Highschool Romance (NOT ACCEPTING ANYMORE~)[sorry]

Kael smiled so big he thought his face might split. he grabbed Angel under the arms and twirled her around, set her down and opened his hand, a large, beautiful pink flower opened up and he offered it to her. "this is so perfect, this is exactly how i wanted this to happen Angel." he put the flower in her hand, and wrapped his own hand around hers. "this flower... it's called the Ambrosia Lily, and it means reciprocated love." he put his hand on her cheek, "Angel, i love you too." he couldn't wait anymore, he leaned down slightly, and kissed her.

Esther shook her head, "just though of something amusing thats all... im not laughing at you." she gave a smile, "im sure at this point Kael cant hold back anymore... he has never been very patient with anything." she shrugged. she was suddenly grabbed by a passing guy, then promptly yanked away by Sokoku. when he started walking again she stopped a moment. "jeez what was that?" she asked somewhat angrily, a blush on her face, "earlier you wanted nothing to do with all this." she seemed a bit upset.

Thane sighed as he walked over to the punch bowl. since his partner had left him he was curious as to wether or not he would be able to graduate. he could very well go look for another partner, but the majority of the girls seemed pretty happy with their pairings at the moment. he looked around quietly, sipping at his punch.
Angel jolted turning a bright red getting flustered,"oh I um I"she said after the kiss. She then turned around to look at the flower. She smiled a bit then looked at him from over her shoulder,"Kael.... You planned all this?"she asked smirking a bit then put her hand on his shoulder and kissed the corner of his lips. She wasn't exactly sure how to kiss and didn't want to make it dull when it was just so magical.

Sokoku looked at her,"your still my partner.... And your a girl.... I'm not ganna let anyone touch you the way your husband should...."he explained then grabbed her hand,"come on..... I'm going to protect you... And one day make you my princess"he teased smirking. After seeing Esther blush he thought it was cute and wanted to make her blush even more.
"Haha, okay," he said, a bit gurgled because he was frozen in a forced smile. Sigfried went and sat down in a chair beside Jack. "So,....Jack," he started, trying to fire up a conversation," Tell me about yourself. I was bit surprised when you bought the dress. Does your family own a big business?"

Soon after testing her new weapon, Klaine glumly walked into the gym where the dance was. She was in a deep black dress with the ends cut jagged to look like they were ripped, but still fancy. The ends were a blue that matched her eyes, but today her eyes were bleak and blurry, as if she had been crying. She kept a tight lip as she walked in, not bothering to see who showed up. Klaine walked to the punch bowl, pouring herself a cup of berry punch.
Jack nodded,"my family is made out of illusionist..... My mother could always change her looks and my father was a macho fighter that could become invisible..... But.... I never knew what I really looked like.... My mother told she had nice black hair and my dad told me he was skinny and weak..... So I formed my body like this.... The only way I know I'm a girl is because of my inside... So it doesn't really matter to me with genders.... I can easily become a man on the outside for my father but my mother will just get angry...."she explained looking down sadly.
Sigfried look at Jack," Alright, like I said, it doesn't matter to me if you're a boy or girl. You could be both and I wouldn't care. You're wonderful, Jack. Best I know," Sigfried smiled and gave her a kiss, before getting them two glasses of fruit punch.
Jack turned a bright red at the kiss,"ah....."she managed a squel in shook before quietly grabbing the drink and just watching Siggy quietly.(did he kiss her lips or cheek I couldn't tell 0v0)
Kael smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist, leaning down a bit because of his height and kissed her forehead. "of course i did. even if you hadnt have said it first i would've thought of a back up plan, but this was exactly how i wanted this to happen. he held her close, then taking the flower from her hands and tucking it into her hair. he stopped and looked into her eyes a moment before looking away blushing. "i cant believe this all just happened now...er, should we get going to the dance?" he asked with a smile as he offered his hand. ((jeez...Kael would make me swoon! not to mention he is wildly popular amongst females in many RPs xD ))

Esther looked down bashfully. "jeez...dont make promises" Esther had received one too many broken promises in her life time. "the dance...we should go." she said, somewhat trying to fight the tiny flutter in her chest. she really didnt want this to be happening with someone she had just met, she had trust problems.

