Highschool Romance (NOT ACCEPTING ANYMORE~)[sorry]

Kael watched as she created a cage. he frowned, wondering what had happened and he took her hand. "of course we can go. you have some explaining to do." he said as he led her out. he kept his gaze ahead, wishing that he had someway to show her she was fine as she was. somehow she had changed her power, he didnt know how, but it dissapointed him. he was born with a gift, and ability, as was she and he thought it wasteful for her not to keep it.
Angel walked looking at the ground worried of how Kael would react."u-um.... My power changed....."She said softly a she walked behind him,"I can give life to inanimate objects a-and create them"she said softly,"I-it's not a big change"she mumbled.
Kael sighed, "i dont even understand how its possible to do such a thing. ive had my ability since i was born, it was like a gift." he continued looking forward. "i told you that you are fine how you are. what do i have to do to show you that i mean it?" this time he stopped and turned to look at her, leaning to her eye level.
Angel took a breath in,"see some families are allowed to have a change in there power at certain ages but some people are too young to realize or remember they changed it my family doesn't let us change our power untill we reach a certain age as a sign of maturity"she explained then jolted when he looked at her and started to tear up,"I'm sorry.... Do you hate me now?"she asked on the brink of tears.
Kael put his hands on her shoulders, "Angel i could never hate you...I...." he couldnt say it. "somehow i think being able to change powers would be a curse. this power i was born with....its a gift! so was yours. promise me you wont ever change again." he looked her in the eye, "youre fine the way you are. dont change." he said mumbling a bit.
Angel blinked then looked down then looked back up at him,"I promise to never change my power again..... If you promise to not give other girls pretty flowers"she said blushing as she confessed her jealousy,"I-I dunno why but when I see you giving other girls flowers it makes me feel sick..... I don't like it"she said nervously.
Kaels serious expression immediatly relaxed and he laughed a bit, "alright, its a deal. you know, every time i think its impossible for you to get any cuter, you always prove me wrong" he smiled. he thought a moment about what he had just said and turned a little red himself, "uh....sorry if that sounded weird" he smiled was more bashful now.
Angel smiled,"no it's fine I liked it"she said smiling then looked around and quickly kissed his cheek then skipped away. Angel then jolted banging into a wall,"can't I go anywhere without getting a new bruise"she said softly rubbing her butt slightly.
Kael grinned, "well i can help with that, becuase im not as clumsy as you are." he caught up to her and scooped her up, carrying her bridal style. "alright, where to princess." he made a lighthearted joke as he held her.
Angel blushed looking at Kael nervously she touched her chest slightly,"what is this feeling? My heart is about to jump out of my chest"she mumbled then gulped,"t-the nurse!"she said nervously.
Kael grinned even wider, if she really liked him then he wouldn't have to be as careful. "no nurse necessary, youre just fine. how about we go to the garden? i want to talk about something." his expression became more gentle. if she didnt understand and couldnt say it, he did and he would.
Angel gulped blushing even more,"p-please put me down now before I have a heart attack"she said quietly. She didn't know what this was or how to react to this odd feeling that made her feel sick to see someone with Kael but so nervous when he got too terribly close,"ah I'm getting dizzy"she mumbled jumping out of his arms,"l-lets go!"she said trying to be her usual excited about everything self. She took a deap breath to let her mind be calm and began walking to the garden. She jolted bumping into someone. She was flung back to Kael's side being that she was so tiny and weak."sorry"the person said and continued walking.
Kael led her out to the garden and sat her down at the little tea table they had shared pizza at the other day. "its even nicer today isnt it?" he said looking at the flowers. "i spent sometime caring for it last night when i couldnt sleep." he let some vines grow into a cone shape, as though to hold a bouquet. "i have some more flowers to tell you about, will you listen?" he asked with a smile.

