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Fantasy High School Of The Greek Gods

Gabrielle almost fell of his shoulder when she saw Thana's true form, but thanks to Morpheus's quick reflexes he managed to catch her and hold her in his arms. "What do you mean?"
Thanos frowned (her name when she's in this form) at the cat "don't judje me like that I'm still a girl at heart" she said as she watched the cat "you said some thing about strennthening my power" he said as he stared at Morpheus with purple eyes
"Well I can't strengthen your power but I can change it although now that you are in your true form uncle you seem to have the backbone to go with your stature." Gabrielle cringed into Morpheus's chest.
Thanos lauphed as he brushed some hair out of his face then smiled a smile that would give any one the feeling that they might die at that moment "why thank you" he said in a deep smooth voice as he watched him
Good thing I'm more used to this presence but still thats pretty creepy. Morpheus smiled at him, "Well while you are in your true form why don't you talk some sense into that old man Aeolus?"
Thanos smiled wickedly "care to come to the show" he said as he stuck out his hand to Morpheus

Aeolus walked around the yard agitated at that boy that had teased him "I'll kill him" he mumbled
"Gladly but I don't need your help getting there I mean you gave me wings after all." Morpheus flexed and black wings appeared on his back then they opened wide and flapped experimentally once or twice before flapping strongly and lifting him into the air.
Thanos just smiled and watched Morpheus take of before giant tendrils of shadow flooded around him teleporting him across the yard from Aeolus "hello" he said wickedly

Aeolus looked at the boy and snarled "who are you" he said in a snobby way as some girls that were talking to him watched thanos
"Well, I would like you to meet my uncle Thanatos. Thanatos this is Aeolus who said and I quote." Morpheus clears his throat and says in

Aeolus's voice "I am better than that silly god of Death."
Aeolus stared at Morpheus with rage before he looked back to the man and smiled "I can kick his ass" he said in a cocky tone as a sword made of wind appered in one hand

Thanos smiled wickedly as he stuck his hands out to the side and lauphed "shall we test that" he said as two balls of purple fire speared in his hands as sinister purple symbols appered all around the yard
"Oh snap this should be something." Morpheus took to the air and watched the two gods square off.
Aeolus looked around at all the symbols and smiled "what are those distractions" he said

Thanos just smiled wickedly as every thing from a human To a dragon appered over the symbols and turned to Aeolus "so aeolus how you been" he said with a snobby smile
"Woah... that is the power of the god of death... maybe I should stop things before they get a bit out of control."
Aeolus looked around the launches him self at Thanos "who are you" he said as he brought the sword down on Thanos

Thais just stood there as the sword hit a purple barrier then launched Aeolus back "is that your best" he said in a cocky voice as he took a step forward before all the spirits started to collect on Aeolus
Thanos looked up at Morpheus and gave him a death glare before looking back to Aeolus

Aeolus was slashing spirit after spirit making them disapered into shadow "you suck you stupid God"
Thanos just smiled as the spirits started to over run Aeolus "not so tuff now are you" he said with a cocky grin as he watched

Aeolus kept slashing at the spitrits but there were to many for him to take down "God damit" he shouted as they swarmed him
"Aeolus you should probably submit now or else you might just die."
"Never!!" He caled out through the mass of spirits as they attacked him

Thanos just chuckled "your lose then" he said as he turned around and started to slowly walk away
Rainy slowly walked up to the school building, her wings twitching with excitement as she looked around the school campus. She saw many Gods and Goddess's and she was excited to meat them all. She reached her way to the doors and opened them slowly, she stood in the entrance dazzled by what she saw.
Aeolus went silent for a bit before a blast of wind came from him slashing all the spirits and making them dissaper "I'm baaaack" he said wickedly as he got into a fighting stance with his sword and stared at Thanos

Thanos turned his head then smiled slightly "there's no need you already lost so why don't you just accept defeat alright "wind boy" he said in an insulting tone before geting ready to walk away
Rainy went to the office and got her schedule, seeing she had some time she looked around a bit and decided she'd go back outside. When she went she cocked her head, now noticing the fight she hadn't earlier. She blushed, wondering how she could be blind and got a bit closer, only a few feet as if she wanted to say something.

@Daniel reaver

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