Highschool Romance (NOT ACCEPTING ANYMORE~)[sorry]

"Yeah," Sigfried nodded, and hauled himself up with a lunge. He jumped up to the ledge, and sat on the railing," Yup, I'll get ready right now," he winked, not wanting to pressure her to answer his questions. "Uh, yeah. I'll get my suit."
Esther followed for a moment and put a hand on Sokokus shoulder, "Im sorry if we got off on the wrong foot today, and if you think its too much work to find love in a school that was practically made for that purpose, so be it, but could you at least try to get along with me?" her expression became serious, yet a bit saddened, "its just...im lucky to even be here. you have a family with money, so you dont have much to worry about, but an orphan like me...i have nothing, so to me this education is everything." her small, delicate hand fell from his shoulder. "at least think about that. im going back to my room to prepare for the dance." she said before walking away.

Kael was surprised by Angels sudden question. he gave her a stern look, "Angel stop. you always ask such...unnecessary questions." he narrowly avoided say 'dumb questions'. "ive told you before, youre fine, i like being around you. if i didnt, why would i still be your partner?" he pointed out. he saw his sister down the hall, and she gave a wave. "Esther, good timing." he said, giving Angel a little shake as he held her. "Angel, why dont you go with my sister and get ready for the dance? i will meet up with you two lovely ladies when the dance starts, ok?" he gave Angels hand a light squeeze as he smiled at the both of them.

"sure thing Kael" Esther said before patting at his shoulder a bit. "you better shower...you have ash in your hair from that pyro dude earlier, and you smell like sweat and smoke." she wrinkled up her nose.

"oh jeez do i really?" he blushed in embarrassment. he was glad that Angel had been so sleepy, he hoped that she didnt notice the smell when he had carried her.
Angel was blushing deeply and touched her chest,"I-I..... Kael I......"she mumble looking down she then looked up at him determined,"Kael I lo-"she began but Sokoku cut her off,"you dad sent this"he mumbled handing Angel a letter. Angel jolted,"I'm going to my room!"she yelled and ran to her dorm and slammed the door. Sokoku yawned then shrugged and walked away,"not my job to babysit anymore"he mumbled and walked into his room.

Jack smiled and kissed his cheek,"well I'll meet you at your dorm..."she whispered then walked to the bathroom and locked the door as she went inside."the door locks automatically so you can just leave!"she called from the bathroom.
Kael frowned as she ran off. he started to follow her, but Esther grabbed his wrist. "Kael stop, let me talk to her. go get ready for the dance." Kael looked frustrated, "but she was about to...at least i think she..." Esther shook her head, "if you go after her right now, youre going to end up saying it first, right? then you wont get to use that flower." Kael sighed, "i dont think it matters now." Esther released his wrist from her grip. "Chill Kael, if you wait until the dance, you will both be dressed up, and i know you will have more confidence, and it will work out much better. besides, youre too frustrated to anything properly right now. just wait, let her say it first." Kael shook his head, "what if she doesnt?" Esther gave him a pat on the back, "she will, im sure of it. all those years at the orphanage you looked after me, now let me return the favor." she gave him a quick hug before they parted, Kael going to his room to dress himself, and Esther towards Angels room.

"hey Angel, its Esther, why dont you come to my room to get ready? i think you could use some girl time."
she said, knocking on the door.
Angel slowly opened the door,"girl time?"she asked then looked down and nodded she grabbed what he was going to change into and put it into a bag,"okay"she said and came out hugging the bag. She looked around sadly it felt weird when Kael didn't go after her he must've figured out what she was going to say and was mad. She remembered seeing a frown before walking into her room. But no matter she was happy to have realized her feelings. She pressed the bag against her chest with this idea and was silent. Her face was red as she thought about Kael and wondered when she fell for him."K-Kael...."Angel mumbled against the bag her legs where wobbly so she tripped at her first step. She quickly got up,"a-sorry"she said.
Esther put a hand gently on Angels shoulder, "that's something I wanted to talk about." She led her down the hall to her room. She opened the door and let Angel walk in first before heading to he closet. "It took you quite some time to realize your feelings I see." She said rummaging through her closet. "You shouldn't worry so much, I bet if you just tell him how you feel straight out, you will probably feel mich better." She gave a warm smile as she pulled a dress out of her closet.
"B-but..... If I tell him things will change right?"Angel mumbled looking at her bag,"I-I want Kael to stay with me.... I like when we hold hands and hug and when he carries me..... Especially when he helps me up or I get hurt..."she mumbled softy looking at the time. There was only an hour till the dance,"can I use your bathroom?"she asked.
"of course you can use the bathroom." Esther nodded, slipping out of the casual dress she had been wearing and into the dress she had picked out for the dance. "you know, i dont think Kael would let things change just because of that, and who knows, things might change for the better." She said loud enough for Angel to hear in the bathroom. "you know, i envy you a bit Angel, ive never really liked someone that way. heck, its even hard for me to make friends." she said, sitting on her bed and brushing through her hair.

