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Fantasy Hideout (Accepting Again)

Kais had been walking in the kingdom... for about 3 hours now. He started to walk to the castle (Or royal place. I do not know what it is the royal families reside in.), standing at the gate, waiting for permission to enter. He sighed, and began to toy with his sleeves, looking at the surrounding crowd. He was dressed in a blue robe, hiding the left of his face.

Afya smiled and sighed quietly. "Goodnibht Lucian." She whispered after him, not wanting the wake the silent night. Slipping into the small cottage she looked once more at her friend heading back at the castle. "Good luck." She added even quieter. I hope he does make it in safe. She wished, before closing the door behind her. @Hana Koen
Lucian wanted to slump down and run at the same time when he realized just how many guards were out tonight. It was more than the usual and they looked rather on alert it looked like he would have to be extremely careful. He wondered how hard it would be for the rest with this many guards in the palace so close alone. Who knew what was occurring that caused such a riot. His hands clenched as he went on his way towards where they lived. The boys eyes widened as he heard something before ducking behind a pillar with his breathe held. That was not someone he could take he thought to himself as he attempted to make distance. Moments before he had been so relaxed but now he was back here where it was always dangerous.
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the empress

"madam empress, as i said before, there is-"

there's no mistaking it - elianys makes an audible 'hmph', managing to startle one of the guards that had been posted. she knew good and damn well there was someone waiting for her. someone was continuing to wait for her. though the guards around her sort of settled back in, considering this to be a normal quirk of the empresses' behavior, this was an abnormal night to be sure. what with something in the castle, threatening to run amok of the place, and some stranger who had no business to seeking an audience with her at this time of night, potentially not even at all, seeing as she didn't even remember the name they gave, she had a lot to be unpleasant about.

but she could not avoid the business forever. if this person - whoever they hell they claimed to be - truly wanted her audience this much, it would be unwise to deny them it. even for a queen known for her audaciousness, there was absolutely no excuse for her to simply refuse to see them, especially if the guards would bother her with a notice of their requested presence. no matter. she'd finish this annoying business pronto, and she'd return to her chambers for the night.

"bring them in," she finally motions, and with what may have been an exasperated sigh, two of the guards finally leave to fetch the late arrival. when they finally came back with him, she visibly frowned, a sort of look of distaste easily apparent on her face, as if she'd eaten something particularly unpleasant.

"please state your business' for the crown empresses' consideration," a guard inquires, all eyes looking toward kais expectantly.

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The head guard watched as his lieutenant guard came walking down the second floor flight of stairs and walked up to him.

"Sir," said the lieutenant guard briskly. "We've searched the entirety of the castle by now. There is no sign of the thieves."

"The entirety of the castle?" asked the head guard, disbelieving. "You searched the old underground corridors too? The dungeons? Every room?"

"Yes sir. We searched all of those, including the places which are starting to collapse. The thieves are simply
not in the castle."

"One more day of searching," snapped the head guard.

"But sir," replied the lieutenant guard exasperatedly, "wouldn't it be better to invest our resources back into protecting the city? Can't the palace guards deal with it now?"

"No! And that's an order. One more day of searching then we're done." The head guard stomped off. The stupid little rascals were hiding right under his nose. He just knew it.
CHIMNY said:
Cafurn saw the human close his eyes. The creature stepped out of the shadow and slowly crept to his prey. @deadpool42 (sorry the post was short I was in a hurry)
(You've summoned me by accident, I see your post has been edited)

The attacks hit Cafurn hard, but they also angered him. The creature drew his claws and pounced at the human at great speed, his claws aimed at the mans face. The anger and adrenaline made the creature ignore the pain at that time. Cafurn was fueled with rage, this was the only time he felt inferior and he did not like it.
CHIMNY said:
The attacks hit Cafurn hard, but they also angered him. The creature drew his claws and pounced at the human at great speed, his claws aimed at the mans face. The anger and adrenaline made the creature ignore the pain at that time. Cafurn was fueled with rage, this was the only time he felt inferior and he did not like it.
"Three direct hits. Hmph, nice."

