Highschool Romance (NOT ACCEPTING ANYMORE~)[sorry]

(okay xD nvm that)

Alice jolted,"n-nevermimd! i think we should hurry back to eat lunch"she said and began walking in the opposite direction. She spotted a girl running towards them,"oh hey Kael so this is your partner?"she asked touching his arm. Angel twiched angrily,"lets go Kael!"she yelled but the girl held his arm,"the concil was wondering if you wanted to help more with the dance"the girl asked. Angel became more angry as the girl leaned closer to Kael."the girls love the flowers you gave them"she added and Angel began walking away feeling sad,"ill meat you there"she mumbled referring to the cafeteria as she walked.
Kael turned to the girl, even as he could see Angel getting upset. "i can help with the decorations more later, alright? just have someone talk to me once class is over, Angel and i will both help." he waved before following after Angel. "Angel wait up a second." he took her hand out of impulse once he caught up. "hey, you want to help me decorate later? i can make bouquets for the table vases, and you can wrap ribbons around them to they stay together." he suggested, trying to cheer her up.
Angel glared,"no!"she yelled angrily yanking her hand away from his then looked at Kael and realized he was trying to help,"s-sorry..."she mumbled then hugged him close,"lets do something fun! And together! Away from the girls that like you so much"she mumbled then smiled and wiggled her nose with his.
Kael gave a sigh of defeat, "fine, but remember we are decorating later ok?" he poked her on the nose. "now what do you want to go do?" he asked, his smile back in its place. he knew that he would have to talk to Angel about her jealousy issues later. perahps when she knew his proper feelings she wouldnt be so worried about what he thought of her. Kael wasnt the type to ignore others after all. he got along with everyone and loved making friends.
Angel pouted,"fine"she said then put her head on his shoulder,"I want to go to the mall around here to get a pretty dress..."she said softly.
Kael was a guy, so normally shopping wouldnt be the type of thing he liked, right? but in reality, it didnt bother him one way or another because he had never had to endure it before. its not like they were loaded at the orphanage. "sure why not" he agreed. he didnt have to worry about what he would wear to the dance. he had a white button up some black dress pants an a nice blue tie. it was only an early semester dance so he wasnt going to go all out like he would if it was along the lines of prom.
Angel smiled she loved getting dressed up."lets get one you like on me! "She said and began walking towards the exit,"oh yeah are you excited for the weekend?"she asked happily. While Kael wasn't loaded Angel was and it was expected of her to look her best. She was trainned for parties and such due to her father always wanting to marry young men.
Kael looked a bit embarrassed "well...im not really good at this sort of thing..." he shrugged. "but if i had to pick a color it would be red." he said with a cheerful smile, "red suits you, and then you wont look so childish...right?" he said, nodding a bit.
Angel twiched,"s-so you like grown up ladies?"she asked looking away with her eyes closed,"whatever"she mumbled and walked into the mall keeping quiet throughout the rest of the walk.
"Non" kael said bluntly, taking her hand. "I remember you saying that you wanted to look more mature. I was just suggesting red because I like you in red and red would make you look mature so you wouldn't feel like a kid." He gave her a reassuring smile. "And besides, then I could give you a beautiful red rose to go with it."
Angel turned a bright red,"a r-red rose?"she asked nervously,"oh don't do that I too you I'd take it was a confession if you did"she said fidgeting nervously.
At this statment Kael went a bit red too. "Ah but didn't I give you red rose the day we met?" He pointed out, trying to get her off the subject. He was still a little upset about his earlier failure. "Anyway...let's find you a dress, shall we?" He smiled again.
(I hate today its so annoying =_= I'm bitter I guess)

Angel smiled,"hm? But you didn't know so its okay meow!"she said happily and walked around the mall. She spotted candy shoand wanted to go in but saw that it was almost empty and she was to shy to be in an empty area buying stuff it made her nervous and watch what she says.
Kael saw where she was looking and put a hand on her shoulder, "hey, I'm a little hungry, wanna get so sweets before we go shopping?" He asked. As long as he went with her he knew she would be alright.
Angel blushe deeply at his arm around her,"yes"she said then looked at him and kissed his cheek with a dazed look in her eyes. There was a lot of love behind her small kiss even if she didn't know it."s-sorry!"she said nervously and looked away thinking what she did was bad.
Kael chuckled, "how about we make it even?" he said seeing Angels embarrassment. he took her hand, and in his gentlemanly manner leaned down to kiss it. a light blush touched his face, but he remained calm as not to startle the poor girl anymore.
Angel smiled to herself holding her hand that he kissed close to herself. Something then hit her with there kisses. She had a crush on Kael. Angel then gulped knowing she should keep it a secret so he wouldn't run from her and become someone else's partner. She nodded determinedly and looked at him,"Kael what do you like in a girl?"she asked nervously yet still trying to be determined.
Kael was a bit startled by the sudden question, "well....um..." he felt he would be too forward to start listing off Angels specific traits. "Like a flower." He answered with a smile. "Someone who blooms bright, is always them selves andand never fake.a girl who could stand tall in harsh sun or gloomy rain, opening petals to share her bright colors, while I would be there to support her vines and hold her up when she needed it." He finished, hoping he hadn't sounded weird.

(I hope that's not confusing ^_^ ))
Angel blinked,".... So you want a flowery girlfriend?"she said confusedly,"okay cool"she said then thought,"I don't think I need to change then huh?"she said then jolted,"I mean off to candy land!"she said and walked into the store then jolted and became a bit shy. She looked around nervously not touching anything.
"Yessir~!" Klaine cheered and thrust her right arm up, transforming quickly to a large assault rifle, a sleek black and blue, like any other of her weapons. "BAMO!" Klaine giggled and shot extremely close to Deuce's head, causing him to flinch in surprise. Deuce scoffed and grabbed a chunk of dirt, and patted it into the shape if a bird. He threw it into the air, and the earth-raven came to life. It flew higher and higher, until an extremely high altitude, then plunged sharply down towards the ground again, aimed directly at Adrian. (Decided Deuce would be an earth-molder or somthin~)

Sigfried laughed haughtily and grunted," Ready!" He darted forward towards the robot with such a quick speed. The blood on his arms rippled slightly in anticipation, ready to receive an order from its master.
Jack smirked then jolted seeing the robot become sharp and could see the electric waves coursing through it. She quickly stretched her hand out and big enough to block Siggy from harm. She could tell that the robots had enough electricity to fry the powers they had rendering them useless for a while. She jolted blocking just before he hit then and got electrocuted. Her arms became like noodles and she jolted,"don't touch the robots"she said wobbling from side to side.
Sigfried halted and jolted a bit back, seeing his partner's spaghetti limbs ( xD ) "Jack!" he exclaimed, quickly running over to her, blinking and squatting over, a small hint of worry in his eyes. Siggy shook his head and stood up," So how can we attack without even touching those things...?" he said, thinking tremendously.
Jack closed her eyes trying to bring her hand back but failed,"erm...... Well if you can get blood into its system and still be able to move it around you could po-"she started but the bell rang,"the day it over go home and prepare for the dance the same robots will be here tomorrow"the speaker said and Jacks arms returned to normal. Jack stood up angrily and walked out,"the hell a teacher does when he's late"she muttered walking out. Her hands were shaking she had never experienced electric waves causing her to lose control. It made her angry but thought about what Siggy had said before when she lost her temper and took deep breaths.

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