Her dress:View attachment 12763
Angel came out nervously blushing,"is this okay?"she asked. She then blushed,"but your pritty so I'm sure Soku will fall for you-"she started then jolted,"sorry.... He's not as mean as he looks he's actually very kind"she said smiling. It was now time for the dance and she expected the guys to come. Sokoku knocked on the door adjusting his tie.
Kael was going to meet them at the dance, but he grew impatient upon seeing Sokuku headed towards his sisters room. he followed, and leaned against the wall next to the door as Sokoku knocked. he adjusted his tight for the third time in five minutes, sort of a nervous fidget if you will.

Esther looked at Angel with a smile. "you look baeutiful Angel. My brother is bound to get nervous now, even though he is good with girls, like a true gentleman, he is not great with dates." she chuckled, "and Sokoku... i dont know if it will work out. he is avoiding me, so i cant even establish a simple friendship with him." even though she couldnt say she liked him, he did have a place in her heart somewhere. anyone who would take the time to help someone, or even something(animals specifically), had found Esthers respect.

She heard the door and went to answer, her golden hair cascading over her pale shoulders. if Kael were like a prince, then she could definitely be a princess. she had a small and delicate build, fair skin and long golden hair complimented by amber eyes. she opened the door to see the boys, and Kael walked right past her. he went up to Angel, "im sorry, did i do something wrong earlier you seemed upset so..." he finally took in her appearance, "you look...beautiful Angel." he said, turning away as he turned a bit red.

Esther glanced over her shoulder at her brother, then back at Sokoku, "it seems your ready to go?" she said with a gentle smile, "i apologize for my brother...he doesnt get nervous often, so when he does its a bit...frantic i suppose."

((yay X3 this is a side of Kael i dont get to show often! and his outfit...he is go wiith the flow so i though a little less formality was good. he can go all out with a tux for prom later.)

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( xD kk)

Angel smiled,"thanks Kael you look nice too"she said and grabbed his hand,"lets go"she said and began pulling him out,"no you didn't do anything I was just a bit startled that's all"she said.

Sokoku smile and patted her head,"you look nice"he said then began walking,"lets go before those two get ahead of themselves"he said smirking then continued to walk.
Sigfried huffed in agreement and walked out of Jack's dorm. He went back to his dorm, which was pretty far, and found the suit infront of his door. Sigfried was fairly satisfied. Good job tuxedo-store people. Good job. He grabbed it and ran in, changing quickly into the smokey gray suit. Sigfried stood infront of the mirror. Something wasn't right. He stared for a long time, to try and figure out what was wrong. Oh yeah. That's right. Sigfried had gruesome bandages lined on his face, arms, torso, and basically most of his body. He was like a fancy mummy. Sometimes he hated his power. Sonetimes he just wanted to give it away. Siggy sighed and changed his cloth, unwrapping it, then cleaning off the excess blood from the rest of his body. He found a clean pair and wrapped them on. He then waited for Jack, hoping it would go well.

(Klainey be so lonely TT.TT)
Jack smiled putting her hair in the pony tail and put on the sexy dress. She sighed and walked out looking down at the ground after knocking on Siggy's door. Her heels where black and nice,"I hope he likes this I'm doing it for him"she thought then sighed.(if you find someone willing to make JUST a boy then invite them 0v0)

(Or stardust could do it xD nice pic btw)
little busy right now, i will make up a sheet later. dont let the dance go by without me! a presonality description for Klaine would help me pick one of my many guy characters~
Kael allowed himself to be dragged down the hall, tossing a glance at his sister and her partner as they followed more leisurely.

Esther smiled as Sokoku made an effort to be more friendly. "see, how hard is it to be nice?" she chuckled, "not exactly the perfect gentleman, but for me that's a good thing. anyone too similar to my brother might annoy me after awhile." she smiled happily, glad to be doing something with friends. she and her brother never got to do fun things like this back at the orphanage.
Sokoku twitched,"oi I wasn't being nice okay don't spread that around"he said pouting the looked at Angel."can you guys..... Erm um.... G-go ahead of us... I want to talk to Kael"she said nervously as her cheeks became more and more rosier. She looked at Kael then pulle him into the garden. Sokoku sighed,"lets go"he said and continued to walk.

Angel blushed deeply looking at Kael and began to fidget slightly,"I-I um.... I erm...... Kael I l-like....."she mumbled getting quieter and quieter playing with her necklace.
(Klaine is a loud, fun girl who's always up for some thrill, in much contrast with her mature and quiet twin, Sifried. Her power is to turn one or both her arms to almost any weapon. She's a bit rude but always cares about other people. She prefers somewhat of a badboy, but still sweet.)