(warning, extreme cornyness to come :D ))
(Aw no I bet it's ganna be cute)

Angel blushed a bit and smiled,"of course Kael"she said and she watched his moves a bit nervous and excited but she was happy to watch the flowers when they grew.
((alright well here goes~))

Kael smiled, a first flower popping up in his bouquet cone made of vines. "this first one, it starts yesterday. like this pink rose, a friendship blooms, someone like me, and someone like you: an innocence represented by this daisy." he allowed a daisy to appear in the bouquet. a fluffy pink flower joining it shortly after words. "then for me there is this this small growth of affection, a cockscomb celosia flower there." he walked over to her and crouched in front of her, a beautiful red tulip appearing in the center of the bouquet. "and last but not least, the red tulip. a declaration of love." he smiled, holding the bouquet out to her.

(the flowers are in the order of their appearance :)

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Angel blinked an tilted her head,"a declaration of love?"she said confusedly she had to think about it holding the bouquet,"I-I don't quite understand..... Does that mean you love me? Or is this a pleasant story?"she asked confusedly then blushed,"I-if it is a confession how do I react?"she whispered nervously an her hands began shaking. He cheeks became a crimson red and her heart beated faster she grabbed her chest,"I need a nurse"she mumbled.( xD she's too oblivious for this type of tactic but it was soooo cute)
Kael felt a sharp sensation in his chest, but held his smile. "settle down, no need to panic...its....just a gift" he said, feeling his heart beat painfully. "im sorry if i startled you. if you'd like i can take you to the nurse." not only had his message not been properly received, but he had sent Angel into a jittery frenzy. he left the flowers in her lap and stepped outside to take a few breaths. he felt bad about startling her so much. he shook his head and entered with his usual smile. "do you still want to see the nurse?" he asked gently, making sure she was ok.

((i can work with this....besides, i have a second, more obvious 2nd confession idea. for now Angel can just be confused... :P ))
(Kewl XDDD)

Angel was looking at the flowers while he was gone when he came back she jolted and blushed again,"erm.... Yes please"she said softly hiding half her face with the bouquet. She slowly got up and ran to his side. She tripped falling on her face,"I can't feel cool for two seconds"she mumbled sitting up with watery eyes and a cut on her cheek.
Kael walked over and took her by the arms, lifting her to her feet. he crouched down and wiped her tears, "hey, you wanted to be mature right? Mature young ladies dont cry over a little scrape." he said with a smile, smudging away the small amount of blood with a gentle thumb. "come on, lets get you to the nurse, you need a bandaid." she had really needed to go to the nurse before, but now she did. Kael probably wouldnt stay in the room however, because he would feel rather awkward when Angel was asked about her constant blushing and probably racing heart.
Angel nodded and grabbed his hand,"lets go"she said softly and looked down in thought. The most serious face should could ever make was that one although it wasn't too serious it was kinda like a angry confused child face. Angel snapped her finger and nodded,"I was thinking about how some patelito's have beef inside and others have chicken and how you could find out which is inside without opening it.... What do you think?"she asked making a completly irrelevant statement to start a conversation.
Kael scratched his head, "well uh..." he thought a moment about his sister, but then got over it. he trusted Angel, and thought she should know about his home. "you know, i wouldnt really know what your talking about... my sister and i came from an orphanage so all the meat we really got to eat was ground beef in casseroles...or cheap frozen chicken nuggets." he said, slightly embarrassed.
Angel jolted,"o-oh.... Sorry..."she said and continued to walk,"I like the flowers!"she said smiling at the flowers in her hand. Angel then looked at Kael and blushed deeply,"why do you do that? Is it part of your power?"she mumbled,"it's not bad just tell me why"she said nervously,"just looking at you makes me want to do weird things..."she mumbled.
Kael looked at her, wait...do what?" He had zoned out for a minute trying to think of a more obvious way to express his feelings. A slight red showed up on his cheeks.

((Weird things xD )
Alice blushed and nodded,"putting my lips on yours.... its weird... like an impulse"she explained innocently she then grabbed his hand,"and this"she added.

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