Highschool Romance (NOT ACCEPTING ANYMORE~)[sorry]

Sigfried smiled," Ah, okay!" He said while smiling. He trodded over to the men's section and started to look around. He had a focused look like a child trying to pick a present for their birthday.
Kael gave a complicated expression as she ran off. He sat on one of the benches as he thought. as much as he liked Angel for who she was, he was worried about her jealous outbursts. he was also worried that she might not be able to understand his actions when he was being affectionate. it was fine to be childish, but Kael didnt want Angel to be so much that he couldnt have a good relationship with her. in hnis experience it took maturity to manage relationships, hence why many parents in fact restricted there children from dating till certain ages. he shrugged off al these thoughts, he couldnt change her if she didnt want to be changed. she was fine as she was, and he had to worry about what he was going to say later at the dance.

Esther wandered back to her room, opening her easel and beginning to paint as she munched at an apple from her her stash of food. her painting gave the feeling that someone was laying in a densly wooded area, looking up through the trees at a small spot of blue sky.
Jack laughed at him a bit then sat down to wait for him looking through her phone. A guy walked up to her,"hey babe"he said smirking. Jack jolted knowing she couldn't pull off a transformation from the front,"hello?"she asked twitching a bit. He flirted with her but she stood silent only smiling.

Angel looked around seeing a hot topic. She loved the Gir shirts from earth they where so cute. She looked around inside not intimidated at all.

Sokoku yawned as he continued to read about the sicknesses of animals and how they can be treated. He stretched out and wondered if he should go talk to his partner. He then stopped and thought it was a horrible idea.
As Sigfried was searching through the fancy clothing, he noticed there was a guy getting closer to Jack. Sigfried grunted in frustration. Now he knew how irratating things can be.

"Oy, get away from her!"

Sig gripped his hand on the other guy's shoulder, his teeth gritting.
Jack looked at Sig blushing,"who's this?"the guy asked. Jack got up and hugged Siggy,"my partner"she said and kissed his cheek. She brushed her hand on his cheek."but he's so weak"the guy muttered. Jack laughed,"the only reason I haven't popped you open like a can of soup yet is because of him so peace"she said angrily.
Sigfried gave a glare at the man. He now really did want to rip his throat out. Sig growled and opened his bandages only an itty bit. A single drop of blood fell out onto the floor. "Ido," he whispered, which meant 'move'. The little drop moved over to the man and up his leg, without anyone noticing. It went up to the middle of his back. Sigfried then whispered," Supaiku!" And the dropket spiked up, creating like a sharp splinter in the man's back. Sigfried walked over to the clothes again, chuckling to himself.
Jack smiled and walked over to Siggy and hugged his arm,"Siggy your so cool"she said then smiled at him,"I didn't flip out this time... Am I getting better with my temper?"she asked trying to make Siggy happy.
Sigfried blinked happily," Yeah, you're getting better. Good job." He poked her cheek like a teacher giving someone a 'fantastic!' sticker.

(i used to love it when teachers gave me stickers xD )
Jack pouted,"can't I get a kiss as a reward it's ten times better"she said pointing at her cheek. She wanted the guys to leave her alone so if Siggy gave her a kiss in public they would probably leave her alone.
"Ten times is alot better~" he said and kissed her on the cheek, where he had poked her. He gave a victorious glance at the man earlier, as if he was telling him that he won something.Sigfried then looked over and started to sort through all the clothes," What do you think would be good...?" He mumbled to no one in particular.
Jack blushed deeply she didn't think he'd really do it,"i-ill let you choose"she mumbled inching away before returning to her seat and becoming flustered.
Esther finished her painting and set it on her window ledge to dry. it wasnt very windy so she wasnt worried. she wandered out into the dorm hallway for a walk. two guys approached her and smirked at each other before smiling at her. "hey you, your partner leave you? why dont you partner up with one of us?" they walked over to her and she scowled, "no thanks." they both chuckled slightly, the obviously more dominant of the two putting his hand against the wall right over her shoulder, cornering her. "my...youve got such fair skin and beautiful blond hair, are you an angel?" he put a hand to her face. she grabbed his wrist and pulled his hand away, "if youre trying to be smooth then youre a failure. dont touch me you filthy animal.youve got 3 seconds to leave before i hurt you." the boy smirked, "like you could. if you wont cooperate then i will just have to-" he was cut off as Esther hooked her foot around his ankle and tripped him.she still had a firm grip on his wrist and made sure he landed on his stomach.she held his arm in an uncomfortable position beind his back, at the same time using it to keep him down. it looked like she was a cop pinning a suspect. a few people watched from their rooms, and the boys friend had already run off.