Siggy opened the door to see Jack. His dull, sollomn face changedd to a polite smile," Wow Jack, you look beautiful," he laughed," Not like I'm flirting or anything. Anyhoo, you ready?"
Jack took the compliment and smiled blushing deeply then became sad when he basically said that he took her compliment away,"sorry... I guess I could've done better to make you want to flirt with me..."she mumbled then hugged his arm and began walking,"lets go"she mumbled sadly.
Sigfried grunted in agreement awkwardly. In his head, Sigfried groaned. Again, he was being this stupid stupid jerk. He took her arm and started to lead Jack to the ballroom. He knew what to do. He would make it up to her at the dance. Sigfried was going to make sure of it.
((jack seems to bounce between wanting him to flirt, and getting upset when he actually flirts... poor Siggy.))

Kael looked at Angel with a serious yet gentle expression. he could feel it coming, he knew what she was going to say, and he wanted so desperately for her to say it. "yes Angel, what is it?" he asked, stepping towards her a bit.

Esther glanced over her shoulder as the other two left. she had a somewhat lonely expression. she was so used to always having her brother around, yet for the past few days he had been so absorbed in the school, and in his partner that she was left alone. "sometimes i envy him..." she muttered. she cast a glance at her own partner. he looked nice in his formal attire, she had to admit that. she wondered exactly how much he hid under his rather flat expressions. she gave a slight giggle, not for any particular reason.

Thane stood in the gym as people wandered to and fro. he had ended up in this school because his father wanted him to find a suitable girl. for him, life had always been fun, games, and everything under the sun. he never bothered with gender differences, never 'noticed' all the girls that took a shine to him. his father had grown frustrated with his lack of interest in finding a girlfriend, and was worried that there would not be a woman around to support him when he took over the family business. since his mother had passed, all his father worried about was him finding a suitable woman to help him run the electronics company his family was so famous for. Thane now stood in the gym, alone. his partner had left the school as quickly as she had come, apparaently having a heart disorder and not realizing that the school was meant for romance.

((Thane is posted in the sign up thread~))
Angel was a bright red,"I-I...."she then looked up at him and jolted,"neh..."she said nervously getting dizzy,"Kael I have a great feeling for you!"she managed then jolted face palming,"wait can I try that again? What I ment to say was that I l-l-like you a lot..."she said nervously then looked up at Kael sadly hopping he wouldn't hurt her or reject her.

Sokoku looked at Esther,"what are you laughing about?"he asked with a slight smirk,"so is Angel ganna really confess? Or do you think she chickened out"he asked then went back to him blank expression as a group of guys passed looking at Esther. One grabbed her arm. Sokoku grabbed Esther's hand and pulled her into his arms and hugged her with one hand on her back and the other on her head,"sorry this one is mine"he said. The guys groaned and walked away. He began walking again and looked at her,"oi Baka.... Hold my hand the guys will think you don't have a partner"he said.

(she doesn't get angry just a little hurt when he takes it back xD )

Jack leaned on him a bit as they walked,"I really like this on you Siggy... The bandages make you look so cool"she added smiling she then held his hand. They walked into the gym even though the school had a ballroom they thought it would be too overwhelming for the students to fix it up when they used it for other dances. She looked at him,"want to take a seat?"she asked smiling.
(Yerp, poor Siggy xD just gotta love Jack tho)

"You... do?" He said a bit surprised. This him so much better, like lifting the world from his shoulders. Sigfried gave a big smile and held her arm tighter," Thanks, Jack." Siggy said and nodded. He led them over to a pair of chairs, and spoke," Do you want anything to drink?"

(Finally get to bring Klainey back TTwTT)

Klaine was out in the field outside, one arm in a big black and blue cannon and the other holding a screwdriver, tweaking some things in her arm. After a few moments of nessing around, Klaine snapped the cover shut and giggled to herself. He changed the cannon to a little cellphone and dialed her brother's number.

"Hello?" Sigfried said," Klaine? Where are you? Shouldn't you be at the dance with Adrian?"

Klaine growled," Shush, bro! I'm outside! Adrian had to go early,"


"Nevermind, Siggy-tan~ I'm trying something out, look out the window!"

Klaine transformed her arm back into a cannon, then flipped some switched on her shoulder. He fired it, and the cannon shot out a big steel ball hurdling into the air. Klaine had upgraded it to shoot harder, better, faster, and stronger. (love that song xD ) "Whhooo!" He cheered, but Sigfried just rolled his eyes. He called back," Whatever, sis, just get back to the dance before you miss it."

Klaine groaned sadly," Sure, I'll just dance by myself then," he muttered sarcastically and shut off her cell.
Jack giggled,"we just got here why don't you stay with me for a while"she said holding his hand. She saw his expression change and smiled at him,"you okay there?"she asked pushing on his cheeks with her index fingers to make him smile then giggled.

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