Thane sipped at his punch with a small smile, everyone seemed to be having a good time so he wouldnt let his lack of a partner damper his spirits. he headed back to the punch bowl to fill his cup and saw a lone girl. as much as she tried to control her expression, Thane was one of those people who could tell when something was wrong. "hey, you with the black hair, whats with the long face? its a dance, oyu should buck up a bit, have some fun" he said approaching her with a cheery smile.
Sokoku stuck his tongue out at her and walked inside,"you want something to drink?"he asked as he stretched still holding her hand firmly.

Angel blushed as her small hands spread across his chest from his waist being against hers. She then jolted and nodded,"I need to thank Esther"she said softly with a kind mature smile.
(the lips^^ huaha~)

Sig took his drink and started to sip slowly.

Klaine looked up and sighed, resting her chin on her free hand," Huh? Yeah! I'm having fun! Just..uh.. tired, ya know? Woo~" Klaine said and shook her fist. After a pause, she slumped down again," Blllarrgh, you got me, bro. I'm not actually having fun," she blew raspberries," My partner had to go, now this dance is just... mindjacking," she said, frustrated, and kicked the air in anger, close to Thane's head. "So what about you? You shouldn't randomly walk up on a girl if you already have one yourself, guy."
Jack looked at him nervously then leaned towards him,"Siggy why'd you kiss me?"she asked nervously feeling like melted butter.( xD okay I needed that)
He looked over to Jack," Ah... Because I thought you needed comfort." He said," and cause you're my partner. I'll love you forever," he knew it sounded a bit cheesy, but it was very hard to say. He had only felt these feelings with Klaine, but this time it was different. This wasn't the sibling kind of romance. Everything was like a storybook. Everyone should have a happy ending.
Jack turned a bright red and fell out of her chair,"l-l-love?! But we haven't its been two days I-I mean I feel the same but are you sure?! A tomboy like me?!"she asked then jolted and leaned in,"are you bi and you like me because I'm the best of both worlds"she asked a bit skeptical,"or is this a TV show? No really cute guy would seriously be in love with ME"she said.
"Ah.. So I'm a really cute guy, eh Jack?" Sigfried said, teasing her bit. He huffed and said," I'm not saying different, aren't I? Yes, I'm very sure, bisexual or not." He gave a light laugh," Like I said, if you're gonna be Jack the Boy then I'll categorize myself as gay, for your sake, okay?" He patted her lightly on the head," Just don't worry about anything." Siggy spoke.
Jack blushed deeply and held his hand,"I-it's Jackie.... Y-you can call me Jackie"she said softly then looked at him and kissed him happily,"I-I think your really cute and super cool your power is awesome and the bandages look bad arse"she said smiling.
Kael let go of her, taking her hand. "thats a beautiful smile Angel, you should show it more often." he said, leading her towards the gym. "and what exactly is my sister to thank for?" he gave a curious look even though he could easily guess why.

Esther fell silent as they walked, and since he had such a firm grip on her hand she didnt bother to struggle. she could feel her palm getting sweaty, she was nervous. she wasnt use to even talking to other girls let alone spending time with a guy. earlier she had easily talked to him because she was either retaliating for something or expressing annoyance or intellectual interest in his behavior. "u-um...lemonade i suppose?" she said nervously.

Thane gave a sudden grin, "no kidding? my partner left after she realized what kind of school this was! the poor thing was like a scared little mouse." he held his hand out, "and my names not 'guy' its Thane, nice to meet you!" his smile was as bright as his dyed red hair.
Angel giggled,"she gave me courage! She told me everything would be okay if I confess to you"she explained and hugged his arm as they walked,"it was a very helpful thing to do!"she said happily.

Sokoku blinked then sighed,"you don't have to be nervous aroun me okay? I'm not ganna hurt my partner"he said and began walking to the drinks he poured her and himself lemonade then walke back and handed it to her.
Klaine gave a smirk, standing up and grabbing Thane's hand. "Huh, nice to meet you too, Thane." He shook his hand a bit hard, squeezing like she was about to murder," My name is Klaine Boulevard. Twin, girl, and weapon of utter destruction, at your service." She had suddenly felt so much better, meeting someone just like her," My brother's over there, in the bandages." She pointed to Sigfried. Klaine glanced at his hair," WOOOAH! I love your hair! It's so bright it hurts my eeyyyyyes!" She squealed and touched the tip of his hair. Klaine quickly calmed diwn and spoke," Hmmm, so what's your power?"

Siggy smiled," Okay, then I'll call you Jackie." He chuckled to the ring of her name. "Wow, I didn't know I was all those things," he laughed," well, my turn~"

He inhaled a deep breath.

