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Fantasy Hideout (Accepting Again)

Jun rubbed the back of his head with his free arm. He looked at Vera and back at the officer dumbfounded and lost for words from shock of the sudden blunt force trauma he had suffered. It only took him a fraction of time for him to regain his awareness of the situation.

"Of course sir, you're right. It can be dangerous, thank you for the tip," he said sincerely, "Although I think the biggest danger I face right now is my mother." His face broke into a sheepish smile.

"I should pay for my meal before I leave, though. Feel free to help your self, sir, I've barely touched it. Think of it as a thank you for your service to our city." Jun nodded his head at the guard and placed his last remaining coins on the table before turning back to face Vera.

@Pashpu @StoneWolf18
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Silently Oliver slipped through the passages unseen. He was supposed to go to the queens room which was past many guards. Using his memory of the shifts he avoided the guards. One hallway longer then the others was unpatrolled for exactly ten seconds. nine eight seven six five four three two one...Door shut behind him Oliver breathed hard listening to the guards steps passing on. He hoped no one decided to open his closet randomly.
The guard smiled and patted the young man's back as he left to follow his mother. What a nice, upstanding citizen! And what a pity he had such an awful mother!

He went outside to continue guarding the city, not being hungry enough to touch the leftover meal. This was going to be a long night.
Lucian jolted awake with a start as he groggily wiped at his eyes and slowly sat up as he placed his arms around himself as the blanket had fallen off. He glanced around the room in dismay as he noticed that no one was really there. The words see you soon echoed in his head as he stood up before falling down on his numb leg. Wiggling his toe, he gave an uncomfortable grimace not liking the tingly sensation.

"I'm alone again." He muttered to himself knowing that everyone often left at night usually after he fell asleep for the first time. The boy knew that he was only allowed out during the day. "Maybe...I could..." He thought to himself as he tugged at his worn scarf.

Lucian rose up from his sitting position as he thought of visiting Afya but shook his head in worry because last time he visited her it felt like he was being dissected by her questions. Not that he answered any of them. The only thing that he did know was that she didn't tell a soul about him.

"Hm." He hummed in uncertainty as he thought he heard something as he looked around wearily. Pausing only when he heard it again as he tried to pretend it wasn't there as he took a cushion closer and thought maybe a visit would be nice after all. Afya could heal him again maybe he reassured himself as he tried to recall her usual spots. Pretending that he wasn't scared to be alone or be caught.

"Where does she usually go?" He tried to recall what she had told him before. He placed on his hood before deciding to head out. Cautious in his approach as the sounds earlier had set him on edge.

Mentions of @Psithurism
Cafurn saw the human close his eyes. The creature stepped out of the shadow and slowly crept to his prey. @deadpool42 (sorry the post was short I was in a hurry)
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However, although Rosenkreuz' eyes were closed-- although he had ostensibly surrendered himself-- he was still listening with his ears. And so, by doing so, the youth heard the steady, deliberate steps of the equine monstrosity that was creeping towards him. He waited, and waited, and waited, until the last possible moment, and then-- he turned to face Cafurn, and opened both of his eyes.

A tongue of flame poured forwards from the fanged aperture in the eyepatch which covered Rosenkreuz' left socket, plastering the creature before him with its sinuous red heat. The orphan didn't wait to see how effective his surprise-attack was (although considering his foe had fur, he assumed it would work) he simply turned around the fled on rapid feet into the forest, drawing his dagger as he did.
Afya held the empty basket in her arms, swiftly walking down a hall. She had not issues delivering the herbs, but now she was stumped at how to have fun. There were not very many children in the castle. Maybe if she could find Lucian, but heaven knows where that child is hiding. 'But if I run into him maybe we could go down to the river rocks in the forest.' she thought.

The river rocks were fun, but were even more adventurous and exciting when you were with someone.

Setting down the basket at the edge of the healing hut, Afya ran off in another directIon, back to the castle. 'Maybe I'll fimd him in the servent corridors.' quickly she slipped into a small door, where a few bustling women were flitting about. Only 'lower' life forms' as the nobles call them used these halls. So it would be most probable.

@Hana Koen
Lucian wanted to frown as he remember that Afya thought he was a servant. Other words had been used but he would rather not say anything about those other terms. It did always make him nervous to walk a long the servant corridors as his eyes were quite distinct.

"Afya?" He wondered as he thought he saw her but couldn't be sure.

"Why must you keep me waiting?" He tries instead knowing that only Afya would stop at that type of talk. Not just any servant would have the guts to speak to her that way. Why would they he thought as he rubbed his arm. She was probably above their station.

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@CHIMNY @deadpool42

"...Damn, well, apparently I've been ignored."

Derik stood as the child shot a burst of flames at the monstrosity, and begun running.

"I mean, like, damn, I practiced the badass opening for weeks now, and everyone just shrugs it off like it was absolutely nothing. But then again, my pride isn't even possibly hurt as badly as your's, is it, Mr. Gluehead?" Derik said, laughing a little. "You got shot with a fireball in the face by what looked like a twelve year old, like, how humiliating is that?"