He came off of the kick's motion, the follow-through, slamming the ground with it's weight. Derik had no intention of stopping, however. Tornado kicks were known for how hard and fast they had to be thrown, trying to stop his momentum after pulling a kick like that would be incredibly hard to do. So, instead, he threw his weight into the momentum of the landing portion of the kick.

His right knee dropped down as he pulled his body into a crunch, and he launched himself at the horse-beast with his shoulder set and ready to shoulder-check. The claws aimed for him now just hang above his head, and the enemy charging right into his own charge. Shoulder check collision, not hard enough to do damage, but enough to likely stun.

As they colided, Derik threw his foot back into the dirt, the soft ground barely managed to slow him down at all, but it was enough to give him space for the next attack. Derik's knee bends once again both arms outstretched to his right side. His blades were ready. Two slashes, one from each blade, rose upwards with the force to ripple the air, aimed right at the beast's hip socket. He would end this now.

"Too bad. I thought the "voice in the forest" might fight more like a beast, and not a baby animal. Instead he's off to make some school projects very, very pretty."

Aliana Sithu

A slight chuckle escaped Aliana's lips as she listened to Uzoma's words. "I don't deserve it Uzoma." she began quietly "I forced you to come along with me, as I knew how you would react. I've been living with you for a while now, I know these things." her head rested against the oaken doors, as she continued "Think of that situation as repayment." She had recovered a lot compared to earlier, but that didn't change the yearn she had for sleep at the moment. Looking at the small piece of cake before her, she smiled as her eyes trailed along every detail. Little cream puffs outlined the outer base of the cake, pure white in colour, similar to the cake itself. Little details were inscribed along the side, in what appeared to be a fruit sauce of some sort. Pastry flowers were placed on top, in varying shades of red, pink and white. Cream puffs were once again present, outlining the top area of the cake. On the inner layers, a soft sponge filled most of the area, however thin strips of a red fruit sauce were present, as well as cream. It was a pure masterpiece of baking, aesthetically pleasing in every aspect. Using the fork on the ornate plate, she hesitantly took a bite, it just appeared so precious, and smiled in utter delight. It's taste matched it's appearance perfectly. Looking over at Uzoma, who was busy finishing up, she slowly stood up, and walked over. She watched him earlier merely taste the essence of the cake, therefore, she wanted to give him more. With a little smile on her face, and a deep stare within her eyes, she held out the fork with a piece of cake on it out to them. "Eat" was the only word she could muster, at such a close distance.

After that situation unfolded, Aliana noticed the marginally smaller bag placed in front of her. Without a moment's hesitation, she picked it up and forcefully gave it to Uzoma. One might think that this is just plain selfish, but her real intention was nothing of the sort. Her hands grabbed the larger bag and slowly slid it off Uzoma's shoulder. With a little mischievous grin, she swung the bag over her shoulder, and was ready to head out.
"I'm slightly more experienced at this kind of thing, I'll be fine-" The frantic footsteps made her jump, with a tiny, half-suppressed yelp. In the blink of an eye, her mind turned on, as she began her panicked maneuvers. Firstly, she placed the plate onto the counter near the cake, making it appear natural. Secondly, she stuffed the bags filled with stolen food into two separate cabinets atop the sink. The last action she took, was stuff herself inside another cabinet, which wasn't particularly hard knowing her thin, petite figure. Almost too quiet for even herself to hear, she whispered to Uzoma, "HIDE!"


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Lucian stood up slowly as to not make any sound as he heard the head guard walk away and began to sneak forward once again with a grimace on his lips. The guards were going for another round. He knew something was off but he couldn't quite pinpoint what had caused this event. He tried to figure out what rotation they were on as he slid behind another pillar thanking his small stature. If he messed up it wouldn't be hard to be caught. He took deep controlled breathes as he continued on using the few shadows to his advantage. Rest too long and he might get trapped between guards. His eyes laid on the flakes, nuts and seeds he had been able to snag before meeting up with Afya when he had been in the servant quarters. Lucian's heart would never let him go back without getting some sort of food but he couldn't take too much from the servants either. They reminded him of himself strangely except for the fact that they were much better fed. It wasn't a whole lot but it could tide a few of them over.

