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Fantasy «╳» Highland Academy «╳» A School For the Supernatural


Animiero Gerartist


Highland Academy

Wind blows and rustles the cherry blossom trees outside Highland Academy. New students and old students alike gather in small cliques outside the locked gate. A new school year, clean slates, new student. And with new students comes new secrets.

This is going to be one hell of a year.

IC/School Rules

(These rules are meant to be broken for drama, see Overview for list of OC rules)

-No leaving campus without administrative permission

-Wear school uniforms at all times, even in the dorms. Nightgowns and other nightclothes are provided for sleeping.

-No girls in boys dorms, no boys in girls dorms

-No fighting

-No using powers as weapons against other students

-No PDA on school grounds

-No use of illegal substances or weapons

-No disobeying staff

-No bullying or any form of causing harm to other students

-No vandalism on school grounds

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Gerard kicked a rock absentmindedly, the rock rolling and tumbling until it hit a tree silently in the courtyard. In the distance he could see the plaza, boys and girls buzzing in and out of the shops, excited for the new school year. He was excited, too. This would be the year that he found Titan. He knew she was here--somewhere. He didn't remember what she looked like at all. That's the thing about dying--you forget things. He shoved his hands in his pocket and strolled over to the tree, sitting down with his back leaning against it. @Eloya
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Kiki sat in the bookstore walking up and down the countless isles of shelfs. It was her idea of heaven, she grabbed a book from the shelf then paid for it and walked outside. It was pretty outside and she was feeling giddy for some unknown reason. She ran to the girls dorm and placed the books she bought beside the bed she claimed her own then pulled her phone out of her bag and shoved it in her pocket. She walked outside and sat down near the creek in front of the dorm and poked the ground. Seconds later the spot she poked had a small blue tulip grow and bloom.
Gerard glanced to his left and up at the tree, small holes in the leaves letting sunlight pour in like water over a waterfall. He looked back down over to the creek in front of the girls dorm and saw a girl sitting. It wasn’t too rare to see people hanging out over there, but this girl he had never seen before. Granted he didn’t spend much time outside, but he was quite nosey. He knew more than he should—and someone he hadn’t ever seen before was strange. Gerard was an outsider by choice. But that meant he witnessed many things he shouldn’t. He was like a shadow—dark and obvious, yet nobody ever noticed.
She stared at the minnows in the shallow water her mind blanking out. The sun bit her skin and the light breeze was lovely and when a particularly strong gust made its way past, she snapped out of her trance. Getting up she walked from the creek to the pizza place and ordered some Hawaiian pizza then sat down at a table and ate quietly. She could see groups of people and immediately steered clear of the "popular" crowd, mainly because they were throwing stuff at people and sending spitballs flying. After a few bites one of them shot a spitball at her and she tilted her head slightly then pulled it off, she got up then walked by there table before leaving "Imature idiot" she muttered.
Gerard watched as the girl crossed the courtyard to the pizza shop. He tried to make it look like he was sketching, but he was really watching her. Not creepy, just curious. He wasn't really into girls, anyway. While he waited for her to finish eating her pizza he did actually sketch. His own fantasy world came to life on his paper. He began a sketch of Titan, what he imagined she'd look like.
Maya leaned against a Lone tree in the Court yard , Her general "Group" or to put into basics three Idiots who had a crush on her and failed to realize she wouldn't go for any of them. Her light violet eyes surveyed the area boredom obviously consuming her as she blew some hair away from her face wondering on what to do...That and how long before the Staff would notice she wasn't anywhere close to wearing that ugly uniform of theirs...She gave a light chuckle at the thought, humming. So many new faces to meet..a few more pieces to this lovely game of chess If she had another one of her fateful encounters with her "Sweet" sister Frenda..
She walked outside clenching her fist. Boys were idiots. She started walking back to the creek but stopped when she had the weird sensation of being watched. She looked around but couldn't tell who because there were quite a few people walking around, huffing she turned back towards the creek and sat down on a bench nearby and hummed well throwing pebbles into the creek. Boredom clasped its fingers around her Uggh, I need to find someone to talk to or I will loose it. She thought to herself.
Clow and his sister slowly appeared on school grounds she wasn't a registered student but the boy that looked like he could be an sixth grade prodigy was. He would every once in awhile converse with his sister even though no sound would admit from her, but opening and closing her mouth like a human would as he would respond with a chuckle. He would be more amazed with the school but he had been here a year before so nothing seemed to amaze him only because nothing remained in any memories. He didn't really take the time to have personal relationships, but he did get high marks on his tests from the countless hours of studying.
Kiki walked stared at the creek for a little longer, she had gone to this school for 3 years and she always sat right in this very spot whenever she came here. She snapped out of yet another one of her trances and walked over to the courtyard. Teens were being teens in one corner (which was to be expected) and rolled her eyes. She scanned the familiar area and saw someone standing under a lone tree. She walked over in the desperate attempt to gain someone to talk to "Hello?!" she said cheerfully.