"I think you're absolutely gorgeous in that dress your power is amazing how you can punch like a boss and you have some bad arse bandages yourself."

He grinned.

(Woow I just realized Klaine ans Thane rhyme! .w.)
Jack turned a bright red over whelmed then felt dizzy as she blushed,"ah your so kind!"she said and hugged him and kissed his forehead.
Kael smiled, "so my little ice princess can show her heart to others i guess." he thought a bit. "you know, at the orphanage she wouldnt talk to anyone, and if she did it was with a cocky smirk, or an evil one. she was always extremely smart, but not very social. in fact, i gave her the nick-name Ice Princess because of her unsociable behavior. before that she was just Princess"

Upon hearing Sokoku say that he wouldnt hurt her, Esther pushed herself out of her shy behavior, and a smirk crossed her face. when he came back with the drinks she took hers, her smirk still in place. "you say you wont hurt me...but i dont think you could anyway. my abilities are more then colorful and whimsical illusions..." her smirk was playful, but still cocky.

Thane chuckled at her enthusiasm. "im actually a blonde, but i always dye my hair this bright red because its more fun!" he took her hand shake with a big grin. "my power is all about electronics and machines, i can build them, work them, fix them... i can pretty much talk to them and understand exactly how they tick." he explained. "anyway, since we are both without a partner, might i be your escort for the dance? its deffinately no fun to be alone!" he said with a bright smile.
Sokoku glanced at her with his head straight,"Baka...... I was talking about sexually or mentally bullying you..... "He said then stretched,"for someone so smart your really stupid"he said and stood up as the music changed,"I'll be back"he said and walked to the bathroom handing her his cup.

Angel jolted with wide eyes,"that sounds so cool! Like a hot and spicy character or something! Or a character with a sharp tongue!"she said smiling as they walked inside she blinked and ran over to Esther,"thank you"she said smiling.
"Ohmigosh!" Klaine exclaimed," That's so cool! I can change my limbs into basically anything that shoots, no biggie." She held up a hand, cackling a faint blue electric in her palm, shifting her hand into a revolver gun. Klaine smirked and changed it back," Ah-yeah, sure." She agreed to his plan," Yeah.. You can be my escort!" She grinned and stood up, feeling much better now.

Sigfried stood up, holding his hand out playfully," May I take this dance, m'lady~?" He said.
Jack jolted shaking her hand,"I-I can't dance"she said nervously then turned into a guy,"I'm Jack boys don't dance"she said and began running away overwhelmed by everything that just happened.
Esther cringed a bit. she took the cup and sipped from it, a small smile crossing her lips. she hadnt had much to eat or drink that day so for some reason the lemonade was like a miniature oasis. when she saw Angel and Kael show up a small yet lonely smile crossed her face. "youre very welcome Angel. im glad youre happy." she looked at her brother.

Kael gave his sister a grateful smile as well. if not for her influence, the whole thing would've been totally different. he saw that she seemed a bit off however, and felt he had to say something. he leaned over and whispered in his sisters ear, "if your weirdo partner does anything, tell me ok?" he gave her a quick brotherly hug before returning to Angels side.

Thane grinned, "awsome, dances are never meant to be spent alone!" he took her hand and pulled her in, a naive grin on his face. "would the lady like to dance? that is what we are here for after all!" he put his arm around her waist.

((Thane isnt flirtatious, in his head its a dance, and he is with a girl so he asked her to dance...he probably oesnt even know what romantic feelings are, at least untill he has them.... xD ))
Angel smile at Esther then hid when Sokoku began talking,"I was just going to say that you looked nice"he mumbled. Angel walked to a table and sat at it she was happy she learned so much today. Sokoku then looked at Esther,"you lonely?"he asked. He did have a talent to read people like a book so it was easy to see Esther was lonely.
(loooool he and Klaine are perfect xD Klainey only looks at things as "boring" or "fun" and nothing else XDDDD)

"Uwah..." Sigfried was surprised that Jack suddenly ran off. Instantly, instinct kicked in and he started to off after her. He promised himself he would try his best. Not his best so far. While he was running, his suit got caught in a sharp ornament that hung on the wall, ripping his right sleeve slightly. That didn't faze him the slightest. He kept chasing after her.

(Daww Siggy and Jack are so sweet .w. We should make a book xD )

Klaine laughed and decided to play along," Yes brave sir! The lady would like to dance~" she smiled and rested her arms on his shoulders.

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