He froze when he heard the sound of footsteps that were a little too close. Backtracking seemed best but it could put him in a worse situation than before. The boy's eyes darted around trying to pinpoint his best option as he tried to keep his panic in check. Pretend to be a servant and be punished... or backtrack and possible walk right into their route. Either option sounded horrible he thought as he saw something out of the side of his eye. What.
rusticyawn said:
the empress

"madam empress, as i said before, there is-"

there's no mistaking it - elianys makes an audible 'hmph', managing to startle one of the guards that had been posted. she knew good and damn well there was someone waiting for her. someone was continuing to wait for her. though the guards around her sort of settled back in, considering this to be a normal quirk of the empresses' behavior, this was an abnormal night to be sure. what with something in the castle, threatening to run amok of the place, and some stranger who had no business to seeking an audience with her at this time of night, potentially not even at all, seeing as she didn't even remember the name they gave, she had a lot to be unpleasant about.

but she could not avoid the business forever. if this person - whoever they hell they claimed to be - truly wanted her audience this much, it would be unwise to deny them it. even for a queen known for her audaciousness, there was absolutely no excuse for her to simply refuse to see them, especially if the guards would bother her with a notice of their requested presence. no matter. she'd finish this annoying business pronto, and she'd return to her chambers for the night.

"bring them in," she finally motions, and with what may have been an exasperated sigh, two of the guards finally leave to fetch the late arrival. when they finally came back with him, she visibly frowned, a sort of look of distaste easily apparent on her face, as if she'd eaten something particularly unpleasant.

"please state your business' for the crown empresses' consideration," a guard inquires, all eyes looking toward kais expectantly.

Kais looked around, and started to speak in a show whisper. "Your majesty... I would rather speak to you. In private. He glared at the two guards, and back at the queen. "I have something to discuss. In private." He waited, taping his shoes on the ground, anxious.
the empress

the empress burst into rancorous giggling. the rude gesture felt almost warranted, and the team of guards wait for the inevitable response.

"how cute! requesting my audience at this time of night? alone? you're either very bold, very ignorant, or very desperate, dear." there's an awkward pause in the air as the queen readjusts herself, obviously tickled by the gesture. it's obviously lightened her mood considerably though, and the look of disdain from earlier has shifted to something more curious. or patronizing, depending on one's outlook. either way, she seems to regard the question for a moment, before nodding.

"very well." there's a slight shift in the guards posture, and a low objection immediately begins. "madam emp-" is all anyone manages to get out before she begins to explain. "i am not a fool, and will give you proper consideration in assuming you not to be one, either. pardon me, then - but for whatever reason you've come, you must be aware of the circumstances in which you've visited." she gives a wide grin for a moment, for some unknown reason, but drops it to a polite smile.

"guards," she commands firmly, and with some hesitation, the group of them disperse, moving away to the entrances of the throne room and exiting. their loud, unmistakable footsteps suggest they don't move far. the queen sits up, and slowly makes her way over to kais.

"i suggest if you actually have come all this way to bother me with something as trifling as an thinly-veiled assassination attempt, you'd do well to put more effort into it than what you've shown thusfar." it's obviously meant to be a lighthearted joke at his expense, but she appraises him with intrigued eyes, nonetheless. maybe she's excited at the far off prospect.

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rusticyawn said:
the empress

the empress burst into rancorous giggling. the rude gesture felt almost warranted, and the team of guards wait for the inevitable response.

"how cute! requesting my audience at this time of night? alone? you're either very bold, very ignorant, or very desperate, dear." there's an awkward pause in the air as the queen readjusts herself, obviously tickled by the gesture. it's obviously lightened her mood considerably though, and the look of disdain from earlier has shifted to something more curious. or patronizing, depending on one's outlook. either way, she seems to regard the question for a moment, before nodding.

"very well." there's a slight shift in the guards posture, and a low objection immediately begins. "madam emp-" is all anyone manages to get out before she begins to explain. "i am not a fool, and will give you proper consideration in assuming you not to be one, either. pardon me, then - but for whatever reason you've come, you must be aware of the circumstances in which you've visited." she gives a wide grin for a moment, for some unknown reason, but drops it to a polite smile.

