye bye partner"he said.
Sigfriend's cheeks flared a bright red and he touched the hot mark on his cheek. "Y-yeah!" He said enthusiastically and ran to Jack, unconciously holding her hand and walked. It was a bubbly little feeling he had, getting excited over dresses. Or maybe it was the fact he was spending time with his partner. Whatever, he was actually quite happy after a long while of being glum~
Jack giggled holding his hand,"I cant wait to see what you think"she said happily and hugged his arm."oh do you want to order pizza first?"she asked as they walked.
"Let's eat first," he said without thinking. Sigfried didn't eat all day and he was about to literally starve. But that would be a lame excuse, wouldn't it? "Uhh.." He mumbled," because we wouldn't want to get your dress dirty, right?" he laughed half-heartedly. Then it struck him. "And when we're looking for your dress, I guess I might find something to wear too."
Jack blinked,"huh? I kinda saw you as a guy in a tux-"she started then her stomach growled,"guess I'm hungry lets go"she said and walked over to the pizzeria and ordered a small pie then waited,"I say we go halves.... 5.50 for the pie so I pay 2.25 and you pay 2.25 that cool"she asked smirking.

(2.75 and 2.75 xD sorry I was thinking 4.50)
"Haha, who's my math wiz?" He he said and chuckled lightly, ruffling the hair on Jack's head. He reached into his pocket and pulled out crumpled dollars and loose change, carefully picking through until he found exactly two dollars and seventy-five cents. He nodded to himself in content. "But are you sure? I have enough to pay 5.50.."
Jack blushed,"n-no if you pay all of it then I would feel bad.... We can go halves but since your being generous you can pick it up if you'd like"she said softly then pulled out 2.75."here ya go"she said blushing as she sat next to him.
"Y'know Jack..." Sigfried sighed," When I first saw you, I didn't think you would be this sweet," Siggy said," but I was wrong, you turned out to be an amazing person." He laughed," What am I saying? Going on about dreary things," he shifted a bit," Do you believe this school? How partners are supposed to fall in love?"
Jack smiled,"I dunno I think I could fall in love.... I think I might be"she said then blinked and jolted up,"oh the pizza"she mumbled and stretched the money to the counter and grabbed hold of the pie doing the transaction then brought the pie back,"yummy!"she said smelling the sweet smell of pizza. Oh she loved pizza so much she hugged Siggy,"we just bought a pizza I bought a pizza with money's now it's time to eat!"she said and began eatting happily.
"Oh my goodness we bought a pizza I also bought a pizza with money's now it's time to eat too!" He said in a friendly mocking way. (<----again, friendly) Sigcried contently lifted a slice, and set it carefully onto a plate. He handed to Jack, then got one for himself.

(d'awww he be nice to Jackeh~)
Jack giggled and began eatting she finished her slice fast then looked at him,"hey Siggy... Do you think you could fall in love? N-not necessarily with me I mean..... N-nevermind"she said blushing a bit then continued to eat till half the pie was gone. She leaned on Siggy waiting for him so finish.
Sigfried spoke," No, it's fine. You're my partner and I gotta be real," he said, the continued. "Well, I dunno really. I haven't gotten much to appreciate in life before coming to this school. Mom was sick and Dad was just a big fat jerk.. Kids in elementary were either stuck-up or bullies. Eventually all the tension of my crazy dad, bullies, and trying to fit in got the best of me." He didn't want to say any more but everything just started to spill. "It got the best of me so much I staryed to... cut. Injure myself. Telling myself that I would never fit in. Klaine was the only one that actually helped me, but she never really understood why I was always so down. Klaine was the happy girl who got along with everyone, and anyone who wouldn't be her friend... Well... She would threaten to blow them up with her cannon arm," he chuckled lightly and finished his pizza.
Jack smiled and kissed his cheek,"it makes me happy that your sharing this with me"she said softly then looked away,"but your past makes you you..... And I like you even if you don't like your past..... I like what your grown into... Your not depressed and your happy! Did I make you happy?"she asked smiling cutely.

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