Kael let out a bored sigh, popped up a red tulip in his hand. he imagined himself at the dance, trying to think of a good way to express himself to Angel and make it very obvious. "this red tulip is the expression of my heart to you Angel...i lo-" the flower disapeared, "no...not like that. what if she were to say something first.... then i could use that flower." he continued to mumble. Kaels jumbled thoughts were soon interrupted by one of the girls from the gym decorating committee. "K-Kael" she said, fidgeting, "my partner...he left me. would you be my partner?" she asked shyly. Kael frowned, "im sorry, i have a partner, and she is very important to me...im sure you can find someone else." the girl teared up, tunred and walked away crying. Kael sighed, "now i probably look like a jerk." he mumbled, realizing a few people were watching.
Angel ran over to Kael and hugged him tackling him to the floor,"hiiiii!!!!!!"she yelled then kissed his cheek she then got up and jumped around and bent over backwards,"I had candy!"she said then collapsed on the ground and became tired. It seemed she ate all her candy and was ready to crash. Sadly she wasn't the type to crash in public but she did need a nap.

Sokoku had decided to walk over to Esther and witness this. He sighed and a big snake slithered over to the man as he walked over toEsther and stood by her as the snake pulled him away,"hmmm... No powers used... Nice"he complimented with a blank expression.
Jack smirked,"try it on"she said the chuckled,"it looks nice though"she added walking back over to him after calming down. She leaned to look at the suite but jolted at how close they were.
Sigfried blinked, surprised at their short length of eachother. He smirked and walked off to the changing room, calling casually behind him," You're not falling for me, are you?" He chuckled, only kidding, and went off to try the suit on.
Jack turned a bright red,"I would never do that! I-I wanted to get a better look in the suit!"she yelled then sat down angrily as she shook herself out of the small crush.
"Sureeeeeeee," he purred and tried on the suit.

A few moments came by, then soon Sigfried came out. He wore the dark gray and white suit and shot a random pose he saw on the television. "Does this suit your fancy, m'lady~?" He held a rose in his mouth, and his pose was that of a fancy frenchman. Siggy laughed to himself, for he was pretending to be a duke.
Jack wasn't there anymore she was so angry she began walking to her dorm. She walked inside and laid on her bed locking the door. Her angry facade died down and she picked at the thread on her blanket and sighed."obviously if I did like him he's turn me down... But what's the difference I don't care about some idiotic BOY"she mumbled trying to convince herself.
When Sigfried looked up, he saw Jack had gone somewhere else. Where was she? Did he do something wrong? He slumped down in a chair closeby. Oh yeah. Kack hated getting romanticized by men, even if he was just joking. Sig groaned. That's what he got for being so open. He didn't know what to think.

Siggy ended up forgetting about the suit and left it in the store, and started to run out into the streets. He didn't see Jack. She couldn't have gone far, right? He looked in so many places, but no outcome.

"Damn!" He grpwled to himself, frustrated and angry for getting Jack so upset.
Jack held back the tears that wanted to flow out,"neh"she managed before rubbing her eyes and walking towards the window she looked outside and saw Siggy,"what are you doing did you buy the suite?"she asked looking down at him.
Kael blinked a few times in bewilderment, before going over to Angel and scooping her up princess style. "jeez you really tuckered yourself out... if you are absolutely sure you dont want a dress then you should have a nap, i cant have you sleeping through the dance later." he said as he held her.

Esther looked at Sokoku with a rather flat expression. "well if you bothered to use your brain a little you would realize that intangible illusions are not exactly great for fighting." as demonstration she formed an illusion sword in her hand and stuck it through her chest. you could see the tip of it coming out her back, however it appeared more as a mist. the sword disappeared and she raised an eyebrow, "you know, for someone who knows so much about this schools romantic rules, youre not putting much effort forward. if you really dont like me that much you could always find someone else." she said.
Sokoku sighed,"that's too much work..."he mumbled then walked towards the exit,"sorry for bothering you"he said as he walked. Soku wasn't really a ladies man he was really shy around girls but his own interpretation of shy was avoiding at all costs and barely talking.

Angel smiled at Kai,"we're going to be together forever"she mumbled before tiredly kissing his cheek. She then looked at him sadly,"am I bothering you? You don't like me do you?"she asked.
Sigfried looked up when he heard Jack. "Ah..! Yeah, I told them to ship it to my dorm. I was a bit in a hurry, I guess. Are you okay?" He asked, wprried.
Jack nodded,"I'm fine...... Do you maybe.... Want to come up?"she asked leaning down,"I was about to get ready for the dance... Maybe you should too"she asked then giggled.

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