"guards," she commands firmly, and with some hesitation, the group of them disperse, moving away to the entrances of the throne room and exiting. their loud, unmistakable footsteps suggest they don't move far. the queen sits up, and slowly makes her way over to kais.

"i suggest if you actually have come all this way to bother me with something as trifling as an thinly-veiled assassination attempt, you'd do well to put more effort into it than what you've shown thusfar." it's obviously meant to be a lighthearted joke at his expense, but she appraises him with intrigued eyes, nonetheless. maybe she's excited at the far off prospect.

"Not even seeking to disarm me... Not that I have anything of use... But, I came here to give you this. It seems that He is coming for it. Your castle should be enough to guard against an assault, right? I just want to be left alone... day after day, they come, and destroy the places I visit, and slaughter the people I meet. Please, just keep it away from me!" Kais takes out a small Turquoise gem, and places it on the ground, starting to walk away. "You seem strong enough to protect it. Do so."
the empress

"not even seeking to disarm me... not that I have anything of use..." elianys chuckles at that. "the guards were more than sufficient for that. i must let them do the job i pay them for, yes?" and she certainly did pay them to do it. more than she'd like, but she knew her extravagant behaviors likely warranted the show of force. she listened intently though as the vistor made his plea, suspiciously eyeing the gem as he showed it to her. she gives an incredulous look at him, but holds off on her judgment.

"...is that it?" her head cocks a little, as she looks over to him. was he already trying to leave? without even so much as a motivator? just who did he think she was? "you're going to give me this explanation again. please, bother to include why i should accept this time. this gem currently does not look large enough to lose an entire kingdom over, whatever it's made of." she folds her arms, tapping a heeled foot beside it. it didn't look valuable, and it didn't look notable, so what reason would one have to seek it out so?

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rusticyawn said:
the empress

"not even seeking to disarm me... not that I have anything of use..." elianys chuckles at that. "the guards were more than sufficient for that. i must let them do the job i pay them for, yes?" and she certainly did pay them to do it. more than she'd like, but she knew her extravagant behaviors likely warranted the show of force. she listened intently though as the vistor made his plea, suspiciously eyeing the gem as he showed it to her. she gives an incredulous look at him, but holds off on her judgment.

"...is that it?" her head cocks a little, as she looks over to him. was he already trying to leave? without even so much as a motivator? just who did he think she was? "you're going to give me this explanation again. please, bother to include why i should accept this time. this gem currently does not look large enough to lose an entire kingdom over, whatever it's made of." she folds her arms, tapping a heeled foot beside it. it didn't look valuable, and it didn't look notable, so what reason would one have to seek it out so?

"Worthless things always have a value. It's nothing special, I guarantee it... but keep it, and you'll see." Kais simply replied dully, and started to exit. "You are sure... outspoken for a queen, eh?" He turned around, and lifted the mask a little bit. "This is what they did." You could see a severe burn mark on the bottom of his face, with featureless eyes.
the empress

she moves closer to kais as he tries to leave, obviously still dissatisfied with his explanation. oh, she appreciated some good late night intrigue, just as much as the next noblewoman, but she wasn't going to bet her title or her head on something that had just explicitly been called worthless. she doesn't even flinch at the sight of his wound, as gruesome as it may have admittedly been.

"and you're surely a rather uncharismatic salesman," she retaliates, eyes narrowing. "your hat and dance is certainly entertaining, but it's simply not convincing. i'll be straightforward - i'm not betting on mere potential. if vague promises are all you have to sell, you and your wares can go elsewhere. worthless items might have worth to some, but i personally have all i can stand, littering my throne room, wasting my time." she disdainfully takes a large huff of her pipe, taking her time to blow out all out, not bothering to redirect the wafting smoke away from his face.

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rusticyawn said:
the empress

she moves closer to kais as he tries to leave, obviously still dissatisfied with his explanation. oh, she appreciated some good late night intrigue, just as much as the next noblewoman, but she wasn't going to bet her title or her head on something that had just explicitly been called worthless. she doesn't even flinch at the sight of his wound, as gruesome as it may have admittedly been.