He laughed heartily. "Poor kid looked malnourished as well, ah, the wonders of poverty." With a sigh, he kept himself aimed at the monster. "Well, I don't know if I'm saving him or dooming him by fighting you and keeping you off of his tail, but that doesn't concern me. Stand up, I can't come back to them with your head if I don't take it, and I wouldn't want you to feel like you could have beat me were you not stunned when the man above asks for your cause of death."

And then, Lucian left. He left the room.

"What...? Wait! Lucian! ...Darn, he can't hear me when I'm like this... It doesn't matter, I gotta get inside and warn the others, they're faster than me, maybe they can catch him..."

He rushed inside, only to find everyone gone. Everyone.

"But... But why? Where is everybody?! ...I..." He stood dazed. "How do I...? What do I...?"

He slumped to the ground, his cloak finally wearing off. "What do I do!?"

He wasn't strong. he wasn't fast. he wasn't much use of anything aside from just not existing. And it hit him once again. How useless he was. He couldn't do anything back then for his mother, and he was too young to go instead of his father. Why was he always so weak?

No, now's not the time. He had half an hour before he could fade away again. he had to use the time between wisely. No time for moping. With a little bit of his Earth magic, Sandrew was able to block up the hole in the wall they called an entrance well enough that someone couldn't tell that it was not part of the normal wall, and even hitting it pretty hard yielded no sounds or any real reason to suspect the area, but from the inside, someone could break the door open, and no doubt anyone of the Orphans could break the wall down should they try hard enough, from the outside. He prayed no one would see him working his magic, and he hoped that none would enter the hall as he did so.

After he finished his work, he used his talent for Stealth, moving soundlessly through the long corridors and pathways, down every flight of stairs he could get to. He had to find someone. Anyone.
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As the exited the Tavern with the guard not to far behinded, they needed to make this look as believable as possible. Still gripping his arm, Vera turned a corner sharply and continued for a ways until finally letting go. Pausing for a moment, her mind swimming around in her skull. She was growing sick. The woman shook her head in an attempt to clear it before speaking to Jun in a harsh but hushed whisper. "What were you thinking?! That could've gotten you arrested or worse! I though you were smarter than that but apparently I was quite wrong...how are you going to survive out here without a bit of common sense?!"

Silently Oliver looked around he was lost figures. Inside the princess castle he was lost. Trying doors he came upon rooms and servants who ignored him thankfully. He had to avoid the guards. Unfortunately his luck ran out. He hit someone with considerable force as he stated, "Ouch." He fell back wards then flipped upright staff ready for whoever it was.
Jun's solum-faced cover broke with a big smile.

"I thought that went very well." He whispered to Vera, "Besides, if I wasn't smart, I wouldn't have been able to talk y way out of that... delightful interaction." He grabbed Vera's had and they started walking again towards the entrance to the corridor, they still had to evacuate the other kids before the guards found them. Unfortunately they couldn't go any faster than a brisk walk so as not to draw suspicion.

"And if you think that we're walking away empty handed, then you know nothing about me," Jun smirked pulled out a filled coin purse, "Turns out that guard was loaded. Wait- are you ok?" He finally noticed that pale Vera was already immensely paler than usual. He recalled to earlier in the night when he shifts from human to bat were strangely slow and now she seemed to lack concentration, something Jun rarely saw from her.

"We need to get you some blood."

Afya's head shot up at the sound of a new voice. A smile came to her lips. Only one servent would talk to her that way, which is the way she prefered. She was just as low as them, but instead of cloth and food she works with plants.

Her eyes searched the corridoe before landing on a particular boy with strange eyes.

"Lucian! I need you!" she called running his way through the quick crowd. "I'm bored!" She declared coming up next to him. @Hana Koen
Lucian glanced at Afya as she exclaimed her boredom with an unamused look. "You're always bored." He replied plainly as he nodded in greeting. The boy walked a long side the other as he internally wonderes who let her out this late. In honesty, he never expected to find her but it was Afya.

"Where to?" He wondered outloud as he tried to keep his shaking under control.

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@deadpool42 @NeverBetter

Cafurn struggled to calm down, half his face was suffering from first degree burns. Thats when he saw the other human, he hadnt noticed his scent but took a deep breath of it. Cafurn could hunt down the other human, he had his scent. His opponent had held him at gun point, "Fool! Ruun NOW!" Cafurn said as he rose above the human, standing at 7 feet tall, the creature put his arms and right leg back then unleashed a unique roar, a hybrid of a bird and lions battle cries.
"River rocks." Afya whispered with another smile. "Hurry or we will miss the fireflies." Grabbing his wrist she pulled him through the corridors and out onto the gardens, heading straight for the forest.

She had seen the fireflies quite a few times but river rocks was the best place, the river looked like it had stars in it. And whereever you stepped for flies came twinkling out. @Hana Koen
Vera leaned on the wall of the alleyway, nodding. "That would...be the best idea at the moment..." She was having a bit of trouble keeping her voice steady. Though pushing off of the surface behind her, the vampiric woman began to make her way out towards the street adjacent to the one the tavwen's entrance was on. Looking around, she began to let her gaze wander the surrounding area, trying to find an easy target.