Maya quickly snapped out of her Daydream as she heard the voice, Her light violet eyes falling to Kiki. "Oh Why hello there."She'd smile slightly as she quickly examined this seemingly new face...She had seen her before so she definitely wasn't a First year...Eh who knows maybe she end up being someone interest "So Who may you be exactly?"
"I'm Kiki." She said "Who are you?" She asked, genuinly curious. She looked up at the tree the sun was scratching its way threw the trees and there was a blue bird on one of the farther branches. She looked back down at the girl and did a quick inspection. The only thing that really popped out at her seemed to be the tattoo the girl had on her arm, she pulled her light red hair over her shouler and began braiding a strand, which seemed to be her way of saying "I really want to know"
"Hmph nice name..The Names Mayanori Oni, Though people tend to call me Maya for short." She'd grin, already finding this girl interesting, Hell maybe this year might be more exciting that the last..She held out her hand for a Handshake, The Purple Tattoo seemingly curled and twisted as she moved her arm out pulsating a light violet.
She shook her hand not failing to notice the violet tattoo. She dropped her hand then turned around and trotted away her hair bouncing with her gleeful steps. her boredom opened up again and she reached down and tounched the ground and an array of flowers followed her as she trotted away

(gtg to school grr lol)
Entering the bustling campus of Highland Academy, Hiro -- or Ivan but he liked Hiro better -- was astonished to see so many just like him as he was used to being around humans more than other supernatural beings. Glancing around with calm eyes, he felt a bit giddy with butterflies forming in his stomach,"Wonder how my first day in Highland will be like... I hope it will be okay." He thought encouraging himself to make an effort to befriend someone. Examining for someone nice to maybe be a friend for him as well as helping him to where the Male Dormitory were, he noticed a male student sitting under a tree with a book in hand while looking to be drawing something in it.

Tilting his head, he debated whether to walk up to the guy or ignore him but with these luggage in hand making his arm sore, he needed to find his dorm room fast before he passed out on the spot due to him being weak during the day as he was a Baku, a dream eater that is only active during the night. Walking up to the guy while lazily dragging his bag on the ground behind him, he kept a stolid composure standing next to the guy,"Do you happen to know where the Boy's Dorms are?" He asked trying not to pry in to what the guy was drawing but noticed a feminine looking sketch on the white page,"Is he being a creep?" He thought now getting a bit heedful of the guy if he turned out to be some weirdo.

Gerard slapped his sketchbook shut, the impact of it blowing a gust of wind in his face. He grunted, slightly annoyed by his new guest's lack of proper approach. He hadn't seen the person before. "Must be new," he thought to himself. He flipped his hair once to keep his messy black fringe out of his eyes.

"Umm...Right over there, next to classroom B..." He muttered, pointing a slender gloved finger toward the boy's dorm.