"and you're surely a rather uncharismatic salesman," she retaliates, eyes narrowing. "your hat and dancing is certainly entertaining, but it's simply not convincing. i'll be straightforward - i'm not betting on mere potential. if vague promises are all you have to sell, you and your wares can go elsewhere. worthless items might have worth to some, but i personally have all i can stand, littering my throne room, wasting my time." she disdainfully takes a large huff of her pipe, taking her time to blow out all out, not bothering to redirect the wafting smoke away from his face.

"Oh no. It's free. I didn't come here to sell you a worthless piece of crap. I may be naive, but I am not an idiot. It's yours." Kais coughed from the cloud of smoke, but continued. "All the characteristics of a tyrant... Well, I best be on my way." He started to walk away, still coughing.
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the empress

"it isn't free if i'm going to spend resources protecting it. it isn't free if it costs me my kingdom." his entertainment value was dwindling by the second, and as far as elianys was concerned, that was the only reason she still bothered giving trash her time and consideration. (or the jewel, for that matter.) especially if it was going to continually try and walk out on her, not even bothering with the respect it owed to her.

"i'll repeat it for you one last time, as you seem to be hard of hearing - i'm not interested." this time she's the one who begins to walk away from him. "and either you can take it with you and be grateful about it, or i'll show you what a 'tyrant' would do to that face of yours."

rusticyawn said:
the empress

"it isn't free if i'm going to spend resources protecting it. it isn't free if it costs me my kingdom." his entertainment value was dwindling by the second, and as far as elianys was concerned, that was the only reason she still bothered giving trash her time and consideration. (or the jewel, for that matter.) especially if it was going to continually try and walk out on her, not even bothering with the respect it owed to her.

"i'll repeat it for you one last time, as you seem to be hard of hearing - i'm not interested." this time she's the one who begins to walk away from him. "and either you can take it with you and be grateful about it, or i'll show you what a 'tyrant' would do to that face of yours."

"Alright then..." Kais picked up the gem, and simply walked outside, snickering. "That's all the time I needed..." He slipped the gem into his pocket, walking towards the town square, and waited for the "arrivals". (Shits going to go down. I promise my posts will be longer)
Jun shook his head and laughed.

"Well... If you could try not to do that.... That would be really great." He kept his hand steady and true despite the hesitation he felt. He knew that this was important and that it would save his dear friend so it was something he had to do.

"Perhaps, we should try a cup..." he smiled crookedly.

the empress

elianys gives a deep breath, finally satisfied that the troublesome visitor had finally left. god, what a pain. as the guards move back in to cover their positions, she immediately snapped.
"which one of you approved for that trash to be let in?" the guards stopped, looking over to each other for a moment, before one amongst them began to speak up. "it was me, madam em-" before she could finish, elianys gives a loud, exaggerated sigh, her hand moving to cover her exasperated face.

"it was disgraceful. all of it. see to it that such a spectacle never happens again." such a waste of her time. that was a lesson for her in the future, she supposed - the next time someone with no name knocks on her door, don't open it. at least if it had been a poorly planned assassination attempt, that would have been an enjoyable romp, but no, just some disrespectful ass coming in, trying to take her for a fool. if she wanted to bother with that sort, she could bargain with street vendors. at least they'd put up a better fight.

"i'm retreating to my quarters for the night. make sure that one has been properly seen out. god knows what i'll do if i see his face again." she shakes her head one last time, lamenting it all, before she rises from her throne one last time, and begins to make her way to her way out. one guard trails behind her, and the rest take their positions for the night, some in bewilderment of the whole affair. what exactly happened? there was just no telling with the empress.

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Lucian was having trouble processing the situation in front of him as he went from panicking to very confused. He didn't even want to deal with the problem that was the walking complication known as a noble's child. It felt suddenly very silly as he saw that he had run into a lost child or rather toddler. The boy rubbed his cheek as he figured out easily that the child belonged to one of the visiting nobles who probably hadn't even noticed that the child was gone.He recognized the crest. Maybe if he turned the other way he could... too late. "Hello... little one." Whispered the boy as the teary child had spotted him. In his head, he hoped the child wasn't going to burst into tears and why was it smiling he thought horrified as he had no idea what to do.

