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Realistic or Modern High School [Open]

*Slides in and hopes to join* 

Hermione Ray was already late for her first day at high school. Looking around her new, bare, room, it was stacked with boxes and dust. The boxes contained everything she had from her old room back in England, this new room big enough to fit it all. Her bare bed was the only thing made right now. Beside it was a slightly unbalanced nightstand where her glasses were. 

Now changed, slipping her glasses on, Hermione made her way downstairs and found her mother sitting on the sofa, feeding her little sister: Ashley . "Good morning, dear. How did you sleep"? She asked softly, cradling Ashley. 

"A bit rough but I'm okay, mum. May I have a lift to school, since I'm an hour late already". 

Her mum looked flabbergasted. "I thought it started later. I'm so sorry". 

Hermione knew that her mother was beyond tired from the move and with Ashley crying most of the night. 

"It's okay, mum, I'll walk, you deserve a break". 

"Thank you. I'll give the school a ring and inform them that you're on your way". 

With that, Hermione said goodbye to her mother and Ashley, rushing out the door, her stomach grumbling a little. 

I'd say Hermione looks similar to this: 

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(pretty sure you are free to join)

"yeah everyone says I look a lot younger than I am but I don't know" He says as the bell rang signaling the end of the first period "ok everyone dont forget to work on your projects and have them turned in by Friday Mr.Harold announced to the class as everyone was hurrying to leave. Liam kinda held back a moment not wanting to get caught up in the rush plus he had a free period anyways. After it settled down he got up thanked Mr. Harold for the great class and headed out of class with his satchel bag slung over one shoulder. Deciding the best way to spend his free hour was to ride around on his skate board he headed to his car.

He gets to his car grabs his phone,earbuds and skateboard. He begins skating around in the parking lot doing kick-flips,ollies, ect. after some time doing that he began heading out just site seeing places near the school hoping to find somewhere cool.

@Rock And Roll Boy @xpstitch
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Hermione ran most of the way to school, now really hungry and was sweating a tad. She walked up to the entrance, her school bag slung over her shoulder. "New country, new school, new life. Here we go". She entered slowly, looking around as she did so. The school didn't look much different to her one back in England but she felt a different vibe. Oh no, where is my first class? She didn't bring her timetable. Panicking slightly, she froze and started thinking fast.
As Liam was skating around he saw a girl rushing towards the school he headed towards her "running a little late!!" He called out at her in a joking way he didn't really user stand how people could be late all the time being as he was always on time and usually early 
"More than a little" Hermione said, shyly, after spinning around and facing him. "I was in such a rush that I forgot to grab my timetable". She offered her hand in greeting. "I'm Hermione; I'm new here in America. I've just moved here from England".
"Yeah no doubt about being from England with that beautiful accent" he said with a smile accepting her hand "I just moved here as well, from Canada actually" he said kindly " I can give you a lift to get your schedule if you want I'm on free period anyways it'll be quicker than walking" he said smiling and gesturing towards the parking lot 
Hermione blushed slightly. "It's only a mild accent but, yes, it's easy to tell where I'm from". She looked back out at the parking area. "Erm... I don't think now is a good time for me to return home, my mum might be getting my little sister to sleep. But thank you for offering". She did, kind of, want to go back but if her mum was putting Ashley to sleep and she bursts in... her mum wouldn't be happy.
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" yeah no problem any time" he said smiling at the girl "oh I'm sure you can probably get a copy in the office" he said realizing how obvious that now seemed to him "if you need I can show you how to get their..got a tour this morning know where most stuff is" he offered only able to think about the fact that she was pretty cute and wanted to spend more time with her "gotta warn ya though some of these kids are kinda.... I don't know strange I guess is the best word for it" referring of course to how he was used to people acting in Canada 
"I'd love a quick tour, mainly to the office though. I'm going to be in so much trouble for being late". She chuckled at the warning. "It's okay, I bet people here will be different than the ones in our home countries. I'm kind of counting on it. Oh, you never told me your name".
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(Heh sorry for the late post Talley but the first one I posted didn't work so...)

"I'll remember that!" Mitchell chuckled.

"So Rae I was wondering if you would like to hang out later?" Mitchell asked

Mitchell remembers then that he had detention

"O.k. you go to the bathroom and get dressed ill come back in like an hour!" Mitchell said as he slowly jogged away

Mitchell walked through the school which now seems like a maze.

and manages to make it into the principal's office.