A low grunt escaped Eesac as he made his way into the school grounds. Huh ... looks pretty damn nice actually. The tall boy's shoulders heaved in a slight shrug as he took in the sights around him. He did not carry much with him; a small briefcase slung over his shoulder and a duffel bag in his other hand. There were a few students around and about, but as a new arrival, he really had no idea where to start. Both of his eyebrows knotted into a slight frown, semi-annoyed that he had not read the school-booklet handed to him.

Clicking his tongue, he just sort'a wanders into the school grounds, at times taking steps in a certain direction, before stepping away and walking the other way. Anyone that just saw him walking by would think he knew what he was doing, but anyone observing him for a solid half-a-minute would know he was clearly lost. Slight sweat-beads started to form on his forehead. Damnit ... where is the dorm?
She didn't know were she was walking now. Just in random circles around the courtyard, there was only so much you could do at a school. Random trees were scattered around so she tried not to zone out in fear of walking into a tree. The embarresment of that would kill her. She couldn't help it tho she was being succumbed into thought Will I make some new friends? Will I blow something up in science... again. She smiled at the memory of mr. Gans face as smoke poured from her test tube and shattering at his feet.
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Hiro flinched when the guy slammed his book shut as it was a shock for the boy. He didn't mean to scare the guy and felt guilty of his rudeness to randomly walk up to him as they were strangers but he didn't have a choice since he needed to get some desperate sleep before he trips over himself and knock out on school grounds. Fiddling with his beanie, he gave a small nod to show he understood,"Thanks and sorry for uhh... my rudeness. I didn't mean to pry in on you but my name is Iv- no, Hiro, a first year. Nice to meet you." He said covering up his real name with his nickname, trying to lighten the awkward mood between them and try to befriend the guy so he wouldn't feel like a loner as a freshman in a new school.

Still trapped in thought, Kiki continued walking. Her thoughts consumed her head most of the time, which was a habit that usually didn't end well for her. She really did hope to meet some nice people or new friends this year. Last year Kiki had kept to herself most of the time, considering her perky personality, that didn't go well.

She turned a corner, still succumbed in thought then let out a sudden yelp as she tripped on a rock and plowed into the luscious green grass "Oww..." she muttered.

Gerard shook his head. "Yeah... I'm Ger-" He paused. If he had any hope at finding Titan, he couldn't go by his real name. It'd make it too easy; she was probably looking for him, too. "Just call me King, please..." He finished, lowering his voice. This was his fourth year, but barely anyone knew his name, so it wouldn't be too hard to change. He tucked his sketchbook in his black leather messenger backpack that was sitting next to him. "First year?"

{ Is anyone free? }
Titan pulled down her gray beanie, her black bangs getting trapped in front of her eyes. She dusted off her uniform skirt with her hands, which were cloaked in black gloves. Then she drew a pair of dark sunglasses from the pocket of her dress shirt and closed her eyes as she pushed them on, continuing to walk through the courtyard. Her jacket, which was an optional part of the uniform, heated her already sunburned arms. She wasn’t looking in front of her and tripped on a girl that was on the ground, looking as though she had fallen as well. “Shit…” She hissed, her sunglasses almost falling off.

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Kaue levitated himself up to the front gates and cast a lazy smile their way. Summer break had felt long and though he didn't want to admit it, he was a little excited for class to start again. He made his way first to the boys dorm where he dropped off his stuff so that it wouldn't be a problem. Then he knew exactly where he was off to.

Quickly leaving the dorm building he zoomed towards the pond at the edge of the school. There was a large variety of fish and other wildlife there that made the pond interesting. When he arrived he set himself on the ground and dropped down to sit. He set his staff beside him as he admired the way the water sparkled in the light. He grinned lazily and laid back, closing his eyes and letting the sun warm his face.
"Oww!" she yelled again only seconds after she had fallen someone had kicked there foot into her rib and she tripped over her. She glanced at the girl who tripped over her. She looked... to be honest she wasn't really paying attention to the girl at all more of rubbing her side to ease the fading pain "You really shouldn't trip on people. Its neither normal nor flattering." she said sarcastically, patting the dirt off her uniform.

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