"Bird. Please don't." He tried to comfort by raising his hand with a shushing motions instead of physical comforting the child now deemed as bird. Bird didn't listen as they ran up to Lucian and tried to crawl in his lap. He froze at the child's actions as this was somehow so much worse. This child was so careless and naive and...he couldn't just abandon the child but sneaking would be impossible.

Too close he thought as the child clung to him as they looked with tired innocent but curious eyes. Couldn't he just drop the child and go. Too close, too close, TOO close kept repeating over and over in his mind as he tried to ignore the warning bells in his head. He wanted to abort right then and there. The only thing that stopped him was the fact he knew the castle was dangerous.

"Shh. We'll get you back to your parents." He attempted to comfort as he pulled the heavy toddler into his arms. How should he act, what should he say. His only reassurance was that the head servant didn't know all the servants and neither did the rest of the castle. He took a breathe as he pretended that he hadn't thought of running away and cruelly leaving bird behind. Those were just his survival instincts talking. Besides, she was kind of cute in a pudgy way his thoughts trailed away as he shook it off but not before ruffling her hair.

He shut his eyes as he forced his shoulders to relax and put on a worried look as his brows furrowed and his eyes became downcast. Still, he couldn't believe he was doing this.The child tugging at his hair as she looked strangely content and he wondered how anyone could feel comfortable in his arms.
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The final warning of the Hag echoed in her ears as she walked through the alleyways and decrepit streets, relieved when the roads straightened out and the houses became increasingly less crooked and run down, until she finally reached the gate that lead to her manor. She dropped her unremarkable black cloak on the ground outside, not sparing it a second glance as she hurried into her extravagant home, a sudden breeze causing her to shiver even under all the layers of clothing she still had on. Most of the lights were out and the house was quiet, the twins were either plotting or sleeping in their room, Gordon must be in his study, and the only servant they had would probably be tucked safely away in the cellar. Peeling the gloves from her hands, she went into the dining room to fix up a glass of wine for herself, thinking of a nice hot bath before bed, but knowing she'd give in to the temptation of sleep the second she walked into her room. With her back to archway that lead into the dining room, she heard the tell-tale creak of the floorboards, and the subsequent silence that followed.

Though it was mostly likely either one or both of her children, Crista Jude still grabbed the intricate dagger that was hidden under the first layer of her sleeve, thinking an intruder had gotten into her home and was planning to either rob her or kill her, maybe both, and if so she would take them out or make it hard for them by putting up a fight. She was good with a knife and fighting with her hands.


Of course it was just her children, and she forced her body to relax and sheathed the dagger back into place. She turned with grace and poise, no matter how much she wanted to slouch because of her aching back, but she had to be an example for her kids, and her kids will not be slouching savages. "Yes?" She answered and then took a delicate sip of her wine.

"Did you meet with Clarissa?"

It was a little surprising to her when the glass did not shatter in her suddenly tight grip, "Yes, now off to bed with you - the both of you." Even without him talking, she knew Clyde would be with his sister. It was hard to separate those two, they sink and swim together, and would never rat each other out, even with evidence stacked against the other.

Turning to refill her glass she listens to their journey down the hall, back up the stairs, and to their room. After she finished her second glass she decided to retire for the night, climbed the stairs, walked into her room, began to process of undressing, and when that was done, collapsed onto her bed. The words of the Hag returned to her mind again, and when she dreamt she was in a room of blood, Clyde was there and he stared at her with empty eyes and broke her neck. Clarissa stood behind him, warped by the shadows and she had the Empress's head in her wrinkled hands.

"Failure will not be forgiven. The very latest I expect results is the very first snowfall, do not disappoint."
Kais began to walk down the town, keeping his head down. He bumped into someone, and backed away, rapidly, soon starting to run. He wasn't the target... Kais simply grunted and started to jog at an easy pace, hoping for the best, and ran towards the gates. He simply joined a crowd of merchants, and walked with them, quiet, until he was outside of the kingdom gates, and stared to depart towards the south.

Cafurn, out of instinct, used his back legs and tried to kick the human like a horse or donkey before using his arms to leap forward. The collision barely had any effect on him. The swords slightly cut him causing him to slightly bleed, even though Cafurn didnt feel it, he smelled it. The creature released a long howl to try to summon the creatures of the forest. "Human, the forest will have your head!"

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