"Um hello" he said with a knock

"Come in!" the principle said

"Were you expecting me sir?" Mitchell asked

"No I don't think so?" The principal answered

"Why?" he continued

"Oh well Mr. Harold said I should see you can you check up on it?" Mitchell asked to see if there was any evidence of him going to detention.

"O.k." the principal mumbled

"No nothing here." the principal said

*"Huh Mr. Harold backed off? No this cant be I'm gonna check his classroom to see if he's o.k."* Mitchell thought

"Well o.k. thanks Mr... uh whats your name again?"

"Williams." Mr. Williams said

"O.k. thanks again" Mitchell said as he walked out the room

"All right I'm gonna see whats up." Mitchell said to himself

Mitch approaches Mr. Harold's classroom

doors locked

"of course..." Mitchell grunted

*"well I have no choice"* Mitchell decided

he breaks the lock

he enters the room to find Mr. Harold on the floor holding an empty prescription bottle of painkillers and a pool of blood.

*Mitchell gasps*

he flips over dead Mr. Harold as fast as he could

He has many slits and holes in his body

"He was murdered!" He whispered with a shock

"And the killer staged it with drug overdose!" Mitchell started to talk normally

*"I better get somebody!"* Mitchell thought cautiously

@Talley Marks @Cal Rader @Cat Fitzpatrixk @Rock And Roll Boy @mitchellap2006 @xpstitch
April  groaned as she walked up the steps to her school. She was super late because her car had decided to break down in the middle of the street on the way to school. Her Mom had to come get her and drop her off while her car was towed to a repair shop. 

She gave the office aid the excuse her mom had hurriedly sprawled on a piece of paper. The aid gave her a pass to class, science. She was hoping she'd miss that class.

April Pierce

(Sorry about being gone for so long)

Liam had completely spaced out for a moment which he did quite often he didn't know why but when he did he barley noticed anything happening around him "oh so umm you wanna run back home... Ok want that ride? Where do ya live?" Liam asked as he half turned towards the cars.
Joseph had finally arrived into town. His dad sent him here to live with his mom, since he had to go on a business trip. Joseph had gotten to his mom house on his motorcycle, but she said he should go to school for the rest on the time. Joseph just shrugged his shoulders, and got back on his bike and drove to the school. As he drove, he wondered if he was gonna tryout for the football team. Even though he was a sophomore he weighed 245, but it was little to no fat. He stood about 5'10", and a obsidian black hair. His eyes were a dull grey with bright sea green swirled throughout it. He got to the school and hopped off of his motorcycle,and walked into the building. Joseph was wearing his classic dull green riding jacket, black, pants and black and white Jordan's. When he went to the office he saw two people talking, but he went farther into the office to fine the secretary. "Hi I'm Joseph Daley, and I will be enrolled tomorrow. My mom Michelle Daley said you knew her, and would let me go through my classes." Joseph said this with a pretty deep voice for a 16 year old kid. The nice lady just smiled and handed him his paper. Joseph glanced at it, but he sighed. They had given him on level classes, but he would easily pass them. Thank you Ma'am." Joseph said a he waved and walked out the door. He walked to into the class and waited by the door.

"Wait, no, sorry, I've changed my mind. Let's just go on that tour to the office". Hermione was trembling, the stress and worry of her being late getting to her. 

@Cal Rader
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"umm...ok then this way" Liam said withe a smile opening the door for her. Liam showed her a few things on the way to the office as they reached the office he said 'well here we are....oh my I don't know where my manors have been today My name is Liam...Nice to meet you." he said smiling and offering the hand not occupied by his skateboard. "I do hope you will forgive my poor manners" He said embarrassed at his loss of manners 
"Yeah just a small hobbie.helps me relax and think about things." He said looking at his skateboard. "Well let's get you that schedule" he said opening the door for her walking in after her " I think I just might like it here" he mumbled under his breath.
"Hm, my boyfriend skates. Or he used to, he kept injuring himself". She looked at Liam, her eyes glimmering with worry. "Can you come in with me? Please? I'm a little bit scared".
Mitchell is getting a little bit uneasy he starts bumping into walls and he could barely make it down the stairs without passing out

he makes it to the bottom of the school grounds without falling or passing out

*I should go outside get some fresh air!* Mitchell thought

he quickly tried to dodge as much attention as he could

Until he accidentally nudges this boy walking with a girl

*OH CRAP NO!* Mitchell thought

@Cal Rader @Rock And Roll Boy
" Yeah of course" just as liam agrees to accompany her Mitchell runs into them but he didn't look right " Mitchell are you ok your not looking so hot" He quickly inquired wandering what was going on. Not sure what to do Liam just stood their hoping for an answer 

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