Lucian paused when she said fireflies curious as to what Afya was so intent about. He internally was happy he had been on guard or else he would of whipped out the dagger when Afya grabbed him. Sounds nice he thought as he tried not to worry too much for his fellow orphans. Afya was always a nice distraction.

"If you keep pulling so hard. You're going to trip on your feet."

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Afya lowered her head. "Oh sorry." She mumbled, slowing down slightly. "Have you ever seen the fireflies at River Rocks?" She whispered, looking back at him as they entered the trees. The quiet tiny roar of a river could be heard beyond the chirp of the crickets as they went furthur in. @Hana Koen
Lucian glanced up before patting her hand awkwardly in comfort. "Nothing to be sorry about." He muttered before he let out a sigh. "No I haven't been to the river rock. My duties keep me busy." It wasn't a lie but in a way it was one. "Did you at least bring something to eat?" He poked at her as if already knowing her answer. He followed a long easily as he eyed his surroundings.

"You always forget to eat." He continued as he gave the slightly older girl a stern look.

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Aliana Sithu

Her footsteps silent, she dashed from corridor to corridor, extremely careful on the corners. It still ticked her off, the amount of wealth spent just on the very walls of the castle. She admired the intricate murals, and the colourful stained glass, but she feels the money could have been spent on more important things. The castle was massive, however, she knew the way to the kitchen off by heart. It was an important area for her and the other orphans after all. She even sketched out a small map, kept hidden within her cushion case. The guards had a simple rotating system of shifts, and patrol routes, with a few exceptions, but were easy to remember nonetheless. Smiling softly, she checked up on Uzoma every now and then, who was behind her. "Almost there..." she whispered to them. Not long after, they were met with two paths. One, had many more guards, with twists and turns making it harder to look forward. The other, was much longer with less guards, however she was vague on the positions there. It also had less objects to hide with. She explained these things earlier to Uzoma, before they headed out. On guard, she remembered she had left the decision to them. "Which way?" She whispered, with a slight glint in her eyes.


Thieves in the Palace? Rija was offended personally. Not her division, thieves were supposed to be the work of the Imperial City Guard. Had she been alerted earlier that the source was within her home, things might have played out a bit differently. She strode through the corridors, armor clanking. She rounded a corner, and spotted a flash of brown. "Halt." She called out. "I've been alerted to a population of intruders in this castle, I need to know anything you know." Rija said authoritatively.



Mes awoke with a start, grumbling loudly. Nightmare. Again. They were more and more frequent nowadays, and she didn't really appreciate that. She stood up, reaching for her hairbrush, taming her currently wild locks of purple hair. Sleeping on the ground truly does terrible things to hair. She woke slowly, taking in more and more of her surroundings. It seemed that most of the older ones were out and about. Not strange, many liked to do their thieving at night. Mes had always preferred day shift. Larger crowds, easier to slip away and vanish. And torchlight didn't flatter her. She hummed a low tune as she set her brush down and grabbed her dress to change into from her nightgown. After a nightmare, she never could fall asleep again. As she moved, she noticed something rather peculiar. The entrance was boarded up. Well, not really boarded up. Kind of... earthed up. She groaned. Idiot Sandrew decided to just prohibit anybody from leaving apparently. He was the only one with any skill to do that. Mes shook her head. Maybe there was a reason. She changed quickly in the small amount of private space they had, and grasped her blade. She'd stand guard for now. Might as well, perhaps there was a reason for things to be boarded up. Mes took a seat in front of what used to be the entrance, placing the blade across her lap.
Afya let out a small huff in defence. "Hey I'm just to busy to." She replied still in a mumble. Not ten years leter they arrived at the river. "Just in time." She whispered, the river was dark, and all you could see was the faint traces of the moon on its ever moving surface. "Watch this." She whispered, letting go of his wrist. Walking out onto the tall grass that rested next to the river, lights bloomed out of the blades and shot up into the air gracefully. "Now come on!" She laughed, waving at him. @Hana Koen
He went wide-eyed at the scene before coughing and saying, "You're such a child." He didn't want to be in awe at the sight but he was. "I'm coming.I'm coming." Commented Lucian as he walked forward. Taking tiny steps as he didn't want to scare off them as his golden brown eyes looked gold in the light. The laughter ringing out made him his lips twitch but he caught himself before he could smile. What a strange person he thought to himself.

"Well I am a child. Almost an adult. You're a child as well." Afya replied, her eyes flitting from one light to the next. Her eyes lit up with curiosity as a question came to mind. "What makes a person a child or an adult? What if we have got this all wrong , and adults are children and we are adults?" She thought aloud. "But that would only be switching the names... what if we switched the actual responsibilities as well. Then I would be the mentor and my mentor would be my apprentice!" Afya giggled at the thought. "What do you think?" @Hana Koen

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